(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hi Claire

I was told not to take plain water, however, I think everything in moderation should be fine. I took warm milk (enfa mama or omega iplus) and red date logan tea everyday.

I couldn't latch my gal on as well and the lactation consultant told me to pump out and supplement with FM after we visited her at her office and she tried to latch my gal on for me.
The breast pumps couldn't pump out as much as the hand express of my breast milk. I can only express out max 60 ml per 3 hourly, and my gal drinks 90 - 100 ml and I have been doing partial breastfeeding but that's ok. My elder one was on FM all the way.
I drank about 2 glasses of red date logan tea just prior to hand expressing the milk. Drank lots of papaya fish soup too. I realised that after expressing out the milk, it tends to make my uterus contracts (could feel it) and more lochia (menese blood) was discharged which helps the uterus to shrink back and tummy flatter.

so how much is the binder from wacoal? And does it really work?

Anyway i have problems with hips area and the upper thigh leh. Can anyone tell me how to lose weight there?

You underfeed Jarren? Then what about me! My PD said to feed 90ml for the FM. But now I increase it to 120ml. And my boy is so much older than yours leh!

Breasts pain pain.
Think I better make an appt to see the LC soon. Still only manage to pump 20-40ml. Think my boy not latching properly, just sucking my nipples for fun.

Find the lying down position for bf great! Yesterday, I put him to sleep with me at 11pm (while bf). And I wake him up intermittently at night to suckle! And he wake up together with me this morning at 9am. :p Finally got more sleep.
My gal is 1 month and 4 days now.

Is fenugreek really works? I have been taking oats and eating fish. so far, my MS is quite ok.
Some ppl have it longer while other shorter. Average around 3-6 wks. Its not menses. It is call lochia.

Is yr flow still heavy?
Hi Etelle

I bought the corset 3 years ago, and another one about a year ago in a smaller size. If I rememeberd correctly, think it's about 59 or 69.

Hi Venus

I have only taken fenugreek once and suffer allergic reactions to it so can't tell if it works. This morning I was able to hand express 90 ml, however breasts are very sore and painful, scratched too due to using my hands to express.

Hi Babycutie

I realised my lochia flowed out in greater quantity after I express out my milk and at the same time, could feel the uterus contracting/tightening. Previously, my lochia lasted about 50 days.
wear already can breathe or not? If not too torublesome can take a picture and show the latest one u have? Thanks.Wow your lochia last so long ah me now about 23 days or so then from i think 2nd week onwards already like on off liaoz....now abit only but on off also....
etelle, i also got prob w hip and thigh lei.. faint meh

my lochia bcom on n off after 1-2 wks then at 5th wk it come bk with a lot again for 1 wk and now again on and off... dunno why

mashy, i read e instructio on Dumex tin indicated 150ml for 1-2months bb lei but similac tin indicate 120ml for 2 months old... so i shd folow dumex hor since i now giving dumex to him but 150ml lk a lot lei.... btw, just now i feed jarren 160ml EBM and he finished all lei so i really wonder izzit i under feed him.. hmm...
hi etelle,

u are under dr ho right? can i check with you approximate how much cash you have to top up upon discharge from the hosp? hope my qns not too sensitive
Hi Etelle

The wacoal corset is the same as the previous one I bought, I remembered there are only 2 models of the corset Wacoal carries, take the most expensive one. I am using the ab binder I bought from Rohaya (massage lady) today and have completed all my 7 sessions with her today. The binder cost only 25 bucks and works just as good as a corset sans the wires cos corset are wired and can be uncomfy but still breathable.

Hi Babycutie, sunshinekid

Do you feel strain at the pelvic area with the second childbirth ? When i sneese today, I could feel the strain at the pelvic area (below the bikini line ,above vagina area). Dun remember feeling that way with the first childbirth.
CAn't even walk for an hour when I went out ksut now.
Oh yeah. When I sneeze, I had this feeling too at my V region. But not to the extend of not able to walk leh.

Also for the first 3 wks after birth, my V opening region will have this aching feeling as if the whole womb gonna drop. I feel so much better when I lie down.

I thk u need more rest. Its better u lie down and don't carry anything heavier than yr newborn for the first 6 wks.

Can u post pic of the bind u get from Rohaya? Is it elastic?

I want to metro and recce on the corset. It cost $65.10. However there is no salesperson around so I DIY lor. I tried on the one for waist 31-34 and feels that it is not tight enough. So I tried on waist 29-31 and it has more grip but compared to Susi binds, it still lose a bit because it is a little elastic.

Ended I didn't buy because I dunno where to get new piece as no sales promoter around. So I will hv to make another trip to metro agn. Why Metro?? U will be asking right? Well because I hv a $30 voucher so I can get it at $30.10 mah....kekekekekke
oooh yah susi bind until very tight one hor hee hee but susi said my problem area is hips and thigh leh ha ha most severe problem area ha ha tummy is the next. ha ha so she ask me buy the slimming pants better....but veyr ex leh :'( $298 leh. Sigh.
She also told me abt the slimming pants when I ask her on how to slim down. Hmmm.... Susi didn't say abt my hips, thighs or tummy leh....

She only said my tummy is very good liao after 2 preggy. She said other ppl want is very flabby.
When I look at my tummy and really agrees to what she said lor....kekekekekke

I thought of taking up Yoga and Pilates for slimming leh. Must do at least 3 times a week to see results.
Hi Feb mummies.

How long is your massage session with Susi? Does she use traditional wrap? Is the wrap included in her package? How much weight have you lost during and/or after the package?

Can pm me pls. Thanks.
Re: Enfalac A+

Mummies who give enfalac A+ to your bb. Do u give the old formula or new improved formula? I had been giving Jayden the old formula however could not find over the shelf anymore leh. Meadjohnson has improved the FM with added choline to the FM.

Anyone of u switch from old FM to new FM for yr bb? Can yr bb take the sudden change? Gosh!!! my old FM is running out...... could not get the small can of new FM for him to try.... All selling big can, dunno whether can he take the change suddenly.

Susi's massage package comes in 10 sessions with 2 free Hot Mask. And she uses traditional wrap for binding which comes with her package.

I did not monitor my wt during the massage so could not advise u. However, there is some wt lost. And tummy is obviously smaller.
My boy has very bad rashes on his cheeks, face and scalp. Have went to KK Private children clinic yesterday and paeditrican said he got very sensitive skin.

Wondering is this cause by my food intake during my pregnancy period. So heartache to see so much rashes on his face. Anyone have this similar problem too?

BTW my lochia still on even though i have delivered 3 weeks already.
My boy also has rashes on his face and scalp. We apply dusting powder on his face and it did reduce a little.

Is yr lochia still flowing heavily? If not, it should be ok. U can refer to Lenny posting, during her 1st birth, she bleeds for 50 days = 7wks. As long as the blood flow is moderate, it should be ok.

BUT if the flow is still very heavy and u hv to chg pads constantly, u must visit yr gynae asap. This is very uncommon.
Hi Babycutie

The brand of the binder is "life line" .. she bought in bulk and thuis cost 25 bucks. It's a piece of beige color ab binder that looks like a ordinary binder to me, but isn't as thick.

RE: the corset, you have to hook it up by the side first, then adjsut it, otherwise very hard to hook up.

How long does it take for the V area strain to heal ?

I am using Enfalac A+ bought from Thomson hospital. How do I tell if it's new or old ?
It costs 31 bucks.

I can fit into my pre-preg clothes now, tummy still a little flabby though. Guess have to do crunches.
Hi All

I noticed my gal tends to sneeze, which is normal for newborns, but occasionally she sneezes out sticky liquid and even yellow mucus.
My CF nanny said it's normal and she cleansed the nose with cotton bud. It's on and off, just now after the baby wakes up from her nap, she sneezed and there was some whitish liquid that resembles milk to me. Is this common ??
Hey girls, I just went to buy the Clarins extra firming cream. Then I realised there is a Body Firming Cream. Which one is better huh? Anyone using Clarins can let me know? Thanks.
The extra firming cream cost 90+. *faint*

Lenny I bought the ab binder from Mdm Rohaya too. I find it doesn't do much after a month. It keeps moving around.

Sally Cinnamon I just wanna say your girl is really pretty! So fair.
MTAN my girl has abit of rashes as her cheeks as well. I ask my PD about it and he said it's due to hormones during the 3rd trimester. They seems to blame everything on the hormones.
Hi Gingerale

I have both the clarins firming cream and the tube one. Have only used them twice so far. Both have diff purposes and use the tube one first before slathering on the firming cream.
For the clarins products, I got it cheaper from SaSa. For the rashes on the cheeks, it is likely to be milk rash, you can get some cream from PD to apply. It could be heat rashs too, wbich often disappear when the temp is cooler.
The binder from Rohaya - I was told must put it on when lygin down position, not when standing up, and pull it tight.
U should feel ok when yr confinement ends.

The old packing for Enfa is without Choline while new improved one has. So which one r u taking? Jayden has been taking the one without choline. But seems like can't find over the shelf anymore. Went to Cold Storage earlier and they don't hv small can so no choice I bought the big can with choline lor... Hopefully he can take it.

Wow!! So fast u can fit yr pre-pregnancy clothes liao.... I still can't fit yet.....

Its normal for bb to sneeze once in a while. But so far I don't see any whitish liquid from his nose leh. Did u burp him properly?
Hi Babycutie

I bought the big tin, think should be the new one.

So far, I find the binder ok, at least it does not have wires cos wires can be uncomfy. I would say both would do. For the binder, you have to put on properly and correctly, for the corset, it's just hooking it up.

Sigh .. dunno if the discharge from nose is normal or not. the nanny said it's normal though.
How often does yr girl have white discharge when she sneezes? If its only once in a while, thk should be ok. When yr girl is due to see PD for Hep B booster vaccine on her 1st mth, u can highlight to the PD abt this.
Babycutie, thks for reply.

Have another question on nursing bras. Read that prepare to get 1 - 2 size bigger bras, is referring to the cup size only or also means that if 75 now, must buy 80/85?

On disposable nursing pads, how many pieces on average per week use?

Which nipple cream is good?
Venus n home alone mum (after confinement)
How r u coping with life after CL is gone?

I really feel very depressed now, jus 1 week oredi feel so burn-out. Keep having negative thoughts abt having BB. Dun find BB so lovely to me, asking why I give birth to a BB to torture me...etc

I have no parents n PIL to help. Staying alone with my HB.

And my BB dun sleep after each feed. N slow in latch on, so I switch her to Total EBM to ensure so take enough milk. But realise that she cry more, like dun feel secure, keep wanting ppl to carry her. N I need to pump out milk on n off to ensure she have it for the next feed. After expressing out, I still need to wash the pumps while she is quiet (not sleeping).

So it become extra tiring...

Any advise?
Hi all
Any ideal when should we upgrade the teat size for BB? I am using Avent 125ml (for NB size) bottle.

Once I upgrade to 260ml, bigger teat, what should I do with my old bottle (125ml)? Can I put in bigger teat for 125ml to use? And how many 260ml bottle do I need? Now I have 3 NB size bottles, jus sufficient to use. But need to wash after each feed, bcos on Total EBM
The size of nursing bra refers to cup size. If the bra is tight, u can use extension to expand the stretch. I got mine from perfect mum and it is very comfy.

Depending on yr milk leakage. I use only 1 pair per day.

I don't use nipple cream so can't advise u on this.

Do u always carry yr girl? U mentioned yr girl don't sleep after each feed. Did she cry or just keep quiet? If she can stay quiet then just leave her alone for a while and u can go n do whatever unfinish chores. But if she crys, then no choice, u hv to carry her till she falls into sleep then put her down and carry on with yr chores.

The last straw would be letting her sleep in sarong. But u will hv problem lor. Because she will behave cranky if she don't get to sleep in her sarong in the future. I experienced this before so I know. Its very difficult to bring her out because she won't fall asleep in her pram. Even if she does, its only half an hour. Then she will get cranky and cry. The only way is to carry her and swing lor..... That's the con of sleeping in sarong.

If not, get a sarong sling to carry yr girl around while u do yr chores. She will feel more secure and stop crying. It will be a good exercise for u and definitely u will lose all yr unwanted weight by the end of yr ML

Definitely u can put bigger teat for yr small bottle. Instead of changing teat, u can get a teat puncher to extend the teat size. As for the small bottle, use it to feed water or other juices when she grows older.

Do u store yr EBM? If so, u may need more bottles. Why not get a storage bag to store yr EBM? Then u don't need to get so many bottles.
is jayden 1 mth old already? we're going to get the chinese brush made out of xinru's hair, but dun want to shave it all off...hopefully the company will be able to have enuff hair to use, n that the haircut they give will be nice

whenver my parents come over (which is almost every nite), my mom esp will carry the bb and fuss over her. have tried to be tactful n ask her not to disturb bb when she's sleeping, but she'll say tt the blanket never wrap properly, her ears not placed properly etc and readjust bb til she wakes up. i know it's her first granchild, but considering she comes over til 11pm each nite, wondering if she's overstimulating the bb? Coz have found tt recently, bb sleeps well in the day but not so well at nite. not sure if it's coz of my bm or what. sorry for grousing so much, but dunno how to handle liao...doesnt make it any easier when they're my parents and not my ILs.

hang in there, i suppose it takes some getting used to taking care of bb by urself. can always come in here n share ur problems; find tt helps a lot to have a support network.
Lenny forgot to check out at SaSa for the Clarins product. Find nowadays cannot think straight. So tired. There is a tube one? I didn't see it around.

siewlng hang in there. I'm also alone with my girl everyday. Sometimes I feel I'm going bonkers especially since she sleeps shorter in the afternoon.Sleep abit then wakes up and I can't do my things or take naps. Very trying.
you know now my boy right sometimes after feed will cry and then want carry then he fall asleep very fast while we carry. My mum has suggested sarong. She said if i dun have sarong ah it will be a bit tough cuz ethan wants carry. But sometimes ethan can sleep afetr feed on his own on the bed just have to pat pat only. he doesn't need to be carried all the time. Should i introduce sarong at this point?

Where to get the teat puncher? I realised ethan is drinking evry slowly leh 30-45 mins sometimes an hour to finish 120ml of milk leh. Mum suspected the teats too small for him...i am using avent bottle. Should i buy teat size 2 then any1??

hang in there..maybe you adjusting ??? Slowly give urself some time dun be too stressed up and have negative thoughts maybe when your hubby is around have him to take care of baby when she cries and then give yourself some "ME " time...then you wouldn't feel so burnt out?
my boy also sneezes leh a few times a day. Sometimes he can sneeze consequtively 3-4 times but nothing comes out from his nose. It's just sneezing...so is it alright like that?

I agree with you that coming to this forum is a great source of encouragement. We can hear one another's happiness and woes and then motivate and encourage one another
Since he can falls asleep very fast when being carried after feed, don't let him have sarong. Furthermore he doesn't need to be carried all the time. So u put the sarong on KIV first. Unless it comes a time when he really gets cranky and takes a long time to fall back to sleep after feeds and has to be carried all the time, then the sarong comes in handy.

U can get the teat puncher at Kiddy Palace. Does he falls asleep during feeding? If not, then the teat hole may be too small for him. FM is thicker than BM, maybe u can get 3-6mths teat size. If not punch another hole on yr existing teat.

My boy also sneezes a few times a day and sometimes consecutively sneeze 2-3 times. All these are normal.
Jayden turns 1 mth on Friday(chu 4). So we bring him to our hairdresser to shave off his hair and eyebrow. I kept some of his hair.

R u gg to taimaopi to make the baby hair brush? I wanted to make a crystal with his hair and cord stump. At the same time, do it for my girl too. Do u know the price?
Regarding the teat puncher, I remember my friend telling me it's this brand called Farlin or something. Do check it out.

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
My gal also takes a long time to finish 110ml of milk, about 25 mins. I find it so tiring.. I am really not sure if it's due to the teats. Maybe I will try to upgrade her to Size 2 or something.

<font color="ff0000">Lenny</font>
I dont' feel any strain at the pelvic area. But like what Babycutie mentioned, my vaginal area had the sng sng feeling for sometime . BUt now, after 3wks+, I think I have completely healed.

Btw, the Wacoal binder you bought, is it called Waist Nipper or something? I saw from it's website, it has alot of hooks right? And it's from the bustline downwards all the way to the tummy. Looks very uncomfortable.. :p

<font color="ff0000">Siewlng</font>
Hang in there. All you need is abit of getting used to this kind of lifestyle, and you will be fine. Babies are gifts to us! Don't think of anything negative okay? I have heard of even more horrid stories about babies not sleeping, crying non-stop no matter wat.. etc etc.. I think your baby is very good oredi.

The binder is called waist nipper. Yes, it got a lot of hooks and run from bustline to our hip area.

I have tried the item. It has got the same feeling as the bind after tummy massage but a little looser because it is elastic. The bind after tummy massage is tighter as it is a piece of long cloth going round and round our tummy.
