(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Re: Infant Swimming

I just read a famous infant book "The First Three Years of Life" by Burton White that cautioned against submersion of bb during swimming, said can lead to water intoxication, coz the bb will swallow the water, thus lowering the sodium levels. Better check out before u join Aquaducks

mashy, then how? means dun go swimming ah? anyway, by 1 oct, dunno jarren recover alr or not...

anyone knows if goat milk better ot soy milk?
Jarren changed milk liao ah! Next x cannot jio u to BP liao... hehe! I jus got 10tin of Mamax Step2. But now she cannot drink until her LS stop, PD said roughly 2weeks time.
I only know Yujie hate soy milk... she refused to drink any bit, rather hungry... until PD has to put tube straight to her stomach, to feed her soy milk.
After 2 days of ba chi, PD decided to give her Mamil LF milk, then she started to drink.

Aiyo, today I went to Istena Baby Fair, disappointing...nothing much! Only sell 1 brand of carrier. I also wanted to find Etelle's that Combi carrier...

Aiyo, YJ's wt reduced liao, 7.5kg now... sigh.

I remember u mentioned in forum abt bb wt gain only 300g? is between wat month till wat month?
i send u the pics tomorrow hor. Cant fins the look alike pics lei. Elvin look like his daddy but photo but really lei..Tmr then i go choose anyone to take part..For fun loh..

How to update the table har? Can help me?
primary - AMK North (88)
secondary - presbyterian high (93)
Tertiary - Ngee Ann Poly (97)
Your idea sound fun leh!
Help to update leh!
Pri - Jie Ming/ Zhangde (85) (alamak, showing my age liao! Keke!)
Sec - Hua Yi (89)
Tertiary - Singapore Poly (93) (Mechanical, easilier to find classmate mah)
Uni - Nanyang Technology (98)
Wow before we embarked on something new better check with our mashy encyclopaedia.....to be safe.....thanks mashy
you're our knowledge hee
Definitely goat's milk is better than soy milk. Goat FM is every expensive. Thk the price is double than cow FM.

Jayden is 9.7kg liao..... another 300g he has got the same weight as a pkt of rice....hahaha... I always tell ppl I am carrying a pkt of rice....hehe
<font size="+2">Finding School Mates -- Feb 06 Mummies</font>

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="-1">Nick</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Primary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Secondary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Tertiary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">University</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Higher Level</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivory</TD><TD>89 Dazhong</TD><TD>93 BPGHS</TD><TD>97 NAP - BS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>siewlng</TD><TD>85 <font size="-1">Jie Ming / Zhangde</font></TD><TD>89 Hua Yi</TD><TD>93 SP - ME</TD><TD>98 NTU</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>89 Ping Yi</TD><TD>93 Ping Yi</TD><TD>PSB Academy</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD>88 AMK North</TD><TD>93 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>97 NAP</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font size="-1">** table is sorted according to Sec Sch.. Not age.. HeheK</font>

PS... yr graduate is not a must to indicate.. haha.. though indication is easier to locate long lost frens.. hehe..
Hi Mashy,

Thanks for the info, but hor for a start they will not let bb submerge in water la... I brough my gal for lessons last time at 6mths that time but stopped due to SARS.

They oni guide the parents how to teach bb kick, blow bubbles and also how to get bb ready for the swim etc. They will also teach how to get the bb to hold their breath when underwater so if submerge they shdn't be swallowing too much water. But I think that is only later part lor.

Infant swimming trial lesson with Aquaduck
Anyway for those who feel 'unsafe' and would like to withdraw fm the trial lesson, pls let me know so that I can update the Aquaducks ppl... ok?

I know there is 1 more sch tat conducts infant swimming lessons but just forgot which one. Happened to see one of the mummy post in the forum today. So I'll be calling Swimfast to compare quotes. Just FYI.
I read somewhere(can't remember where 'cos very long time ago when my gal is born) that goat milk is actually low in Iron content so cannot fully substitute FM/BM. You may want to check their contents first ya?

Siew Lay,
BB fall sick is like tat lor, will 'shrink' a little. My FK now recovering fm his running nose I oso see him so skinny like dat.... haiz....

Most of you all are young mummies leh so I dun think I will find any classmates in this thread la... haha... but here's my data anyway :

primary - Temasek Pri (84)
secondary - Bedok View Sec(88)
Tertiary - Ngee Ann Poly BS (92)
Got my degree doing part-time so no need to update here hor?

u wan can put lah... its ok one... but part time hard to find classmates leh.. hehe..

hehe.. at least i know u my senior schoolmates (same faculty some more) n clubhouse mates ah.. haha...
etelle: wow then u heng lor... Xin ru keep feelin so pek cheh like tat... then also mai sleep long... sleep a while wake up liao.. make me feel so tired lookin after her... how i got sore throat, coughin liao.... so tired...

Ivory: here's mine.. hehe my little only... :p

Primary: Zhonghua Primary School (93)
Sec: Serangoon Garden Sec Sch (98)
pls update for me...

we r from same sec sch...hee..

primary - Chong Shan Pri (88)
secondary - Presbyterian High(92)
Tertiary - Ngee Ann Poly (96)
Hi mummies,
This is so cute hor... finding old frens..

<font color="ff0000">Ivory,</font>
My info as follows:
Primary - Raffles Girls' Pri (85)
Secondary - Raffles Girls' Sec (89)
Tertiary - St Andrew's JC (91)
Uni - Monash University (95)
Hi Ivory,
pls help me to update.. I took Electrical Engineering in Ngee Ann.

maybe we meet b4. Which class are u in? I can go back and search my mag..Haha..
<font color="ff0000">Jappooh</font>
I went home to take a look at my Baby Lucky carrier. I saw on the box that it is S$79.90 at Kiddly Palace. My colleague passed it to me and I didnt attempt to try it .. hahaha.. But hor, mine says can carry in 6 different ways. Are they the same thing?

<font color="ff0000">Yu Guo</font>
I brot my gal to try the baby tuina at YuGuo yesterday. She seems to enjoy it, as she was quietly lying there for the Yishi to massage. But... she cough more badly after that! And also cough out phlegms. That was what the doc told us beforehand, but didnt know she is so zhui. Also, she didnt sleep well becos of the cough, wheezing more..
I put the yaobao on her belly button last nite, hopefully it works. If good, I will bring my elder son along.

For those mummies who have been there before, seen any improvements?
Hi Sunshinekid,
i dunno is it the same type. Maybe i go hm and take the pics then show u. Maybe not the same cos i bought mine at $29.90. I think the most ex i saw is $39.90 lei..

The yu Guo so good har.. Dunno wan to bring elcin to try anot. He has abit of phlegm but still all right cos the PD say his skin sensitive will have phlegm easily loh.

Today i going to introd the enfapro to Elvin hope he like it. Those mummies who give bb enfalac. Any problem when u switch bb to enfapro?
Hi Stella,

I updated Feng Kai's wgt and height directly into the table in Yahoo but how come did not show the correct one in the one you posted above ar? I just checked in the yahoo and is showing wat I updated the last time.

Pls let me know if I did it wrong. Thanks.
Hi gals,
any mummies have info on the lantern festival celebration this yr in Chinese Garden. Dunno wan to bring Elvin anot.
The entrance fee is rather ex for the past few years and I nvr bring my gal there and it's too far for us anyway.
I dun think our bb knows how to appreciate lantern at this age lor but for bigger kids think they will like. One of the year they had the disney characters if I remember correctly.

Infant swimming classes
FYI, Swimfast does not conduct infant classes anymore....
Hi gals

For those who introduce Dumex Mamex Gold step 2 to yr babies, how do you go about it? By gradually 1 feed or straight away.

Pls update for me

Primary sch-Balestier Hill Primary (1981)
Secondary- Presbyterian High (1990)
Tertiary - SP (1996)

Smiley, Jappooh
We are fr Sec too
seldom people visit the yahoo groups already and one more thing is the chart i do is i update the one at yahoo is members update on their own. Most people visit forum don't go yahoo one. So its best you all let me have the most updated details of your bb

yesterday ethan whole night cranky leh weird weird wondering if it's becuz i upsetted his routine and then he slept too much evening and early night then when really bed time he cnanot sleep sigh cry and cry sleep a wink then cry and cry wow i zombie already....
Baby Contest
Received photos from Husna, jappooh, Piglet, Ivory, Irene, Violet,LIM, bochap.

Mummies who have not paid the reg fee pls do so before tomorrow's dateline

Mummies who still want to join u still have time......dateline is tomorrow 10pm
Isetan fair so lousy? think gotta go Kiddy Palace and see then.

Anyone has Infantino carriers? Are they good?

sally cinnammon-
tertiary: NAFA [visual com] (96)
secondary: North View Sec (91)
primary: Pandan Primary (87)

never take part in lookalike ah?
sally dear your primanry school the yr like wrong like that.. cannot be you go primary school 5 yrs only ma..

elly and i dun look alike la...

no need to look like you.. she looks like my fav cartoon character. heh.

eh the year is when you enter ah? not graduate?
my year of graduate correct lah. i in primary school 1982-1987 mah.

i list by most recent one first.. resume format. hehe
<font size="+2">Finding School Mates -- Feb 06 Mummies</font>

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="-1">Nick</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Primary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Secondary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Tertiary</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">University</font></TD><TD><font size="-1">Higher Level</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivory</TD><TD>89 Dazhong</TD><TD>93 BPGHS</TD><TD>97 NAP - BS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Violet Blaze</TD><TD>84 Temasek</TD><TD>88 Bedok View</TD><TD>92 NAP - BS</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>siewlng</TD><TD>85 <font size="-1">Jie Ming / Zhangde</font></TD><TD>89 Hua Yi</TD><TD>93 SP - ME</TD><TD>98 NTU</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sally</TD><TD>87 Pandan</TD><TD>91 North View</TD><TD>96 <font size="-1">NAFA - Visual Com</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>89 Ping Yi</TD><TD>93 Ping Yi</TD><TD>PSB Academy</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD>88 AMK North</TD><TD>93 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>97 NAP - EE</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MTAN</TD><TD>81 Balestier Hill</TD><TD>90 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>96 SP</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Smiley</TD><TD>88 Chong San</TD><TD>92 <font size="-1">Presbyterian High</font></TD><TD>96 NAP</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD>85 Raffles Girls</TD><TD>89 Raffles Girls</TD><TD>91 <font size="-1">St Andrew's JC</font></TD><TD>95 Monash</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>93 Zhonghua</TD><TD>98 <font size="-1">Serangoon Gdns</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>feza</TD><TD>87 St Hilda's</TD><TD>93 St Hilda's</TD><TD>98 Informatics</TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font></TD><TD><font color="ffffff">-</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<font size="-1">** table is sorted according to Sec Sch.. Not age.. HeheK</font>
I also the same as u leh, zombie... tis morning, yj wake up at 1.30am super hungry, we didn't know jus give her 80ml wan to make her sleep, but she refused. Finished 80ml, still wan to drink some more. (maybe yesterday didn't give her solid food for dinner)

Then she woke up at 4am plus, cry n cry... then LS. We washed her up. Then she continue crying... for 2 hours! Sleep about 6.15pm. But it's time for us to get up to prepare for work liao... now panda eyes liao!

Dunno why she cry until so cham... wonder is it her LS that her stomach got wind or she is teething again?
hey it graduated from huh?? then must changed liao la..

sorry ivory here s the amended..

pri - st hilda s (92)
sec st hilda s (97)
tertiary - informatics (98)

i entered as the first yr we were in that school.. soory huh paisey..
Paiseh, graduated at 86.

Tks for pointing out.

My boy also cranky yest night. Din sleep well. Very tired today.

A scoop for each feed u mean?
hey same last nyte elly also did nt sleep well.. she woke up at 4.30 till 6.30.. for me it s ok coz i can always go back to sleep when she takes her nap but poor hb went to work with panda eyes.. thinking she hungry we make milk then she drink halfway she cry.. then change her diapers tot she uncomfortable but still cry.. and she getting fussy nowadays.. she wans both me and hb to put her to sleep.. hug me and hold daddy's hands like scared the daddy run away.. then must pat and sing.. very tedious.. every nyte like must have battle with her.. eyes close then 5 mins later start crying dunno for what.. hopefully it s just a phrase..
Yalah, bery lousy bb fair! I went to Parkway Isetan.
I went Kiddy Palace at Parkway also dun have tat T95 Combi... haiz!

haha... (shake hand)we in same boat!

I asked my PD b4, how to switch to Step 2? She said, jus changed after finished Step1 loh!
siewlng: hehe tis one is the old method la.. hehe cause scare change all at one time then they cant get used to the flavour lor... tat time i like tat change then used up all the Step 1 then total step 2... :p
<font color="aa00aa">Sally</font>
I am planning to open one with Standad Chartered this week. It's a trust account... meaning I am the trustee for the account. It offers an interest rate of 1.88% p.a. which is high.
<font color="0000ff">teething</font>
Feng Kai oso teething, can see and feel the lower teeth sprouting out liao....

Hi Sally,
I opened the trust acount with POSB. Did not check out the rates la 'cos they dun hv much money in it anyway la
hahaha i haven open one for her yet.. but i bought a edu policy for her which is not much in the years to come but at least there s something.. the bank acct maybe later when she s bit older then open other than that all her money is in our joint acct..

yahh i am looking at opening chartered's esaver kids also but looking at other options first.

i have to open for her cos i headache want to remember how much her money how much is mine.
Sally: i open the POSBKids for Xin Ru.. but it's a joint account tat is under my name.. All her $$ i put inside.. so very clear cut tat all are hers.. hehe
Hi Sally,
i have both OUB and POSB for Elvin. Cos i have this 2 banks esay for me to do internet tranfer.

Hi gals,
look like most of your bb start teething hor..

Those mummies who brought their bbs for the pneumococcal jab can share the experience? Heard that it is painful. Does bb keep crying on and off the whole day or jsut during the jab. Have fever anot? Wat are the things to look out. I will be bring Elvin for the jab this sun. SO started to get worried.

Jappooh: the jab is more painful then the normal jab.. then will cause fever also.. but it depends on bb... cause normally when XR took the jab, it's always with the 6 in 1 jab.. then the PD told us that if fever occurs, more likely id because of the pneumococcal jab... but touch wood, she only develop fever for her first jab after birth then no more liao...
