(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

milk supply
I have been pumping since day 2 as my babies cannot suck in the beginning. now they lazy and refuse to do direct latch, so I have to continue to pump. but milk supply cannot match their appetitae leh. my milk supply also not stable, from 400ml to 600 ml per day. my babies are taking 80ml and 70ml every three hours. so have to use FM, very shiong, cause 400g cost 16 bucks. :p

congrats to all mummies who has given birth.

thx for updating, my girl's name has finally been decided, chen xin ru.

2 days into confinement n it's torture. my aunt who's doing it for me is quite traditional, so cannot bathe, wash hair etc. luckily my mom is ok, so the first day in, she tou1 tou1 help me wash hair otherwise i will die! hb also quite ok, help me boil the herbs before aunt comes over to cook. then cannot sit too long, eat already lie down n sleep. luckily bf, or else really become pig, eat n sleep. want to go online also must wait til she go back, then sneak in here n update...cant wait for this to end. feel disgusting.

was doing ok bf until yesterday when ms suddenly seemed to go n bb was screaming for milk immediately after latchng on for an hour. finally gave up n fed fm. actually, think diet n mom's feeling also play impt part. first nite home, was depressed coz felt like my life wasn't my own, n excl from my bb except for feeding time. also, the food a bit drastic change from hospital one. so after giving fm 2x, called up mt A lactation consultant for help (n moral support la). She said was normal n can take up to 2 wks to establish supply/demand. in meantime, dont recommend fm. just latch on average ev. 2/3 hrs or if really not enuff, maybe every 1.5 hrs. tried pumping with avent manual, but milk keep getting diao at the suction pump area,nothing into the bottle...guess have to keep trying.

dunno when can come in again. i'm dying of perspiration n heat. no fan or air con...then cant drink plain water, or even coolish drinks. now on milo/milk/longan red date tea only. counting the days...thot mar 16 will be free, but celebrating man yue on mar 18, so 2 more days of this.

for c sec, when is the followup checkup? gynae didnt mentoin anything abt next checkup, so no idea what's supposed to happen now. bb going back to PD for check on her jaundice tomor, hope she's ok. anyone else with dr terence tan from mt A?
hi gals,thanks for the concern,Lim is still in the hopstial until this thurs.Wait for her to be back n share with u the story...
Hi Etelle

Can I have Nepia contact no. then? So min order is 4 pax, will order small size if they doesn't have newborn size.
Have tried Fitti, not very good. So far still prefer Mamy poko and Pampers.

Susie charges 10 sessions for $500. Do we need so many sessions to see the effect. Can those who have used her give me some advice. Tks
Hi Claire
I am with Dr terence Tan from Mt A
He is a good doctor. No worries she is in good hands.Wow your auntie strict on you hor my mother is fine leh she lets me do what i want but of course she advise me lah of the pros and cons...but i choose so i have to bear the consequences lor

Ah May
I really admire you having to juggle with twins leh steady lah u...ur maid come in already...ur tummy 35 inches small liaoz..i was telling bulma mine 36 inches and hips 41 inches. So now u still undergoing massage?

Nepia contact 6226 2546.I have been through4 of her session and very honestly speaking i see the effects leh. After th 1-2 session my mother, hubby and mother in law all said my tummy has shrink so much. They said when i came out from hospital i looked like i'm sitll half way through pregnancy but now it's like a normal woman with a little tummy lo...so thanks to Susie good job. And she is patient, wam personality and very friendly. I enjoy talking to her and her massage session. I don't think she has half package one leh...must take 10 session
Re : Feza
feza gave birth last nite liao... congrats to her and elly =)

AH May
i also think i will remain FAT FAT ..sob sob... i so unhappy ..... my hb say let me go slimming sessions end of the year if i stil no slim down

I use susie. i find her massage good. after 1-2 session, my hb and mum say can see my tummy went down obvious and my feet also less swollen. she's v warm and nice. my boy got jaundice, she even buy the chinese herbs for jarren to bath. i wanna pay her, she also dun wanna take.

Re : bb keep wanna carry
HOW HOW HOW... i so sianzzz every now n then nd to carry him. so tiring... i tk care of him til i sick liao... fever and running nose and sore throat

Re : sick stil can BF?
does anyone knows if we can continue give bb our EBM when we having fever and running nose?

siewlng, haha tot wanna show u all how i look plus how bb look now mah share w u all some pix of him hehe



Hi Etelle,
Can u give me Susie's contact no or email. I have engaged Mdm Rokiah at first but she didn't reply my email nor my sms. I dunno what happened and I'm afraid that she will not come to me anymore. I guess I have to call for another person to do the massage for me. My tummy also still big due to c-section.
I hope Susie can help me.
Can she speak English? What does her package include? Kindly advise. Thanks
susie contact is 9007-2875. she can speak english but not very fluent type. she is indonesian. her package is $500 for 10 sessions + 2 free hot mask

ya it's fisher price bouncer. my boy is lie down one lei but i rmbr i saw the box can also b adjusted to seated up when bb grow bigger and wanna sit. then it can vibrate also
so cute leh ur girl hee hee wow nice pictures taken ah hee hee :p

think ur boi looks like ur hubby more hor hee hee :p he doesn't look 4+ kg to me leh...maybe becuz cheeks not that chubby. My boy ah think should have 4kg also liaoz...wow the cheeks hor everyone see also want to pinch ha ha :p cham. only 16 days old...
Hi Claire,

My pd is also Dr Terrence Tan from Mt A.... If bb OK no jaundice ne need to go back till one mth time for vaccination..

Hi gals,

Can check with u ... when can we start the malay massage for c section? My tummy really v ugly now... with the bulge and the stretch marks...

As for feeding, I also pump out the milk... my boy too lazy to latch on... he v impatient one... he hungry he wants his milk immed... no patience to suckle from breasts.

BTW, for c section, I went back to my gynae one week after delivery to remove the ends of the stitches... next appt is in 6 wks time go back for pap smear...
gin, lis looks v sweet lei i also like gal gal but too bad mine is boy boy

etelle, ya 90% pple say my boy look like my hb ... only 10% say look like me hahahahah

Re : hair coloring and rebonding
hey gals, can i color and rebond my hair huh i m stil EBM
I find tat Jarren's cetain angle look like u.

U let your boi wear pant ah. I do not leh, so man fan to change n got extra to wash... hehe! is it he too hot, so cry?

Re: carry
Mine when awake sometime will. but we keep her occupied. Like play n talk to her, to distract her.
Thk u pampered yr boi liao leh. U always carry him when he cry is it? Like that cham liao lor....

My tummy also shrink a lot after 2 sessions of massage. Like what Etelle has said, now my tummy also looks like a normal woman with a small tummy.....Today will be my last session with Susi. To really fully eliminate it, we have to exercise, exercise and exercise lor.... especially abdominal exercises.... I am looking for pilates classes now....

If u do not wish to take up 10 sessions, u can pay her every session but thk charge higher at $70. Maybe u can call and check with her.

Usually C section can only start massage after 3 wks.
Wah. So fast yr girl's double eyelid come out liao hor..... My boi only starting to see double eyelid and his eyelashes will be like his sis, long and black....kekekekeke.....
u dun let yr boy wear shorts or pants meh? my boy everyday on 2 pc one.. so his clothes alway a lot to wash.. must wash alternate day... he day time wear shorts, nite time then wear pants

i dun carry my boy e moment he cry.. only carry him when he cry + scream/shout... but e prob is ever since his bb shower last sat, he will v fast cry + scream/shout .. then keep wanna carry...
Maybe your boi "chua tio" leh.

What I do is everyday after his bath, we will feed him 1 teaspoon of gripewater. Then let him drink some water. After that, apply a thin layer of "Jin Feng Shan" on his lips and let him lick. Jin Feng Shan can calm them down when they "chua tio".
Just to check with you. During the bb shower, do u hv friends or relatives who are pregnant? Maybe yr boy pantan leh.

If so, u can pluck some "sia liu leaf" and let him bathe.

My mum already prepared some herbs for me and my kids also. In case, they pantan during bb shower this coming Saturday. And my hb SIL is pregnant.
i got give him "jing feng shan"

no lei... no one preg but if any cousin just preg and no say i also dunno lor
i asked susi before she said for c section can start 3 weeks after delivery. Are you using her?

i read somewhere in the forum it's okie to rebond and colour leh after delivery even if you're EBM. But better double check though. I also want to go and rebond my hair leh...before baby shower but look not possible cuz me now cannot sit for too long .....

we haven't see how u look like leh ha ha so dun really know who your children look like maybe cna show us a picture of urself and ur hubby?? hee hee quan jia fu also can hee hee :p Eh actually hor bb will be pan tang may? maybe we adults read too much into it???

My boy also got double eye lid but hiding underneath leh ha ha wonder when it will come out finally hee hee :p
Hi thanks Etelle and bbcutie.... I booked Nisah for the malay massage that time... So far has anyone used her massage? Let me know if she is good...My tummy now still 40 inch and cant start massage... somemore my gynae say i have weakening of stomach muscles... now my tummy got one part like hollow one (one depression in)..

Congrats Feza!

BTW, my lochia like ending soon leh... only one week plus.. anyone same as me? Did u take the chinese medicine to remove wind and to prevent blood clot? My mum keep asking me to take those big pills (must cut to smaller pcs to swallow).. I not sure if it is OK to take cos I still on EBM..
I did not hv any massage with Nisah before so really do not know her skill.

My tummy was 40inch when I am due for birth, now after 10 sessions of massage, it goes down to 31inch liao. I don't mind showing my tummy but the dark line that run from the naval to the pubic hair area really ugly leh....kekekeke

My lochia also flows for 1 week only. On the 2nd week, the flow is very light liao. I took the Shen Hua Tang but still not much lochia comes out leh. I am also taking Jason's Winter supplement to cleanse my uterus and still my lochia flow is not very heavy. I thk it depends on individual lor.

Congrats to you.

Quan Jia fu ah.... Ok.... Taken during my girl's 1st birthday....And also preggy with Jayden...kekeke
wow u steady leh post so many pics ha ha....pretty pretty...so nice your family picture hee hee wen xin yi jia ren hee hee :p eh your girl's eyes like doll's eyes so pretty ha ha like mummy is it?

For massage i feel it's better to try someone whom your friends has proven to be good one lor...cuz not sure how nisa is but ivory, bulma, bbcutie, smiley and me we all use susi and so far our comments of her good lor...so safer to use someone we have tried and tested right???

But think May using nisah u may want to ask her how is the masseur...
My tummy was 43 inches i think when delivering then now 36-37 liaoz... so it's fast coming down but can further reduce somemore though....
My girl's eyes look like daddy..... U know "Feng4 yan3"....

Now my waist is 31 inch. I believe it can be further reduce if I am hardworking enough to exercise and control my diet. Target to reduce another 5 inch......Motivation is the key (I hope I have)...hahahhaha

Yeah, she has got electrifying eyes.... Next time dunno will electrify how many guys....hahahahahaha...
babycutie headache for you next time. haha.
What cream did you use for your first pregnancy?
I heard Clarins is good. I hven't gotten mine yet.
Ehh... I didn't use any firming cream for my previous pregnancy woh....kekekekekke

How much is the clarins firming cream?

I wanted to buy the wacoal waist binder which Lenny recommended leh. Will go and see next Friday.

So long didn't see Lenny in forum.....Thk must have delivered liao....
Hi gals,
i am using Susi too. Today is my 8th massage liao. Before i give birth is abt 41 inch now i am 33 inch. Dunno how to reduce lei.
Sally Cinnamon
Yes, i delivered on 16 Feb thru c-section coz my cervix only open to 1cm after Dr Ang insert the tablet to help me induce labour.

I was admitted to hospital at 11pm and am supposed to feel contractions. However, for the entire night i dun feel any contractions... only some tightening of the stomach.

When Dr came in at 9am in the morning, he was quite surprised to see me sitting on the bed watching TV, he said i should be groaning in pain! He did a VE... trust me... this is the worst VE ever... he 'dug' and 'expanded' my below so much that the nurse had to console and give me moral support while he do the VE... the pain is simple excruciating! and i bled there and somewhere near my anus. Dr say he could try to insert another tablet but based on the rate of my cervix opening i may have to go thru another 12 hours and my chances of delivering naturally is only 50% coz my cervix will only open to a better 1cm! He gave me the option to do a c-section electively. So in the end, me and hubby decided on a c-section and i had my operation at 2pm on 16 Feb.

Overall, i am very satisfied with Dr Ang... the nurses there have praises for him. And the nurses at TMC are truly "THOMSON ANGELS". They really gave me good support and concen throughout my stay there. What about you Sally? What are your comments?
what's ur real name? Cuz we normally talk to susi about knowing one another but don't know ur name so cannot tell her we know one another hee hee :p

i think i also want to buy firming cream and put on binder or girdle after my 10th session with susi leh...dun know why after each massage i feel slimmer ha ha but actually really slimmer lah ha ha but want further slim somemore leh...36-37 back to 27 need 10 inches more leh jialat...
RE: Susi

Seems that Susi has quite good recommendations here. Can share more details on her package:
a) how long per session?

b) what is / is not included?

c) what oil she use?

c) hot mask is given when?
Hi cheona
you can actually call her(Susi) 90072875 to find out more details. Direct from horse mouth better.She is nice and friendly and dun hard sell no worries.

a) how long per session?
Per session last 1 - 1 1/2hrs

b) what is / is not included?
It includes massage on our legs (front and
back), our back, our arms, our shoulder and
head and tummy. Breast massage is not

c) what oil she use?
She uses lemongrass oil. And will apply herbs
on our tummy before binding.

c) hot mask is given when?
It depends. Mine was given on the 6th and
10th session.
Ya lor, I also need to reduce another 5-6 inches from my tummy leh.....to achieve 25-26 inches waist.

The only way is to watch what we eat, regular exercise and abs toning lor...... No easy way out......

Can post yr quan jia fu or not? kekekeke
i am famous for being mysterious one leh ha ha :p I can show on MSN but i paiseh and not comfortable to put on forum.....sorrie ah...hee hee when u online u tell me i show u hee hee :p regular exercise but what kinda exercise can we do now?? cannot right?? and theni also watch what i eat leh i no touch junk food leh now....by the way hot mask is wat ah?? apply on where ? then leav on or wat? tomorrow is my 6th session liaoz.
can email to me yr family pic to [email protected]

The only exercise we can do now is pilates or yoga lor. Maybe crunches also can I guess.

Don't eat oily food, fried food, cut down on carbo. Don't eat after 8pm.....

Hot mask will be apply on our tummy after massaging our tummy. After massaging our tummy, she will apply a layer of oil on our tummy, then put a layer of gauze on our tummy and apply the mask. After applying she will wrap it with plastic that looks like "bao xian zi" and leave it to dry while continue to massage other area. It will become harden like clay when the mask become cold.

The mask will be removed and as usual she will either apply herbs or slimming cream before binding our tummy. On the 10th session, she don't bind our tummy. She will apply slimming cream on our tummy after massage. So today, I don't have any tummy binding after the massage.
