(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

-*-*-* Presenting BB Tiffany -*-*-*

Wow!! More and more cute babies......

Yes. Jayden enjoys his bath. He won't make a noise during bath. We can bath him as long as we like......

Jayden is 38 days old.

Re: Nose Mucus (Pi Sai)
Jayden also has Pi Sai every other day. What we do is roll tissue paper and dig it out. Did the same when my girl is a baby and so far so good.

Huh 90ml every 2-3hrs is more than enuff for a 5wks old? Then my boi overdrank liao lor.... He drinks 150ml every 4hrs leh..... We are talking abt FM right? Then hor in between he will have this mouth sign of wanting to drink milk. If the time is not up, we will feed water.
finally have time 2 come here.
alot to catch up.
well.. good to c that everyone is trying to cope with the new life.
Me 2.
I had just finished my confinement. Now really a full time mummy.
I had a hard time to cope with my baby boy, Tavis.
He can be quite cracky. He used 2 be able 2 zzz by himself.
Recently, I found that he wants 2 lean on my shoulders and slowly slide to my breast and zzz..
anyway How can we help baby to clear the heat rashes found ard their necks and arms ?
The kids are at the age tat they are not sticky to the maid. Besides, if they dun bully her, I am more than happy.

Your boi drinks every 4 hrs very good hor, mine cannot take more than 100ml, will regurgitate out. But 150ml seems a lot leh, wat is his current weight? Take weight x 150, tat will be his ideal total intake in 24hrs. Fm or bm he gets hungry abt same time also.
For those who express breastmilk, how do you store in the fridge? You use glass bottles or milk bottles? I store bm glass bottles but I use cling wrap n rubber band to cover the top, do you think its air tight enuf to prevent the smell of any contaminants from the fridge or not? feels uneasy....
thanks! hmmm... normal meh? a bit sticky leh... i am not BF cos no more milk liao. he takes FM... ya maybe got to chanag FM like <ilim> said.
jarren photo very candid leh... hee.... double chin ok lah cuter. my boy also have althou he is not so chubby.
not enough milk he cries, too much he pukes... wha... chiam leh... i bought the milk expresso machine.. heeee... quite useful. cut down his crying time.
ur boy like my boy also leh... always got milk coming out hor...bo bian la... must watch them whole they drink very worried they get choke...
Hi Jasmine

Store your breastmilk in milk bottles, not glass bottles cos the antibodies will stick to the glass - this is what the counsellor from the breastfeeding hotline told me. I am using avent bottles, and bought the avent sealing disc (one pack contains 2) to cover it.

Re: maid, you mean when the kids gets older , they won't want the maid anymore ? My gal is on very good terms with my maid and they can play together.
all the bbs so cute
When will we know if they're going to end up with double chin or not? Scared my girl will end up with it coz hb side all got double chin n short neck...hehe...

i bought the slimming pants from susi, if it works then i tell u lah. hope it does otherwise $298 v sim tia. was thinking after i use can also share with my mom coz she also got big hips. i take after her around tht area.

haha...so it was u
but not bad ah, u last time say pain threshold v low still finish all 10 sessions. i today 4th session still find pain pain. actually, she was v helpful today coz she asked me abt my bm, then i said not a lot. when massaging my neck, she check and said i already engorged then she help to massage my breast also pain! now must be more hardworking n massage before feeding n expressing to get rid of the lumps. hope it increases ms by clearing the clogged ducts.
The pd said my bb got breastmilk jaundice. So have to stop breastfeeding. Read on the website that it could be due to some hormone in my bm thst is breaking down the red blood cells faster.

I have tried everything I heard abt cure for jaundice. My colleague passed me some flower thing, which you pound and put in the water to bathe. The water will turn yellow. And I also sun-tan my girl every morning. Also let her drink some honey in the morning. But who know's it's my BM. Think she getting better. She is due for her review tomorrow. Hopefully, the result is good.

Hi Lim,
I also give my BM to my dog.Hehe! He loves it!

I don't know that glass bottles not good for EBM. I got some glass bottles from the Mt A and I like them better than the bags cos easier to store. I even got the cap and disc to cap the bottles. If that is true, then my dog in for another treat!

My girl also regurgitate a lot lately, think since we switch to formula. Maybe overfed cos my mum also gave her a lot of water. She said formula milk very heaty, must drink more water. :p

BTW, which pd are you guys seeing? Any good pd to recommend in Mt A?
Hi Keropi,
>Any good pd to recommend in Mt A
Dr Terrance Tan is v popular....long queue...

My gynae recommend Dr Keoy as my baby's PD (he practices at Bishan and TMC). Read from another forum that Dr Keoy is good but obviously not so good comments about him in this forum. Dunno who to believe....
hi etelle and bb_ger

i think so long now my girl is 5 weeks, so prob going for 6-in-1, but how come there's such a great difference between poly and pd...wah, really must do some price comparison.

etelle, for the blocked nose, i had 2 pds advocating different things. one said to use cotton bud to gently roll out the mucus cos using the nasal aspirator will tramatise her nose But another pd i went to said that using cotton bud will leave traces of cotton in her nose which is worse, so ask me to use nasal aspirator.

Anyone can recommend a good pd in tampines or comment on the two below? i have been to two, the one in blk 828 is quite good but very small and quite crowded. Also the nurse who wiped my girl's butt very chor lor. They also advocate taking medicine for baby so that baby will get well soon. I like the clinic ambience and nurses at blk 139, but pd doesn't offer a lot of info.
<font color="119911">jasminesym</font>
Just brought my bb for his Hep B booster today. He weighs 4.48kg. Gosh!!! That's a hefty 1.8kg from his discharge weight of 2.68kg. PD said average wt gain for 1 mth old should be 900g and my bb double the gain....hahahahaha....

Comparing both my kids health booklet, they put on almost the same wt at 1 mth. My girl discharge at 2.68kg and at 1 mth she is 4.5kg. But hor my boy don't look as chubby as my girl at that time leh.... His limbs are slimmer....

Calculating the FM intake according to weight, my boy should be drinking 4.48 x 150 = 672ml. But he is drinking 900ml (24 divided 4hr = 6 times, hence 6 x 150ml per feed = 900ml). GOSH!!! That means he take extra 228ml per day???? OMG!!!! I will reduce to 120ml on the next feed.

BTW, the calculation of wt x 150, what does this 150 stands for huh?
once u see the product maybe can take pic and show me. I am the sort ah normally buy things but dun use one so hor i must be careful with my spending. You let me know if it works hee hee and also whether wear alreayd uncomfy or not...

i think ah the formulae is wrong leh. Cuz it's like ins hospital they also let ethan drink until about 100ml leh and eveyr 3 hrly feed mah and at that point he only 3.8-3.9 kg leh...so ah i think just go by the calculation on the milk cna lah. everyone ahs diff methods one...

Thanks girls for all the nasal block cures...i haven't try yet leh. Tomorrow then try...that time susi teach me use cotton bud then pull out the cotton bud dun let the stick touch his noise then tickle the side of his nostrils then bb will like want to sneeze out then mucus will come out liaoz...

My pd is Dr Ter Tan. yah he popular leh and always long queue sometimes a bit sian also hor..but good things have to wait lor. erm his price covers more than just 6-in-1 injection for the $710 cost...if just basic 6-in-1 is $500.
Jayden is seeing the same PD as my girl. We took up the vaccination package @ $470. Thk its 5 in 1 and it includes chicken pox vaccine.

Usually price at polyclinics are cheaper than private PD. Good thing abt private PD is that waiting time is shorter.
dear Oscar,
the milk espresso cost about $360 if u buy from Thomson Medical centre (normal price is about $380++)
the machine has the code for various kind of milk powder so need not worry about what kind of powder u r using. but please take note of few things that i find that are not very good.
1. the water temperature will not remain at the temperature u set at times. (cos energy saving machine) so sometimes got to wait for it to get heated up~about 3 min la)
2. they can dispense milk at 60ml,120ml,180ml etc... but cant dispense at 70 or 90ml
3. the steriliser must be cleaned everyday is not it gets very dirty.
other than those, it is quite useful.the milk powder wun be "lumpy" when if u set at a good temperature.
let me know if u need other info.
hi all, jus to share some info with all of u,
i asked advice from the old folks about Ruyi oil and vicks vapor for baby.
was told that Ruyi oil got to drip one drop on hand and then rub the hands together then touch the baby tummy. they said cannot drip straight onto the tummu if not very hot for the baby,might burn their skin.
dun use vicks on infant less than 3 months cos it is also too hot.
buy pearl powder to nurse the naval if the umbilical cord haven drop yet. it will dry it up.
use olive oil on the head can remove cradle's cap.
and lastly, those who is having confinement like me, dun drink plain water if not will have tummy hor.
u online so late, taking the midnight shift for bb?

last night kept up all the way by bb. my bm not enuff, but she still want to suckle. then make fm for her, she ngie ngie dun want to take, then vomit out so pat her, try to put her down, all cannot. only suckle then she quiet. finally 5.30 i buay tahan already ask hb to take over, he give the fm, she guai guai finish drinking n slept til 8+ until her bath time. tekan lah bb...now also dunno how, bm express out she'll drink n zzz, latch on, she suckle for a while then zzz at the nipple, then little while later she'll wake up screaming for more. anyone else still has this problem?

I already got the pants, cannot take it if you're allergic to latex. wore it for abt 8 hours yesterday then took off. on the packaging say wear 6-8 hrs. when i take photo then post online for you.

is ur scar still the same after susi's massage? mine looks red and not as thin as before leh. aiyoh, dunno whether flat tummy better or thin scar better.
etelle: tat one is the forcep mark lor... gynae told me my gal head a bit on the other side so gotta use forcep to take her out.. see liao so heartpain... but the mark went off after a day... phew...
my husband not with me so every night like guardian angel man... si bei xiong leh... lack of sleep.i think maybe u wanna try BM in the day FM in the night. i ran out of BM. my boy drank BM for only 2 weeks then slowly adjust to FM. but dun make too hot hor.
asking for more cos hungry la... sometimes they suckle doesn't mean got milk come out leh. dun worry la, should be alright when u dun have enough BM. my boy last time also like that.
cutie baby,
ur two boys twins huh? look so alike...
My bb jaundice better now. The pd say I can give bm 2 feed a day and the rest formula. To review again next wk. Next sat, we celebrating her 1st mth so going to be very rush.
My dog got diarrhoe. Wonder if my bm too rich for it? Hehe! But I think he is sick with boredom. We used to let him roam the house. Now, we confine him to the kitchen. So poor thing. Everytime, anyone go into the kitchen, he wants to play.
Gals wonder if ur bb cry for milk when u massaging or not? If so then how huh? If massage the breast, then would the oil be harmful if bb consume when bf?
Hi Girls...

So long never online liao... Me having fever
I think i too heaty liao... So this few days bb no BM... Today feeling better liao...

I apply the lightening SM cream &amp; my SM getting lighter n lighter. Some oreadi disappear...

I scare i over feed my gal 100ML at 19 days.. I give her 80ML but she not enough every hr want milk... So i still give her 100ML every 2-3hrs...
at the moment, whenever i massage, got someone else in the house so if no more ebm, then they'll make fm. I duppose you'll have to wash the oil off before feeding. check with ur masseuse, she'll know best.

take care of urself
heard tt moms cant get too heaty during confinement, guess tt's not true! Just a few more days to go then i'll be free
as for overfeeding, i guess if ur bb's not spitting milk back out n can tahan for 2-3 hrs, she's fine. check the number of wet/dirty diapers, n also her weight gain.
keropi. good that your bb jaunice is better =) dun worry too much

selina, txs for tr compliment on jarren. my mum say now he look like mosses lim wth his serous double chin =(
Re : weight
my hip and upper thigh stil v fat leiiiiiiiiiiiii so ugly.. v sianzz.. how to reduce ah? i stil got 6-7kg to lost lei alr 2 months liao stil so fat... v sad ahhhhhhhh

Re : lochia
i stil on and off bleeding, my gyn ask me c him nx tues...haizzz sianzzzz

Re : heaty during confinement
not true one lah wat wont get heaty during confinement. i during confinement whenever i tk the liquor chicken next day i will sore throat few days.. or even sesame chicken

Re : cradle cap on hair that part
we can apply olive oil there ah? on the hair scalp???? my boy has cradle cap at eyebrows there then now getting better but now the hair scalp there begin to start have cradle cap.. *faint*
I had 1 girl and 1 boy. My boy is 39 days old while my girl is 21 mths now.

I post pic on both of them because I find they look quite alike when they are babies.
Hi girls
I am very thankful for this forum. Thankful that alot of people care for me and of course we care for one another and encourage one another. So appreciative of people like Bulma, Venus, Ivory , Bbcutie, lai Yee, Bochap...lots of you who have been so so supportive to me...

I struglled 2 days taking care of Ethan. I know that it requires time and lots of patience to master bb's pattern and then things will get easier. I am thankful that my mother has decided she will come baby sit for me. So spare me the problem of resigning or working partime or this and that....at least i can work for a while and if really need to then resign cuz i dun feel comfortable resigning after maternity....my boss and me relationship good so dun want to make things tough for her..
<font color="aa00aa">etelle...</font>
hehehe... now i noe y ur sms bill so high lah.. same as me... 1 SOS sms sent to all the gals... kekekeke...
Hi ladies
Thanks for the encouragement n support during my "depression" time... my HB till now still bery scare tat leaving me n bb alone at home...
I tend to get nervous when bb cry when drinking milk from bottle... I feel so helpless n become stress...

But now I am getting better liao... slightly know her pattern. She always in good mood in early morning, will smile smile at u n play alot, quietly wait for me to carry her for bath. She enjoys bath alot, if I slightly slower in my movement to put her to water, she will erh erh start to cry.
After bath, I will feed her full. Then she go sleep again... hehe so I can be feel for at least an hour.

And I realise alot of myth told by my CL r wrong. Now think abt it so angry. Like:
1) must make bb cry louder when hungry so she will drink faster... Truth: b4 she cry need to feed liao, n she will feel more secure n kwai kwai finish drinking. Tat's y I suffer so much after she left cos my bb always feel so insecure for feeding.
2) feeding BM is irreguarly timing one, esp latch on. Truth: can be trained at interval

I realise bb seem to understand wat I talk to her leh. Like when bom bom, I will tell her the procedures, she will quietly wait for it to happen... e.g tell her now I am going to wash your bum, she will lift up her legs n open for me to wash...

Re: nite feed
I was told by many experienced mummies, tat actually bb dun need nite feeds... jus give them water they will not wan to wake up at nite anymore. N was told even NB bb can be trained, indeed 1 of them tried n successful. The technique is to let BB has her last feed late, like 11pm. Then make her sleep, it will last her the whole nite.
I somehow believe this, cos I read an article say that bb will need to drink alot more at evening (say around6-9pm) to store engery for the nite. Of course this article is talking more for latch on bb...

I also bought my girl to Yu Guo for bb massage to solve her colic n blocked nose problem. I was there when u were there... hehe!
My girl has alot of tan in her throat, TCM doc say she is heaty due to FM, asked me to give half scoop less to make it more dilute to drink. Indeed it helps.

I can sms u YuGuo contact.
Dear Siewlng,
serious? u saw me huh? u which 1 huh? baby girl? i only saw 2 baby girl leh... one with husband one with grandmother. u which one? so coincidental! u find massage effective?
really true about drinking water in the night? my bb only 3 weeks old dunno can try or not?
hey u all sms one huh? so good huh?
wha ur CL so bad huh? i cham never employ CL.confinement lacked of sleep. next tuesday confinement ends liao.
u better not? dun stress la... i also stress cos my baby cries for milk every 3 hours... luckily got my mother help at times. i also very scare to feed him cos always drink like breathless like that then a lot of phelgm like that.at times choke on his own FM or water... wahlao freak me out! so dun worry lah i think we all go through same phase now. let encourage one another. one fine day we will become super trained mothers! cheers!
jin foong,
jaundice can buy chinese herbs to bathe. it;s call "ng gi". my boy also a bit jaundice at first then bathe liao ok liao. maybe u wanna try?
baby cutie,
wah... both really look alike leh. i tot twins... hee hee
can i ask around, anyone of u, baby likes to sleep on the right side only? my boy always sleep on one side turn him left he returned right again.scare later he will have slanted head... any advise?
i don't send to all the girls leh ha ha..i only send to you , bulma and bochap. Actually mainly is you leh ha ha cuz u always reply my sms very swiftly one hee hee :p The rest cuz very busy with baby...but they will also reply within the day...
My bb likes to sleep on his left leh. When we turn him right, he will turn his head to the left. So we just leave it as it is.
Wah yr girl so clever hor.... U talk alot to her?

Where is Yu Guo huh? Is the queue long? Any reservation needed?

How long does the mummy take to train her bb to skip feeding at nite? Do we increase the amt of milk or let them drink as what they hv been drinking?
I was with my HB, most of the time there, I let bb latch on while doing her massage to soothe her down n also is her feeding time lah... the massage is effective for my girl.
My girl has the same problem as yours n I have the same fear as u... if my HB around I will ask him to feed bb... I will escape

I think u can try. I intend to start the "training" by the time I send her to nanny place. So I can experiment 1 new thing at a time... 1st train her feeding interval, 2nd nite feed, 3rd sleeping pattern (meaning eat-> sleep-> play -> feed, now is very ruan...), 4th dun need to carry till sleep
Hehe, u all must think tat I am too KS, but my sis (with 2 kids liao, n she is SAHM) told me either u "control" the bb or they will control u n your lifestyles. So need to slowly train them, they r like a piece of blank paper, it is up to us to adjust them.

Back to the nite feed training, I think we need to be very heng xin to let bb cry at 1st. I intend to feed her water, if she cry, I will let her latch on till sleep... next x she wake up again, water again...

BTW, to reduce my stress level, I intend to let bb go to nanny place by her 2nd month onwards, will start with half day then full day (2 wks b4 I go back to work). So now I am sourcing for a suitable nanny for her. Of course the nanny's place need to near my house lah!

Ya, sometimes we sms each other to encourage each other, as some of us can't or dun have the time to login to this forum mah!

Ya, I talk alot to my girl, n she responded to me sometimes like er er er... so I say she will be talkative next time (hehe!) See, I am home alone with BB, she is the only one tat I can talk to in the house, n seem she enjoy my voice.

My sis also told me need to talk to bb to soothe their emotion n let them feel secure. Also, we need to talk to them in a positive tone, they can sense our emotion also. If we r angry, they will also get fussy.

Yu Guo is a TCM clinic, long queue, no reservation. Need to get number when u go there. Be prepared to see alot of kids n bb around there can be bery noisy (alot crying loudly bcos sick mah) for NB.

Address: 398 Changi Rd #01-08 Castle Court, Tel: 64474761

How long to train bb to skip nite feed ah? I didn't ask, I will check. But I think it depends on how shi xiang is your bb lah... haha! If she know no point waking up fast, u got it liao! So far, dun need to increase the amt but jus feed late enough for her to last till dawn.
Hi all
Anybody has tis problem with your bb on teat size?
My girl now, drink FM using Avent Teat2, bcos it is thicker than BM, if use Teat1, she will have to struggle to suck n get impatient.
For EBM, she need to use Teat1 (smaller), else she will be choke.
I observed the above bcos she used to cry n choke n kicking when we feed her. After the switch, she is now ok n happy.
I wonder when can I switch to Teat2 soon? Or I have to stick with this forever?

Re: BM supply
I also observe there r many factors tat affect our MS. Like:
1) Diet, need alot of carbo, tat most of us r scare of, cos will make us fat. Cannot think of sliming down when wan to BF.
2) Enough rest, low stress level
3) Drink lots of water n soup
4) latch on/ pump as regular (e.g. if your bb need 8 feeds a day, u need to pump at least 8X). Then supply will meet its demand.
5) Massage breast n drink hot drink b4 pump
6) Massage breast during last stage of pregnancy (too bad, I didn't do tat, so my supply is low. I was afraid to get pre-mature contraction)

Hehe, see I do alot of analysis of all the issues above ah, tat's y I go siao at the beginning. Trying to find the root cause of some many things... stressed me up... now I have to tell myself got to take thing at a time... not to pre-plan too much, n get angry when things dun turn up as expected. I guess my character is more toward technical one...
confinement usually a lot of protein coz must 'bu', cannot finish carbo, but yep, read tt must take carbo otherwise bm will be rich but little.

think my bb's internal clock a bit haywire, she sleeps well in the day and is wide awake at night. trying today to play with her from 6pm onwards, n see if she'll be tired enuff to sleep after her nite feed.

today really tired. thank god it's sunday so hb is at home to look after bb. basically really zzz all day, only waking up to express n eat. kept up by bb again last nite.
Today I also KO quite long in the afternoon... got HB around to take care of BB. Hehe!

Actually I dun play with my bb from 6pm onwards, so she is not over-simulated... instead I play with her in the day time, dun let her over-sleep in day. I will chao her up to play after milk or b4 milk, even she look sleepy.

N as a routine, every evening, I will talk to her to tell her I wan to wash her bum n change to long sleeve liao... n get ready to nite sleep after milk milk (milk as her incentive). She will quietly wait to wash bum... hehe

But my problem now is she after play very tired become cranky when trying to make her sleep. She is in the state of want to play n also wan to sleep...pengz!

Another info from Yu Guo TCM doc, they say tat actually bb of this age most impt is ZZZ. Dun need to wake them up to eat. So tat bb can be health n grow well
<font color="aa00aa">etelle...</font>
kekeke... u know my boi oso little devil lah... always dun let me keep my hands free to do stuff... so the oni thing i can master is to sms when carry him or feeding him lor... hahahaha...

hp is the oni way for me to distress ah... i even use handsfree so that i can call n yell at my hubby when carrying my cranky ah boi.. hehehe...
Good to hear that you are feeling better now. Yeah, we do need to talk a lot to bb. Me too, and now me and baby seem to 'communicate'. hubby also start talking to her... My bb tends to talk a lot... ah goo, uh, ah , er etc. But you are right, it makes them feel secure.

My bb has started to consistently sleep longer during night. So she only wakes up around 5am -6am for feed, even when her last feed is at 9pm.

Well, we are here to support each other, and also to share our experience. You knowlah, being first mummy is new to most of us, so it's good to have friends that we can talk to.

As i told you that i went to rebond my hair yesterday. Guess what - my hair is so stubborn that it curls again. So dissapointed. I guess my hair really a virgin hair as stated by my stylist. Now i have go back to re-do.....

Also, you asked me who is going to take care of bb when i start work. Well, i have finally found a nanny today.We took bb to visit her to see if bb can 'click' with her. So far so good and bb went to sleep in her arms... he he he. Quite good as she is also staying some where near. Day care nanny but she will able to take care of her if i have to work out-station. So not too bad.
You still bleeding ahh? Better see gynae.

Cradle cap
my girl also had cradle cap on her eyebrows. i'd applied johnson bb oil and it slowly dissapeared in two days.
I also feel uneasy storing my BM in the fridge. Currently, i am using Avent milk bottles and medela milk bag to store my milk. (I have lots of avent milk bottle as it doesnlt suit my bb. I swap to NUK bottle now). for double protection, i keep the bottle and bags into Zipbloc plastic (with seal).

I am also looking to buy Tupperware storage box to keep all my milk bag as it has a very tight closure. I have one but i am using it for sterilised bottles, teats &amp; express pump etc. So need to go and buy another one but don't where to get leh.
I dunno what to talk to bb leh. Also I don't bath my boy leh. My maid do it and she don't talk one leh.... Furthermore, most of the time he is sleeping. No chance I can talk. And when he wakes up, I will carry and talk to him or even sing to him but hor he only stare at me leh. Never smile or make goo, uh, er sound leh.

Or else if I carry him and read book to him, he will fall asleep in my arm leh.....
RE; Breast Pads
Anyone using washable breast pads? Which brand is good?

Wanted to buy Pigeon disposables but saw Gerber ones cheaper. Is this brand good?

Why is Avent bottles not suitable for yr bb? Why you change to Nuk bottles?
I also think like you, want to get a tupperware box to store the bottles.

Does your bb have a lot of wind in the stomach? My boi seems to fart a lot and regurgitate milk often,scared he will become colicky.

For those using Avent bottles, I am giving my boi 90ml, but I am using the 240ml bottle, think it's ok? Will there be too much empty space, thus the intro of wind? Shd I use the small bottle?

my boy also got a lot of wind in the stomach. that's y me and Siewlng brought him to Yu Guo for massage. went there3 times liao quite effective. if not u rub Ru yi oil on your hand then to his stomach. if over one month give him 5 ml of gripe water mixed with plain water once a day. your boy cries a lot not? when my boy got wind, he wailed till the whole estate can hear him.
