(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Mom yam,indeed he has changed quite alot. I really hope to meet up again with you gals for the next gathering. It has been such a long long time since we last seen. How about your Issac?

Isaac is like your darling when things get into his way or he dont get what he request he will start screaming. i will usually hold him and ask him to look at my eyes and repeat that is incorrect. at times it work; at time it dont.

Isaac no need #2 to make him jealous, as long i carry any babies that is younger than him he will make noise and push the bb away. he will be very hostile towards the bb if i'm too friendly and warm to he/her. see like that how to have #2 hahahaha..

he is still with very little hair and "itchy" hand :p

hope you can cope well and see ya soon hor.
when i was pregnant, he also behaves like Isaac. Dun allow me to carry other babies.

When he did something wrong, my method is also like yours, hold him and talk to him. Guess what he did to me, he cover his ears and turned his back and ignored me. I was shocked! He dun want to speak or look at me when i called him. He only acknowledge me if i swallowed my pride and talk to him in a nicer way. Sigh... he's really my BOSS although he's small!
Yes, agreed my 2 bb look much alike. Can you imagine at the beginning, we often mistakenly call our No. 2 Amanda (which is No.1 name). Haha..if you notice the pict closely, you will notice my No. 1 holding my No. 2 hand.

Des - congrats. So far, my No. 1 is not really that jealous over my No. 2. My No. 1 has been quite a darling, helping me to pass the used milk bottle to the maid or pass me her meimei's water bottle, handkerchief etc.
Give you a pointer: When you are talking to both (eg. saying mummy loves you), you carry No. 2 but with your eyes looking at your No. 1. In this way, both of them can feel your love. Kekeke...

Hunniepot - Suddenly remember you ask me before what's my No. 2 name, she's Felicia and together we are the S A F. Hee...
Interesting! Pls Read!

Dear IT Support,

Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower, gifts and jewellery applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.

In addition, Husband 1.0 un-installed many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as Formula One 5.0, NBA 3.0 and World Cup 2.0.

And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.

What can I do?

Desperate Housewife


Dear Desperate Housewife,

First keep in mind:
Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.

Try entering the command C:\ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download
Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0.

If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.

But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Late Night Teh Tarik 6.1.

Late Night 6.1 is a very bad program that will create SnoringLoudly.wav files.

Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall another
Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash
Husband 1.0.

In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited
memory and cannot learn new applications quickly.

You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Tasty Food 3.0 and Tongkat Ali 6.9.

Good Luck,
IT Support
hi babe,bblim,tracy

I got these recipes online last time. YOu can check out http://fun.familyeducation.com/painting/recipes/37039.html for dough, clay, etc recipes!

Of all I love clay work most!

I sometimes use cornstarch but got to cook if you do not mind

<font size="+1">Cornstarch Paint</font>


Food colourings
one cup of cornstarch
three cups of water

Boil water in a pan.
Dissolve cornstarch in a bowl with tap water.
Remove the boiling water from the heat then add in the cornstarch mixture.
Put on the stove to boil again and stir CONSTANTLY.
Boil about one min, until the mixture is clear and thick then remove from heat.
Once mixture starts to cool, you can put in different bowls and add different colourings.

<font size="+1">Non-cooked Paint</font>


Two cups of white flour
Two cups of COLD water
Food colouring


Place water into a large bowl. Add the flour SLOWLY while you stir. Once they are all mixed together, you can separate into smaller bowls and add food colouring.

Actually you can google on these topics and there are many recipes online to follow too


Anyone wants to otder any stuffs from www.healthytimes.sg Need $80 for free delivery.. self collect at my place in Toa Payoh.. Do let me know?


Thanks for the recipes on DIY paint.. will try it out one of these days

you are most welcome to bring along ur #2, Sorry for the late reply as i had been busy and unable to log online for the past week. Indeed ur #2 resembles #1!!

Congrats to ur smooth delivery..have a good confinement and plently of rest.
Go Go Bambini Outing

I've brought Ryan down to rackee the place y'day..I should say he enjoyed himself very much and we head to Bens & Jerrys ( just next door) for ice cream after play..now he got slight cough!! Thanks to my 'act smart' ice cream treat!!

There is a place i find it's the most suitable for our kiddos is soft play area @ the cafe..where mummies can interact with each other and the kiddos can play..it's more for children 0-3yrs old.Else mummies have to make sure u have lots of energy to climb thru the 'structure' together with ur kid to enjoy the other play area.. I got my maid and my sis to help me with Ryan cos me currently preg #2.. Overall Ryan enjoyed himself very much and he dozed off in the car on the way home.

Any mummies staying in East area? I can tompang if pick up point is Tampines / Pasir Ris.

Tentative Date : 26th Sept (Wed)
Tentative Time : 2pm (possible to be later say 2.30pm or 3pm?)

1) Rach
2) Cheers
3) Draik
4) miu66 (tentatively yes!)
5) shylyn ( tentatively yes!)
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
7) hunniepot (tentatively yes!)
8) terrier (tentatively yes)
9) Petite_chose(tentatively yes)
11) Tanwaswas
Share some pics taken @ Bambini..so mummies can have a rough idea wat to expect.. Would advise mummies to be in pants/ jeans..easier to crawl/ climb with the kids..



My Enya is sick again. She throw out her entire dinner last night. Give her milk, she throw out. Give her plain water, also throw out. End up we went to kk at 11 plus last night.

Now vomitting stop. But starting to have diarrhoea and fever. Doc said it is viral infection. Hope that she gets well tonight as both my hb and I are really very tired now.
Sorry to know that Enya is sick. Hope she recover soon. U take care too!

I'm unsure abt the outing, b'coz now preggy, afraid I can't go after my boy once he start to run all over the place.

Go go bambini is located @:
Blk 8 Dempsey Road, #01-15
Tanglin Village
Singapore 247696

futher info, u may check out http://www.gogobambini.com

Tentative Date : 26th Sept (Wed)
Tentative Time : 2pm (possible to be later say 2.30pm or 3pm?)

1) Rach
2) Cheers
3) Draik
4) miu66 (tentatively yes!)
5) shylyn ( tentatively yes!)
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
7) hunniepot (tentatively yes!)
8) terrier (tentatively yes)
9) Petite_chose(tentatively yes)
11) Tanwaswas
<font color="ff6000">terrier</font>
i understand how u feel! i went to go go bambini on sunday and it was packed, was seriously quite worried that all the kids running around would bump into my tummy!!
Hi all experience mothers,

have some questions to seek ur advise.

my 16 month old son gets very cranky and keep crying recently and everything seems fearful for him. recently after his noon nap, he will cry terribly immediately after awake in his own room. When we enter he will show u the "scared scared" sign by patting on his chest. He will cry for quite awhile

and also recently when turn on music for him he will be scared also.

So i duno is this the phase and transition period of something is wrong....

he get so scared tt he doesnt wan to sleep in his own room...normally he will sleep by himself day and night....now in the day when put him inside his playpen, he will jus cry and show us he scared and doesnt want to sleep despite tired. have tried patting him till he very sleepy then i walk out of the room. then after 5 mins he cry historically again....

sigh duno wat happen to him...

on top of scared and cry, his tantrum is getting very bad recently. he has stopped throwing tantrum for quite awhile but recently this couple of weeks, he started throwing his toys again when he is angry and crying...

is this the phase also for 16+ month child?

Am very worried of his actions now.

any advise or similar experience mothers out there?

mui66, i agree that Bambini is crowded on weekends.. I just went on weds, it's a wkday..not crowded..That's y i decided to organise this outing on wkday instead of wkends.

Mummies, pls indicate ur interest..and also preferred time..morning / afternoon??
We'll go by the majority preference, ok?

Confirmed Date : 26th Sept (Wed)
Confirmed Time : TBA

1) Rach
2) Cheers
3) Draik
4) miu66 (tentatively yes!)
5) shylyn ( tentatively yes!)
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
7) Petite_chose(tentatively yes)
9) Tanwaswas

U're most welcome..nothing to thank for..share share info mah.. join us for the gathering lar..more people more fun!
Hiya ladies

Long time no post..cos was on a 5 days residential course..but luckily, didn't stay in as required to..cos seek special approval from my Director..hehehe

Count me in..but let me know the timing again..hmm..another test to c how I can cope w Ivec alone..long time since i did so..
KJ also feels "scare" when my handphone ring, my doorbell ring and recently, when the toilet on the upper floor flush. He will came running to me crying/screaming and it is very clear that he is scare.
i would prefer morning session hee hee.. but i will go with the majority la.

Now that i've shifted to sengkang, any mommies of sengkang / puggol can consider sharing cab with me.

darik, would have to trian KJ if not next time you may have more prob. that's what i see from one of the chinese prog recently showing in CH U. this boy use to be scare of wind so the parents thot he will outgrow it, however, as he grows older he did not outgrow but it got worst.

Isaac also pat his chest to express that he is scare. so we will keep telling there's nothing to afraid coz' mummy or daddy is here. we show him comfort and try to let him expose more on the things that he express fear, like we will touch it together with him etcs. that helps a little but at times he will still tell me he is scare on certain things.

Johnson, most prob yr child is going thru a insecure phase. he probably wakes up and dt get to see familar faces that's why. maybe putting u or yr hb's pic next to the bed that may help

when he cries in fear, try to explain to him that he is safe in there coz' mummy always seeing him. maybe that may help as he grows older.
Mummies, pls indicate ur interest..and also preferred time..morning / afternoon??
We'll go by the majority preference, ok?
It's this coming wed..

Confirmed Date : 26th Sept (Wed)
Confirmed Time : TBA

1) Rach
2) Cheers
3) Draik
4) miu66 (tentatively yes!)
5) shylyn
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
7) Petite_chose(tentatively yes)
9) Tanwaswas

I would prefer morning time, 10am when the place opens, cos A needs to adhere to a strict naptime after lunch, otherwise, the rest of the day will go haywire. If majority prefers afternoon, then I'll give it a miss.
darik, hmm guess not coz' dont think the cab can put me and my maid and isaac together.. hee hee.. thanks for thinking of me. guess i will see you there la..

me morning or afternoon or we can go there for lunch like what miu suggested? think that will be good.. what do u mommies say?

Paging for cheers and babeship for your attendance..

Confirmed Date : 26th Sept (Wed)
Confirmed Time : TBA

1) Rach
2) Cheers
3) Draik (morning or afternoon)
4) miu66 (lunch time)
5) shylyn (morning or afternoon)
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
7) Petite_chose(after lunch)
8)Momyam (morning or afternoon)
9) Tanwaswas (morning)
Hi all,

MIA for so long............But still occassionally tried to read the forum. Been very 'sway' these few days. Had quite a bad car accident on Sat (lucky son not with us). My son a bit of running nose so brought him to see doctor this evening to prevent a full blown flu but lost my wallet on the way back. Very heartache coz Ic, drving licences and many cards in it. So headache just to think of the costs and hassle required to replace them. Sob, sob. Really so frustrating and when I'm stressed, my gastric and IBS will act up and I just finished the muscle relaxant pills my doc prescribed me coz she thinks that stress is the reason for my many visits to her recently.

Anyway, I will definitely go this wed for the outing if my son is ok by then after taking the medicine. I brought him there before and I'm sure mummies and kids will enjoy themselves there.

Confirmed Date : 26th Sept (Wed)
Confirmed Time : TBA

1) Rach
2) Cheers (afternoon after 2pm)
3) Draik (morning or afternoon)
4) miu66 (lunch time)
5) shylyn (morning or afternoon)
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
7) Petite_chose(after lunch)
8)Momyam (morning or afternoon)
9) Tanwaswas (morning)
Cheers - sorry to hear about your case, but can see that you still quite cheerful. Good.

Actually I am now very angry with my maid. Just now, found that the pot used for cooking porridge for my dd, the base was almost scraped off. Use my hand to scrap hard, still got a little of the base coming off.

Worst still, when I question the maid about it, she wants to push off the blame that it was not that she washed too hard, but it happened when she stirred the porridge while cooking. *Mad* (that mean she scraped off during cooking and fed my dd with it?)

I feel so heartache now, cos I can see that the base has been scraped off quite a while, that means my girl has been eating porridge with the base. Should I bring my dd to see a doc? She was ok, but I worried that it will be bad for her health in future?

Guess what, my maid knows I was very angry and she can tell me to send her back tomorrow (while crying). I had only intended to let her know the seriousness of the issue, should I send her back?

*Sigh* I have actually managed to try to convince myself yesterday that having a maid is good (I'm the type who really prefer not to have a maid and don't mind to handle everything myself). I just feel so regretful in hiring one now.
Hey Tanwawas,

How do you intend to go Bambinis on Wed? Not sure if we can meet along the MRT line (at Bukit Gombak maybe) and go down together.
Hi hi....gals let me know when u confirm the time. Got a few errands to run. If later in the afternoon I could pop by and meet u gals. Btw, do we have to pay to have the kids in the play area or like globetrotters just have to eat meals there?
<font color="ff6000">babe</font>
children under 3 pay $6 for unlimited play, adults are free, pay for food/drinks only. ladies, socks are a MUST for both adults and kiddies.

<font color="ff6000">stephz</font>
poor thing, i have had my fair share of headaches with my maid, will email you soon
i thought the purpose of a maid was to make life a little easier, instead i've been doing so much explaining/demonstrating that i wonder why i don't just do the work myself!!

tomorrow is the outing day!! Shall weh ave a confirmation on the attendace so mummies know who to expect.. Shall we meet @ the cafe inside, easier to gather everyone.

Seems like most mummies prefer afternoon..Shall we arrange for afternoon...Time preferred?? 2pm??

Confirmed Date : 26th Sept (Wed)
Confirmed Time : TBA

1) Rach
2) Cheers (afternoon after 2pm)
3) Draik (morning or afternoon)
4) miu66 (lunch time)
5) shylyn (morning or afternoon)
6) babyship (tentatively yes!)
7) Petite_chose(after lunch)
8)Momyam (morning or afternoon)
9) Tanwaswas (morning)

PLS bring along a pair of socks for mummies, kiddos and helper if helper is handling kiddo in the play area.
I'll be there..preferably earlier around 1pm? So we can enjoy our lunch there as well? Beside, concerned that 2pm, Ivec might want to ZZZz already.
Hi Rach,

Thanks for organising. My boy seems fine today, no fever or cough, just a bit of runny sensitive nose. Anyway i always try to bring him out to play every wed since it's my off day. If his nose is not leaking that bad to scare people off, I will prob bring him to Go Go Bambini after his afternoon nap around 2 plus 3pm. See some of you there then. The place is quite small, so will definitely bump into one another. For those who havent seen us yet, my boy will prob be in white t-shirt and is the one who will stand rooted at the same spot staring for at least 3 min when he arrived at the place.

hello rach,

yes, thanks for taking the effort to organise this
i will also try to be down there at around 3+, which is when my girl usually awakens from her nap. we will be the preggie mommy and chubby toddler with a loud voice.
hey gals, my gal down with running nose. I'll see how she is first. So sorry about it. I will sms petite to confirm tomorrow as I think I only have her number.
No need to thank me lar..

Just feel that this thread seems half dead..haha so thot of organising some outing so mummies can gather together and revive this thread abit lar..Very tough leh..alive then half dead mode again..haiz..

See you @ Go Go Bambini 2morow..Pls dun fly aeroplane last min hor!! More Onz ok??
<font color="ff6000">Rach & Draik</font>,

I afraid I cannot make it. Sorry. I was looking forward and this thing happen. My boy is dw with fever again. But this time his fever is mild type- 37.7. But the problem is his fever is goining on and off. ANd had lasted for 4 days aridi.

For eg. 0730hrs: 37.7
1100hrs 36.8
1230hrs 37.5

or 2 day ago morning: 37.7
Yesterday no fever
Today again: 37.7

Btw, anybody can help me? Wat this fever all abt???

<font color="ff6000">Babe</font>, you can call me. I can Sms to Rach.
It is all right. Maybe you to bring your boy to see a PD?

Anyway, anybody heard of this?
Born To Read, Read To Bond
For those of you that are staying in Sengkang and P21, dun go to Sengkang library because the staff there will tell you to register the membership at the e-kiosk. That library is a DIY library. Go to the library at Hougang Mall, they got great service there. I got my free bag today.

I guess I will take a MRT to Dhoby Ghaut station, then take a cab to Go Go Bambini.
Petite, are u using a ear thermometer? If you are only 38 deg is considered a fever. Probably your boy is fighting a virus and not serious. My gal has a period like that awhile. Just keep her cool and loads of water or barley.
hi ladies, so sorry i was not able to make it in the end. i was all geared up to go (bag and socks packed!) then my girl woke up with a fever and then vomited after. i am quite worried but apparently it is just stomach flu and there is a bug going around, so please take care. it seems like ever since i stopped BF 4 months ago, she's been sick every month

hope you all had fun though!
