(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Its very difficult to stop the spread leh because we won't know who had this virus in the stool. And there are millions of people in Singapore. You can't just stop everyone from handling food all of sudden.

The only measures taken would be those having diarrhoea or stomachache to temporary stop handling food bah.... and wash our hands thoroughly before handling food....
how come got this noro virus? thought got one is rota virus....sigh...how to kena this virus one...how to prevent? sigh...
this virus is really scary. I cant imagine if bb kena. Adult already so gang kor, they lagi worse. Actually, I dun really see any difference in the way food vendors handle food. Only thing I can do is ensure my own hands are clean before I makan. Then before I bf bb, go shower first. Hope my maid and IL also take extra care.

oh my, hope you get well soon. Bronchitis no joke. Take care.

we sms lah. so limited info. Only know that he's on nebu now and to continue his antibiotics. Glad that he's eating his cereal again.
Just not milk yet though.
no.. rotavirus and norovirus different types..
norovirus causes stomach flu, there are two particular strains which could cause this disease.
Onset of illness is generally within 12-48hrs of exposure and infected person can be contagious for up to 2 weeks.
Yes you have to watch your personal hygiene..wash hands more frequently..try to wipe ur baby's hands with alcohol once a while or wash their hands cos they like to touch things then place the fingers in the mouth..that's one mode of transmission.
Vs & Bulma
U all take care ya...

Bulma wow last min oso can ah hahahaha... rmm to jio me nx time ok, me will take leave join u gals
<font color="ff0000">Bulma</font>
Wow.. u also using the puff ah? Do you have history of asthma?

I jus recommened a coll to see Dr Ngiam, he also asked her to rent the nebuliser home for 3 days for her boy. My coll said he is gd, as her boy has improved so much after the neb and medicine. I should start collectg referral fee for Dr Ngiam liao. hahh.

Annika is also down w running nose and cough. Hiaazzz.. dun know how it got started!! Started only on Friday or Sat! The haze was super duper bad on Sat, we on the aircond the whole day. I got to see if she is well by this Sunday, if not, also cant go to Violet's hse..
today's forum so quiet ah?

i dun hv but my brother has then dat x dr ngiam got say me and my sis shd hv but not evolved or not evolved yet. hope it wont evolved hehe anyway, i didnt puff.. i puff once yest morn then i no more puff.. dun care lah

ya ya haze bad bad. sat we also on aircon whole day meh

irene, u just joined can tk urgent leave ah?

mashy, how's caeden now?
Complaint liao ah? hehe! My msn siao siao today leh... got hang n DC liao. When I go in again nobody jio me liao... hehe!
haha maybe eveyr mummy is super busy and never log in to chat or into the forum to post....our thread seems a bit quiet hor...how to spice it up with lotsa topics ah???
Yep, really quiet the last few days. Going for photoshoot with xr soon, once my hb can confirm when he's going overseas. The package in marketplace seems quite worth it coz can get all the photos back on CD.

Haze got worse yesterday, sigh. thought the worst was over liao, hopefully it clears soon.
haha ya ya complain complain :p

u come in, i logging off liao mah cos tired liao hehe update blog til so sleepy.. use too much brain juice haha

bochap, yj so cute lk to wear her swimsuit ah hahah then her swimsuit stil look so loose for her lei good ah... my boy's one tight tight meh... that day i try on him.. wear til he sweat i sweat haha

Now your bb on carseat is rear face or front face?

i just let my boy front face few days back. he seems lk keep wanna lean fwd... izzit dangerous ah? shd i switch bk to rear face?
Tat swim suit, I KS, I bought for 12-18month one haha! So loose loh.

Bulma's - front
Siewlng - rear

I let yj face rear leh. Cos the instruction book say she need to be at least 9kg to face front. I guess in case anything happen, their wt may not be able to hold on to the seat if face front loh.

But she make noise if she dun see anybody when facing rear. So usually we give her toys n books to play if my hb drive alone. Of course still make noise lah

hmm if Jarren can go forward meaning the belt not tight enough ah? can be quite dangerous leh.
hmm but i read the instruction fr the carseat say after 9 months can front face... if tighten the belt too tight, wont it b uncomfortable for him? i didnt put to v loose lah but also not tight lor... after bucker up, i will put my palm in to see if it's too tight lor

hmm wonder how's caeden liao
Bulma's - front
Siewlng - rear
violet - rear

<u>extract fm baby centre article</u>
An important note: Though most parents move their child from a rear-facing to a forward-facing position when he reaches 12 months and 20 pounds, this is the minimum age and weight requirement for facing forward. Experts say that the longer you keep your child in a rear-facing position, the safer he'll be (that's because, in a frontal collision, the stress on a forward-facing child's neck can injure his spine).
Depends on whether the baby is growing too big for the rear-facing one or not. Like my son grew quite fast, so his legs were already quite long at 8-9MO, so will touch the seat if it is rear-facing.
mmm but like wat sunshinekid says, my boy's legs alr touch the seat and nd to bend when he rear face and look unconfortable. that's why we switch to front face lei... jialut dunno how
Car Seat
what is facing rear? Ethan faces the front the way like we adults sit leh...cannot ah????

u seem to always have alot of activities with Xin Ru. Photo shoot, go holiday wow wow....heee
The reason why babies below 1 year old have to face the rear is because most of their spine is not strong yet. Most of the babies still cannot control their balance yet so they will lug forward if the car suddenly stop at high speed.

If they sit facing the rear, they will lie back if the car suddenly stop at high speed which will not impose stress to their spine.

Ethan is sitting face front.

Is Jarren sitting upright or tilted? Baby sitting facing rear should be tilted at around 45 deg leh. I remembered last time my girl can sit comfortably facing rear leh.
hahahha tilt 45degree correct ah.... i also dunno lei :p my boy also nd to shrink and bend his leg lor cant leave it straight when rear face.. dat's why we change to front face
xr sits front-facing when in the car-seat, but that's coz I never thought she had to face the rear! Actually, she's sat in the carseat max 5 times coz there's usually 2 adults in the car: 1 drive, 1 carry her. The only time she's in carseat is when I drive alone.
huh.. rear facing ah... my hb lorry cannot put car seat leh... then ZJ always sit on my lap in his carrier... cos he move abt too much i cant hold onto him.. so put him in the carrier n sit on my lap... can or not?
i worry cos my hb lorry very jerky mah... so zj tend to jerk forward.. even if im sitting 45 deg slant ( yeah.. straining my back further) ZJ refused to lie down n will sit uprite lor..
then bo bian lor.... anyway u put him in the carrier in front of u right? then u hug him around his tummy to give his support so we won't jerk so much.
ivory, u must act like u are the seat belt for zj lah haha 1 hand is diagonally over his body the other hand at his waist then u "clip" yr hands together hahahahhaha

some x i also carry my boy.. like "man fan" to put in car seat cos anyway put halfway nd to carry him out of the carseat cos he will struggle and cry
Re: Baby Bites
actually i try not to give baby too much of that coz it's made in china... so quite skeptical. But my dad has been giving it to her every afternoon.. yes for snack.
I prefer to give her the biscuit from Japan (red packaging). However, gotta admit that the baby bites is not so messy and good when bringing baby out for dinners (coz she can snack on that while we eat).
what red packaging????? is it as soft as baby bites??? i give alot of variety leh i also buy pigeon those bisucits and man tou and also the gerber start sweet potato hee :p but like u say lor when we having dinner its good to have biscuits to let them eat also.....
I think it's called 'Mama' or something like that. Red packaging with a japanese baby face. The biscuits also in the shape of a cartoon face. But it's not as soft, we have to feed them else and let them bite off small pieces. If want to let them eat themselves, i think the Baby Bites is still the best. Sometimes, when i need to pacify her while I do my things i will stuff her half piece of baby bite to feed herself.
Re: BBseat
Usually I will put YJ into car seat when we go into the car, I will tell her, sit car mus sit in car seat, else police will catch ah! I wan her to know it is a routine to do so. Dun expect anyone to carry her
I think is safer loh. I KS...
But sometimes, she cry, i will tell her story to divert her attention loh. If continue to cry, I will bring her out n carry her. Then put her in again.

Re: Biscuit
I seldom give biscuit to yj, cos she dun wan to drink water, n scare she get heaty... But I bought bb bite and Gerber biscuit (star shape) for her.

Instead of biscuit, maybe give Ethan fruits? I usually do tat during weekend. If u bother can make some potatoe mash for him. Better option bah
Then you got wear seat belt or not? if dun have, also not very safe right?

There were some discussion abt the petite miam(correct spelling?)brand yoghurt, got for babies only? can't find leh, isit same as kids one?
haha i got wear seat belt.. but if i act like seat belt for zj.. he will box me.. haha..

re : biscuits
if im at hm i seldom give.. cos cant find the correct timing to give.. hehe.. give liao wait he dun wan to drink milk or eat porridge..

oni go out then i give..

actually a lot of things are made in china.. just that we dunno oni lah... haha..
wow u all give so many biscuits one ah.... i only give pigeon one lei then alway eat til messy and nian nian one aiyo the hands all stick w biscuits lor mayb should explore other brands too...

i also seldom give biscuits cos dunno when to give hahahhaa
me thinking of that cuz now i am thinking of planning a menu for him haha :p cuz if nto ah like everyday have to think what to cook and cook on demand like not my style le...so hor might as well headahce one time and plan the menu...yeah thinking of using fruits as an option for the morning and afternoon snack le..then when go out then use the biscuits hee hee :p

all biscuits will nian nian one haha we used baby bites cheapre leh...pigeon very ex leh ha ha ha :p cannot afford to feed on daily if use pigeon ha ha ha :p

i agree alot of things form china only do we like carefully heck every single thing before we buy.....inevitable to buy Cheena products i feel..
Sample one day menu i do. Comments...

Ikan bilis based porridge with sweet potato (2 cubes)and tofu(2 tbsp)
(Apple water in btw)

Morning Snack
Half cheese cube/stick, 1 pkt teething biscuit/ apple water

Afternoon Snack
Mashed 1 baby carrot stick/ 1 teething biscuits/ apple water

Cereal with peas (4 tbsp)
(Apple water in btw)
wowowowowo ethan's meal so "feng fu" one ah!!!!!!! got morn and afternoon snack somemore... etelle, can share yr estimated feeding time for ethan?

___am milk
___am breakfast
___am morning snack
___pm lunch
___pm afternoon snakc
___pm dinner
___pm milk
in-between lunch and dinner when u give afternoon snack, do u stil gv milk ah?

wat tofu u give?
Estimated timing ah

8am milk
10+ morning snack(if his sleeping he will not be snacking)
1130 Lunch
0230 milk
0400 afternoon snack
0530 Dinner
0830 milk
1030-11 milk (last feed) on/ off sometimes he dun need.

I don't give milk with snack one le...snack is with plain water or diluted juices....

I used those box one tofu leh. You choose the type use for soup one lor then hor when porridge near ready just add in and heat for a while can le
hee hee
hehe we oso consider side products of china.. cos our grandparents all from china ah.. haha.. so we oso cheena pdts.. haha.. cannot forget our roots lah.. haha..

cubes? haha u still freeze puree ah? tot u cook fresh liao?
cube forms easier to measure mah...haha if i say i mashed and give 1/4 potato also dun know whetehr its too much or too little so using cubes can give others a better idea...

I do all sorts leh. I give fresh i give cubes i give jar ha ha but most of the time fresh lah
actually wanted to ask you gals... is ikan bilis good for baby? I know it's rich in calcium but wouldn't there be sodium content inside which is no good for baby?
orh, roger!

hmmm... ya loh... i also wan to ask the Petite Miam got how many types. That time wanted to buy but din state suitable for babies leh. Also saw the Arla cheese... packaging very nice.
Etelle, Summer:
I heard frm my mum tat bb cant tk too much ikan bilis coz it's quite salty as they origin frm the sea and contain alot of salt.. so preferably to give 2-3x a week rather than every day.. The other alterantive to ikan bilis is pork or chicken, which is oso better for bb intake of iron.


what i do is i soak the ikan bilis half an hour b4 boiling.. then i puree the ikan bilis with one vege and then mix into the porridge..

i no longer puree and store liao.. i make fresh everyday and mixed into porridge or cereal..

haven intro cheese, tofu and yogurt ley.. dunno when to give.. hahaha..
