(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

aiyo.. like a serious fall leh.. somemore hit something after the other leh.

hahah.. nv go out also must sui sui wat.. ahhaha...

Walking drunkard
recently, r likes to tip toe and walk.. dont know y.. then fell a couple of times due to that. yesterday fell and hit the drawer handle, blue black on his forehead and bit his lips.. so now the lips somes to have ulcer. haiz

hi gals,
it s been a long time since i post..

elly's developements:

1. still like noel walking like a drunkard and since she start walking, she like prefer us to carry her instead..

2. her brochitis have cleared and hopefully never come back..

3. i feel she now big chatter box.. talk and talk non stop.. (haha like mummy).. even before going to sleep after her milk she will chatter..

4. she s teething again.. her bottom incisors are cutting thru..

i shall name last week and this week 'accident week' since so much accidents.. elly's last accident was she accidentally put her finger into the fan.. lucky she pull out the moment she felt pain.. so abit of bleeding and after a few days it healed completely.. did nt dare tell her father man in case he nag..

bulma, every week do blood test must be tiring for you.. but you doing a good job.. jia you!!
think you better get the netting for the fan. i also consider to get 1 jus in case. the net will slow down wind, not so cooling, but i think is worth for the protection, being told not to get those with bigger holes cause the finger can go thru.
mashy: wow.... u actualli change all to ceiling fan because of that ah.... must have spend a bomb lor...

feza: ya... better put netting.... i also put the fan nettin already..at least even if they put the finger in, there is a limit to pushin the whole finger in.... i tink they like to play w fan now..something new to them so better take precaution lor... unless u wan to change ur fan... hehe

bulma, u are a great mum!!! u have gone thru a lot during ur pregnancy.... JIA YOU!!!!
poor elly....

i used to put netting last time but find the wind not strong le. So I teach my kids to switch on and off the fan instead. Let them explore the parts they can touch and tell them the parts they cannot touch.

Hmm... it works on my gal la so I did on FK oso.
So far FK knows which button is off and will go try to 'off' the fan affter he wakes up, but still not enough force to really off it.
Other than that he will not try to put his finger to the blade le.

so good that your kids will listen to you. For my boy, no matter what we say, he'll still wanna touch. He'll press the buttons, so it'll go on, off, on, off, ocsilate etc.

i tried netting, but useless. he'll try to reach for the blades from the back where the netting couldn't reach.
violet: i agree... the wind so small... but no choice... hehe end up nowadays my fan always on 3.. hehe but xr wan to help her daddy save on electricity... she will off the fan for us... then i on again.. :p

mashy: u mean the net din manage to cover till the back of the fan ah?? mine can leh... :p

dunno leh, mine can't cover the whole fan, that's why gave up and change to ceiling fans. yah, spent a bomb on it. no choice lah. my former neighbour's kid got his hands amputated becoz of that./
So scary!!! We just got to take precautions, cos kids being kids.. they are so quick! Must remind my parents to look out for Annika too.
wahcaz so serious ah amputate? must go buy nettings for fan.

ya it's right not to tell daddy. my hubby also will nag at me when n falls. actually sun afternoon already fall once and cried. ha ha that time is under daddy's supervision. then ite fall again. aiyo later become stupid cos he chicken legs keeps falling.

so poor thing. let ur hubby knows and ask him,so mothers are the greatest! see whether he can still say u fat not. my hubby started training me in the gym. stress... he is flying over sear this fri for 2 weeks. yeah! going St James party with my friends! go shopping also~!
koli & sunshinekid

yah lor, so scary right? That's why I'm very insistent that he doesn't touch the fans and why I would rather spend the money and change to ceiling fans.
yr neighbour's kid so poor thing!!

the fan in my kid's room is old fan, difficult to switch on for my boy, so he can't really play with the buttons, he will only try to press for fun oni.

I put the net last time then end up always gotta on no. 3 so I gave up on the net...

right move... if not ear will not have any peace for a long time.....
mashy, the kid so poor thing... another lesson for us to learn.... i also got put net on fan lei... j also keep press on off on off ... haizzz

mashy, u must hv spent a bomb to install ceiling fan whole house lor

koli, no use one lah.. he stil say i fat fat haha bkside big big haha

amanda, i gg to "lou you" le haha now lk symptons of 1st trim bk again... now again everyday vomit then fl soooooo tired again lk when i was during 1st trim.... hope everything quickly over and jovan healthily quickly come out :p
oh no...i no put net on fan cos hor the wind will become v small. hmm...jh also keep pressing the on off button. think i must go buy the net n put liao.
hello mummies,
I am always very busy woth my work....I am on leave today so got time to read the thread...Really miss out many postings....

U must take care leh....

Updates on Nicole (16mths 1wk n 6days)
Weight: 10kg
Height: 79cm
- Finally she can walk
- 8 front teeth n 1 molar at the bottom
- She can listen to instruction very well, just that she is slow in her speech. She will even keep her toys when we tell her to do so.
- she like to see books, writing (scribble)..hehe
Hi gals,
how everyone???

Today elvin learn new things. Now we bring him to take MRT he will tap the ezlink card.. I told my hubby that should ask elvin to promote Ezlink card. Tap and go even a 16mths old baby knw..haha
Elvin so cute. N will throw the link card wheni give him

hubby will never change to ceiling fan. shifted here not long, 8 months only, he everytime worried about facet of the house. i stay highest, 16 floor leh, so tempted to put balcoby grilles but hubby dun allow. he said when N home, switch on aircon, cannot open sliding door so no danger.
my hubby also keep saying i fat. lately i lost quite a bit. now about 53 kg. ok can liao. dun want to stress myself about my size liao.

really dunno y N kept falling down.today 3 TIMES ah. he walk walk, i turn over to get him a tissue, slipped and fell again. wah lao, think mmust carry him all the time to prevent him from falling
i used those tower fans le...so far ethan don't really play with the fan so not a prob for me....

actually dun keep stressing urself with weight la haha never enough one le...we even slim le will still complain we fat that's our natural tendency....

elvin so clever ah can tap ezlink card...cutie..u long tme no update his photo also dun know how he has grown to be le...
ZY use to play with the on n off button too but now not interested liao. He knows which one is the button, so sometimes when i'm lazy to walk over, i will ask him to on the fan for me. hehe... lazy mummy :p

Jia you! 1 mth plus left rite. Bear with it and you can see little Jovan liao.
Everything will be worth it.
cant switch on my stand'g fans cuz they're the huge powerpac ones tt stand on the floor...
C likes to play with em
& also switch things off at teh socket! lucky thg i hv ceiling fans

<font color="0000ff">does any mummy know if they sell nets for larger fans like the powerpac ones? where to get?</font>

tiptoe-ing actually quite hard to do! so its no wonder tt R falls over. noth'g to worry abt if R doesnt do this all the time...if u are concern'd, u can read this link http://www.babycenter.com/expert/toddler/toddlerdevelopment/11648.html
C tries to tiptoe but thankfully only when she stands still...loses her balance so has since stop'd haha

clumsy walk/koli
yups, C stil walks funny despite walk'g since 11MO...is particularly clumsy when she's sleepy/tired, can keel over for no reason at all & always trips over pple's feet.
she's VERY impulsive & not a careful child - i notice she doesnt look where she's walk'g
read tt early walkers are like tt...slower walkers are more careful & deliberate with their steps

yeah, weekly blood tests are a pain! u very brave - i've a phobia for needles & always dread these tests.
had to do many in april/may when i suffered ectopic preg & subsequent miscarriage...

<font color="0000ff">any mummies here suffered fr diabetes dur'g preg?
can advise? need to know if it jus disappears after delivery...jus control diet can rt? (no need insulin injections?) TIA!</font>

saw an earlier post abt concern'd mummies who are afraid tt their kids eat the crayon/ink when they scribble :
C puts nearly e'thg in her mouth stil, so i got her a cheap version of magna doodle - save paper & she can bite the pen withour my worrying hehe

thnx for teh ringo tip
i register liao...now how? all Feb mums use these same nicks? i tried sm nicks but no luck leh...i dont hv any1's fullname or email add

any1 wanna add me? [email protected]
jade, yes.. left 4 weeks lk dat i m gg to c-sec... but stil v xin ku... here sng there pain lk dat... sm x walk halfway just feel lk sit on the floor even when outside haha but "xing xiang" so cannot hehe must "Ren" haha

carla, my boy start walking only at 15+MO but also not careful one lei he also walk without looking then outside in park or shopping centre, he will just knock pple or those shelves or block pple's way haha then alws walk lk v in a hurry.. busy man haha

etelle, i also has the tower fan at home. j will go and hug the fan and shake with it and fall tgther... *faint* hor hehe
Are you pregnant now? Gosh, so sad to hear that you have suffered a miscarriage. I have added you in Ringo oredi.

By the way, both my kids dun quite fancy the Cord Liver Oil from Vitakids .. how ah? Annika's face will crumble upon seeing the spoon. Wonder if putting into her milk will be better.
<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
You are so wei da. Really must jia you. It's all worth it when you see Jovan in your arms.

<font color="ff0000">Carla</font>
U can search the mummies via email addresses. Althernatively, the mummies here just add Carla via her email address, easier this way. I also have a huge Powerpac fan that sits on the floor. Think thats call a Circulator? My hb kiasu, bot one which is cheap and big! Hahah.. True it's v powerful, but the kids are always tempted to put their fingers in there.. aiyo! So now I have left it in my helper's room. Using a tower fan and a ceiling fan for the living room.

Annika is also not careful when she walks! And she always never see where she goes. So she is very accident-prone.
i have preg diabetes when i expecting JH.
during preg, i need control my diet lor but mine no need insulin jab...heng ah. but every week for 2days i will need to do self blood test to ensure within control lor.
after delivery, mine went off and i was back to normal
If the child falls very often, it might be the case that he/she has flat feet. My son has flat feet so he falls all of sudden most of the time. Sometimes we were walking halfway, he can just fall down. There is a kind of shoes especially for flat feet but I did not buy for him.

Bulma/ Sunshinekid,
Nicole is very very careful when she walks, think she is afraid to fall n hurt herself. When she is about to fall, she will try to balance herself before continue to walk. She always try to walk near the wall for support.
Nicole is such a cautious girl! Even walks near the wall? Annika is such a sum seng (rugged). She will basically walk, run.. all over the place. Sometimes dun even see where she is running to. So at times she may just bump her head on the wall for no reason. But she is tough.

<font color="ff0000">Promotion - Nepia</font>
There is a promotion for Nepia, at $14/pack for all sizes, till 30 June 2007. Call 6226 2650.

By the way mummies, I am also purchasing Annika's Physiogel cream and QV bath oil from ww.mypharmacy.com.sg. Free delivery. Let me know if you need anything.
Hi Mummies

My boy is hvg quite bad rashes and some red spots on his arms and upper body. Thot it was due to MMR jab, after two wks and they are still there. They are very itchy and my boy keeps on scratching them until it bleeds. Me feel so heartache.

Hv brought him on Mon to KK hospital, the pd said it is not ecezema but very dry sensitive skin. She asked me to stop all calamine lotion and baby wash and powder. Instead just use emulsifying cream for bath and mosituriser. But still his skin will flare up whenever he feel hot. Any advice?
<font color="ff0000">Nepia Seal exchnage for Fairprice voucher</font>
This promo has extended till end of august
last month u went australia, wat did u bring for ethan? u went on free n easy or with tour agency? can u email me the lists of things u brought along?? thanks a million!!
Hi Mummies, it's been a long time since i last login. Was outstation and had a fall at the airport DFS upon my arrival in Singapore. My heart nearly jumped out, not because of the pain but because i am so afraid i will lose my baby. Tripped and fell on my knees but lucky i managed to support myself with both hands. I hope the fall won't affect my baby... am now suffering 2 patches of bruise on both knees. Can't wait to see my gynae on 18th.

Nepia Promo
Great! Gonna buy 8 packs to stock up this time
Thanks for the great news!

Tats what the PD asked me too. I din rem gave him any new food.

Hv bgt the baby washing powder for his clothes. Hv stopped using cos used adult washing powder. Since his skin so sensitive, I think I will continue to use baby washing powder then.

Any gd moisturiser to recommend?
wow so many postings. I think i must be more diligent with coming in to read and post.

dun worry about Noel falling. I guess he is still in the training stage. Sabrina also fall from time to time esp when she is sleepy. Like drunkard like that. One minute she will be happily walking around touching things here and there and the next, you will see her falling every other 2 steps. so funni.

jia you. I am sure you will be alright. Just think about the joy of welcoming Jovan to the world in another few weeks' time and I am sure you can forget about all the pains.

I use Sabrina's play pen to block her from walking near the fan lor. That is the table fan. But hor for the standing fan in the study room, she will like to touch the buttons. But when we called out to her when caught in the act, she will buay bodoh and walk away or look at her fingers. Haiz. Dunno what to make of it.

maybe like what jasminesym say could be reaction to some food that he had taken. If it's heat rash then make sure dun wrap him up too much. Cooling clothes like singlets for him for the time being till it clears.

Mummies, are your kids talking much? I mean like words that we understand. My girl dun want to learn leh. But can see that she understand what we say but just refused to mouth it. She will smile when we say words like "lion, tiger, fish ...." Words that she previously learnt right, she refused to say them now. How har?
Seems like it's pretty normal that they do not want to say some words they already know. Most imptly is you know she understand rite? Think nothing seriously wrong bah... they jus dun feel like saying lor.

hi summberbb,
aiyo, my heart oso jumped a bit when i read. You still go on biz trip now? seems like your job requires you to travel quite a bit... hope your bruise heals fast ya.
violet b,

ya lor. wonder any kids like mine. Think she is lazy also lah. Read to her for only 2 pages and she gets restless liao. Hubby says she got the "pointed butt" so cant see sit still for long lor. Hahaha

be careful ya. Hope baby's gotta be alright.
etelle: u using tower fan huh?? how u wash the fan huh??? my house 2 tower fan i dunno how to wash but everytime go and poke the dust out.... :p

summer: tat time when i preggy i also had a fall like how u describe... was quite worried.. but dun worry... bb will be fine...

Whens ur EDD huh??

Mtan: tat sound bad ya... i tink because he got sensitive skin and on top of that the hot weather nowadays... u try apply powder?? maybe wun be so itchy for him...

bbger: u bring Shayna go gai gai huh... hehe...where u goin???

Jsim: my girl been talkin much clearer nowadays... she can pronounce better.. her new word are nite nite...hehe every night when i accompany her to sleep i will tell her to say 'ma ma nite nite' then she will say 'ma ma' then after tat 'nite nite' she sound so sweet de...hehe... everytime hear like heart will melt... :p

my girl lazy lah i think. only pa pa everyday and not forgetting her mum mum (food) and bread everyday. refused to call me leh. notti notti lor. So sweet hor xr can say that to you. Sab will drink her milk and off to la la land liao. hahaha
Annika is worse. She can hardly say anything, probably just mama, mao (cat),.. tats all! But she does have alot baby talk which we dun quite understand.

Aiyo.. so scary! You must be careful when you walk yah. Take care to wear flats, and anti-slip ones.

May be possible that ur boy is allergic to some foods. My girl is allergic to eggs. Now that we have finally diagnosed that, her skin is almost back to normal. She is also deem to have super dry sensitive skin. The skin specialist has prescribed her Physiogel Cream and Ego QV Bath oil. I will be ordering these 2 items from the Changi Gen Hosp online pharmacy, cheaper. U want to tompang?

Aiyo.. XR is quick in talking yah. Ur heart sure melt when she says tat to u everynite. Sure will sleep better.
haha today so many postings! Yesterday we were saying like forum became so quiet liao...

re: Talking
Now YJ can say quite a no. of words... but her favor is "Dun wan" haha! e.g. ask her wan milk boh? She will say "dun wan"... then I still go n make milk for her, n bring infront of her, she will go snatch n drink haha! I said she dun meant wat she said haha!
N she bery talkative at home n loud voice... noisy leh!
JSim: hehe.. some bb not so into talkin la... they prefer to listen.... :p
previously she will talk w her pacificer in the mouth then i tell her to take out then talk if not cannot hear what u say and now when she talk, she will take her pacificer out liao...

Sunshindkid: melt... hehe thats y i dun mind spending the time seein her go into her dreamland... i will try to tell her new word durin tat time...cause more quiet and she is just lazin on the bed, at least not distracted..... hehe
hmmm quick in talkin ah...hehe i tink ok la.... she quite funny one.. certain words that she is familar, she will repeat after u say.. those tat she is not familiar, she will see my lips then she wun say... hehe... like learnin but wun say... hehe

Some video to share...

1. Xi, nu, ai, le - Xinru's version: Cry, Smile and Angry...

2. Dancing girl

3. Exercise and dancing.
siewlng: haha... at least she is bring some noise and joy in the house la... hehe... u wun wan a child who sit down there quiet quiet one bah....

hehe YJ play hard to get la... tell u dun wan but know that she will still have milk...hehe when she snatch from u, she give u a cheeky smile??? hehe...
Warning Signs of a Language/Communication Developmental Delay

Children learn language at different rates, but most follow a general timeline (though preemies may be off schedule by a few weeks or months). If your child doesn't seem to be meeting communication milestones within several weeks of the average, though, talk to her pediatrician. It may be nothing, but if your child is delayed in some way, recognizing and treating the problem early will benefit her language and learning skills greatly in the long run.
Keep in mind that the timetable for language development is broad, and your child may run into small roadblocks along the way. You may find your toddler repeating a word several times in the middle of a sentence as a way of holding your attention as he formulates the rest of his thought. (This is not the same thing as stuttering.) As long as she can speak clearly by the time she's ready for first grade, your child's on track.

But as a general rule, trust your instincts. If something seems wrong to you, ask your pediatrician about it or call a speech therapist or pathologist or your county's early intervention program for an evaluation. After all, you know your child best. The following are possible warning signs of a language delay. Feel free to print out this form for a handy reference.

Call your child's pediatrician or a speech pathologist if your child:

Age: Warning Signs
12 to 18 months at 12 months, doesn't use gestures such as waving or shaking her head

by 12 months, isn't practicing using at least a couple of consonants (p, b, etc.)

by 12 months, isn't somehow communicating to you when she needs help with something

at 15 months, doesn't understand and respond to words such as "no" and "bye-bye"

by 15 months, can't say at least one to three words

by 15 months, doesn't say "mama" or "dada"

at 16 months, doesn't point to body parts when asked

at 18 months, isn't saying at least six to 10 words

Age: Warning Signs:
19 to 24 months by 19 to 20 months, isn't pointing out things of interest, such as a bird or airplane overhead

by 20 months, isn't making at least six consonant sounds

at 21 months, doesn't respond to simple directions

by 21 months, doesn't pretend with her dolls or herself (brushing her hair, feeding her doll, etc.)

by 24 months, doesn't imitate actions or words of others

by 24 months, can't point to named pictures in a book

at 24 months, can't join two words together

at 24 months, doesn't know the function of common household objects toothbrush, telephone, fork, etc.

Age: Warning Signs:
25 to 36 months at 26 months, uses no two-word simple sentences

at 30 months, can't name at least three body parts

at 30 months, can't be understood by anyone in her family

by 32 months, has difficulty singing fragments of nursery rhymes

at 36 months, doesn't ask questions

at 36 months, can't be understood by strangers at least half the time

by 36 months, is unable to articulate initial consonants (for example, says "all" instead of "ball"

by 36 months, is unable to name most common household objects
Warning Signs of a Toddler's Physical Delay

Children develop at different rates, but most follow a general timeline. If your toddler doesn't seem to be meeting milestones within several weeks of the average, ask his pediatrician about it. It may be nothing and in fact isolated instances (your child is unable to climb stairs, but does everything else well) usually aren't anything to worry about. If your child does have a delay, however, you'll want to catch it early so you can begin treatment.

Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
12 to 18 months At 13 months, has difficulty squatting to play

At 13 months, has difficulty climbing onto and off of a small chair

At 13 months, can't eat with fingers

At 15 months, has difficulty holding a crayon and scribbling spontaneously

At 15 months, has difficulty rising independently from the floor

At 15 months, can't climb on a chair to reach things

At 18 months, can't walk

At 18 months, is unable to remove his/her socks

At 18 months, is unable to hold a crayon and imitate a scribble

At 18 months, does not attempt to kick a large ball

At 18 months, has difficulty walking down stairs with one hand held

After several months of walking, does not walk with heel-to-toe steps

At any age, consistently walks on toes

Age: Warning Signs:
19 to 24 months At 21 months, can't turn the pages of a book with thick pages

At 21 months, has difficulty walking up or down stairs holding the handrail

At 21 months, can't kick a large ball following a demonstration

At 24 months, can't hold a crayon and imitate a vertical line

At 24 months, does not attempt to stand on one foot

At 24 months, can't push a toy on wheels

At 24 months, can't kick a large ball on request

At 24 months, can't use a spoon well

At 24 months, does not run well

Age: Warning Signs:
25 to 30 months At 30 months, can't walk up steps alone, alternating feet

At 30 months, can't turn single pages in a book

At 30 months, can't pedal a tricycle

At 30 months, can't stand on one foot momentarily

Age: Warning Signs:
31 to 36 months At 36 months, can't walk down stairs alone alternating feet

At 36 months, can't manipulate scissors or will not attempt to cut with scissors

At 36 months, can't stand on one foot for 2 seconds

At 36 months, can't throw a ball overhand

At 36 months, can't wash and dry hands

Here is the picture of Physiogel. Many skin specialists recommend this for patients with eczema or chronic dry skin. My girl is using. Summer's girl was also using, not sure about now.


Can u let me know by tomorrow if you want to ride on my order. Thanks

Thanks for the milestone chart. Basically Annika is a very responsive little girl. She can understand us very well, has all sorts of silly patterns, just refuse to speak!! But then again, Gareth was also like tat. Started only about 20MO. Still, having said that, being a mummy, we just can't stop worrying. It's a life long process.
