(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB


How does yr beautician charge? Hv recd yr contacts already. Tks. Do we have to pay upfront or we can try out 1 treatment first.

Thot of joining yoga class at cc. My hse doesnt hv so have to go to Yishun cc which is near my mum pl.

Rob B Hood
i went to watch the movie yesterday. It made me tear and beam with joy and laugh....when you have baby and you watch shows with baby involves your heart just flow with the emotions of the movie....and after the show i feel even longing to hold Ethan in my arms and sayang him and give him all my love...haha makes u appreciate your baby more leh
Haha movie review...out of 5 i give 4 stars hee...
etelle: hehe tat's y i always feel ur hubby good man.. hehe serious speakin one k... hehe

yvonne: runnin nose really need medication one.. my hubby everytime will say me if i give XR those chinese medical stuff..which i quite fed up.. cause for he himself, whenever he cough or running nose, he will let them be treated naturally.. no medi no nothing.. then at times i will be piss off then i will say him back 'excuse me, she is a bb ok' then he will grumble.. then i hack care and give... then tat day i give XR for running nose and the 3rd day no give, the mucus become watery again then i purposely say no give 1 day only become watery again and i give her again and he din say anything liao... hehe

bbger / yvonne: hope the 2 little gal faster receover then can see them at violet place...

bbcutie: understand those slimmin machine sure will help to tone but tat really need follow up.. if no follow up huh like waste $$ also liao.. hehe
haha who knows leh.. sikali have leh... :p
haha thanks for your "serious speaking". yeah my hubby one good fella..family oriented person...that's what i need lor
actually all our hubbies are good in our own ways lah if nto we wouldn't have married them right
etelle: hehe ya la... 3 jab at one time sure pain pain leh.... but hor.. hehe if take 2 jab is at one side each of the butt.. then 3 leh?? how huh... hehe
u went for tat show ah... u give so high points.. tat time i saw the paper give 2 tick then i was thinkin may as well forget abt it.. hmm since u give good comments.. maybe should got see see... hehe
true also la... they have good things tat make us married him... hehe only thing is more good or bad.... haha

feza: alamak.. u another poor little one... dun bother abt him la.. they never knew how good their wife are.. hehe we just remember ' we are the best' k..
hehe sometimes when my hubby say he dun mind rite, i will tink in my heart 'does he really mean he dun mind' or just wan us to stop botherin him... hehe
Haiz.....Nichole din have running nose lah....Sometime Hubby oso dun know hw to say leh....I call n ask SIL n she says Nichole only sneeze 1-2 times nia...no mucus oso...
the critics opinion always different from mine leh haha maybe they more focus on storyline or expectation higher for me i find it a good movie...even hubby was telling me " u said review only 2 star but its a good show" so those with babies love babies like movies can go watch

then xinru jab on where so far is one jab on each buttocks ah?? haha third one no chocie repeat buttocks lor hee :p ethan 6-in-1 jab all on his thigh one leh....
actually quite agree la.. they must have plus pts to make us marry them right?? actually not all are bad la.. there are times when they compliment on stuff that we so at least they do recognise the hard work we woman go thru la.. hahaha.. stella your model hubby huh sure have a lot of single woman wan..
hehe.. think my hb oso consider gd fellow bah.. so far din complain abt my figure.. same as etelle.. when ever i say i fat n ugly he say i siao..

then when i sick he will force me bring ZJ go my mum's so my parents can take care while i sleep off the virus even if i no take med.. or as n when im pek chek with ZJ he say just go back to my mum's...

come back hm will immed relieve me of ZJ.. b4 bathing.. n he stinko until ZJ oso run away from him.. haha...

but if not for his mum stupidity ah.. i tink i b happier n appreciate him even more...
She charged me $550 for 1 course. Have to buy own gel for the machine which cost $178. Can use many times.

I pay her 5 times instalment. But make no difference because I go twice every week. She don't have trial leh.

My pants already feel loose after 2 sessions of treatment. Especially a new pants I bought few weeks before my treatment. It was just nice when I wear it (below navel), but after 2 treatments, the pants drop till can see the tip of my panty liao.
maybe nicole is jus sensitive 'cos the haze is back?
The 1st time FK kena running nose I gave him midecation 'cos I scared the maid dunno how to take care of him as he is quite young still, maybe 3mth old?
But the next 2 times, I just let him recover on his own. Monitor him for about a week and he got well so I didn't give him any medication.
me same as violet lor.. din give ZJ med... let him recover himself... oni give a dose at note to stop the cough so he can sleep without waking up to cough..

It is not an easy job. You are not being paid and yet still have to take all the blames when bb fall ill........

I can perform better being FTWM......

But I may quit 5 or 6 years down the road because my kids starts schooling already and it is better to have a parent to overlook them. Now I entrust this task to CC.

Another alternative is to send them to after school care if I decide to continue working.
we're still debating when to send xr for the p jab. I'm actually more kan cheong than hb, he seems like no urgency to give her the jab. True she not at cc or ifc, but at IL's place always a lot of ppl, n they always carry her n play with her, so think it's safer if she's protected.
Re : hb
ya lah got plus pt then we marry.. but the then plus pt alr diminishing now mah hahahhaha

feza, actually SAHM also as siong as FTWM hor.. same lor middle of nite my boy mk noise will auto expected to be MY RESPONSIBILITY. he will say he nd to sleep cos nd to work... as if i dun nd to work.. buay tahan.. if i so tired refuse wk up, bb will end up get scolded by him (as if bb understand) lor when hb want to sleep, his brain always totally malfunction one lah

re : brown rice
just started him last week.. dunno wanna continue or not.. dileama

re : Rob B Hood
i intend just wait vcd to come out and rent to watch hahahaha cheapo :p
cutie, (hi-5) i also think i can perform better as FTWM hehe not SAHM... salute the SAHM hehe i dun hv patience haha
my hb just tell me wan me to ask my mum stop all brown rice on my boy cos he say he so young just tk white rice will do... cos he alway see what mil does to the 2 kids... they nv give brown rice. anyway mil nv force them tk porridge in the 1st place. mil's mindset is milk is the best even til 4 YO no tk solid also nvm.. why give solid so ley chay... siao one lah
JH been taking oat and brown rice cereal everyday leh. she start off Heinz white rice cereal then after 1 pkt she reject and since then its brown rice and oat cereal everyday leh.
hmm...she refuse to eat white rice porridge leh so no choice lor continue cereal for her. i think cereal is already in powder form so maybe not so bad as boil from whole grain? anyway, think i wont force JH eat porridge lor since she hate it so much that give her phobia in eating.
if the bb will be exposed to many ppl then better take.
For me is I have an elder one that goes cc so scared she may 'bring virus home'. Her immune system may be stronger than her bro so I dun wan to risk la.
Some more my gal hospitalized before when she was around 18mths so I dun wan to kena another episode with my boy... (choy choy choy!)

Better kia si then regret.

I was also thinking of after school care for my gal when she start P1. By then FK can go cc and I dun need a maid liao.

my hb last time oso like dat one. When we had our 1st child he came back fm work then expect to rest then wat about me? So I told him off la "wat makes u think that you need to rest more than I do? I also came back fm work and immdly look after our gal". After a few times he is ok liao and bery auto let me sleep in on wkends and he take care of my gal.
Now got maid alrdy he will still help 'cos I told him is better that we hands on with our kids then leave it to maid.
Hi gals,
talk abt my hubby. He never complian abt my fat fat tummy. As for help looking after kids he didnt help he only sometime play with Elvin. Usually he will pass elvin to my MIL.

I must say my MIL treat me very gd lor. She often to take care of Elvin during the nite so we can sleep through. Today i on MC at hm. Just now i hear her cooking sometime in the kitchen. Then to my surprise she cook soup for me to drink lei and add my favourite brocilli. I feel so touch she didnt even cook her portion cos not enough she let me have all of it. So touch.

Re: Brown Rice
i still continue to give Elvin. Like wat Etelle say moderate should be fine.
Hi girls,
Sorry mia so long...my family one after another got hfmd, though only my 6yo boy and hb got it, my girl and bb only got ulcers in throat. Think it is from the childcare my boy attends. Anyway all ok liao!

Your hb said he jie yi abt yr tummy ah? Take it at a positive note, he is a very honest man who does not know a woman's heart. Aiyah, all woman dun like to be fat. But better he tells you than he jie yi but keep quite then lose interest in you. my hb sometimes also joke abt my tummy when I had a full meal. What yr hb wants is for you to do something abt it lah, honesty is a good foundation for a stable marriage mah, just tat he not very tactful. I am sure all our hbs want to see a slim wife also. Dun be angry with him lah!
etelle: wow... so should go see see the movies....
XR normally one jab at one side of the butt lor... think cause butt not so pain bah...

violet: hands up on what u told bulma.. haha they always think they are workin harder than us... haha hubby need scolding then will be good... sometimes i tink not we fierce or wan to over write them lor... but sometimes they just keep steppin on my nerve....

This week i dont have enough time to clean up my place.. Next time... I make cakes and we have tea party.


are you organizing a HT BP? Include me leh.. aiya, i always missed the ship one.. luckily for the aquaducks, Violet sent sms to remind me...

Many thanks for helping to organize and coordinate on the aquaducks.
Sharing duties
Just to share, I never wanted a 3rd bb. Just that God decides to give us this little precious! The reason why I so phobia is because my hb never lift a hand to help me with my 1st 2 bbs. It was a nightmare for me as I was working then though we have a maid. Sats n suns were crazy and I ended up totally tired then refreshed for the week. Even with this bb, my hb promised shared duties and gave my maid every sunday off so he can take care of bb was all crap! bb cry only he gave him back to me, shit only give back to me. When he is sick, he can sleep whole day, when I am sick, i cannot even take flu med to sleep as the day is business as usual. Haiz...guess it is endless! I totally give up on this man to help lah. I just take care of bb because he is my bb and I choose to enjoy him as he only go thru every stage once and I have no expectation on my hb liao. if he can do anything,, it is a bonus for me!
Looks like hb are LOUSY CAREGIVERS...

They only use their 'MOUTH' to work. When comes to handson, all chicken out and start to find excuses....
I share the same sentiments. When i was pregnant w this baby, my hb also promised that he will help me out more even though we have a maid. After i gave birth and till now, he is still abt the same. He claims he is soooo tired every nite. For my son, he still does make milk for him. For this girl, he only made milk less than 5 times, and all these 5 times is becos the maid has gone to bed and baby was yelling away, so boh bian.

But I really salute all SAHMs. Becos to me, coming to office like an escapade!
haha... men... dunno wat they thinking.. :p

i shd b placing order with HT directly again after 10 Oct when their OOS items comes in.. (cos wan to see the handsome delivery guy again.. haha...)

oni 5% disc for non promotional items if we reach $100 worth of pdts.. but ah.. collection at my place Teck Whye ah (CCK)..

will post here again.. i will try n remember to yell for ur order.. haha.. but hor.. air brained now.. cant promise ya.. hehe... so gals.. remind me hor..
Most probably I will collect Mashy's and my HT tmrw from you... would you be home at abt 8.30pm?

Re: Hubby
Sama sama lah... even though sometimes i am very tired and i tell him today it's his turn to do this and that but somehow mother instinct at work... i just cannot be relaxed totally. Sometimes i may even have to chip in coz i see liao cannot tahan. i used to wake up myself and warm milk for baby but now i make sure i wake him up. So, he will warm the milk while i carry and pacify hungry baby

I really salute those mummies with more than 1 kid... those with 3 kids are super mums!
i very bad mummy.. if i dun wan to care abt bb.. i can total switch off n dun care.. ZJ can scream hell i just ignore him lor.. so hb bo bian hv to take care lor.. haha... but so far hb very zidong.. will take care when ever he at home..
after hearing u all complain abt hb...i suddenly feel v blessed n fortunate. realise my hb did a lot for bb n me...and yet i still grumble sometimes. he do most of the hseworks while i oni wash toilets n do cooking n make milk for bb and feed bb. playing wif bb is mostly hb. and nite time if bb make a fuss, normally its hb who take care while i sleep.... so paisay. i seldom carry bb too cos v tired. hb carry her.
i need to dig a hole n hide, so paisay...
Jasmine/ Sunshinekid,
After some tots, I think my hubby is consider not bad liao. Since I gave birth to my 1st child, he is always the one to take care of him in the nite if the baby wokes up. He will even prepare the milk n feed him. I am really a deep sleeper n I dun even know he wakes up in the nite to coax bb to sleep. Even now, he oso does dat to Nichole. In the day, I will take care n he will take over the duty in the nite...Usually I will sleep throughout.

Last week, my mil was not able to look after Nichole. That was an attempt for him to bathe Nichole. The only thing is he dun know hw to cook the porridge...but neber mind lah..the most let her drink milk...1 day no porridge oso okie, right? Now I learn to cope and handle situations better, dun get angry easily liao...then I feel better, life is happier. That's y we used to quarrels a lot previously..Now really very tired of it liao and being a FTWM with 2 children is really very tiring..
bout hubby making milk,

the first 3 months i make him get up and make milk but he super slow so i give up.. so now if elly gets up for milk (which is seldom) i will push elly to him to pacify while i run to make milk.. after i come back into the room he will instinctively pass elly back to me to settle her while he knock off.. so now it s very clock work liao so no more complains la i get used to this already..


my hubby keep having two opinions on it.. sometimes he will say i should go out and work to gain financial independence and sometimes he say he wans me to stay home with elly so that elly will have a parent looking after her needs.. so i kind of confused la..
let me tell u all abt my hubby then...

not to mention abt before preggy... before weddin i already make clear tat we have to share the household responsibility... he never open his mouth to say 'let's do housework'... the house can be damn dirty that when u stepped into the washroom, u can see the dirty footprint lor... and he can tell u 'dirty meh??' then when i preggy, i tell him to do housework once in a blue moon like 2 week once... it's long enough liao rite... he can say next week then do la... end up my mom helpin me to do the housework... then when he do housework, he can use 1 pail of water to mop the whole house k.. i am living in 5 room flat... so i chose to ask him to do housework when i am not at home... at least when i go back, i can step on a not very dirty house... then now because XR is startin to learnin to crawl, i tell him at least everyweek vaccum once then mop can live it to 2 week once... i am very good liao leh.. 2 week once leh.. imagine last time my own parent house, 1 week i help doin the housework once a week and on top of tat my mom will do about 2 times a week leh... then there was once i very fed up.. i told him 'tis is the first time i am living in such a dirty house' and it's my own house leh... wow lau.. i really never imagine tat...
u know what excuse he give me tat he dun wan to do housework?? he say 'u wanna slim down rite, so i let u do all lor...' *faint*

baby: i remember once during my confinement i really throw all my temper on him because XR will frequent throw out a lot of milk when she was very young.. then there was once, she threw out, my bed kana. floor, myself kana.. then u know what my hubby did.. he came to the room, stand beside the bed, then i got to ask him to take what take what for me... after i clean her up, i put her back to bed and u know what my hubby did?? he went out and sit on the sofa to watch tv.... he din bother to help me clean the floor, change the bedsheet and throw everything for me to do... i was like shit!! here i am doin all these things and u are there watching tv... then i really fed up w him and i shouted at him when XR was sleepin.. then as usual, he just sit there and listenin while watchin tv.. and give me the attitude.. u all say should i be angry???

but all these abt bb's past liao la.. now at least he will take the initiative to help me although i am still the one doin the cleanin and changing but he will help me do the back lot... but as for housework... he never change... still need me to do all.. imagine i got to book him to do housework k..
tis is the most cannot stand thing about my hubby... i always will get angry w him over housework.. other than can say he is good... if he more willin to do housework,i tink i will grade him as best liao... haha
can continue the brown rice lah....tell your hubby dun one report come out only then adjust to the report. What if next day another writer say white rice no good then the white rice we have been eating all these while how? undo ah? ha ha ha moderation lah

I think there are alot of types of man around lor. Sometimes we women don't know what we want as well.We want manly man but hate it when they don't lay a finger to help with housework or nappy change. If we choose too submissive man we feel he not man enough how come like hen peck...haha there's never a PERFECT man out there.

So all we can do is to choose a man whose strengths we admire and love and whose weaknesses we still can tahan and accept

my hubby to me is a very good husband. he takes care of every $ in the house and also give myparents allowance on my behalf and give me money to spend. Then he also help with cleaning of the house when i am tired or if not he will take care of Ethan and give me time to vacuum and mop the house and toilets. Then he will also attend to ethan when he cry so salute to my hubby ...no complain
That day i was casually asking hubby when he think i should go abck to work. When our no. 2 turns 3 years old or wat? or can i don't go back to work hee hee :p Then hubby said up to me..if i don't want to work then SAHM whole life lor...haha i felt so relief leh at least its not compulsory...i mean if i feel like working then work if not then i just continue to be my SAHM...i am enjoying lah eveyr bit of it. Whetehr SAHM or FTWm most important is ENJOY what you do
Too bad Singapore is a conservative society. And most of us only get to know the habit of our man after marriage.

Seeing a person and staying with a person are 2 different issues. During courtship days, both parties stays apart and had own habits at home which is transparent to both parties. Even if they stay together, it is only during weekends which can't observe much from there either. It is only after marriage and both parties stayed together then they started to observe and realise their difference in each other's habits.

There is a chinese saying: xiang jian rong yi, xiang chu nan.....

For me, I co-habit with my hb before married. More or less I know his habit. Before we engage a helper, he did most of the housework at home. I only hang the laundry to dry only. Once in a while I will help out in ironing. I will do the washing of dirty utensils.

After the arrival of our kids, he will lend out his hands when I needed help like feeding bb, changing diapers, entertain bb........

He has his own activities - swimming, cycling, running. He will cycle early in the wee hours or late at night after the kids falls asleep. Do his running early in the morning and swim during lunch.

We will leave the household chores to our maid. For me, I will entertain my kids whenever I have the time on weekdays because I need some time for my own wellness - slimming, keep fit....hehehehe.....

I still want to look good despite having 2 kids...... This will boost my confidence level if I look good.....hehehehe Very hiao mummy hor......
Hehehe... u know I ever mentioned to my hb that maybe I go n take up aerobic instructor course. Then quit my current job and work as freelance aerobic instructor....hahahaha... I can work and exercise at the same time... one arrow shoots two birds....

He didn't agree nor object.....

I don't think I have the luxury of choosing to become SAHM or FTWM leh..... I still have to work so that I can service my premium every month..... But its ok that I "suffer" now because I can "enjoy" later after retire.

I think I very kiam chye mia. Even when I do go out like shopping or makan, I will still think of the kids at home. I feel very guilty if I dun spend enuf time with them. Even if I can do that, they will call me to ask where I am or what time I come back! Or they will start quarrelling at home and the maid cant manage them.
Confirm Nichole is having running nose and cough. Juz received a call from my MIl. Sometime she is juz too stubborn!!! This afternoon, I told her to buy the medicine from the PD and she insists that cannot buy, must see doc...Haiz....really buay tahan.
i think that's the mother instinct lah...but really have to like take a break leh..cuz sahm everyday 24/7 face baby ...need to take a break
hee i try to take a short break about 3-4 hours once a week...maybe go shopping with hubby or go watch movie...also good

i think ur suggestion is good. u can work as an aerobics instructor and be sahm at the same time hee :p
Hi Hi gals
so today hot topic is tummy n hb not attentive enuf to take care of bb ah hehehehe...

I consider very lucky lo, hb really can take care of Keagan w/o me worrying maybe he more kan cheong over Keagan lo. As for my tummy hehehehe he says he dun mind but he got say give me $$$ go slimming centre if i become very fat hahahaha...
I also like u lah... need to dig a hole to hide liao... I read the postings abt hb... I am jus like them in some ways hehe!
At nite, sometimes when I hear bb cry, I act blur, jus use pillow to cover my ears n continue to sleep... b4 shen, I never or seldom do housework. Now I try to zhi dong abit do a bit lah.
My hb is the one tat always feel our floor not clean... I always answer is "is it? how come I dun feel?" hehe!
Even bb's porridge n food marketing is done by my hb. He also in-charge of playing with bb. If I take care, I will usually leave bb play at her own. I jus jaga make sure she dun fall.

I also thinking to be a yoga instructor as a job hehe so dun need to work full time liao.. but yoga hor... can be quite chim when going further leh. I dun wan to take the mediation part leh.
Not really true afer shen our tummy cannot tighten leh. I see my yoga teacher after 3 kids liao, figure so good leh! Some of my senior in class also leh. Got 1 bery kua zhang, 60+ liao, I dunno I thought is 40+ only. But they practise yoga everyday.

Yesterday lunchtime my hb go your MIL place cannot find the door leh... hehe... u gave me #09-3120...but no such no. leh
Re: comment on fat
Aiyo, I bochap wat hb say me lah. I jus sometime joke abt it also with him. I think I need to self bao zhong loh... need to self satify my own body loh. So I took up yoga at 4th month after shen. Jus tat I didn't practise daily lah! Lazy loh!
ur hubby very good le u should appreciate him alot alot haha actually he can be sahd le hee :p maybe u can consider his "resume" hee :p
hehe sorry ah... bcos of me bcom hb grumbling day hahahahahha

after reading u all hb... i think my hb not that bad lah hahaha except i get annoyed when he complained i fat and also middle of nite or when he taking his afternoon nap during weekend he refuse to wk up to attend bb :p

at least he do most houseworks... i only hang clothes, put clothes to wash, iron clothes n pack house at times. and he mk breakfast for me every morning hahah (just bread w egg) and every morning he will change my boy's first diaper hahahhaha while i prepare myself to go work.

haiz must "zi zu"

sometime i fl he over-protect our boy lor if i let bb crawl on the floor, he will v kan cheong say wait he fall tis n dat and carry him up :/ then when i say it's ok mah no fall no learn. how to forever protect? then he will v stern look at me and say "when things happen then u know and everything too late" then he will walk away... arrrghhh... shou bu liao

ur hb so protective ah. bb suppose to crawl on floor once they stable liao mah. i let JH crawl on floor but cos she still unstable so not often. JH like floor leh...heehee... my hb no say anything but its my mum who say cannot. ahahahaha
