(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

go sign up babycentre.com and u will find a lot of info on bb essentials, growing up, feedig, milestones, etc.

My gal alrdy attending class on 1 of the wkend, and if bring feng kai to swimming class then dun think I got bandwidth to join another class liao... will pass on the gym thing

got to try out a few types of milk to find the suitable one lor. How about goat's milk? However goat's milk is low in Iron(If I'm not wrong but can use supplement).
Not sure if goat's milk is suitabale in this case, maybe you can ask the PD about it.

fen: hehe thank u huh...

summer: haha summer... we both sama sama.. hehe i also know nothing... hehe
as for puree, see what kind of puree u wanna make lor... tink the simplest is potato... cook the potato until very soft then use spoon to press it till nua nua...
bascially just boiled it till soft then can use blender to blend till nua nua... like tat lor... hehe alternatively, u can get the ready made puree from shop lor.. Heniz and Gerber...
i understand from some mummies that they make the puree liao then put them in ice cube tray then every feed one cube ah... i still looking for those ice cube tray w cover....
toking about babycentre... oh ya hor... i have an account with them... okie, will check it out.

PD say it is better to give them fresh ones than those bottled ones. uhmmm... ice cube trays to freeze the food?
i give bottled puree leh cos my mum no time to prepare n she dun like the idea of me freezing the puree. she says freeze worse than commercial bottle bb food leh. so to suit her, i buy commercial lor...heehee... but i oni buy organic one lor...thou cost much more but i more "fan xin" to let bb eat organic esp i dunno whether they wash the vege/fruit before cooking and blending. so i guess organic one should be safer.

if i blend, mostly i would buy organic vege/fruit too hence might as well get bottle one and more variety too

but during weekend, i sometime make carrot, potato and avocado fresh for bb.
summer: tat i agree also.. hehe tat's y i din buy from the stores those bottle one... i see liao like not very nice like tat.. hehe
i mean the puree... hehe they make liao then put into the ice cube tray then freeze it... then when wan to give bb eat that time then steam it lor...
agree, i also think after freeze some nutrients will bo lost. ya, organic would be a better choice. bb can eat avocado? usually the puree jus eat on its own?

don't seem like a good idea to freeze and thaw it by steaming leh... i think it's better to prepare smaller portions. bb cannot finish we finish for them loh.. LOL!

The infant care nurse/teacher also said that my boy could be allergic to cow's milk and that's why he got eczema and possibly asthma.
So she advised us to try Isomil. Haven't gotten round to buying that yet. But my hb was like we've so many Promils at home and wanted to finish them b4 trying out Isomil.

So smiley & Stella,
I let u know ok? Coz I might not need Promil anymore. Cannot change for more right now, if not my boy will never get to try Isomil.
summer: hmmm true also... haizz so troublesome.. hehe :p
so weekend kut lat a bit to do the puree... hehe...

smiley: is the organic one nice?? hehe
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hi mashy,
ok. no prob.

hi summer,
yes. bb from 4th mth onwards can eat avocado. dun need to cook. jus scoop and mash. i try eating, i can says it tasted YUCKS... i add to cereal n feed bb. avocado is a good brain food for bb so yucky i also feed.

hi amanda,
to me, all these puree dun taste nice lah. our homemade one also dun taste nice. taste abt the same lor. i think it tasted the same no matter organic or non organic. but it cost more lor

but i find its very worth the price cos when i buy organic products, it cost 3x more than normal but the bottle jar dun cost 3x more than normal one...so in a sense i find it quite worth it.
violet u post on the wrong thread ah hehehehe... cannot find childrobes leh.

Dun worry too much ok, Annika will be fine isomil not much nutrients but Annika taking solids so she can get those from there lor. U take care ya
Thanks to all the mummies here.

<font color="ff0000">Claire</font>
I am not sure if the aloe pdts are really so gd. I used on her face and she did recover, but her arms and legs are taking a longer time. If XR does not have much skin prob, dun need to use aloe vera pdts mah.

<font color="ff0000">ilim</font>
Aiyo.. Isomil got not much nutrients ah..
mashy brainz,
maybe u want to ask doc to see if its really allergy to cow's milk la.. if not all ur FM wasted le...anyway might not be allergy right... My son taking Isomil. But when I told my mum, she frown and insist its not enough to just give baby beans (haha!). Family members might be apprehensive lor...
Goat's milk is very very ex and though is better than cow's milk in many ways I do remembered that it is low in Iron content. Do a serach on the web to find more info.
Yeah the price of a tin of 900g goat FM cost around $40+. Very exp.

But if our bb really allergic to cow's milk, then no choice leh. Exp also must buy. Unless u don't mind Isomil.

Also unless our bb really can eat. Otherwise, they won't get enough nutrients from their solid if they don't eat much or choosy on food right?

Hehe...My boy can take his Enfa very well so I do not need to get Goat's milk for him...

BB can get nutrients from solids but provide they are not choosy eaters.
Can't help u with that Q too because I don't like to drink milk....hehehe... I dare not try my own BM. I also din taste the FM ....

Wow!! Yr supply can last so long...... Hv u decide when to stop BF?
I intend to last 1yr if possible la. Now I cut down the supply and pump only 3 times a day.

Mindy, maybe u stress now 'cos u so bz with yr work and all. No need to be sad la, got give is good enough.
Mashy, irene
thanks for the well wishes

i bought the ice cube tray with cover form taka leh $3.50 for one. Hee very useful le.

of course fresh puree is better for babies. Haha better is fresh and not freeze but then it really depends on individual one leh. Cuz u may have the "heart" but no time. Or u may want to try but no support. So in the end bottled one comes in lor....so whichever ah moderation lor...some made some bottled lor
Hi Etelle
Happy Birthday

Hi mummies, can check what are the things that i need to know as i intend to bring Corrine to swimming pool? How long can baby be in the water? Anything that i need to be cautious about? I bought her swimming suit, swimming diaper and float. Can bring baby to normal pool right?
Hi mummies

i am super stress leh, work is getting more demanding and i really feel i have neglected Corinne a little. Now due to work stress, i am only partially breastfeeding. I felt really bad cause i can't provide her more milk...

due to stress, i felt sick last week with high fever. Now, i am back at work like a mad woman, and travelling here and there... Super sianzzzz.

Want to take leave also can not, i have 34 days of leave to clear. I really need a break... anyone can recommend any good spa massage?
Venus, me too..wanted to bf till 6 mths but now at 4.5mths i gotta start to supplement liao..pump at work only at 200-300ml..can't even hit 400ml. These days she keeps waking up at night for one feed when she usually sleep through and makes the problem worse. So sianz..feel like take no pay leave
when bb start on solids, can cut one milk intake so it does get easier. But if have to supplement, then just do it coz bb nutrition most impt
Last time I also very stressed out over low milk supply, but now that she's on solids, it's actually enough. Hope everything works out.

at least you're planning on going swimming with corrine, quality time
I tasted my BM before... lightly sweetened and taste very different from milk.

oh really ah, NAN. Ok, if my girl still reject Similac which i jus bought y'day. I will change to NAN. But compared to Dumex, she is taking a bit more... like 5ml compared to 2ml! haha! y'day was so desperate that i tried to call the BF support group to ask them which FM is most similiar but they KO liao, so in the end gotta end up with Similac.

agree with Claire, when my bb start on solid... i feel more relieved that 1-2 meals are supplemented. I am also very stressed that my ms is so low these days. I am also afraid that she will wake up in the middle of the night for milk, scared not enough for the next day. You can pump 200-300ml during work ah? I can only pump a pathetic max 160ml. I am now starting to introduce FM to her, but she still reject.

Wow Venus, you have so many days leave leh.. i toti have 20days alrdy alot liao... you win, 34 days!

Agree, sometimes if no choice... bottled ones would come in handy. Like whenn we're outside or when time is not on our side.
Bring bb to pool in late afternoon like 3-4pm and only for 30mins in pool. Wear swimming diapers in case he poo in the pool.

Don't get too stressed out over work, but easy to say so difficult to do rite? Try to take things easier lor.
Claire...nice meeting you. hehehehe

Babe...endure for another 1-1mth or later when u bb is ready for solid, u'll be less stressful.

Started my gal on solid 2weeks back, i TRYING HARD to delay though pd has advised me to start after the 5mth jab. i started at 5mth. BUT BUT now i only managed to latch her once in the morning, pump during the day n once b4 i sleep. After her solid in the evening, she sleep through til morning. She drinks 200ml per feed. With solid, will give her 120ml bm, -1hr later give solid w 60ml of bm.
I read ur msn this morning....haha...toking abt me online 24hrs but not ard.muahhhh
U got a maid liao...hw is she? Hw much r u paying her? I oso wan to get one, prob by next yr but still thinking hard whether to get a not..Still dun feel comfortable leaving my children with the maid...haizzz...hw to overcome this obstacle...

Lai Yee,
No worries, U take care too.
Hi Gals
I am so tired today. Had to carry Annika till like 1am then she manage to fall asleep. IF nto she will cry when put down. She is still wheezing. And coupled with my mum's constant nagging to bring her to KKH this morning, I feel so lousy.

I oredi brot her to a GP on Sat morning, and then on Sun nite. This morning, mum asked if I should bring her to KKH. Is it really necessary, as I thought it's not good to keep changing doc. I told her not so serious till must go KKH, then she said how abt bringing to the PD, as the previous 2 are normal GPs.

Sigh. so "fan". When kids are sick, we parents suffer too. Wats worse, so busy at work, and mum still asks me to take 2 days leave. How to!
Summer....almost the same la. She used to do 180ml every 3-3hrly for 2-3weeks around 3mth. I reduced to 150ml thereafter, she is still doing the same interval. Up 180ml last week then 200ml this week at 3-4hr interval. If bf, she doing 4-5hr interval, i MAKE her drink around 4hr, cos i cannot tahan liao, engorgement.

She drinks n pee ALOT but slow growth rate, only about 7kg now despite birth wt 3.545kg!!!!
MIndy: dun be sad la... can pump till now very good le... some more its really tedious and on top of tat u have 3 kiddies to take care... dun feel sad la...

etelle: u also like Yvonne Chong storing the puree huh?? 3.50 at Taka huh.. hmmm consider wan to buy or not... hehe thanks ya....

Vs: it's like tat for a workin mum one.. tend to neglect the bb.. try to use all the time tat u are not workin with Corrine lor... tat's the best tat we can do liao... abt the feedin of bm, dun feel sad la... u are still able to bf her u should be happy le even though its partial...
wow u got so much leave.. hehe go to Bintan lor.. bring corrine go.. at the same time can massage and spend time w corrine...

sunshinekid: annika wheezing very bad huh?? maybe consult a PD instead of general GP lor.. see if annika will be better... tink if see PD still not ok then go KKH... dun be sad ok...
Ok, that means my gal practice small meals, more meals. Try to make her drink more at each interval, she cannot and will act vomitting. I try latching her on again but she bite my nipple... ouch!

I think my gal dun drink a lot and she should be less than 7kg now. Same loh, nice birth weight of 3.430kg but...

Dun be too upset... kids will tend to fall sick on and off. Y'day my gal also cranky in the end need my hubby to pacify her to sleep.
yep, nice meeting you too
started to take the goat's rue already, hope to see effect soon.

ur mom taking care of annika? Maybe hb can bring her to pd instead, then take some stress off you.
HI all,
Thanks for all the concern. We should be bringing her back to the GP for a review since she told us to go back. Anyway, she has the neubilizer in the clinic, same as the one used by KKH.

Annika has a low birth weight of 2.460kg. She weighed 7.7kg two nites ago, but with this bout of illness + cutting down of milk intake, she will surely lose the weight.
dun worry too much. wont lose too much weight...maybe jus not much weight gain.

summer, my gal also abt 7kg or maybe 6.8kg. her birth weight only 2.455kg. hopefully she can gain weight faster. want to see her chubby chubby but i dun think can lah cos she too active to gain much weight. hee
but as long as she healthy then me happy liao
sunshinekid: annika at birth is 2.460Kg and now she already 7.7kg ah.. my xinru is heavier at birth then her but her weight lower then annika.. hehe
tryin feedin her in shorter interval lor..

hey summer our bb girl about the same lei! drink soooo little n frequent.
no success with increasing the amt of feed n lengthening the interval too?
now worse cos she can get so distracted during nursing so i dun know hw much she drink.
there's 1 time we were on a road trip i bottle fed her ebm in the car n she took only 2 oz! wa piang~

but having said all these, she looks ok n growing well. even start to shuffle/crawl ard to get her toys.
jus her bad feeding habits

re: puree
- i just bake or boil the vege/fuits then i throw in side blender to make the puree. add water to achieve desired consistency.
