(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

happy ren ri

how's everybody? nowadyas our thread v quiet
yeah lor our thread quite quiet le...how to let it liven up again?? maybe if we are not so sensitive to one another's post but rather be open about one another's comments then perhaps our thread would come alive again!

etelle - is this the unfortunate family that lost their 3 kids?

wa... so fast ren ri le ah... lao yusheng today?
i dun wanna read the blog cos life alr not v bright recently

Wendy, i yest lao w my colleagues le
today no lao

i bought a "healthy home-made food for bbies and toddlers" til now also no read. tot wanna do more interesting food for J1 to eat. nowadays wanna do many things lk forever cant squeeze the time or mayb i shd say i sm x got the time but just wanna laze on sofa awhile ... rather than do anything :p lazy me .. no wonder getting fatter n fatter
btw, mashy, Caeden change a lot hor i see his jul 07 photo and the pix u posted in Nov 07. look quite different haha looking more and more handsome
Yeah.. Happy Valentine's day to all!!

Yesterday I was at the florist at RAffles Place MRT. All of a sudden, just wanted to place order for flowers for hubby. My boss's PA said she knows the florist boss.. may get discount.

So in e end, she found out for me that 6 stalks of roses cost $100, whc includes delivery.. So EXP!! Everyone told me dun bother. So I didnt bother lor. ^_^

Sorry hb, no flowers for u :p
oooh so sorry to hear that. How are you feeling now? Have to take care of your body and nurse it back well and try again okie. You're still young....
Hi Etelle,
i am getting better thx. Just blame myself of unable to carry it till full term.

I ma not young anymore.. I am older than u lei..
Lucky you din order flowers for your hubby. Just heard over the radio this morning that a poll was done and the guys din want to receive flowers the most on V. day. I guess guys are more practical beings.. heehee.

Hi Jappooh
You don't want that to happen so don't blame yourself. Can always try again, cheer up!
you not much older la....can always try again okie....yeah not that u wanted this to happen so be more positive and try again k...

haha so lovey dovey ah want to send flowers to hb heee
break tradition...but very expensive le... 6 stalks for $100...

Any mummies celebrating V day? Me not celebrating le hb working....
<font color="ff0000">***Happy valentine to all!***</font>

Jappoh - sorry to hear that. take care. must 'bu' ok? *hugz*

etelle - not celebrating too. but hb rem to wish me 'HVD' before he goes out to work this morning.. hee...
etelle, not celebrating too... i no time to celebrate le... now not even got enough sleep haiz... flying off tis Sat for biz trip le.. but got a present from hb hehe! I didn't got chance to go buy 1 for him...
Now i am coming in to tou tou qi... haha!
same lor me also not celebrating ut hb wished me Happy V day too...he said maybe later bring both kiddos go for a nice dinner altogether...haha

ur hb still so good to you you must be appreciative le
Hi all,
Happy Valentine's day!

Sorry to hear that, pls take care of yourself.

I also quite 'sway' this yr, chu yi play monopoly with my kids, 5 times consecutive go to jail leh, can u believe it??? And this rat yr is my year leh. Then, chu san, shave eyebrow also cut my finger very deep....Though I not superstitious, but I can't help but wonder what's going on??
etelle - dun go out la. stay at home sweet home n enjoy a warm family dinner. VD sure crowded n price hike de...

re: superstitous
- i am. my mum will help pray on my behlf cos i 'fan tai sui'.
i actually got gastric flu on chu san. vomit n vomit. even went a&amp;e to put on drip!

thanks! hahaha, now he's not handsome lor. He just got a mosquito bite near his eye and it swelled until so big, he's got one eye big and one eye small.

take care! It's not your fault to have a MC. Don't blame yourself. It's probably nature taking its course, so try again, sure you'll succeed next round.

I'm still hanging ard in the forum, just that since no one posted, so didn't post too.
My boy also like that...applied antiseptic cream by the PD, but the scars took very long to go away....

My hb sent me flowers every year. This time round, it was 12 red roses in a big jewellery case n small tiara but no jewellery inside. It costs $100! i told him so waste money, might as well give me jin(gold) instead, hehehe....
my boy also lei.. every x kena mosquito bite swell til whole hand swollen one lei then ggot once even admit hospital 2D1N and on antibiotic drip... then subsequent also quite bad, alws need to tk oral antibiotic then the swell goes off.. v cham ...WHY WHY WHY? simply dont understand.

Today hb and me no work so J1 goes cc, and my mil agreed to help to tk care J2 awhile so 2 of us went to watch CJ7... funi show but got 1 part touching, both me and hb cried :p

SO nice! You should do that more often. To have special dates with your hb. I'm having mine this Sat. My MIL will help me take care of C. But so sian, my hb is starting to fall sick. He'll be on leave the next week so that I can go 'on leave'. Hopefully he won't fall sick, else my 'leave' all gone.
The last time he took leave for me, he &amp; C also fell sick and I ended up having to take care of the 2 of them. sianz....
Hi gals,

thx.. I am feeling much better liao.

i blame myself cos the day b4 i bleed i actually carrying my laptop and go site for testing..So i wonder is due to take.. I am in very early stage.

My hubby bought me a box of choco and a sexy top to cheer me up. I appreciate that loh..
glad to know u feeling better...your hb is very sweet...thankful that u got such a hb...
u got elvin also ah
Hi Etelle,

i am thankful to have my hubby and elvin loh.
Will treasure wat i have now and if another bb come along it a bonus to us.
My boy is very possessive of his toys andwould not share, even what his brother is playing he will snatch away. I know this is the terrible 2 stage, but I felt my 1st 2 not so extreme leh, what do you mummies do? Distract him to do other things or punish him for being a tiny tyrant? Mine is very stubborn, he will never be distracted, at best he will be distracted for a while then go back to take back what he thinks is his possessions.
HI all,

happy lunar new year ang happy vday to all.

I also nv celebrate vday. SO atrocious when it comes to all the prices of flowers and some restuarants. I think my hubby celebrate vday by buying himself a DS. But i think I benefitted lah. Now I am happily playing ..hehehe

Another news to share is that I am pregnant with no 2 also. Should be due in Sept. Yet to see gynae also. This time round like more gung ho. Still shaking legs at home instead of seeing gynae. Will see her next thur finally.

I think I am like a siao char bor with a super super hyperactive daughter now. NOwadays lazy to bring her out on my own if not got to chase after her. Last time almost every other day will bring her out to meet hubby for dinner. Now ah...wait lor...


so sorry abt your loss. Must take care now. Have a mini kind of confinement. It helps to "bu" your body before you try again. Cheer up. WE are here for you.
Hiyeee mummies!

Jappoh: Sorry to hear abt ur MC, take care and rest well. U can try again next time.

esther: My leapfrog 5 pack just reach me! Urs leh??

jasminesym: Ur description fits my boy exactly!!! He also dun like to share! Distractions wont last long, he will go back to where he have not finish!! I guess at their age, it's very common! Must always remind him to share.
i bless you
for the 2nd time i am nto ESTHER hahaha....yes mine has arrived and i also managed to find a buyer to buy over my extra letter factory hee
i bless u/etelle

how do your kids like the 5 DVDs? My boy is glued to the goggle box everytime i play them. Gosh, he'll run to the sofa and sit down when he knows i'm playing it. And the moment the DVD finishes, he'll run towards the player and restart it.
mashy: Wow ur son is so clever know how to re-start. My son only command me to play! He likes the letter factory, the rest not yet seen cos i just got today in office!
ya lor, for weeks liao. I just called Nestle, they said it is a transition period due to new acquisition so shipment delayed. My boy misses the Gerber puffs and juices. Btw, how's junior doing? Ethan got help to take care or not? Share more pixes leh...
haha the pics all in ringo le...ethan is helpful and loves the ddi alot...haha but he does has his moments of beating the didi...but according to the mummies here it's not beat but rather he dun know how to control his strength...
sorry to hear abt your MC, take care and bu now. so when next one comes along will be strong

this cny also not so good for my family. my grandpa was battling stomach cancer last yr, then went home on 13feb, passed away on vday. so xr no bday celebration this yr. thank goodness my granpa managed to see his 2nd greatgranchild before he left.

Today first day back in school. feel so sian. miss my 2 girls.
Hi Claire,

sorry to hear abt your grandpa. My grandma is not well also. She was admitted to hopsitial on 4th Feb which is my boy birthday as well as 1 day after my miscarriage. She spend the CNY in ICU.. Now back hm but still very very weak.

I also didnt celebrate my boy birthday due to my miscarriage we dun haev mood at all and it so close to CNY and my boy birthday..

Thanks i am feeling much better now. Now can only try to be strong and start trying again when i am ready loh..

Hi Claire
hope you are coping well.

Hi mummies
How many of you have sent your kids to playgroup? I am lookin for those 2-3 hours kind from mon-fri, can share which school is good?

(1) Kinderland?
(2) Cherie Hearts?
(3) Apple Tree? (is it considered a neighbourhood school?)

Some advise pls.
