(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

haha now it's ur turn. I have becme a singing machine le. I can sing hi 5, barney, mickey mouse ha ha :p yeah ethan first thing open his eyes will be " mummy go outside. I want to watch TV". Cham man TV junkie le..haha :p


actually if that's the case, maybe u should really consider sending ethan to a playgroup. I find my boy watching less tv when he goes to school coz there's no tv in school. hahaha.

i prefer him to mix with other kids than to watch tv.
all along i sing to him de, jus tat he start to 'dian ge' now.... I cannot anyhow sing any song le, he will keep saying 'mummy stop singing, i wan xxxxx' :p

soo hoon,
it's good tat they wan to self feed, i find it's good for coordination, like aim the food to the mouth and griping the utensils etc etc.

i m lazy to clean up after fk if he wants to self feed... but now he is better at it so i let him be sometimes....
i got shui zun one le...haha i can sing what hi 5 is singing le..i also like the juke box lor...ethan dian ge i sing lor ha ha

Mmmm haha me sending him at 3 years old le...never mind la for now think let him have his childood of play ,watch TV bah i goes to my aprents place 2-3 tims a day and he be playing with m niece and nephew then lesser TV le...
haha stella, good lor... ethan more xin fu :p
hi5 song very long leh, i lazy to learn.
jus now managed to find a website to print the lyrics, heehee...
not that ethan more xing fu is cuz i sahm and with him 24/7 so hor i have all the time even if not repetitively he watched i also pick up le..haha hi 5 songs long le haha but not all i know le..haha and not all i can sing full la..i not that expert yet haha mini juke box haha
u can spend more time with ethan so i find ethan more xin fu le

i brought the lyrics back hor but oni learn the chorus but these 2 nites fk nver dian hi5 liao :D
Re: TV

Try not to give your kids more than 1 hr tv a day. Coz this will reduce their attention span and will cause problems next time when schooling. They get bored easily in school coz it's not fast enough like TV. According to my MIL who's a kindergarten teacher, these students will have a lot of behavioural problems in school.
i think no matter what ah moderation is still the best la...but hor like sally my ethan picks up lots of songs and words from TV le. He is so conversant mostly thank the TV programmes he watch like hi 5, barney and recently his favourite Mickey Mouse clubhouse.

To prevent them from watching too much TV, we must engage them in more activities lor...can be quite tiring...so in a way if got send to pre ursery or cc better more activities to occupy them huh....but the sickness and all get fom cc is scary le haha :p

Actually it really depends on the CC leh. Not all spread a lot of germs if they take precaution to get the kids to wash up and if they've different classrooms.

If it's whole day CC, then it's true, can get a lot of germs. But if just 3 hrs, it's not that bad. Anyway, they'll eventually get sick too. They'll still have to go kindy right?
haha i know eventually has to go kindy la..haha delaying the stage of frequently sick le..quite sianz one when kids sick le haha :p next year then put him in playgroup and probably music class too...

yamaha/ cristofori or any others to recommend?

Yah, when they sick, we're the most jia lut. All heart broken to see them suffering

U so ambitious wanna send him to playgroup and music class next yr? Maybe u should start by sending to music class first this yr already. If not next yr suddenly from no activity to so many activities, very tiring leh.
this year dun have music clas le...music class for 3 years and above le..haha i say only la..haha see how evrything goes wun tax on Ethan. I want him to enjoy childhood as much as he can...haha he has years of stress and studying to come...
vvvv long no come in forum :p

etelle, so ethan is gg to learn which instrument????

bc, u gg for the run ah? i thk i cant make it haha i lazy to move haha

now, jarren is forever asking for CARS (the disney movie) ... weekend hor he self-service put cars to watch de til he can now "pei ying" for the cars show.... i listen and watch til i wanan puke.

ask him watch whatever, distract him also no use.. only wan cars. open eyes in morning first sentence is "watch car car", nite time br to bed last sentence is also "watch car car"... he "you shi you zhong" de lor
Ya, i oredi sign up with my sis le. Anyway, i wake up early de, cos YJ is early bird
Now YJ also prefer CARS, she can remember all the names in the show liao. Pengz...

I agreed with Mashy, depend on CC de... yj now is better liao, less sick liao... even she sick also take 3-4 days recover liao... tis is after she attended CC for 5months

There's other music cos which allows younger children to sign up. I know Mandeville admits those like 2 years old to learn violin. But their service sucks, so i'm not going back. Went for their trial once. I'm sure there's others too.

There's another one at Parkway also have lessons for children below 3. Can't remember the name.

My boy is still not ready for such lessons. He still wanna run ard, cannot sit still and pay attention.
bc, haha yuan lai now yj also same same as jarren but jarren dunno their names. he can only vrooom here vroom there and say "O yeah" "wait for me", etc etc those simple short sentences before the "actor" say haha or before train appear, he will say oh oh train come
i also dun know if ethan is ready...oooh parkway has one ah..Hmmm okay will check it out...but i do want one near my place...there is a cristofori nearby though nto sure good or not....

ah then have to trial and eroor then know which cc will get sick or not ah ha ha ha :p

It's called Kawai Music School. They've a few branches. At Millenia Walk and Paragon too.

Cristofori doesn't accept children below 3.
u can put Ethan for trial period loh... but hor normally ok during tat period de hehe!
YJ went for 2weeks trial b4 she confirmed with the CC. Some CC do have 3 to 4 weeks trial bah... u can try out
Try not to switch too many CC loh... else going to be tough for Ethan to adjust
but defeat the purpose of me being a sahm if he is sent to childcare right haha
think still stick to play group or enrichment classes for now bah....hee hee

yeah lor that's why saying sending him to music class next year lor...thinking only la...
Hi mummy,

Anyone interested to bring ur kids go to JWT kids Gym ??? 50% off with flyer( 10 flyers I have ). from now till 20 June 2008.

Thinking of grouping our baby together n go.. How ?
u r really a very encouraging mother ha ha
yeah i swayed very easily by what others say le.sometimes even though is et my mind or something but after people say this and that i waver haha :p no mind of my own...lousy hor...

but i sitll prefer him to spend time freely now la..just play watch TV, run around with cussies haha NUA at home then next year then start "serious education' bah..

you be surprised i have friends who dun send their kids to playgroup they only start discipline education at 4. realy is diff ppl diff ways
D slept without diaper last night, only her panty!
it was unintentional as i forgot to change her...
is it a sign that she's ready for night training???
if she can slep through without wetting the bed and din wake up to bug you for diaper on..she could be ready le
Good for u!
hi all,

Just want to check have u transfer ur kids from cot to single bed yet? And where to look for single beds suitable for them?
hmmm... Really v quiet recently... Maybe all on vacations?

Taurus- my son only transit to his own bed at 3.5 yo. But hor, his bed hp just beside out queen bed. He still need our presence. His bed is converted from the baby cot. My girl now 2.5 yo still sleeping with us cos she wants to nurse to sleep. U can try ikea or furniture mall. Pretty decent toddlers bed and not too ex.
MIA for a long time...nice to read about our toddlers (sigh, not babies anymore) growing pains

xr has been really afraid of the dark the last 2-3 wks, once the light is off, she'll cry and scream until we swtich them back on. It's gotten to the point where last night and this morning when we put her in the car, she'll cry and insist on the car light being switched on. No idea what has frightened her so badly, previously she didnt have a problem with the dark.
it's abt the right brain training cos i seems to see the little kid before in here leh..

I think this show inpires me alot..my girl has to look real hard at the object before she can name it.
i think only babycutie sends her kids to the shichida method right? hehehe. Ai yah, didn't manage to catch the prog.
Can tell me more? What did they learn and what can they do with the training?

actually i was happier when he was afraid of the dark. hahaha. I will switch off all the lights when i don't want him anywhere near those places. He will go 'dark dark' and run off towards the light. But somehow, after a while, he became more accustomed to dark places and he better ok already. I guess we also kind of make it into a game. When he's in the living room with us, we'll switch off the lights, said 'dark dark' and ran off to the lighted bedroom, urging him to run with us. He thought it was fun.
the program mention for the 1st 6 yrs of your child's life, his/her right brain is open and prime to absorb incredible amounts of information esp between age 0 to 3 yrs old. The right brain acts like a computer and can remember many things. Right brain is often neglected as child grow older. They use different methods to co-ordinate the child's hand and brain to obtain different things. It's shicida's method.
