(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Think I also must hide somewhere liao. Very lucky to have a hb who's wiling to do the housework, but it's bcoz of his background. All along from young, he had to help with housework and never take $$ from granma (who looked after him). He also help to look after his baby cousins last time when they were left with his gran, so he's much more experienced than me.

last time when we didnt have a maid (or a bb), he'll be the one always bugging me to do housework, then we do together, fen gong he zuo. Only thing is now with maid, he'll get her to do everything, including bb stuff tho he said maid for housework mainly, bb we handle ourselves. So now I grab any chance I can to do bb stuff, whether it's changing or bathing or playing. I know if i ask hb to do, he'll just shout "Risah!" and get the maid to do it. I just feel that bb already sees the maid for the entire day, so as parents we shd at least spend ourevenings with her. Dun want to have a bb who's superglued to the maid.

my parents also! they everything also cannot, must protect, then when it comes to eating, they feed her anything n everything off their own plates. Have to stop them from feeding her chocolate, fried stuff, icecream etc. Then they refuse to let her crawl on the floor, so when xr at home, she crawl on the floor n once bump her head coz she never feel pain when bump on mattress. That time she was totally stunned then dun dare to move. Now when on the floor, can see she's more careful
huh??? feed ice-cream, chocolate and fried stuff to xr!!!!!!!! "bu si bah" how can? now bb under 12 months must b careful in their food intake lei

ya lor no fall how they know must careful hor.. but hb alway say wait fall and hit liao anything terrible happen then we regret then know ... haizzzz... he is being too over-protective lor
anyone interested in buying caran dache colour pencils? Got 25% off from school, so if anyone is interested, I'll tompang your orders. Very expensive but art teacher says the colours are brilliant. I'm getting the junior set (fat colour pencils) $18.75 for xr and the normal 18pc set for myself $18+. Just thought it's a good deal for this brand. Can tell me by noon today so I can tell my colleague. Thanks
yep, they are incorrigible when it comes to food. Then their response when I say no is that if we dun feed now, next time she become picky eater. *Peng* But recently they turn around and say cannot feed too much, later bb become xiao pang bao bao, n they are the ones giving her all the sugary n salty stuff! Fine, grandparents' right to spoil the child, but that's taking it too far. IL also no better. Wanted to give her egg n thank goodness we were there having dinner so immediately said no. Seems like we say no very often...
Hard boiled egg yolk bb can take lah.

I also say so to my hb... I wish I got the $ to support him hehe! But dun think is a good idea to let him be SAHD... hmm...
hi all
Can bb take bread now? At 8month+?
Yesterday nanny gave YJ bread leh, the soft n white one. She ate n enjoy eating... greedy girl.
Tis morning faintz... she ate a corner of her book. When we saw tat, quickly wan to dig out from her mouth, the paper disappear! n she smile smile at us. (tis round, Bulma, she really got mo shui liao! haha!)
yep, but she wanted to give the steamed egg with bar chor (a bit like the jap chawanmushi). hehe, actually hb also didnt know, then i told him n he stood by me. wah, v touched leh :p
bochap, haha so good lei yj will be a smart gal gal liao... mayb future minister hahaha since so got "mo shui"... nx time u just blend a book and let yj drink and she b v wise hahahahha :p i last x exam time alway wish can blend book and drink then will hv all the knowledge hahahahha

ling, canot tk egg mah only egg yolk can eat... cos egg white may cause allergy
Re: Eggs
Was advised to introduce egg yolk only when they reach 9MO. Start with a 1/4 teaspoon hard boiled egg yolk and feed for consecutive 2-3 days and see if baby develop any rash. Do not introduce new food at the same time so as to ascertian if the allergy (if any) is due to the egg yolk. It is important to ensure that they are not sensitive to eggs prior to their jab for Rubella/Measles (if i am not wrong) as that jab contains egg. So if they are allergic, they cannot take that jab or i heard there are egg-free vaccines for babies with that allergy.

Introduce egg white only when baby reach 12MO. Egg white is usually the culprit for allergies amongst babies. Can introduce by adding it into their porridge.
I am also thinking of letting bb crawl on floor but Jerry has a habit of banging his head on the mattress or mat when he crawls so dun know how. But think they can learn to walk faster as they can hold on to furnitures and pull themselves up.

I have been feeding bread to Jerry since he is 6mths. He loves it! Now I give him 1/4 pc of bread, he can hold and munch on it!
A true case........


Hi everyone,

Appended below is an email written by my sis, on my family's experience with Gleneagles Hospital. The subsequent letter was written by my sis-in-law to the hospital. I'm forwarding this because I'm frankly disgusted by a private hospital which is supposed to provide premier healthcare, and not only did not deliver, but shirks responsibility. All the doctors and nurses caring for my niece denied knowing what happened. My few day old niece could not possibly have inflicted the injury on herself.

The pictures here do not show the extent of the bruise because they were take a few days after the incident, when we decide to take up the matter formally with the hospital. If you have loved ones thinking of having their babies at Gleneagles, I hope you would advise them to seriously reconsider.

Poh Yen

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Hi Everyone out there

Please see below an encounter by my brother and sister in law at Gleneagles Hospital. ?lt;br>?lt;br>
It was upsetting to know that such a premium hospital could land a few days old baby with such a bad bruise on her tiny eyes. Yet they claimed that it was nothing serious. As worried parents, my brother and sister in law requested that the eye specialist have a look at the little baby's eye. For that matter, Gleneagles still charge that service to my brother!!! ?lt;br>?lt;br>
My little niece was born on 5 Jul 06. Discharged on 7 Jul 06. Back to Gleneagles on 8 Jul 06 due to jaundice and was admitted. She got injured on 8 Jul 06 as my brother & sister in law saw the bruise surfacing on 9 Jul 06. Little baby stayed there until discharge on 13 Jul 06. Gleneagles still required TWO weeks from 13 Jul 06 to investigate what actually happened to my little niece. Need almost three weeks from the time of injury to investigate? I guess they are trying to drag and when we get tired we will give up pursuing.

What kind of premium service is Gleneagles providing??? Charging such high rates and at the risk of your baby being bruised without knowing what happened???? Better think twice about patronising them.

I attach pictures to show you the bruise on the right eye. Can see from the date of the pictures - 20 Jul 06, the eye is still bluish and swollen. My poor little niece. Really don't know what kind of trauma she had gone through during the stay and these "professional" people are trying so hard to defend themselves. ?lt;br>?lt;br>
Two weeks deadline was up yesterday (27 Jul 06) and my brother and sister in law have not heard anything from the hospital yet.



Gleneagles Hospital

Dear Sir

I have delivered my baby girl at your hospital on 5 Jul 2006 and was discharged together with my baby on 7 Jul 2006.

On 8 Jul 2006 morning, my husband and I found that the baby was having jaundice. We rushed her back to Gleneagles Hospital to seek help. ?lt;/font>Upon diagnosis by the doctor, the baby has to be warded for treatment in the ICU. By the time the admission was done, it was in the afternoon.

On the same day in the evening, we went back to the hospital to visit our baby and had noticed a slight redness on her right eye. ?However on our return on 9 Jul 2006 morning at the normal ward, to our horror, we found that her right eye was swollen and with a dark bruise on the lid. When we asked the doctor, we were assured that nothing was

We were unable to rest well at home thinking of the horror of having a swollen eye on a tiny baby when left alone in the hospital. No one came to explain to us what had happened to our few days old baby girl.

On 12 Jul 2006, we came to the hospital to visit our baby and again wanting to find out the truth, we were disgusted by the behaviour of your nurse Ms Lim Miao Chong of 6 West Nursery Ward. ?lt;/font>She had argued that when the baby arrived from ICU, she already had the bruise on her eye. We wanted to talk to the person-in-charge of the ward but were rudely told to wait but no outcome. ?So we went to see the baby's doctor, Dr Gong and as a medical professional, he was also of the opinion that there must be some form of trauma causing the tiny baby to have such a bad bruise on her eye.

On this note, we found that this was very unprofessional of a reputed hospital to behave in such a manner. ?lt;/font>We had paid a premium to patronize Gleneagles Hospital. However, our baby girl has to suffer in great pain and trauma for such a bad swollen bruise on her eye. Please bear in mind that the eyes are very sensitive areas. We could not imagine what had happend to her while we were not around.

My husband and I would expect an answer from you within 18 hours from this email. That is before our baby's discharge at noon tomorrow, 13 Jul 2006. If we do not get a full satisfactory report from Gleneagles Hospital, we would report the matter to the Ministry of Health and The Straits Times to alert the public of such treatment from a reputed hospital together with the photos taken. At the same time, we would reserve our rights to sue Gleneagles Hospital for any form of illness or injury subsequently detected which could be a result of the trauma caused to my baby's eye.

Yours faithfully
yvonne: in the end what happen?? did Gleneagles reply them?? the email mention for pic leh.. or they remove the pic liao...

so poor thing leh.. the bb... wonder what happen when the bb was there....
Claire/ Amanda,
Dun know leh...Even if the hospital found the cause of it oso no used liao...the baby's eye oredi got bruises then dun know whether will affect the development in future. I got the pix of the bb with injured eye..wats' ur email, send to you?
yvonne: in the end what happen?? did Gleneagles reply them?? the email mention for pic leh.. or they remove the pic liao...

so poor thing leh.. the bb... wonder what happen when the bb was there....
Ya, I give gardenia white bread. Thought make bread got use egg hor?? But he so far ok...when I eat bread for breakfast, he wants also, so I let him taste abit, after tat he ok, so I continue to give him more.
So u r pauline...Keep wondering who is pauline and I ask my colleague "who is pauline, izzit ur friend". Coz one day so qiao, my colleague told me abt the clam n she says got forward to me, the next moment I rec'd the same mail..
yvonne, email me lei... i wanna see.. so poor thing the bb.... then eventually wat happen u dunno ah... shd just direct report to MOH and expose to Straits times meh... no point talk so much w the hospital
yvonne, dun nd email me liao.. i saw the one bbcutie send .. so ke lian the bb.,... fl so heartpain... can go report police as baby abuse mah sure got case one
the baby so poor thing hor...if me ah my baby like that i sure heart pain until dun know where le..and shirking of responsiblity is too much. Should at least explain mah if accidentally cause it or wat hor...bad bad bad...
Quiet day today
Was just jio'd by my sis to watch Phantom next yr. Dunno whether shd go again, but DBS got 10% off. Ask hb, he was like, didnt we watch that already?? oh well, guess if go, must go w.o him. btw, how was the sebastian tan show?
the bb bruise case in the end how?

I was wondering who is pauline.
hey, your email attachments all very interesting. thanks thanks.

Violet, Yvonne, Anissa
I have a few group photos of the swimming class. you mummies want?

it s 33 together with the tray.. sturdy la and like mashy say easy to clean but lazy me haven gone to get it from ikea.. very far la..
Thanks MP,
I'll try to send to you all over wkend oso.

I oso got the high chair fm Ikea too and the tray in front is add'l $15 i think.
Cheap and good product.


it's part of growing up. :p

My boy knocked and cried a few times already. So long as not fall off the bed or bad falls, i think should be ok bah.

bb brusie lah. My boy also kenna a few times lor. Your MIL also one kind. DOn't tell me your hb never had any bruises while under her care? Anyway, bb heal fast lah.

It's not like we abuse our children. Today I read in the newspapers, this little boy died from abused by his mother and boyfriend. I see already so xin tong. He's such a cute little boy. So poor thing, so young already suffered so much.
Mummies... here are the pics taken today... hehe

Introducing our Canto Queen Mummy... Ms Kelly aka Ivory...

And our Ms Beautiful cum Nice Vocal Mummy... Ms Stella aka Etelle...
