(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Hihi, mummies, long time no see le.. been tied up with work.. jus happened to see this interesting topics..

Tods attending CC and name of CC
1. (Tan) Xin Ru - MMI halfday CC 3times/wk
2. Jarren - Learning Vision CC / full day
3. Yujie - MMI/ Full day
4. Jerry - Babyplanet montessori halfday CC

Tods attending 3 hour enrichment or play group and name of centre
1. Elvin (Zoo phonics 1.5hrs wkly)
2. elly (2 hr playgroup daily active learners)
3. C (3hr playgroup daily, YCK Kinderland)
4. shayna (3hr playgroup, Seedlings Patch)

Tods not attending any till 3 years old

Need some advice.. thot of putting shayna in full-day CC, but she is a very fussy eater and she always take more than an hr to complete her whole bowl of rice/noodles. if i put her in CC, do the caregivers have so much patience to sit down n wait for her to finish her rice? all the comments i heard are all so neg, as they dun reali bother.. can sum1 correct wat i heard..

Different cc have different type of caregivers. However, one thing to note is kids behave very differently when they eat together. I heard parents say their kids are fussy eaters, run around at home when feeding, but when they eat together, the kids finished everything and ask for 2nd helping some more. So you may want to let her attend cc then peek in during lunch to observe her.
Hi Gals,
Me so long no contribute in this forum also cos very busy recently.... JH is attending full day cc also.

Tods attending CC and name of CC
1. (Tan) Xin Ru - MMI halfday CC 3times/wk
2. Jarren - Learning Vision CC / full day
3. Yujie - MMI/ Full day
4. Jerry - Babyplanet montessori halfday CC
5. Jiahui - Cheeryland School Hse CC / Full day

Tods attending 3 hour enrichment or play group and name of centre
1. Elvin (Zoo phonics 1.5hrs wkly)
2. elly (2 hr playgroup daily active learners)
3. C (3hr playgroup daily, YCK Kinderland)
4. shayna (3hr playgroup, Seedlings Patch)
hi bb_ger,
JH is fussy eater also...same pattern as Shayna. but at cc, she belong to the category jasmine descripe in her last posting. what a relieve. maybe u give it a try....jh so far so gd. come hm also finish her dinner v fast and no more as fussy as before.
Hi Gals,
been so long to be online. have been busy with my freelance and tavis.
interesting topic u gals discussing.

Tods attending CC and name of CC
1. (Tan) Xin Ru - MMI halfday CC 3times/wk
2. Jarren - Learning Vision CC / full day
3. Yujie - MMI/ Full day
4. Jerry - Babyplanet montessori halfday CC
5. Jiahui - Cheeryland School Hse CC / Full day

Tods attending 3 hour enrichment or play group and name of centre
1. Elvin (Zoo phonics 1.5hrs wkly)
2. elly (2 hr playgroup daily active learners)
3. C (3hr playgroup daily, YCK Kinderland)
4. shayna (3hr playgroup, Seedlings Patch)
5. Tavis (2hr playgroup twice a wK, MMI)
hello mummies
Can put in the costs of the classes that your kids are attending? That would be very helpful info for us to access

Hi Oscar
how much is the twice weekly plyagrp at MMI?
hi summer,
mine is $800 per term. I would say is high. It used to be $650. They recently increase prices.
I planning to change Tavis to Elly's playgroup once Tavis get use of what schooling is about.
same here. used to pay abt 220/mth for 2x wkly. Then changed to 3x, now paying $450/mth. the admin said if i never change, they'll continue to charge '07 rates. For fulltime cc at MMI, $750 (after subsidy)
i am paying about $500 per month after $150 subsidy.

sorry for the late thanks :p cos been rather busy.

I_bless_u, thanks for the link... it's fun
MMI depend on which branch de... heard from forum, Sengkang MMI not so good... alot of withdrawal...
YJ's MMI is recommended by my ex colleague, her gal was there, and i see the girl changes from bad to good loh. e.g Anti social n timid to socialable now. And she did well in her P1 now

For YJ, i oni observed that she is more chatty now haha...aka ji zha. And she enjoy going to school, can't wait to get out the car in the morning, evening refused to go home... see her school uniform wan to wear haha!
siewlng so envy that YJ like to go school. Elvin cry liek no nobody business when go school. Now abt 1mth plus already haev improvment not crying but still will say wan go hm.

Find that once he so unfamiliar place he will act this way. Bring him go wedding dinner also cry and refuse to go in.. sigh.. Dunno wat to do..
Hi Lemon Tee,
thanks.. I am much better already..

Hi smiley,
maybe cos elvin only attend weekend class 1x per wk so i harder to adapt to it...

Will only consider to end him for daily 1.5hrs or 3hrs class next yr.
Maybe tat's the reason bah... JH n YJ r full day CC de...
U have someone to help u take care of Elvin? Is tat the reason u not considering full day for Elvin?
Hi gals

Happy B-lated birthday bulma!

Been busy lately coz C was hospitalised for bronchitis. Finally got discharged today. So glad that he's finally eating more and sleeping more comfortably in his own bed.
you are like me le me considering 1.5-3 hrs class for Ethan. Still has no idea which one to confirm yet...haha and also he ahsn't attended all these before...wonder how will he cope le? Haha trying to pyscho my sis in law whose daughter born same year to join the same school as Ethan so that he has someone familiar he wun cry cry as bad...

i cannot see him cry badly le...wait i cannot handle one le...i tear easily
Hi Mummies
Thank you for the info on the fees.

re: MMI (Modern Montessori)
my coll also withdrew his daughter from the SK branch coz he finds that she learnt 'rubbish' from the school. Started talking in a bad manner. He transfered her to the branch at Kovan and it was really good and her daughter is now a very keen learner.

I signed up the Mighty Savers account today, but no plush toy for me coz she said OOS already. Which branch did you go? By the way, the $19K for the school plan at the end of 12 years is non-guaranteed if you look at the benefits illustration.
hope C is better now... take care

for jarren, he will cry if the auntie not there or his fav teacher not there when he reach. if auntie or his fav teacher there, he will happily run to them and wave bye to me. if they not, i cham meh he will grab my leg lk koala and cry n cry. the cc v nice. they now know he see auntie or fav teacher in, he will not cry so they try to arrange either one of them there in the morning for him haha he big shot lei hehe but some x both cant be in then bo pian.

my MIL help me to take care of Elvin.. and my hubby whole family shift to stay with us after we bought our 2nd flat last yr oct. Since some one look after so no intention to send him for half or full day cc at all. Am looking for those 1.5 to 3hrs playgroup. So he can still eat and sleep at hm.

hope C is better already. Recently bring my boy to see doc again cos his phelgm is getting very bad. See a doc at cck 2 wks ago but didnt recover so decide to bring him back to the pd at our old hse. She say the abit of the phlegm get in the lungs. If more gets in the will result as bronchitis. Now he is better after taking the med.
I went to jurong pt branch. aiyah, i reserved the plush for another mummy liao otherwise can give you 1 set. Yar, I know that it's non-guaranteed but the rate is not v high, abt 2-3%pa, so GE should be able to meet it. Unless US keep sliding down. Yesterday broke $1.40 barrier...US$1 to only S$1.39++. Good time to shop from US
Was at MOE HQ yesterday and popped into Learning Vision there. Space is limited, but it's quite cheerful and the best thing is it's highly subsidized for MOE staff: only $332/mth for 5 full days. So tempted to transfer xr over but currently got long waiting list for toddler class. If can get transfer to HQ next yr, will send her there for N1.
the subsidy at MOE so high ah?

my company now has little skool house, which is opening in Mar. initialy tot wanna trf jarren over too but think think decided not to bcos :-
1. he alr used to LV at my hse there
2. if i m on leave or sick, how to still send him to cc in office? so far away
3. if i sick stil can send him to office cc, thk boss will expect me to work haha
4. if sick then dun send him to cc, nobody takes care of him then i cant rest

so decided not to trf him.
how do you find LV style of teaching? I didnt manage to observe the classes coz it was going home time already. Is it exploratory and do the children have a variety of activities? I love the playground at LY@moe, but waterplay has been suspended coz of HFMD. Was wondering where they have space to do waterplay...
Hi gals,

Been a really long time since i last login in. Thought i'll be able to enjoy my 3 mths maternity leave like when I gave birth to marcus. But I was wrong. Megan is tougher to care for. Cries a lot, want to be carried, & super attached to my breast (ha ha....kept on wanting to latch on)....difficult to wean her leh.

Re: CC

Marcus joined Big Apple CC residing at Eunos CC, just opposite my place. The best thing for enroling him there is that his cousin is there, so at least there's a gor gor whom he can 'stick' to when he's homesick.

Paying S$350/mth (after S$150 subsidy) for full day 5x a wk. But till now, Marcus has yet to stay for full day, only for the morning till noon, then I'll bring him home for his nap.

Going to start him on full day (till 4.30pm & my fil will bring him & cousin home) next wk b4 I go back to work (10 Mar....time really flies).

Find the cc not bad coz' it's near my place, teachers r friendly & I see improvement in his speech devt & behaviour. Now can say lotsa words & knows how to keep toys after playing automatically.
Megan is trying to catch up with her peers in terms of wt. Now she's only 4.8kg at 2.5 mths. Marcus big boy liao....now 16.3kg....too heavy for me to carry....ha ha!

Some pics to share with all....


haha Marcus is really one big gu le..yeah how to carry 16+ kg...my ethan is 13 kg but i think he is slimming down le..appetite as usual but perhaps more active and taller than leaner as well...hee but on the other hand Evan is beefing up haha drink well sleep well play well....good baby

He can now clasp his hands together, on tummy he can turn his head from left to right and is always cooing and ah gooing haha smiling alot too. Fun fun

Ya....he's one big gu...ha ha. Marcus also very very active but he doesn't seem to show signs of slimming down. Teachers at cc also said he's the biggest 2 yr old boy they've seen so far....ha ha.

Evan good boy. Sleep & play well. Megan is very 'xiao jie'....a little bit & she'll cry & want attention. She doesn't smile much. Quite a serious gal....completely the opposite of Marcus. On tummy, she can also turn from left to right & can lift up pretty well.

She 'loo gi' a lot leh to be a preemie in Dec. Supposed to the one of the older babies in 2008, ended up one of the youngest in 2007, plus preemie. Just hope she will catch up in terms of size & devt with her peers, like Evan.
hi girls,

wa marcus really big ley.. can t compare with elly la coz different gender but she s still stuck at 10kg never move.. your megan is really a cutie..


hope C is better now.. elly also just recovered from brochitis again.. after one month of meds and great care i think she s better now..

re: elly in playgroup..

like jh and yj i think elly has a great time in school.. she very eager to go school and then when it s time to go home she refuse to go.. i feel that her speech has improve and she understands us better.. she taking up mandarin as the playgroup dun offer malay as second language and i sometimes wonder if she understands anything but i think she likes her lao shi better than her form teacher.. on the whole i think that she adapt well in school and we re quite happy so far..
Evan also one of the year end babies ah compare to those born in jan and feb...Evan and Megan both also lugi alot ...but never mind one la...as long as developed and grow healthily can le..the rest can catch up one
i remember someone here mentioned that u went to TCM for fertility treatment before. Who's that? Can help? I've a friend who wants to go TCM for fertility treatment. Hope to get some recommendation.

Lugi babies
Ai yoh, my boy most lugi lah. He's the oldest in 2006 but youngest in the 2005 school batch. And he's also born premature.

Great to hear from u!
Haven't 'seen' u here for some time already.
Morning mummies!

Anyone knows where can i get family matching t-shirts? I would like to get it asap for this sat photoshot with my hubby n son! Those choose and design and print t-shirts shop also can.
Hi Vonvon,
wow Marcus is really a big boy. Elvin is only 11.5kg. And he is consider short i think only 83cm nia. Sigh.. Dunno when then he can become taller..
Happy birthday, jappooh

Sorry, I hvnt hear of Tots house too.

claire, i find LV's teaching style acceptable for me lah to me, so long as j1 enjoy the class can le haha and not those sit whole day type can liao :p so far, what i know is got singing dancing, circle time, show them a picture or someting real (eg prawns, sotong) then they tell teacher what they see and feel, art N crafts, outdoor play, story telling, etc... for waterplay, i also know suspended since HFMD. i find the teacher in J1's cc quite ok cos they also active and will jump hop shake roll w the kids.
Happy birthday, jappooh!


Yup, Marcus is indeed a really big boy. No one believes that he's only 2yo....many guessed that he's 3 or sometimes some say 4yo.


Yup....been a long time since we 'appear' in here. Been really busy with 2 kids. No pc at home, so unable to login during day.

Now headache lah....Marcus is getting very 'whiney' recently. He will just whine & whine when he sees us. Somehow we feel that he's trying to seek attention (which I personally feel that he's not getting any less now). Esp at night, when Megan cries for milk, he will also cry for milk & keep on 'ehh...ehh....ehh'.


vonvon - can try 'praise' him that he is a big boy but meimei is still a baby?

it works for us.
till now we still purposely 'put down' meimei in front of him:
eg, meimei still baby, still wear diaper, david big boy le...
eg, meimei baby, always cry, u big boy, come help mama sayang meimei... ask meimei dun cry..
