(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

My bb must latch on before she sleep, even for 2 mins, she already happy. My CL feeds her bottle at night but she won't sleep until she latch on. So only me can handle her.

Last night bb slept at 8pm, i tot i wait to bf her when she wakes up at 11.pm. Who knows after bf, she wouldn't sleep.... Poor CL has to look after her till 2am, then wakes at 3.30am, then 4.30am..... not sure what happen to her yesterday. Now she has been sleeping since 11am.... gosh my bb is unpredictable!

dun like that lah Ethan only 3.8kg the most now ha ha can still wear new born lah ha ha
Pampers for NB also a bit big for him hee hee got room for growth hee hee :p Think will switch to Nepia for him day and night hee hee :p

bbs are all unpredictable. My Ethan normally 3 hrs interval feed day or night. Then just now right sleep 11+ sleep all the way till 3.30 then wake up then sleep again ha ha good also like that sleep eat sleep eat easy to take care
Hi all
Been missing from this thread for so long. I delivered to Baby Tiffany last Thu (16 Feb), weight 3.430kg. Shall update all soon.
He he he.... i also sweat all over when i first learn to bath bb....need to practice more often

Currently using all kind of brands ; Mami Poko, Pampers for NB, Pampers for Night, Pampers normal, Fitti and Drypers as we got these as bb shower gifts. Still clearing stock.

So far Fitti and Dryper are not so good. Drypers leak and Fitti caused rashes on bb bum. Quite happy with Mami Poko and Pampers. Pampers size S is quite small for my bb, i think she can't wear anymore after next 1 or 2 weeks.

Still got a lot of Fitti, Drypers and Pampers to clear. But worry as pampers are all sized S.... i think i need to buy size M liao. any lobang where is the cheapest place to buy???
My bb tried bf, carry, sing song to him, wrap him, etc, but still wun sleep until he tired liao then he sleep, still cannot catch wat he wants...

Thanks for the info abt Nepia. I already emailed to them, waiting for reply. Tried calling their office no., no reply leh.
Did u call after their office hours? Maybe u can call them agn next morning.

There r 2 types of Fitti. One is the normal and the other is premium. Fitti premium is better as it is made of breathable material. As for the normal type, it is made of plastic and hence can cause rashes due to the heat trapped at the bum.

Also don't ever try PETPET. It is cheap but can't last long. Not very absorbent and has to change very frequently.

Of all the brands I hv tried, don't ever use Drypers and PETPET. These r the brands u can consider: Huggies BB Dry (Red Packaging), Pampers BB Dry (Pink Packaging), Nepia, Mamy Poko and Sealer.

For those staying in the East or North East, u can get from Jin Tai Tong which is much more cheaper than other stores. They also sells cheaper FM but they don't carry all brands.
Yr girl is less than 1 mth old leh. So fast cannot wear S size liao ah? S size is for bb from 3-8kg leh. Unless yr girl has thunder thigh.....
Hi All,

i also use Nepia for NB. Though it look like a bit big for my boy but there is no leakage and no rashes. So far so good.

Have Pampers for NB from hosptial and have use up half pkt of mummy poko and now using the 2nd pkt of Nepia liao. Nepia is ok to me and teh price more worth loh.

I have 3 pkt of Pureen S size. They are gifts from fren but i dunno good anot have use yet.

anyone baby have phelgm? Wat to do with it? My MIL wan to bring bb to go see doc. I dunno whether is it gd for bb to take med now he is just 2 mths lei..
U can get pearl powder from Chinese Medical Hall. Or else u can let yr bb take Jin(1) Feng(1) Shan(3). But the pearl powder (Zhen(1) Zhu(1) Fen(3)) is better.
Hi gals

Me will be admitting to Mt A 2mr at 7.45 to get induced, my bb not as zheng qi as Lim's.... hmmm... hopefully everything will go well for me...
Hi babycuite,
i have try both but my baby refused to take. He will throw out those i think becos of the smell and taste. My MIL inisted that i bring him to see baby doc cos the med should be sweet.

When i didnt say ok to my MIL just now she tell me that if i dun bring him tmr he will bring him.
Ya, HKG = Hong Kong... any Watson stores there loh...

BTW, I stay near tat shop that u mentioned at Pasir Ris... hehe!

My request for bb's full month gift to my buddy is half dozen of Pamper S size n Playtex milk bag... hehe pratical gift ah... But dunno half dozen too much?
So far, I oredi got alot of practical gift liao... hehe like Maclaren stroller, Bumbo seat, toilet trained potty...etc
Hmm... wat else ah? If ppl dun wan to give angbao n insisted on gift.

My sis gave me a pac of Pureen, I compared with Mamy Poko NB size, Pureen seem smaller leh... n tat day my girl poo too much, it leaks... but I now trying to clear store, using it for day time.

I use water spray at my V area everytime I go toilet. N use kitchen towel to dry the whole area. B4 wound healed, I change pad every visit, to prevent any infection. But spray tat liquid thing 3X a day only ah.

Yours may not be heaviest oh. Latest news from Bulma,Jarren oredi 4.167kg at 5wk4day... I suspect mine also leh, cos I weigh myself n then carry bb, weigh again, she like oredi 4 kg at 4th week

Questions for all
For those having stretch mark previously, do u still have the problem? If during pregnancy dun have will I still get it? How to tell?
bbcutie is referring to bb's weight at birth heaviest lah...ha ha of course now want to compare weight with u all no fight lah hee heee :p My gynaw no give me what spray liquid leh give me one have to use cotton ball to dab dab one....wow kitchen towel like too harsh on V area hor?

how come ur bb cannot wear pampers S? Mine still wearing NB leh and still got alot of room for growth though...yeah lor unless urs got thunder thighs ah???

I also realised today that Ethan seem to have nsoe blocked leh??? And he sneezes a few times??? Normal??? So far he has been a darling only waking up for feeds and easy to pacify
Thank God. Now mummy is around so i more light hearted the real challenge would be after confinement
God be with me.
LIM has given birth through c section because bb poo inside. Bb girl weighs 3.03kg , Length 49cm and head cir 33cm.
siewlng, Can chk with you where you buy the bottle to hold the liquid spray? Wanna find a container to hold water so I can wash my V area after toilet but dunno where to get.

Btw, how gynae know that bb poo poo inside already? heehee..juz curious
Congrats. What happen leh? Update update

Don't know leh, pampers sized look small for my bb. He he he. Even hubby said can not be as S is for 3-8kg.... may be i think it is too tight for my bb...

During 1st week my bb has gained weight from 3.32 to 3.8kg. So now i think bb has gained more weight. She going for her 1 month jab on Sat, so will know what is her latest weight. I think she is already more that 4kg liao....

I still have the stretch mark leh. Girls, how to make it dissapear. I apply Clarins oil everyday now but not much help leh.

do you still have the middle straight line mark on your tummy? i still got leh.

Have not tried Nepia and Huggies.... will try.
My bb also have nose blocked. Doc said it is normal for bb to sneeze. So not to worry.

Does your bb cough sometimes? Mine does leh. is it normal? I think i got to ask doc liao

U can email or call them. But i find that it's very difficult to reach them by phone, so I usually email them. Payment is by cheque or cash upon delivery.
Kitchen towel is to dap dap also lah, to make sure tat area is fully dried. Else plus our sweaty body, sure lotsa of gems. Hehe.

That liquid thing was my medicine given during my stay at hospital. But if u need one, can go to those shops selling hair accessories, make-up accessories to buy 1 small size on... cos cannot be too strong spray also leh.

I dunno leh, cannot see clearly. Only know my tummy still sacking... sigh. Have started to do sit up 10x a day. Will increase more to gain back to shape
<font color="ff0000">Feza</font>

Wah.. congrats to Feza, her wait is finally ending.. Looking forward to hear gd news about Feza.

<font color="ff0000">Venus</font>

I still have a very dark brown line running down my middle. Very dark and obvious, but luckily, I do not have any stretchmarks. So envy, your baby is big at birth. I reckon she is drinking alot now? My baby only drinks about 80ml at most. But if I latch on, I won't know. I am worried cos these days, she seems to be fussing at my nipples. She will latch and then turn left and right, seems very frustrated, and she dun really suckle very long.. How.. Should I resort to bottle feed instead of latching on?

<font color="ff0000">Siewlng</font>

I have also started doing crunches. Can we do squats now ah? I am still having confinement, my mum said I cannot squat, if not uterus will sag. True?
Thanks for the infor. My bb did cough once. Should be okie lah maybe choking on milk or wat lah...trying to cough it down?? I also have the line....seems like wun go away one ah?? I also got SM...no chance of total recovery liaoz only will turn silverish with time...i have plenty leh...sigh....
Re blocked nose
According to my PD, if your bb throws up often, some might go thru the nose, so the passage might be wet n infected, causing the stuffy nose so can just leave it lor, bb will recover by himself. Or maybe just the dried mucous lah.
U hv the line? But I thot u say u don't hv during our MSN? Or u misunderstood? kekeke... That is the pigmentation that I am toking abt woh....

I also hv the line. Its very dark. It runs from my naval to my pubic hair area. My naval also got it. It is the size of a 50cent coin.... Wah lao.... So ugly.... But luckily I don't hv any stretchmarks.....

If that's the case, then no choice leh since yr bb cannot take the Chinese Medication. I know that they will vomit out the phlegm when they hv taken the pearl powder.

My bb also sneeze leh.... Since the day we brought him back he already sneeze. But its once in a blue moon kinda.... So far no cough yet....
Re: bb bath
ya i also fl v stress whenever i nd to bath jarren hehe

Re : nappy rash and diapers
i change my boy v often... every 2-3 hrs lk dat so far no nappy rash

i using mamy poko and pampers premium... so far it's good. no leakage and bb seem comfy... also my boy til now stil using NB lei.. venus, why yrs so fast upgrading to M liao?

Re: red/white dots
after every feed, i wipe my boy's face w wet cotton wool but stil have the dotssssss lei

My hb bathes my boy in the morning. Hehe, and my boy loves it. So happy. I scared I drop him in the tub, but I bathed him a few times when my hb wasn't at home in the morning. One thing I find is that have to do it slowly. Cannot rush. So if lift from bed to tub, have to do slowly. After bathing, also slowly move him to bed, then he won't get a fright and scream. My boy enjoys lying in the pool of water, shiok shiok and it calms him down very much. Sometimes when he's cranky, we give him a bath too, and he will calm down when he's in the water.

When can we bring our bb to swim? THink my boy will enjoy it.
Re: Pumping after feed

My boy's feed always goes into the next. So only 30mins break in between leh. How to pump leh? Halfway through pumping, he wanna feed again.
I usually pump when he's drinking FM. Then now with more pumping, I find myself getting more clogged ducts and painful breasts... But the expressed amt is still pathetic...
Haha miscomm hee hee :p i thought u talking about patches of pigmentation but mine is i have the line but it's a line how come like 50 cents coin my line runs from bwlo my chest there all the way down naval down pubic area leh....looks like i always have additional ha ha extra line, extra SM hee hee but okie lah wat to do...

congrats. It seems your baby want to come out liaoz...hee hee :p
my bb dun lk to pom pom hehe he alway cry and scream when pom pom time...

i not sure when can br bb to swim lei.. i also wanna br him to swim hehe train him

yr boy lk drink v frequent hor... lk dat where got time do other thing meh u so poor thing

share w u all latest pix of me and jarren...
How come photo not forcus on Jarren? But u? hehe
He then the zhu jiao mah

I think my girl like pom pom... she will keep quiet when bath. But will angry/ scare n cry when I take too long at 1 action, e.g front. Think she like chop chop bath
i got stomache leh....then for past few days lao sai liaoz.....then ah now still stomache leh...wonder why? i so scared to eat food leh....eat already then the tummy ache comes....sigh....then today got mssage ooops....wait press press the tummy..
My boy cries initially when we bath for him. But after few days, he seems to enjoy bathing liao.... He will keep very quiet during bath time.

I let my maid bath my boy. So far so good. I know its not an easy task.
My baby likes to bathe. I got this trick, tat is, to use a big scoop, scoop some water and keep splashing on her. She likes the effect.... very shiok. You gals can try.

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Aiyo.. what did you eat huh? I find tat my body feels so hot, everyday just keeps on perspiring. It's the foods we eat lor.. ginger, sesame oil, etc. Really very heaty. When I poo today, it's very painful.

<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>

Your Jarren looks very chubby and solid hor.
i removed ginger from my diet totally coz' she has mild jaundice and i am on total breastfeeding, so i am afraid that i will worsen her jaundice... doing sunbathing for her now. Hope she gets better.

I only lost 5kg right after birth, still have 12kg more to lose.
Lai yee/ bbcutie
i also dun know wat i eat.....sigh...maybe heaty food causes that ah???

My boy okie with bathing..will make one sound of cry or two but other than that alright? Asu hor...do we need to milk on their tongue after each feed?
Hi gals

Where can I get Nepia? Thot of getting 1 pkt to try out.

Me have stretch marks and dark pigmentation at bellybutton. Looks so awful. As I have cesarian, cant do exercice yet. Hope my tummy will reduce quickly.

Is it a must to distribute cakes for 1 mth celebration? My HB just want to have buffet only so as to save money. I will buy for my colleagues only. Have spent a big bomb on my birth delivery. Cash have to pay $3500 after medisave.
Nepia have to call and order which is cheaper. I think i did see Nepia selling at seiyu bugis leh...but then don't know how much it cost. You not opting for massage??? Can do after 3 wks of delivery for caeserean. Susi is very good....It's not a must to distribute cakes . if you have buffet then dun need give cakes but if your budget allows then u can have both also. No hard and fast rule.
hi all,
long time no posting. trying to catch up on the read but cannot leh, too much stuff liao.

by the way, my boys' names are sam and ray. ivory, pls help to update, tahnks.

my boys dun like bath initially because my hb is doing it. always cry and scream. but now I take over, they quite like it leh. one trick, if baby is scare of water, let baby in sitting position and wash the back first, helps to calm baby down and since baby's head rest on your hand, feels more secure.

stretch mark,
I getting more, some already turn silvery , very ugly.but the dark pigment near belly button like fade off a bit. I rub very hard when I bathe and some come off. the line also less dark now.

my tummy still very big, yest day measure abt 35 inch.
think i will not be slim again. sob! sob !

cesarian scar
one thing both massage ladies told me, you cesarian meh, how come like no scar. I heard liao very happy, must thank my gynae.

nepia still have that promotion? cause my diapers running low liao, use two nepia NB, 1 mammy poko NB 52 piece, 2 mammy poko NB 28 piece, 3 pampers NB 36 piece. need to top up stock cause some give me pampers L, dunno wait till when can use.

summer bb, you gave birth? congrats! how satisfied with dr ang and tmc?

anyone else here tempted to take up slimming programme? i contemplating cos its so pricey but.. at least its a better option than spending on a whole new set of wardrobe.
