(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

summer bb,
wah, your VE description very scary.
yah i've no complains abt dr ang. my interaction with him very short lah cos in labour for only 1hr10mins and he only came in at the last half an hr to deliver.

yup i really really am happy with the TMC nurses.

Hi Etelle,

Susi address me as Mrs Lim. Today is my 9th session liao. I will only do the hot mask today and tmr.

But hor my massage like not very long lei. It usually last abt only 1hr lei. Think for mine didnt have more than 1 hr one lei. Why har?
Re: Nepia
For those of u who r interested to order Nepia diapers. The number to call is 6226 2650.

NB= 60pcs (0-5kg)
S = 54pcs (4-8kg)
M = 48pcs (6-12kg)
Thk depends on individual. Some ppl have more wind and water retention than others. So the time varies lor. Mine also abt 1 hr. Sometimes have more wind then take a little bit longer that's all.
Congratulations. At last, you finally have popped. Hope to hear from you soon.

Your bb so cute.... don't worry about losing weight. I'm sure you will lose weight in due time especially when you have bb to handle. My hubby kept telling not to worry so much as he believes i will lose weight soon.

Your girl has a very beautiful eyes leh....

Ah may
how are you? Hope you are coping well with the twins.

Finally, today is my last day of confinement. PHEW....... can't wait till tomorrow!
i also sometimes 1 hr only. Like what bbcutie said think also depends on the wind and water. My tummy is huge i tell you...that's why sometimes need longer to expel... Ooh she call me stella...mrs Lim...wow so formal ah...hee hee :p

My mother ask me to buy some to try first for nepia leh...mashy u said the one u have for nepia NB is orange in colour. But i compare the blue and the orange one hor..the blue one seems smaller than the orange one leh..if ornage is NB then blue one is what??? Mmmmmm
Venus, sorry to interrupt, wanna check with u when your bb borned, the weight at birth is it the same as what Dr Chan previously told u thru the scan? I wanna know what is the accuracy rate fr the scan to estimate my girl's birth weight. Thanks
All nepia diapers packaging are in orange colour leh. Except for M size, there is blue colour at the corner of the packaging. Other than that all are orange colour. I have the size range from NB - L.... Can take pic and show u if u r interested.

Maybe u 1 2 get 1 pkt from NTUC to try out first? But the price at NTUC is slightly more expensive than u order online (min 4pkts). I have placed my order for 3pkts of NB and 1pkt of S and will be delivered to me tomorrow.
Time flies hor.... Bu zhi bu jue, 1 mth gone liao....

Mine also will be over on next Friday. But I will be celebrating bb shower this Saturday. And I still can't eat most of the food yet... Sianz... Can only eat 4 dishes out of the 10 course dinner..... so cham....
Hi Etelle & babycuite,
yup she called me Mrs Lim cos i dun have christian name so i dunno it is to difficult for her to call my chinese name mah.

She did mention Stella i know she is refering to Etelle. She say u very shy one.. Hee..Hee..

I am still thinking of wan to order the Nepia diaper anot so far i am using the 2nd pkt of NB one. I have another 3 pkt of Pureen Dry5 S size which was gift from my relative so thinking of using that first. Maybe by then I have to order S size from Nepia liao..

I'm new to this forum. I'm a mother of 2 gals. Elder girl is 2 yrs old and the younger girl is only 3 weeks old. Gave birth at KKH on 1st Feb.
There's one qn i like to ask and hope some1 can help me.
Does anyone know what can we do with the points on the pampers package? No details will found on the package.
Hi babycuite,

actually confinment is how many days har? My granny told me is 40days lei. BB full mth she say is base on Chinese date therefore my bb should be full mth on 6th Mar. And i have bb shower on 5th Mar actually wanted 4th mar cos sat mah but my granny say cannot cos that is my birthday.

This yr have to celebrate at hm cos cant go outside for dinner yet. Hubby promise to bring me to the Angus to have steak once my confinment over. So long never eat steak liao really miss it lei.
I also not sure leh. Some say 40 days, some say 30days..... I gave birth on chu 4 and next Fri is chu 4... so my mum say that will be my last day of confinement leh.... We also distributing cake to our colleagues on that day.

So r u having yr confinement for 30 or 40 days?

For bb shower, we can celebrate early but not late lor. Since mine will be next Friday, so we bring forward to this Saturday as some of our relatives may not be able to attend on next Friday if they hv to work OT.

Wow! Really know how to indulge hor... I had not been to Angus for dining before.... I know the price is not cheap..... But thk u deserve it.
Hi babycuite,
I give birth on chu 7 so baby full mth is on 6th mar loh. But hor my granny say that it consider my confinement over liao but i can still continue till 40 days. She hope i can do that cos it the time to bu loh. I granny inisted me to take DOM so i have to be careful on teh time to pump my milk. Find that my supply like going down dunno is it becos i latch my boy more often nowadays. Last time i can pump abt 570 - 600ml per day. Now i can only pump 550ml per day with 2x or 3x latch lar. But hor when i latch my boy he very fast hungry one. So i think he drink little.

I went Angus once before i pregnant and once when i am carrying Elvin. But when have Elvin i order the steak have to be well done loh. So dun taste as nice loh. I like med steak..Hee..hee.. I like hte place find the food good and place romatic also..
If u let yr boy latch more often, u should hv more supply leh.....

I asked my mum abt the days of confinement. She say 30days is enough liao. As for the additional 10days, we must be careful with the food/drink we take and if we want to bathe, make sure water is hot.

Hv u been to Coachman Inn? Dunno still around or not.... Is it got the same environment? Hmm... maybe I should suggest to my hb to treat me to a sumptuous meal also hor....kekekeke
What are the things that we still can not eat after 30 days? I was adviced by my CL not to take cold things like orange,coconut etc and prawn. True ahh?

My last check up before delivery was 4 days before and bb estimated weight was 3.265kg. When bb was borned, she was 3.32kg. So i think quite accurate lor.

as you know i am breastfeeding my bb now, and also EBM via bottle. Now she refuses to drink bottle and my CL suspects that she doesnt like the bottle's teats as it is too hard for her. I am using Avent now, is there any other brand that you think will be suitable for breastfeeding bb? HELP
my bb is treating my breasts as her pacifier. Any suggestion to resolve this? Should i stop her from latching on and only feed her through bottle?

Now she doesnt' want bottle (not sure if it is the teat problem or she is used to bf).
Hi babycuite,
i havent been to Coachman Inn lei.

Hi Venus,
maybe your baby have confusion that why refuse to drink from bottle. Heard that NUK one is design close to out nipples maybe u can try.
I think those food which are "poison" we have to avoid lor. If u know what I mean abt poison.... And cannot take cold things lor....

Avent teat is hard. Thk yr bb mouth is too small for the hard teat. Nuk premium teats is very soft. Maybe u can get one for yr bb?

When I brought back Jayden the first day and feed him FM using pigeon teat, he can't drink too because the teat is too hard. So I ask my hb to buy NUK bottle for him because I ever saw my friend giving her girl NUK bottle and I notice that the teat is very soft and the shape also very special. And true enough, my boy can drink well with the NUK bottle.

The bottle looks like this
NUK has both latex and silicone teat, which one should i opt for? Any recommendation? I am considering NUK but now since you have mentioned, i will go and get one to try. But not sure whether to buy latex or silicone teats as NUK has both.
check with your girls, so if we follow the 30 days confinement, tt means after tt can eat chilli and pepper crab? I so wanna attack those crabs soon.
Hi gals

I wanna buy a digital weighing machine. Any recommendations on the brand? And price if possible. Thanks.

<font color="ff0000">Babycutie</font>
Your gal has very nice eyes, love her eyelashes!
<font color="ff0000">Jappooh</font>

How many times do u pump in one day? I pump about 4-5 times each day and at most, I get 500ml. I realised the timing is important too. The best supply will be in the early mornings about about 4-6am. But have to be very discipline and force yourself to wake up to pump.
Venus, I'm using Nuk teats as well. I read that the silicone kind is better when doing my research in this forum .So that's what I'm using as well.
hehehe..what's the diff between silicone and latex teat huh? I only know the colour of the teat my hb bot is pale yellow colour. So dunno its silicone or latex leh. And the teat is very soft.

Huh? Got blue colour diaper meh? So far, those that I hv bot is in white colour leh. Never seen a blue one b4.

To be on the safe side hor, better avoid seafood till after the 40th day.

I am using Oregon Scientific Digital weighing scale which also can measure body water and body fat. Got it at 200+. It was a promotion with DBS/OCBC card if I am not wrong.

I love my girls eyelashes too....kekekeke.... Thk my boy will take after her too... I hope ....
Hello all, being MIA for some time cause getting used to taking care of bb. So tired cause I need alot of sleep. Nowsdays, cannot sleep long &amp; cannot sleep well. Hope everyone is doing well.

Venus: I feel that he NUK latext teat is softer than silicon, you can consider getting that.
Is there any colour difference for silicone and latex teat? To me silicone is those transparent colour type and latex is those pale yellow colour type leh. Correct or not?

If its correct, then the one that I m using for my boy is latex type.
i will go for NUK and will buy both latex and silicone to try....see which one my bb like.

You so cute hor, wanna attack the crab. Me, i wanna the fresh sashimi, but i think i can;t eat till i complete my 40th day of confinement

I also wake up at at 4am to pump my milk if not i will have leaking problem particularly when my bb doesn;t want to latch on during the night. It is certainly a good time to get more MS

Mummies who total BF
Can i know how many time does your bb poo in a day? I read that bb on total breastfeedign will poo frequently up to 6 weeks? Has you seen any change in your bb bowel movement? Mine still poo frequently leh.. now she in her 4th week and i hope her poo will be less frequent.
i am supposed to be due on wed but when dr examined me a few days before and on the day itself, he commented cervix damn closed... even if i wait till sat, my cervix would still be closed and he suggested to induce on that wed night.
feel really envious of all the moms who're finishing confinement. now dealing with bf problems. when i latch bb on, she's so vigorous tt now dealing with sore/cracked nipples. then she can suckle for an hour on both breasts combines, n after tt will still be hungry n cry for bottle. now trying to up ms by latching her on first, then give fm after. try expressing, still got prob with the milk going back up the massage cushion. hand express got more milk, but take a v long time, then by then i think the milk cannt use liao. hoping to up ms soon coz really want to give bm to my bb for as long as possible.

I've contacted susie already n she'll be starting on 7mar coz of my c sec. hopefully the effects will be as gd after 3 wks

really feel like a pig n cow now. eat n sleep n feed bb. now see the food also sian, all the same flavour n no water...

my bb's photos
Hi gals

So I can get Nepia from NTUC too? Have drink Sheng Hua tang already. My lochia still quite heavy even though second week already. How long will it last usually? So our menses will follow on, is it?

Wat exercise can c-section women do?
Bbcutie: Yup, the yellow color one is the latext. My boy is using the silicon one cause the latext one I bought is faulty (the sides of the teat is so loose till can easily pull out). Will be buying another one soon.

My bb hiccup almost everyday, anyone facing the same? I tried feeding him with water, wonder if that's the way to cure hiccups.
i've the same problem too, asked the nurses at mt A n they said nothing can be done, juz have to wait for it to go off by itself. actually, when bb was in the womb, she'd hiccup every day too. wonder if it's carried over from there?
Hi Sunshinekid,

i pump abt 3x or 4x per day. I think if i pump more frequent should be able to get more milk. But hor i quite lazy one cos i feel tired after pumping milk as well as have to latch my boi 2x every afternoon. At during the nite i look after him also.
hello everybody...trying to catch up with all the threads.
My birth story:
See gynae @10am on 24 Jan'06, dilated 1cm. Gynae advised to rest coz bb engaged n labour will be in 1-2 days time.
Go hm rest after check up. Experience BH ard 5pm with an interval of 2-3 minutes.
Call gynae n was advised to admit to hospital but still felt no pain.
Admitted to hospital ard 11pm. Midwife did a CTG and indeed there was contraction, cervic dilated 3cm.
Gynae arrived at 12.30am, break the water bag. Expected to give birth ard 5-6am...
At ard 1am, requested for the pain killer.The pain getting stronger and unbearable.
At 2.15am, I could feel the baby pushing her head. Midwife called the gynae immediate. Before the gynae arrived, I was oredi pushing the baby. After 2 pushes, the baby is born on 25 Jan'06 @0241hr
Bamwicca first 2 weeks i'm very tired seldom come in also. can say goodbye to 8 hours sleep. now can get 4 hours sleep very happy.

Re hiccups, i noticed if i didnt burb my gal well, she will hv hiccups. i'll let her suckle. sometimes water, or my breast. it'll go away after tt.
Hi gals,

I'm finally back home..but my girl still in hospital..

My birth story : -

19 feb
bleeding at 1030am , call doc n went to hospital at 230pm. after CTG check no contraction only bleeding . So doc ask me go home n wait. I change 5 pads on that day bcos a bit heavy flow.
At around 8pm , my stomach a bit pain n cramp. So i went to sleep. At 10pm , stomach not very comfortable try to sleep again.

20 feb ( story start )
2am - my stomach suddenly very pain on n off cannot sleep, sit or do anything. Try to breath in n out then go kitchen eat cake n drink milo. hehe the go to zzz again.
4am - the pain come again. Every 10mins come on n off... I 'lun' bcos i scare again false one... Till 5am, really cannot tahan , so go bath then drink milo again.
615am - reach hospital check 4cm dilated and contraction every 2mins.
645am - Water bag brust still 4cm dilated and 1-2 mins contraction. Very pain and midwife ask me to use laughing gas....
7am - i cannot tahan the pain liao, but midwife still ask me to 'REN'...
715am- I cannot 'REN' liao, so ask to put epi.
810am - doc came n inject epi.
820am - pain release...wa very very su fu liao ...no pain. Fall asleep.
930am - dilcated 6cm but don't feel any pain so continue to sleep.
11am - nurse check again , still at 6cm dilcated
2pm - 7cm dilcated
330pm - 8cm dilcated n midwife tell me got green water leaking from my V but never tell me wat is that.
340pm - Doc call me n say I got to go for emer c sec due to bb poo inside and heart beat getting weak. I was scare n blur y suddenly i got to c sec.
350pm- very fast they tranfer to another bed n push me to operation room. Really Emergency, i still no prepare but in OT room liao.
4pm - Doc arrived tell me to relax n will c bb soon... i'm so scare n start to tear n the OT rm so cold.. The operation start.
I can c my doc open my stomach, n blood flowing out... Then feel the bb kick , feel every movement but not the pain.
420pm - doc tell me they pulling my baby out liao. That moment , very excited but scare... n start to feel pain liao... Then they inject more epi.
423pm - bb out , heard she crying n doc carry her for me to c. That moment i almost knock out liao only c she got a lot of hairs then fell half awake. Only can hear doc n nurses talking...
After the operation, i like a PIG like that . The nurses start turning me , washing me but my half body lump don't feel anything just know ppl turning me here n there.
530pm - back to ward. Sleep...
630pm - Nurse push my bb to me n wake me up n c her...finally my bb arrived...

Baby girl : Chloe Lim
Weight : 3.03kg
head : 33cm
Length : 49cm
date of birth : 20 Feb

Here is her pic

Claire: Oh I see, no choice lar, will just feed water then.

Gingerale: Think for the 1st 2 wks, we are still trying to adjust, especially to lack of sleep. Think we will get the hang of it soon....8>.
Your wait is over. Your darling is out. Wow you suffered alot leh for this pregnancy. Your girl must sayang you more ah....remeber to write your birth story for her to see when she grow up....

my boy also hiccup leh. Sometimes i give him water but other than that i just leave it and everything is fine liaoz....

i talking about the band at the nepia pampers there the colour hee hee :p sorry for the misleading question. Make everyone confused hee hee :p

Thanks for understanding whta i mean. So i have 2 NB and 2 S. I try and see how. The NB seem small...

I am sure u will enjoy your massage with Susi...hee hee not to worry she will do her best to get you back in shape

My boy went for his follow up on jaundice. thank God everything is cleared and safe. No need sun bathing also hee hee. Also the "murmur" that pd use to hear is also gone. So bb Ethan is doing very fine. The pd keep going very good, excellent. Ethan now weighs 4.23kg. Now Ethan seems to always struggle to sleep between 4 to 10pm leh. he wants to sleep but cannot then after 10pm or so when after his feeding time he will kock out. But before that he will keep "struggling " to sleep but he cnanot. Think it's making im frustrated to....any one can advise?
Hi gals,

Got back from hospital 2day... very tired n got sore n cracked nipple.... bb counldn't latch on properly... but not giving up bought nipple shield to help me...

Birth story,

8am went in delivery suite, doc came in at
8.30am. She saw the ctg n say i already got
contraction n asked me pain anot but me say
no pain at all.
She check my V n say i already 3.5cm diated n
she burst my water bag n estimated me will deliver abt 2plus. To prevent any pain, gyn
advice me to take epi...
doc came in to give me epi n feel numbness in
my leg.
Midwife came to check, 5cm dilated but no show n me fall asleep after tht.
Midwife came to check again n i'm already 10cm
dilated n told me gyn is on the way n they start
preparing everything.
Gyn came in n get ready
Start pushing(assited by midwife cos no urge to
push)n by the third push bb came out n it's 2.52pm n bb cry. Felt so touched n happy finally
can c him.

weight 3.17kg
Lenght 51cm
