(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Re:petite Miam yogurt
I saw cold storage selling.. 6 cups in a single packaging.. but all of them are peach flavour.. i din see any original.. i scare the peach flavour will not be so nice ...

bb ger / feza
bbcutie told me got plain vanilla flavour one but think hor only selected outlets or if not they get snatched up quickly...cuz normally i see got alot of other ingredients one strawberry or wat so i also din buy hee :p

ikan bilis
i don't give eveyday also maybe the most 2 times per week . If i cooked sweet potato and carrot porridge then i wun add cuz both will sweeten the porridge le hee hee :p

i bless you
sure can join us can you PM me ur email so i can give u a form to fill in to update u to our thread's chart hee hee
Thanks etelle... thk our bb about the same 5-6 feeds (milk and porridge) a day except diff timings
another diff is i v seldom gv my boy snack hahahhaha

box tofu? mmm... ntuc got sell ah? any brand?

i bless you... sure can join us.. welcome
that's what i thought abt ikan bilis too... the salt content. Coz babies' kidneys are still not mature enough to help dispel the sodium in their body, that's why we dun add soya sauce or salt to babies' food.

Welcome i_bless_u!
Hi every1

Etelle: I just PM u my email. Saw ur EDD date, is actually my birthdate! Haha! Was hoping that my boy will come out on my birthdate but he came out on 20 Feb through induce! I delivered in Mt.Alvernia too!
yeah any brand as long as u see the box outside got put a pot of soup picture ha ha means for soup one hee :p

eh i read in the book ah healthy snack time is a must for baby to add on to their healthy diet le...hee :p

i bless u
haha ooh easy to remember then ur birthday hee....whose ur gynae?
copied from wholesome baby food site.

Snacks may be an important part of your baby's feeding schedule. Many babies may need to fill the gap between a "meal" as their tummies are small and their calorie requirements, as well as their energy levels, are high. Ensure that offered are from one or more of the basic food groups and are nutritious and not empty calories.
Etelle: My gynae is Dr.Woo, he's actually fr Thomason Woman Clinic. Anway I find him quite costly and not so professional and Mt.Alvernia hospitalisation cost higher than Gleaneagles or Mt E too!

After delivery,i was in the delivery suite for quite long,he sew me up and then he keep digging (he counted the pieces of gauge/cotton pad used in cleaning me up and found 1 missing!) and dunno got re-cut and sew back anot. I was so SCARED that he left 1 gauge/cotton pad inside, but he kept assuring me that he checked several times not inside me..and he says the pack of gauge/cottol pad originally came short of 1 pc. Any1 encounter this also scare! Next preganancy i wont go to him anymore!
Hi Mummies
How much cheese or yohurt can baby take a day? I am now giving my boy Arla cheese stick (abt 1/4 stick) as snacks. Can it be taken daily? If not, i will alt the 2 items, one day cheese and next day yohurt. Can?

Ikan bilis taken 1-2 times a week shd be okie lah. Anyway, usually i will soak first so when boil the stock will not be too salty.

Ethan feeding time abt same with zhengyu leh. Except i didnt give morning snack cos timing too tight.
Welcome I Bless U!
Your birth story sounds scary leh. Did you went back to him for postnatal checkup after that?

By the way, your boy had the same birth date as my boy.
I BLess U
so scary lei yr birth story... i think i curse and swear at him meh

but in btw lunch and dinner got give 1 feed milk mah stil gv snack wont b too full for their sml stomach meh? mmmm....
JH81: Ya..i did went back for pap smear and i asked the doc again got anything left behind anot! He says no...if got, then i will feel umcomfy already not to say wait 3 mths then go back pap smear (cos i go back nearly 3 mths later). How heavy is ur boy now? Mine i think is 8Kg. He just started to eat porridge recently only.

Do u all use slow cooker for cooking porridge? My in law is using the conventional ways, pot on gas stove.
I Bless u,
Went PD 2 wks ago, he weight 8.65kg. I started porridge on him since he turn 6mths. Eh, the gynae very terrible hor.

I also use pot leh. Cos slow cooker cook porridge become very thick. My boy dont like.
i also use pot.. coz to buy a slow cooker just for her meal is a waste of money.. cheapo right this mummy..

welcome i bless you.. to this crazy bonkers mummies club.. wait the chair person welcome you properly la.. your birth experience scary ley..

i let you all see the feeding schedule for elly.. lemme know am i underfeeding her..

9am to 10am (she wake up late one) - 180 to 200ml milk

12pm to 1pm - half a bowl of cereal / porridge with vege

3pm to 4pm - 180ml milk

6pm to 7pm - half a bowl of cereal / porridge with vege (this one i usually estimate only)

9pm to 10pm - 180ml milk

at midnyte, if she seems restless then i will feed another 180ml.. if she happily sleeping no milk till next morning..

is the feeding alright huh? oh btw, she hates my porridge.. let her eat porridge like wan her life like that.. if give her cereal she happy happy open her mouth..
Ur porridge not tasty enuf is it hehehehe....

Aiyo really miss chatting wif u all leh, so sian at work no access dunno when will they give me the access huh....

THanks for collecting the HT cereal for me!

Caeden is better, he's drinking again altho' not a lot. His voice is still hoarse. So can't hear much from him. So scary, his IFC got 2 HFMD leh. Today went there got to check his body for blisters.

Tom my hb's bringing him to PD for review. Think sure cont to nebu coz he doesn't seem that much better.
How;s your bronchitis? Jia lut, with Jarren, you also sick sick. Then u spread to him, he spread to u. Better wear mask when you're sick in case u spread back to him.
i also use pot. i fl use slow cooker is so slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i no patience... i usually go grind the rice then put to boil 30 mins can eat liao haha

feza, i thk ok but why half bowl only ah? then yr porridge only veg ah? u no give meat? if only veg then can b quite tasteless i fl.. unless u put veg w potato or sweetcorn to add some taste
mashy, that's good... nd to continue neu also no choice.. that x jarren on neu for 1 week

i thk i better... but usually will start to breathless middle of nite and then will vomit.. spray that thing also no help one so i stop spraying
Welcome I_Bless_u....

How u grind the rice huh?

If can't get baby yoghurt. I think plain full fat yoghurt should be fine. We can add our own fresh fruit into the yoghurt for taste.
not grind.. i blend the rice hehe

recently my boy like v "tau" alway mk a "ha lian" noise. posted in his blog the video buay tahan him. fl bit irritating haha
Feza....tis is what I did to add flavour to Atikah's porridge....
I use ikan bilis...I cooked the ikan bilis and then grind them. Use it as flavouring lor....B4 I did tis Atikah also don like my porridge. But now she's ok with it lah...

As for meat, I've introduced to her fish and chicken....you should be able to introduce meat liaow...cos baby now 8 months already...
YL, go where to buy tis? looks good...

wei wei... tis morn hb suddenly tell me abt 3yrs later ask me b SAHM... purpose : wan me to take care my boy and educate him hahahha i say wait he bcom a siao tapo like his mama a siao chabo hahaha he say v impt that kids from about 3-4YO onwards got mummy ard to teach and guide wor but i say dun wan lah hahaha

i say i only know A for apple B for Boy..then he say aiyo then u must go upgrade yrself cos now no more a for apple lah now is those chim chim words liao hahhaha u see lah like dat i how to educate my son hahahhaha wait he bcom stupid stupid lk me heheheh
bout porridge, have intro ikan bilis, threadfin fish and meat not chicken though coz i remember ilim say would be phlemgy if taken early.. somewhere along that line.. i just made sweet corn porridge yesterday.. while trying to cool down the porridge, i did nt realise that i place the bowl super near her feet she go kick the bowl man.. spilled some on the floor.. wa lau i feel like smacking her backside man.. she still eat my porridge la but very slow lor.. need to entertain that kind then will eat..


you dun miss much la.. thread soooo sooo quiet.. then i go in msn whole day can dun talk one.. but i think yesterday they chatted a while but i did nt realise..

i agree.. i dun think i can teach or so called educate elly la.. i will leave the educating to the pros.. or better FOC one let the daddy educate..
feza, u wk up so early ah hahahha cant sleep?

my hb say he v confident i can do a good job haha i say he trusting wrong person hahahha he say e way i play and read to my boy, he thk i can do a good job cos able to capture my boy's attention haha i say play only lah then i no patience hehe then if SAHM no money to spend then no motivation haha he say i so bad wan money then give up jarren's future hahahha
I think the cc can 'educate' my kids better in terms of passing on knowledge.
But at home I will discipline them and guide them along. Of course will still pass on knowledge to them but at school the teaching is more structured.
They are constantly learning every minuet of the day except when they sleep. Even watching TV is also a form of 'learning' to them just that they may pick up bad info sometimes. So our job is to guide them.
Something to share:

<font color="aa00aa">There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she's blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He's always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she can see everything, including her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend asked her, "now that you can see the world, will you marry me?" The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend is blind too, and refused to marry him.

Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying. "Just take care of my eyes dear."

This is how human brain changes when the status changed.

Only few remember what life was before, and who's always been there even in the most painful situations.

Life Is A Gift

Today before you think of saying an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak.

Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.

Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion.

Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who went too early to heaven.

Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they're barren.

Before you argue about your dirty house, someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.

Before whining about the distance you drive - Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.

And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job.

But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another - Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker.

And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive and still around.

Life is a gift, Live it, Enjoy it, Celebrate it, And fulfill it.</font>
Good AM every1!!

*YAWN* My boy slept very late last night 1230am! I am so sleepyyyyy!

My boy 1st tooth not out yet till now! Is it very slow ah??

feza: U can try boiling the water with Ikan Kurau bone then discard the bone, use the water to cook porridge! V.tasty and healthy too! Sometimes i do that too! Then i add Kurau fish,carrot and some veg. Ohya must add a pinch of salt or light soya sauce otherwise they dont like to eat cos too blend!
You shouldn't be adding salt or light soya sauce to their food. Coz they are still very young and kidneys are still immature so they cannot take salt. It will be very stressful for their kidneys! Actually, we dun have to worry about food being bland coz the babies dunno what they are missing out on anyway. It's what we adults feed that get them accustomed to more tasty food. We can always add natural flavourings like meat, carrot, pumpkin.
most supermarkets hv the bb yogurt. I usually got mine from cold storage. carrefour n ntuc also hv. if u cant find, means it's out of stock
summer: Oh..but my MIL also put abit of soya sauce. Just a small drop. If did not put, he sometimes dont like to eat.
Ok, then i will advise her not to put soya sauce as well.
my auntie will also put soya sauce to my nephew's porridge. My mum used to do that for my niece's porridge too. But after my PD asvised me not to, I told mum about it and she dun add any to my niece and my gal's diet liao. Same thoughts... scared baby dun like to eat. But must remember loh, if you dun give them they also dunno what they are missing out on. If you dun give them Coke, they also dunno how Coke tastes like
All along I've told my maid to not add any taste enhancers, so she'll only use the food to cook w/o salt, sauce etc. Dun want xr to only want strong tasting food next time. Like PD say, bb never eat anything but milk b4, so any taste is new and will be strong. Adults are used to strong flavour, so cannot judge their food by our tastes
Yes you're right Claire. I bought the instant porridge from Nestle for her to try coz am bringing her for a hol next week so must make sure she likes it otherwise I have to bring my slow cooker along... haha! I tasted the porridge and it sure tastes bland, but my baby likes it.
As I will be on leave tmr, I won't be accessing the net till evening, pls cfm your attendence again :

Date : 15-Oct (Sunday)
Time : Lunch time around 1pm onwards?
Menu : KFC / PIZZA

Attending :
1) Ivory n bb ZJ (cfmed)
2) Yvonne n Nicholas n bb Nichole
3) irene n Keagan ( hb not sure will cfm later)
4) Jes and Jarren (hb to be confirmed)
5) Amanda and Xin Ru
6) Sunshinekid + GnA (1 baby, 1 toddler)
7) bbger, hb n bb shayna (cfmed)
8) Von, hb, &amp; Marcus
9) Siewlng, hb &amp; Yujie
10) Claire &amp; xr (hb tentative)

Total Adults, bbies, kids -
14 (+ 3TBC), 10, 2

Food :
- 1 large super supreme
- 1 large super hawaiian supreme
- 20pcs drumlets
- 10pcs KFC family feast
- Will also ask my maid to cook spaghetti
* Those bringing older childer do you need any other food for them? Do let me know ok?
the instructions says to boil the water in a pot and add in, stir for 3 mins then can serve liao. But if I am cooking during hols, I will just pour in hot boiling water and cover it for 5mins let it simmer a bit should be fine.
Nichole's feeding schedule is almost the same as Elly....In between, my MIl got give fruits or biscuits lah....but not in the usual routine lor...
I usually use the slow cooker coz really got no time to monitor the cooking. For slow cooker, jus dump the rice n cook it then dunp the ingredient after the porridge is cooked, very convenient.

Last Sunday, I wana cooked for my son n myself oso cannot. Nichole always wan my attention and can't even step away for a second...really shou bu liao. Luckily, auntie susanna (my part-time helper) brings her to the playground n I quickly cooked the dishes.

I will cfm again by Sat coz Nichole is still hving slight running nose. Will sms you. It has been 1 week liao and the running nose has not goes off...haiz...

Date : 15-Oct (Sunday)
Time : Lunch time around 1pm onwards?
Menu : KFC / PIZZA

Attending :
1) Ivory n bb ZJ (cfmed)
2) Yvonne n Nicholas n bb Nichole
3) irene n Keagan ( hb not sure will cfm later)
4) Jes and Jarren (cfmed)
5) Amanda and Xin Ru
6) Sunshinekid + GnA (1 baby, 1 toddler)
7) bbger, hb n bb shayna (cfmed)
8) Von, hb, &amp; Marcus
9) Siewlng, hb &amp; Yujie
10) Claire &amp; xr (hb tentative)

Total Adults, bbies, kids -
14 (+ 2TBC), 10, 2
