(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Pls update for me. Jerry wt is 71kg and 63cm. Haizz, think he will be short. Me and hb so tall, how come he so short?

Phelgm in the lungs pretty serious leh. Is she getting better? On antibiotics or not? Think might be good to chk with a PD as GP might not be too exp with bbs. I understand how u feel....it is most stressful when kids take turns to fall sick and then gotta see yr boss' face turn black when u ask for childcare leave. But, bb's health more impt and tht's when yr bb needs u most, u wun regret for the extra care u give to her.

jerry 71kg?
maybe he'll shoot up during puberty
you are right, as long as she is healthy i am ok. But i went to another PD and asked abt her weight.. she quite bad she say "skinny, can see wat... i can only see her head!" wah biang, got me so worried.

I can't increase the amt she will push the bottle away. sometimes worse, 1.5 hours she will start to fuss liao. So if i wanna bring her out, i have to ensure i bring enuff ebm for her.
aiyo....y the PD so bad leh. like tat say ur bb.
the GP i went to says my gal weight gain is normal. nothing to worry abt. as long as healthy n in normal weight range. even at 10% is ok cos still inside range mah. only smaller size.
Hi Venus,

I brought my boy to swim last sunday... First session uau abt 30-45 mins... U may want to apply sunblock for bb cos UV rays not good for them.. Those kiddy floats with two holes for her leys to go through will be good... Better to bring her to baby pool first... At first she may be scared of water... so u can pat some water on her chest to alleviate her fear... I feel that babies naturally know how to swim cos they have been "swimming" in our tummies for 9 mths... My boy simply loves swimming.... Oh ya, I also bought a Carters bath robe for him... Found it quite useful...
so adorable! what sunscreen do you use? my mom keeps nagging me to put sunscreen whenever xr goes swimming, but i'm never around, so whoever's bringing her will just let her be. Keep wanting to buy, but dunno what is ok for bb?

I bought the float from Mothers Work at Great World City... cost $7.90. He was in the water for abt 45 mins..


The sunscreen brand is baby blanket... Bought it from babycentre website.

Thanks... I can see that he really enjoys swimming... after we lifted him up from the pool, he not happy and make noise...
the PD very straightfwd one loh... from TMC some more. She ah, only starting to drink like 30ml only. This morning my mum gave her 30ml FM followed by 100ml BM. So it's still very minimal.
If u r not comfortable with the PD, change it. There are so many good ones out there.

Your boy so cute..... and the float fit him just nice....

is that typo error? Yr boy can't be 71kg leh. U mean 7.1kg is it?
i went to that PD the other time coz my gal's PD is not available that night and she was starting to develop a bad cough. Still have not find an ideal one though. Any to recommend?
summer: wow tat PD so unprofessional.. tat time i told my PD tat xin ru like losing weight then she say ya, can see that she lost her weight... at least is in a nicer way of sayin... hehe
We are seein the PD at Rivervale Mall, The Kids Clinic... Bulma and me seeing the same clinic but different PD.. Mine is Lilian Lim... She is not bad...
Hello gals.
I finally brought Annika to a PD last nite, and immediately she was put on the neubilizer, as her wheezing was quite bad. In fact, she has to use the neubilizer for a couple of times, twice today and maybe next few days too.

Last nite, I called Bulma asking her for the tel. no of Kids Clinic. Was surprise when she told me she was at KK Hospital. Apparently Jarren's wheezing also very bad, and the doc told her to get him admitted. I hope little Jarren is well. Both Bulma and I were so worried for our kids yesterday. Both of us like on the verge of crying. :p
lai yee
parents worried most and mood totally affected when our kids are sick....and for a baby to be sick even worse cuz they cannot tell us where they are hurting and we can only guess....and we cannot ease their discomfort....sigh...you take care and rest well too.....
haha i alr was crying when i was on the phone w u hehe after put down also cry hahaha

thanks gals... jarren sil cant discharge... tml hope he can discharge. his heartbeat and breathing is too fast not normal range and stil wheezing
bulma & sunshinekid

Aiyoh, all of us at PD last night. I was also at PD coz Caeden was coughing badly again and had fever in the evening. Thank God no wheezing. ASked for a tin of soy milk. Hopefully he'll be better today.

So what meds are they giving Jarren now? Or just close monitoring?
hey mommies may i know hw long does it takes for nappy rash to go away?
my bb ger has these red dots on the top of her pubic bone for abt a week.
then they start to 'group' together n become slightly bigger red patches liao
it's nappy rash right?
i left my desitin in sg!!! arghh...
btw, i noticed no new red dots or patches.

It really depends. You gotta change her diapers frequently and use vaseline/moisturiser if you can't get the nappy rash cream. Anyway, desitin shouldn't be too difficult to find in US. I'm sure you brought moisturiser for her right?
bulma $ sunshinekid
U gals take good care of urself, bb really need alot of TLC at this present moment. Do keep us update on the progress ya.
the baby contest for "Prettiest Baby Girl" will closed tonight at 8pm. So by then if no more votes come in result will be announced

Update on Ethan
wondering if his teething soon or what causes it. These few nights he will wake up and then cry and cry eyes closed want to sleep but cry and dun want to lie down. Changed nappy, give him milk, stuff pacifier pat him done everything but he still like that sigh....thankfully i sahm if not how to go work in such a state. Sigh.Any kind souls can tell me what this is all about?
stella u got call out his name anot??? Now is the mth leh, try not to bring him out too late, say something like dun disturb Ethan let him sleep n thank you lor, kelly taught me this hehehe...
nebermind one lah. bb dun sleep v good everynight. sometime JH also like tat... last sat midnite 5am she wake up crying n crying non stop. we just carry her and pat her lor. then she sleep 1hr++ later.
ya ya...now is the mth...dun bring bb out too late. best is to stay at hm during nite time.
but i no choice lor, cos need bring bb hm fri nite. cant avoid
hahaha summer better play safe mah, u know when i say those sentences my hair stands....

smiley u got call out her name anot?? must call out her name n tell bb tht u r here not to worry.
If such thing happen, my mum will use rice water (water use to wash rice before cooking) to clean bb. Then throw the water away out of the house.

I know that u r a christian and do not believe in such thing. But no harm trying.

Hope that Ethan is alright now.
No. i did not call out her name cos i worry those thing know her name if i call out...so i dare not lor...heehee...
i cont sleeping while my hb entertain n pat her
smiley hahaha... won't lah cos at times bb dreaming mah n when u call out their name they will be pull out of the nightmare mah.
Hi all

Just want to chk how to do fruits purees for the baby. Have read and came across this word 'puree' but not sure what it means. Is it using blender?

Kindly advise. tks
But don't call the baby's name when u r outside at nite lor..think at home ok..call softly la..

if u experiencing something unusual or u can smell something not rite..then say prayers..buddhist or christian or taoist does not matter..but this helps
Hi, Feb mum congrats on all your newborn. Btw, Im one of the MTB in Nov thread. Saw a thread on massage mentioning that alot of u used Mdm susi. Is she really very good?
hi all

bb alr discharged this evening. thanks
but will stil nd to puff ventolin every 4 hourly (even at nite when he zzz).. i think me and hb gg to "pengz" haha cos every nite cant sleep well. both gotto wk up when x to give him puff. 1 to catch hold of him 1 to give the puff.. then after puff, he will cry n cry for another hour... faint meh
babycutie (babycutie)
use rice water to bathe is it? or wipe enough?

if u r buddhist/taoist, can go joss paper shop and ask. they sell some papers, use it to touch all over bb body ( bb shd move a bit if sleepg), then go burn paper.

Hi mummies,
abt the brown rice/ si sen powder....Other than heinz, nestle are instant , all others must cook is it?I dont know which brand/type to buy.

my friend's bb drank a brand of milk powder and bb cough for 2 yrs...they didnt know milk powder not suitable for bb. After that change then OK now.
Dear Mummies

The winner for the Prettiest Baby Girl is:

Mimi(sally)s daughter : Sarah with 11 votes.

Breakdown of the other votes:
No.2 Shayna (7 votes)
No.3 Xin Ru (A) (5 votes)
No 4 Elie (3 votes)
No 5 - Corrine (2votes)

Total voting list send out: 51
Total votes receive: 28
No. of not voting:23(Not voting or no response by voting dateline

Sally will receive $12 prize money and a online cert from feza

Gald to know Jarren is discharged. Hope he gets well soon.
U n yr hb take care too. Do drink some essence of chicken or tonic.

Congrates Mimi and Sarah!

tough on yoou and hubby ah and most of all heart pain @@ bb suffering right....sigh....yeah take more tonics to build up ur energy....
