(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB


You can use the Avent petal massager with the Medela Mini Electric. It fits. I did that too and it felt better. In fact, it felt like an electric Avent pump. You might wanna try that.

I finally let my boy sleep through the night without waking him up. So he slept from 11.30pm till 5am this morning. Then I brought him to the bed to sleep with me till 9am.
oops sorry havent been here cos i started work liao yesterday but taking tues and thurs off for the 3rd mth maternity leave.

i dont mind my place but since most staying in punggol/sk area, that'll be quite far for them. how many of us are there? maybe simpler if we order food unless you are fans of cooking or wanna cook for bonding. heh. ivory, if we dont cook, can do on weekday? weekday gathering feel more like taitai. haha.
Oh yah, my boy has been imitating what I said.
Surprised that he could do it so early.

He was going 'eye', 'ear', and letter R after me when i was talking to him. Been teaching him the alpabets and his body parts. I tried it a few times and he repeated his success so I know it's not fluke. Maybe the 'eyebrow' that I heard him utter was more of a fluke. Hehe! But of course, it depends on his mood to talk. When he didn't feel like talking, he won't even utter a sound. He's just a parrot now, don't think he truly understand what they mean.
<font color="aa00aa">siewlng...</font>
ya... my boi super guai when go out or go my mum place... when he at home ah...he's the king.. *faint*

<font color="aa00aa">sally...</font>
im ok with weekday gathering if the gals dun mind... cos they are waiting for my hubby's seafood cuisine mah.. kekekeke... :eek:
Re : bb sleep thru nite
so xian mu u all can train bb hv good nite sleep habit and daily schedule.... how to train.. mine difficult lei cos sm x disrupt by mum or mil

mashy, how much u let caeden drk for his last feed to mk him sleep thru the nite?

when my boy super good mood, he also will imitate wat i say... like i say "ok", he will "k" hahaha i say he happy baby, he will "b" lk dat then i say "yes" he will also "yea" then laugh laugh laugh lk dat. body parts i also teach him everyday when bathing time and nite time changing time but he no repeat lei he just eh eh eh lk dat only.

Re : bb guai guai at other pple's hse
my boy also lk dat.. so when i tell pple he v noti at home and difficult tk care, no one believe lor

Re : EBM in toilet?
we can stil let bb drk EBM we pump fr toilet? not unhygeinic meh?

i hv been bringing my boy out quite often. sat and sun definitely will go out. as for wkday, like 1 day will br to my mum's hse then sm x 1 day ll br him out shopping. other days stay at home but evening x will br him go stroll downstair and sm x shun pian wait for daddy to come home

selina, keep us posted abt his review result on wed.. hope he recover by then
re : gathering
me and bochap tot of booking a multi purpose hall n do catering. and i read in jan mtb, they also wanna organise a gathering.. so was thinking do we wanna combine w them then more "ri nuo" and since some of our bbies born in jan? but not sure if u all comfortable with it or not... if ok, then we post in jan thread and ask them =p but they may not wanna combine w us also lah hehe
wow so many postings to catch up in a day. One day don't come in will get lost hee hee :p

I never monitor ethan's schedule leh or rather roughly lah the usual that we set for him 10am he will bathe and then after that he will play and then until mid afternoon feed he will sleep then all the way lor still a little luan luan one lah hee hee :p

impressive ah your babies all can talk talk liaoz ..mashy ur bb is about 3 mths+ now right???
oh ok, ivory sure powerful one ah the seafood.

i was looking at the chart, forgot to add my age 30. summer_bb is actually Grace in previous charts. her EDD was 15Feb i think.

realised the later feb babies are 3kg and above while earlier ones more under 3kg.
BTW, what stroller u all bought ah? i was hoping to get maclaren volo but that one cant use before 6mths so i bought cheap cheap one for now.
Hi gals

My boy drank 80ml of EBM and 60ml FM (which he leaked like siao from his mouth). So maybe overall 120ml-130ml like that. Haha, so cute jarren can respond. So far my boy only imitate.

Re: bb guai guai outside.
Haha, I think the bb very smart nowadays. My boy also. Go out guai guai. At home, he's a noti noti.

Yah, he's coming 3mths liao. And finally he outgrown his NB diapers, finally upgraded to S size.
noel also very kwai outside...
wah bulma...ur boi can respond,mine long way still.
Sally, i used luckybaby stroller not too bad.
so can u add noel to e chart also?
lenny, noel gain 1.4kg when he reached full month.
all your baby can sleep so long, mine,5 weeks now, wakes up at 12am, 3am,6am for milk... how to train???
Hi gals,

No time didnt log in liao... was quite busy last week...

Re: Vaccination
I took my boy to the polyclinic for hid Hep B vaccine when he one mth and 1 week old... It is ok to jab one week after one mth (I heard from the PD, Dr Saw when i brought him to see him regarding his phlegm. BTW, I have decided not to bring my boy to Mt A for jabs cos I called up the clinic to ask abt the waiting time and was told to see Dr Ter Tan need to wait 1.5 hrs.

The next jab will be the 5-in 1 when my boy turns 3 mths old. I found out that the total no of jabs will be 6.

1st mth- Hep B 2nd dose, 3rd mth- 5in1 1st dose, 4th mth -5in1 2nd dose, 5th mth - 5in1 3rd dose, 6th mth- Hep B 3rd dose, 18th mth - 5in1 4th dose. So total 6 jabs.... but on top of this, need a MMR jab at 15 mths. This jab is usu not covered in package.

Re: bb guai guai outside
I find it v true leh... my boy when go out whole day v guai guai. We put him in a sling think he v comfy can sleep inside... but when come home start notti liao... esp if the last free days bring him out then the next day at home he will get notti and wan pple to play with him

Re: pump
I nowadays only pump 3 to 4 times a day liao... at night i dun pump cos I use the medela electric.. v noisy if pump at night will wake hb up. BTW, can we highlight hair if we bf?

Re: diaper size
My boy is using Nepia size S now... I find nepia quite good... it is softer in texture compared to other brans also its S size quite big... bigger than pampers.
Hi gals,
i m doing direct latch on. Do i still need to pump? also how does engorgement feels? my breast sometimes feels like hv chilli rub on the nipple..is this engorgement?
Hey all mummies.. So long no come in liao.. My gal caught flu so really too tired to come in.. sometimes only came in to read but no post.. Hope everyone are copin well and fine..

Pacifier: I gave my gal also liao but sometimes when u put it inside her mouth she will pui out but after a few pat on the backside she will suck.. then when she fall asleep, she will pui out liao..

Hubby: Haiz.. tink all of us newly mom sure will haf such problem one la.. I also one of them.. during the first month, our relationship was tensed up... hubby tends to like to do his own way..sometimes I see liao buay song I say liao then if dun listen,I full stop.. but now getting better liao le..

Nite feedin: my hubby only wake up to make the milk and zzzz off to sleep while I struggling to open my eyes to feed her... but when Friday nite come, haha he will be the one doin the feedin while I relax and watch tv..

Trainin: how u gals train them to sleep long hours huh?? My gal still wake up like min 3 hrs and max 5-6hrs for feed..but after every feed she will fall asleep..

Injection: Me opting for 6 in 1.. it cost me abt $490+ with consultation and medication..

Bul: Jarren's pd is Allyson ah.. mine is Lilian leh.. the PD beside u.. hehe.. me bringin her to jab this Friday liao... where u stayin huh??

Sunshinekid: where u living?? Punggol area ah??

Ilim: better dun bring baby out before the first jab.. I brought my gal out and she caught flu.. poor thing to be sick at this ageK moreover the weather not very good lately..better bring after the first jab or even later.. now I scare liao.. I gonna wait till she 3 month then bring her out liao.. better dun risk..

Lenny: my gal at birth was 2.8, think abt 1 week later she was at 3.2.. then that time when I bring her to see PD for flu which is abt few days after full month, she is at 4kg liao..
<font color="ff0000">Hippee</font>
How old is your bb now? I suggest you pump out after each latch on, as newborns will drink very little at this stage, thus this is a good time to build up your stash of backup in the freezer, and at the same time, establish milk supply. I have tingling feeling at nipples all the time. I think this is part and parcel of breastfeeding.

<font color="ff0000">Amanda</font>
Yes, I stay at Punggol, blk 638C. U? Are the PDs at Kids Clinic at Rivervale Mall good? Seems like they are so popular amongst Sengkang/Punggol mummies.

<font color="ff0000">Lenny</font>
My little gal gained 1.5kg at full mth I think, so she was 4kg then. She was light wt to start off with, only 2.46kg.

<font color="ff0000">Fan</font>
Your bb seeing Dr Saw too? I brot my gal for her first jab at Dr Saw, as my coll recommended me to him. I find him quite gentle lor. And cheap leh, only $40.

Yes, I highlighted my hair. Becos the chemical did not touch our hair root apparently.
really ah 1,5hr waiting time ah i be going for the first jab this thursday so i shall see how. I have appointment and see how long i have to wait...hee hee :p if really too long then maybe i also opt for nearer ones liaoz if not really siong hor distance not a problem waiting time more of an issue...

I also agree best not to bring bb out now ha ha :p for my ethan also leh he go out or at home his pattern the same leh ha ha but then ah when he come home hor he will be alittle bit more crankier...so...
bb coming 1 mth, i didnt pump coz i dont hv a gd pump, mine pigeon battery op, cant even get a drop. I use hand..dont hv much also, best is 30ml 1 side, average 10ml only, and v suan for the thumb....so gave up pumping. and yes nipple like forever sore.

i tk my ss v low, but whenever i latch her, she drinks...so i tk shd b enuf for her.

what brand is ur pump?
My boy was 2.81kg at birth, 2.68kg at discharge and 4.48kg at 1st mth.

If based of birth wt, he gained 1.67kg, if based on discharge wt, he gained 1.8kg.

PD said that is a lot.
Maybe waiting time during weekdays are not so bad. Those waiting 1.5hrs could be the one that goes on Saturday.

This is also one of the reason why I don't stick to Dr T Tan. Can tahan the waiting time and consultation not cheap.

Which PD yr kids seeing? My kids seeing Dr Foo.
Don't quite like Dr Ooi.
I mean Can't tahan the waiting time....kekekeke...Jab only mah...still hv to wait so long for our turn... Time is precious leh
my appointment are normally on weekdays lah cuz i now on maternity should i return to work will also take leave to accompany ethan there....Mmm i try out this round lor..yeah consultation is $50 leh but think if u dun ask anything just inject ah it would be cheap ah? ha ha ha :p

Ethan these two days like cranky leh...wonder why? cry and cry can soothe one dun think it's colic but like very difficult to fall sleep then sleep already a while also wake up...sigh..my mother still very patiently soothe him leh me also lah but then felt so helpless when he cry and cry and dun stopped crying leh...
Jayden also getting naughty. We hv to carry him to sleep if not he will cry. Once we pick him up, he stops crying. Just now while watching TV sitting on sofa, I carry him for about half an hour to let him fall in deep sleep then put him in his cot.

Sometimes he needs pacifier but still hv to carry him to sleep.

Nowadays he sleep lesser liao... He sleeps more during night time which is good for all of us so that we can get our sleep too.... But he wake up very jun for milk which is every 4 hours. So if our last feed is 12/1am, his next feed will be 4/5am which is still quite ok.... Sometimes he sleeps longer and wake up 1 hour pass his feeding time which is more better.....kekekeke....
re: Gathering
Another suggestion, I can go ask a centre near my place, setup by 1 of Pasis Ris RC, called Aunty &amp; Aunties. It does catering at their center, cheaper rate, cos partially paid by govt. Tat centre quite unique, do student care, gather neighbourhood aunties to work as bbsitter, part time maid, catering...etc
I went to see b4, they have a very big table for all to sit around, n a big kitchen to cook (some of the neighbourhood aunties come to cook, n we pay them). N that place got aircon, better than multi purpose hall. N big enough for abt 20 person, n got spaces for bb, n do your breastfeeding.
The only trouble is u all have to come to Pasir Ris. For the PG ppl, should be ok, quite near

Stroller, if u still wan Marclaren, I suggest u can buy Quest, can be used from 3rd month. Lighter n cheaper than their Techno xt. But more ex n heavier than Volo.

Most of us here use Avent manual pump. Soft touch. But hand suan, got many parts for washing. N their new VAT cup trapped our precious BM...

I will try out tat petal onto Medela after return my rented set, B4 tat I only 1 petal. Now i got 3 in total.
Good to hear tat Caeden upgraded diaper!

your bb only 5th wk not so soon to set into pattern lah, Our bb r almost or oredi 2mth old.

my girl's PD at Tampines St 81, Dr Ho, She is popular in the forum leh, but long waiting time also abt 1.5 hrs. Pay $35 only. Thinking to change to Elias, near my place.
Further, my sis reminded me to go source for nearest GP/ PD at my place, in case nite time sudden fever. Must immediately go see doc, to access whether to go hospital or not. Her son got into fits after develop fever, n was not send to hospital fast enough. The fit came after the temp went down, dunno y?
After tat incident, her son went into fits everytime when develop fever, admitted hospital 4X b4 age of 2.
So hor, if bb fever, dun play play jus give panadol. mus see doc to access situation
Bulma n Mashy
my girl also like to talk n get ppl to talk to her. Nanny said nex time will be talkative... haha! So next time your sons will talk to my girl
my bb also c dr. foo, she's very patient and calm. i opt for 5-in-1 jab and paid $470.

all mummies,
have u read newspaper today about rotavirus? i ask my PD and she recommend that my bb get this vaccine, so i will bring bb when he's week10 to be vaccinated with rotarix, then weeks later for his DPT. any bb also getting this rotavirus vaccination?
my bb also no sleep thru nite one even tho he alr 2.5months... he will wk up for feed one lor sianz envy those who has bb slepe thru nite.

ya my bb PD is Allyson. my fren recommend one. she say allyson is good, patient and detail. And i find her as good as wat my fren describe lor i staying Ponggol lor

my bb alway blocked nose and cough... dunno is really sick or not...

i br my boy out v often cos he "flower leg" no go out cannot lk dat... but yest mashy say HFMD is v aggressive now so i thk i will reduce his outings liao... he cry also bo pian lor

i using Avent manual pump... good but hands sng easily hehe

the centre sounds like a great place.. i hv no objection

wat is rotavirus?
yes i also seen the rotavirus brochure and i will be letting ethan go for it. It's a oral vaccination. I think it's aginst those diarhoea form of virus that could be present in the toys and the things bb hold which cannot be totally eliminated.

yah lor these few days ethan like change pattern ha ha....scary scary hee hee thank God my mother is around to help help...

opt me out for the gathering...cuz recently got HFMD and then hor bb still young lah so dun want him to expose to alot of people cuz his immunity still low. you girls enjoy
rotavirus? where to find out more?
bulma, my boy very alike too got block nose but dunno is it block... PD say no block leh?
how's everyone copin with ur babies?
i was sms-ing etelle jus now... got a bit of phobia taking care of noel... always very panicky leh... scare of feeding him cos at times he got choked, then when time foe him to sleep, he wun sleep then i cant sleep then i feel very tired.... worst if he vomit out the milk sometimes... any advice?
Hi gals,
I read abt the rotavirus in the papers today. Seems like all kinds of virus are appearing and others mutating till it is difficult to find a vaccine for it.Hmmm, is it a sign of the end of time? I will definitely vaccinate my boi, think its very serious if they get it at such young age. Btw, with my older 2 in school, already taking precaution to safeguard agt HFMD.

Me too. Dun think will join you gals for the gathering....
Hi gals,

How many weeks then can jab this rotavirus vacination ???
Me thinnking to give my girl too.. any advise.

Let me know if any gathering. I don't might to join in
Like my girls to gather with more bb ...hehe
Hi all
Re: gather place
I have called up the Aunty &amp; Aunties person-in-charge, she think my idea is new to her, she will go back n think n give me a quotation next week... (hehe I can patent the idea liao).
I told her, we r a group of mums with NB, need a aircon place to eat n gather... also can breastfeed, cos it is an enclosed area for u to "hide" at a corner to BF

I have requested to use their kitchen, so that Ivory's HB can cook for us, jus 1 dish lah. The rest of the dishes, will be cooked by those aunties. I told her we need abt 6 dishes, mostly finger foods... (so we can eat n chit chat, but not like eating 10 courses dinner so formal n need to sit at the table). N asked her to estimate for 20 person (including your HB or older child to join us)

some concerns by some of u abt the hygenic of tat center... actually tat center is not a commerical student care place, tat have many children, it has less than 10 children there, n those aunties will come n take care of them to da fa time n at the same time earn pocket $. It is a place setup by the RC team to let the resident to have a place to interact. So got a big kitchen, a bathing room toilet...etc
Most importantly, we don't need to do any clean up after the gathering... hehe!

Haha I have thought thru, ppl staying at Yishun can take bus 39 to reach there, n ppl in PG can take bus 3...but Jurong area mah... hmm... dunno leh, maybe MRT/ cab bah
Re: Pump at toilet
Bo bian leh, no other private place to pump liao. My colleague suggested book a meeting room to pump. But our meeting room at opi is translucent glass one, also no privacy leh... (hmm... like doing something wrong like tat). another problem I need to think of is where to store EBM, got a fridge at pantry for all to use, again like no privacy leh... how huh?

Sunshinekid n Venus
I have this Medela battery handheld pump, if I use battery to operate, it is really weak lah. So hor I wonder Avent tat heldhand pump will have the same problem.
Dear all
Share with u a joke with my HB today...
My HB wanted to change water n boil the water in the air-pot, but he was concern if bb sudden wake up wan to feed n he wan to use the hot water to make FM for her but no hot water to use.
N I told him, never mind lah, I will standby while waiting for the water to boil...
Then he suddenly said tat I am bb's mobile milk machine... haha! N I returned, bb is my mobile pump... haha! So hor, i dun need to pump when I latch her on. If I go shopping without bb, I will feel the engorement after certain hours.

Your office is like mine. Our meeting room and rooms are all with translucent glass. So i think i also have to opt for the toilet...

I can avent yesterday, she asked that the batteries can last for max 6 hours, but must use good A1 batteries.

I really considering to buy leh... the medela PIS is so heavy
Ilim: ya better bring baby out after the jab.. if not they sick very poor thing one. Finally my gal recover liao le hehe so happy :p me stay at Sengkang..near Jalan Kayu there lor.

Sunshinekid: icic quite a few living there hor My Pd is good I like her very detail person and nice to talk to I tink those livin this area will be put to there cause nearer. But sometimes the waitin time could be killing but overall not bad. U PD at where??

Bul: hehe I find her very KC like tat leh haha dunno la my opinion tat day my PD not ard then I see her but she is ok also la hehe
Better dun go out too often wor some more now weather really not good Jarren always got cough and blocked nose ah got tell allyson a not?? Better dun play play leh
your hubby and you good lah light hearted in taking care of bb can still tell jokes hee hee :p

My baby hor cranky these few days not his normal self and when he keeps crying and we cannot soothe him ah we feel so incompetent both huby and me and we will like get into those pek chek mood leh but of course we undestand that it's not our fault...only my mother cna patiently and took some time then soothe Ethan leh....

Becuz my mum is the main caregiver ah will it be that becuz of such then ethan doesn't respond to me ah???? Tomrrow bringing him for jab, i pray God takes care of him and dun let him be cranky.

Near to jalan kayu can go there eat roti prata hehehe... me will b bringing him for jab on fri then have to meet my ah yee to collect milk powder so no choice but luckily is her house so not so bad.
Re : pump at work
i dun wanna pump after start work but hb wan me to continue pump. his family is vv pro BF one.

my hb will not happy whenever he see record that my boy drk less than 400-500ml a day. he will say i taking away my boy's nutrients by wanna stop BF. ask me whether i fl guilty? (sob sob) mk me fl i v bad mummy

Re : Dumex milk powder
for those whose bb is drinking Dumex milk powder, tis morn dumex called me say they are having a promotion. i can buy 5, 10 or 15 tins of dumex step 1 at 1 go and each tin cost $21.20. Free delivery and no GST. so i ordered 10 tins... did dumex call u all? i noted their number is 6243-4404. Mayb if u all interested can call and chk if u all also can enjoy the offer.
Hey gals with ms probs

On sun, i ate durian and my ms went up! Was pleasantly surprised. Had only been able to pump like 10-20ml and 30ml is lucky stars shining on me. And i pumped 40ml! Haha, definitely not due to the 9 fenugreek pills that i'm taking daily. Hasn't gotten 40ml again after that. Been trying to look for more durians to eat. Hehe. My hb said my boy on S26, I'm on D24. :p

So, in case you're like me looking for everything and anything to increase ms. Durians might help.
I opposite leh, my family n in-law asked me tat day, "still on BF ah?" Like so surprise I still latch on like tat???
But my IL didn't say much after they see their grand-daugther fat fat... else they will say BF not enough to let bb grow...
Look like their generation all on FM wan leh???

Re: Dumex FM
I jus switch my girl to it. OK. But u buy so many tin ah? How many tins bb drink? I meant consumption rate...
I so far, bb 2nd month liao, only used up 1 tin... how to finish 10 tins till 6th month?
Wan to share?
Hi Mashy,

Ur hubby so humourous huh. But does durian really help? I used to latch Marcus directly after birth till end of confinement. Then subsequently, I decided to pump out &amp; give him EBM so that I'll know how much he's drinking. I realise after that, my ms seems to have dropped.

Initially, manage to pump 100ml every 2-3hrs &amp; will feel super engorged if dun pump by then. Now, can last for 5hrs &amp; don't feel engorged. Only pump 100ml every 4-5hrs.

If durians really help, would like to try.

Today Marcus smiled back at me when I was talking to him. Usually he smile when he's half-asleep. But he responded to us when we talked to him. His eyes can follow objects very well now too. So excited with his developments.
hi girls
went to pd today. Ethan had his 6-in-1 injection. The doctor was swift and pro in his injection. Ethan was brave. He only cry for one sound and stopped. Haha even the pd also praised him. Then he was also diagnosed as having reflux. It's something like heart burn. As i was telling pd that past few days ethan has been rather cranky as in crying more than his usual. Then he asked me a couple of questions and came to the conclusion. So ethan is now on medication for it, will be fine in a couple of days.

I took the 6-in-1 injection package, chicken pox and hep a also. I also took the rota virus package. So total injection package cost $960. Expensive hor. Hubby said want to inject might as well inject all lah save the trouble and can protect bb against the viruses lor....

Still contemplating to resign or not leh. One thing is my mother will not be able to help me for long and the other is i feel like want to take care of Ethan on my own leh. Anyone can advise me....who are the sahm or will continue to be in Feb MTB ah??
can BF as long as can lor....i stopped liaoz after 1 month cuz not much milk and really dun want to continue liaoz. And i feel it's better to bottle feed with love than breast feed grudgingly as what the book says lor cuz bb will know and cna feel one leh...so if u want to follow ur hubby's side in pro bf then do it willingly with love might as well right

I didn't know durians can increase MS hee hee :p Mashy that's a delicious way to increase MS hee hee :p
hey, share with u all tis article abt bb developments so we can roughly gauge ours

Re : breastfeeding
tis morn i wk up 5am and think think think and mk a major decision (for me lah haha) i decide to continue BF (but dunno i will determine how long lah). Reason being these few nites my hb v nice take care of bb every nite and let me zzz throughout the nite. I fl v touched cos i told him my wish is to sleep thru the nite and he fulfilled my wish. So tis morn when i wk up and cant sleep, i sit there look at him look at bb look at him look at bb then i decided to fulfill his wish of wan me to continue BF.

i v jialuk hor.... now my MS actually got drop liao past 2 days bcom only 300+ml a day lei then now then decide to continue BF. dunno my MS will go up bk again or not =p

mashy, eat durians yr milk will not b too heaty for caeden meh?

Re : rotavirus
can the oral vacinne wait til bb older than gv? cos it's oral vacinne, if i give my boy now, he will just "pui" out like when i feed him oral medicine then it will b useless lei

etelle, if finacially can afford for u to be SAHM and u r confident u can cope w upbringing yr boy, then i vote for u to b SAHM to tk care and see thru ethan's development. lik wat someone told me b4, our boy will only go thru watever they r going thru now with us only once, time will not turn bk after u miss it so we must treasure. so even the crankiness or keep wanting to be carried, if u miss it, nx x u wanna carry ethan when he older, he also may not wanna let u carry. so we must all treasure every moment we hv w our bbies since we alr given birth to them.

for me, i dun hv patience to long term tk care bb so i vote myself to go bk to work hahaha

siewlng, u mean yr gal 2 months drk 1 tin ah? so good. mayb for u, u order 5 tins (min) or u nd to fnd someone to share. i know amanda's bb also drinking dumex, mayb u can chk w her if she wanna share w u?

i order 10 tins cos my MS not as much as yrs mah so my boy on FM most time haha so for me, 1 tin can only tahan 1 wk + or most 2 wks... so i order 10 tins, i estimated will last me abt 15-20 wks, so by then my boy abt 6-7 mths. Step 1 dumex can drink til 12 months old... so after he finish the 10 tins then i decide whether to continue step 1 for him til 12 months old or to switch to step 2.

my IL is every x i go when i gv FM to my boy will say "FM ah"? lk dat lor cos their family is pro Bf one.


haha, i also dunno whether will work for you or not. Fenugreek also doesn't work on everyone. I take 9 a day and only see very minimal effects. I guess no harm trying lor. Anyway, it's a good excuse to eat durian.

Heaty? Maybe just drink more barley? U much more ms than me already lor. Mine is a desperate case. Really tired of pumping liao. everyday pump 4-6times, each time 30min-1hr manual. Very tiring leh. Told my ds can feed until 3mths or not. Hehe. But think will continue until no more lah. Else he'll get hard stools from FM. Have not tried dumex leh. Wonder if it's good. My boy's on S26 Gold now, but got green poo sometimes &amp; very smelly, so wondering whether to change.
