(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Wow you steady leh 3 push bb come out.I hor push and push bb no come out leh.....ha ha no strength...they said my bb is big but then u all also 3.1kg also can push out...i lousy pusher. Anyway congrats!!! Happy happy ah

u got msn or not? we normally chat there...hee hee...real time...forum ah not everytime come in and update...if u ahve let us know ur addy and we add u.

Me very lucky already... no pain n bb so fast
come out... me actually no streght liao but hb
keep encouraging me n gyn say bb coming out so
tell mysely third push mus do it well n i did it....
I read a book says, hiccup is common. Bcos their lung yet to fully develop.
We can jus leave it or offer the breast to soothe it. So far, my bb hiccup dun stop if drink water, only breast milk helps
Hehehe.. The band of the nepia diapers I am using is blue colour. And its consider a little oversize for my boy but there is no leakage so far.
For those babies who r 3wks old and on FM, how much milk u feed them?

I am feeding 4oz (120ml) every 3-4hr interval. Consider ok right?
my bb into his 3rd week (17 days now) and i am feeding 100ml the most leh. Cuz the milk can says that up to 4.5kg then is 120ml mah right??? My boy now weighs 4.2kg..so maybe next week onwards then i will feed him 120ml...
What FM u giving Ethan? 1st time I encounter giving by bb weight leh.

I m giving Jayden Enfalac A+. The chart guide goes by bb's age leh. It shows:-
0-2wks 3Oz/90ml 6-7 feeds per day
2-4wks 4Oz/120ml 6 feeds per day

It depends on how much n how frequent he feeds. My boi takes enfalac A+ also, but he on half fm half bm. So, he takes 90ml, 8-9 feeds a day, every 2-3 hrs. I think 120mls every 3-4 hrs seems fine.
Hi gals

I am so tired.. My gal really very notti, even if i give her EBM at nite, she still will wake up every 2 hrs for milk. Give her more but she also will refuse.

And now, I have another set of problems. She seems to refuse my left breast. Will fuss, then will turn left and right. She also will fall asleep and wont suckle. Sigh. Don't know if I shld just fully express my milk and let her drink, at least I know how much she is taking. But don't know will decrease ss or not.

My gal can take max 90ml. Btw, I notice her urine is yellow? Any idea why?
it's written on the tin mah similac i am giving. It also goes with age of bb but then cuz ethan when born already bigger in size so cannot follow the age one then it will under feed him liaoz...i think Mt A nurse told me now give until 100ml then 1 mth can increase to 120ml liaoz....

my ethan urine also a bit yellow one leh...drink more water...wah if she keep on suckling the same breast thenur the otgher one how...maybe expressing out also good???
We chat in MSN Messenger.

Enfa don't show feeding chart according to BB wt leh. Anyway, we won't know our bb wt unless we really get a weighing scale for bb leh.
So I thk follow bb age is more appropriate woh.

Maybe u can give some water to yr girl.
If she refuse yr left breast, then u express out lor. I thk we hv more control if feed bb with EBM so that we will know how much r we feeding. Direct latch we also dunno how much they drink and also very tiring... Every few hours hv to latch.... where got so much time?
Hi babycuite,
i try to add u to my list have error lei. Can u add me to your list?

i have send request for u to add me to your list.

My boy now 20days old liao. I just give him 90ml lei.
Chk with u girl hor... Is it we can exchange something by cutting out the "flower" from the nepia packaging huh? I know some mummies collect them but do not know what can we do with them leh.... Anyone can advise?
How often u feed yr boy? Is he on TFM or HBM & HFM?

My boy is on TFM. He is 24days old and started taking 120ml few days back. His demand is 3-4hrs. In between we feed him water.

90ml is too little for him. His demand will be every 2hr if only gv him 90ml. So we increase the amt.
i hv stomach flu and virus infection. GP ask me stop giving BM to bb for at least 4-5 days... also avoid handle bb cos worry infect bb... sob sob
Hi babycuite,

my boy is now on total EBM. I give him 90ml at every 2 or 2.5 hrs. When i try to give him more he cant finish maybe i slowly increase loh.
Hi babycuite,

sometimes i latch my boy so dunno how much he take. But how latch him take abt 30 - 45 mins and then he can sleep for abt 3 hrs loh. Sometimes the 90ml can tahah him for abt 3 hrs lei. So i wonder why he drink less then otehr baby.

My boy was 3.85kg when he is 17days old. Gain 1kg after his birth. Is that normal?
since u r collector of diaper... ask u ah
wat is the diff between Pamper premium Vs Pamper Red color pkg? Say I buy S size, any diff in design/size?
U mean the pink colour packaging? R u refering to Pampers BB dry?

For pampers premium, I only use NB size leh. The material differs for both packaging. Pampers premium will be better but more expensive. As for size difference, I can't advise u because I only stop at NB for pampers premium. Find it too costly liao...

Why not try Nepia which is cheaper? Also soft and as good as pampers? Its only $14/pkt if u bulk purchase from Nepia. And size S has got 54pcs which means 1pcs costs $0.26cts.
I seems to have the same problem as you... my girl will suckle but she tends to fall asleep in the midst of suckling. But when i put her to sleep she will wake up and want more or she will sleep for less than an hour and cry for more. It's been so hectic trying to feed her. To solve the problem, i tried to giver her EBM... but my hubby told me to feed her direct coz she reject bottle feeding. He tried to feed her on bottle for the longest time last night.. heehee.
Hi babycuite,
my baby weighs 2.86kg when birth. When he was 17days weigh him again and he is 3.85kg. Gain 1kg in 17 days lei.

My email add: [email protected]

I try to add yours but have error lei. Dunno why.
Hi summer,

how u breadtfeed your baby? U carry her?
I let my boy sleep on my bed and let him turn to sideway. Eitehr head or whole body depends that day he like wat position then i also lie on the bed sideway so i can offer him my breast.

Then he will suckle till he sleep and when i try to take my breast slowly. If he doesnt have enough he will suckle again and he have enough he will let go. Then i will leave him to sleep on my bed loh. I only do that in the afternnon. Other time i will give him EBM then put him in teh baby cot to sleep.

My boy also got the same prob, but last few days like better. He can latch well on left side but right side, we can try n try for 10-20 times then he latch leh. Somtimes, its the angle he latch or the shape of your nipple. You can help him by squeezing the areola to fit it into his mouth. Or you can feed other side Ist, then when he not so hungry, he has more patience at the other side....see if it helps.

Wah, bf bb got diff position somemore, so good....peifu leh.
i ask my mum come n help me tk care so i can rest more... just wk up fr nap.. fl better.. txs for concern

i m feeding my boy 6 wks old, 4.2kg... 110ml milk every 2.5-3 hrs
how often do u bring ur bb to PD? Or how to check wt? Now still trying to get ms up, so worried bb will not grow well. she will suckle then fall asleep at the breast. dunno if it's too tiring for her so she juz give up. Then give her fm, she can drink up to 60ml and conk out for a gd 3-4 hours. whereas latch on, sometimes less than 1 hr she'll be up already.

bb is using nappy in the day, so not sure if she's urinating too much??? sometimes she'll pee till the nappy wrapper also wet.
hey gals, can we use moisturisers after delivery? Will bb get irritated with the smell such as those of natural source body whip?
i delivererd on my edd 10 feb.
my girl is now 2 weeks liao.
she seems to b feedin v little compare to your bbs.
shes tbf. she takes only 2 oz per ~3 hrly.
her birth wt is 3.2 kg.
shd i b increasing her feed?
depends on age is easier but then hor my boy is heavier at birth and definitely bigger in size appetite bigger lor...so...anyway my friend taught me a method. She said we can monitor our bb and see if they finishes the milk each time. If they do can increase the milk intake if afteyr increaseing the milk intake the bb can finish which means good if cannot then u will know that probably the milk increase is too much. Of course u need ot observe a couple of feeds before deciding though. Think i will increase Ethan's milk intale to 120ml..previously 100ml...

we are all chatting in MSN not yahoo...so maybe u want to sign up a msn account???

I still having problem at the anus bone there ...pain leh...wonder if it's the side effect of epi. It's only painful when i sit but it's bearable pain not excruciating but then sleep also can feel...sigh any1?
Maybe u r sensitive to the jab. Give yourself another 2 wks. Sit on a swimming float if the pain bothers u.

Once in a while I still hv the mild throbbing pain at the area near my anus and only last for a while. Think it is part of healing kua...

How long does Ethan take to finish his milk? How long does 1 feed last?

Jayden takes abt 1/2 an hour to finish his milk and usually 1 feed can last him 3.5 - 4 hrs. He is drinking 120ml now. In between we will feed him water.

Do u hv recent pic of Ethan? Is he big size? I can feel the weight of my boy but he is not big size. Only his tummy looks big and face is round. The rest of his limbs and arms are still "thin".....hehehehe... Compared to my girl at the same age, he is so much smaller.
Yes, there are various position for bf. Choose one which is the most comfortable for u and bb. I use cradle position for my left breast and football hold position for my right breast.

Gals: Thanks for sharing yr experience on hiccups. Now trying to give him more water cause his lips are quite dry....guess he's like me cause I also have this problem....8>.

Seems like all of you have good comments on Nepia....my bb poos quite frequently, so now is looking for a cheaper brand to use. He already poos & urinate on my mum & hubby when they were changing him, lucky I was not the one doing the changing....hahahha.

I also using craddle position when breasfeeding. He will suckle for about 10mins & need to feed him at 2 hrs interval. He will get hungry soon especially after he poos.
