(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Bulma / wendy: got ur votes...

Sunshinekid: ok.. no problem...

Sally: it look so cute... thanks for the effort....

sally, wow really amazing! U are one gem!!!! Thanks so much, really happy, keep me smiling to see all these babies! All soooo smiley all looks so happy!
Wow all the babies are so cute. You must have put in a lot of efforts. A pity my boy Amos not in it. I din have close up photo of him.
thx so much!!! The collage looks great, feeling so happy looking at it..Will u be giving us the printout at the gathering..I wanted to print out leh, maybe I will try at the photoshop.

You were a air stewardess last time huh?? Sooo pretty leh..
mashy =) thankssss

sunshinekid, alr brought him fr his x-ray tis morn. tml will br the film to see PD for review again

he has cough and keep hv wheezing sound. quite bad

I may not attend the gathering on 24th june. will need to depend on whether my boy is ok by then.
Thanks for the wonderful work
but i cannot see leh...haha cuz dun know why it stopped at the 2nd row...i no see my son

Take care of yourself too....
great job... very nice leh...
hope jarren will b ok soon
my email [email protected]
thanks for the games suggested... will try it on noel.
milk bottles
y i have so many milk bottles cos i dun trust maid to wash after that painful incident that got noel in hospital so i make sure noel has enough milk bottles everyday b4 i come back at night to wash for him. then i am shifting back soon so make sure enough bottles for me when i bring him home lor.
ha ha i mean he always tries to flip a few times but average out of 5 times only one time he managed to flip over cos he pui pui nw.
<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Just came back from Annika's 4th mth jab. Can help to update the following:

As at 12/6/2006:
Weight: 6.7kg

Thanks alot!

I was concern that Annika is not flipping, but the PD wasnt too concern. He said she could be too heavy to flip.. Hmm. don't think so that she is fat leh. Anyway, everything is fine.
ya me stewardess last time not going back liao, keagan more important to me so wan to stay in singapore to look after him n watch him grow everyday.

U take care!!! Jarren will be fine....
sally, i love love love the collage.. it made my morning better.. thanks a lot..

bulma, sorry to hear bout jarren.. you take care of jarren.. hope he s gonna be better.. dun worry bout the gathering..
Date : 24 June 2006
Time : 12pm
Venue : Pasir Ris

Gals, please register your attendance accordingly hehe

1. Bulma + bb + hb (family tentative)
2. May + 2 bbies + hb + maid (3)
3. Feza + bb + hb (2)
4. Ling + bb + son (1)
5. Von + bb + hb (2)
6. Carol + bb + hb + son (2)
7. Violet + bb (1)
8. Mindy + son + daughter + bb + maid (2)
9. Claire + bb (+ hb tentative) (2)
10. sally + bb (1)
11. ilim + hb + bb (2)
12. koli + bb (hb tentative) (2)
13. Bulomum + bb + hb (2)
14. Bochap + bb + hb
15. Sunshinekid + bb + son + maid (2)
16. Jappooh + bb (1)
17. ivory + bb (1)

this is the menu that i ve ordered hope you all like them..


Fried Hong Kong Bee Hoon
Curry Chicken with Potatoes
Fish Fillet with Lemon Sauce
Braised Beancurd with Mushrooms
Fried Spring Roll
Fried Chicken Ngoh Hiang
Longan Almond Jelly (i know ah may must be thinking why this feza can never get over with almond jelly, but that the only thing that s better than fruit platter)
i think Ivory told me she hasn't confirmed and she is surprised her name is included hee :p

Will update when i'm home
Dun worry Ethan isn't flipping too and i think it's different for each baby so dun be too anxious when they're ready to flip they will. If we keep worrying about our baby's everything we'll be crazy in no time. We have to learn to relax hor...
<font color="ff0000">Feza</font>
The menu sounds very yummy leh, thanks for organising.

<font color="ff0000">ilim</font>
You are so pretty leh, it's a pity you are not flying anymore. But then again, ur child should be your first priority now. If I were you, I will be in a dilemma. :p Good that you are so decisive. Frankly I also would very much want to watch my kids grow up, but it's quite hard lor, especially when I m so used to working and having my own income. U know, when the kids' eczema flare up, I also want to be like you, be there all the time to apply lotion for them, monitor their condition etc. I feel it's so hard for them to recover, becos they are in 3 houses everyday, my mum, my inlaws and at nite my own. So hard for me to monitor whether the caregivers are doing the right thing or not.

Btw, u didnt reply my question in MSN yesterday.. When is our GAIA pdts coming, u know?

<font color="ff0000">Etelle</font>
Thanks for updating.
koli: i send u again liao le...

bulma: oh... u take good care of jarren and urself ya... dun worry... he be fine....

ilim: so u now not workin liao ah?? SAHM??
Hi Sunshinekid
Both your kids have eczema? My gal have eczema and see her sometimes very heartpain. She was ok for the past few days, face mei mei. Then this morning, her eczena flare up again. I also dunno what is the root of the problem.
By the way, the GAIA prdts should be coming in today and we should be able to receive it by this week. I think i read somewhere on the thread posted by Eggie to give the supplier till tue.
Vote liao, sent to your email.

Sunshinekid and iLim
I using GAIA lotion on my girl now, seem getting better from her eczema. I thought of buying another bottle. Any idea anywhere there is bulk buy?
siewlng: u send to which email?? mine office one is it??

annie/feza/summer/gingerale/ ivory/appooh/mindy/violet/mtan: receive ur votes...
you can email me pics anyway, i'll see if i can work around it.

you not gonna play AD with me ah? haha

the menu looks good to me. thanks.
i think u've all heard about the 4 million smiles campaign in prep for IMF. Was thinking of sending my family's photo, but now that we have collage, not sure if you are all interested in sending that to add into the 4 million?

<font color="ff0000">Summer</font>
Yes, both my kids' skin is quite bad. My baby now, her face not mei mei leh. And her arms and legs have got those dry round patches. I asked the PD last nite, he said it is eczema, but it is very common among babies 6 mths and younger. As for my son, also has sensitive skin, but different from those of my baby. I think he runs about and perspires too much, so tends to be very itchy. Sometimes he will overscratch till it bleeds. Scary.

I thot the GAIA pdts is organised by Ling Ling, not Eggie (Lynette)? Eggie is organising the California Baby lah..
All confused. Anyway, shld receive next week lor. Good good.

<font color="ff0000">Bochap</font>
The bulk purchase for GAIA is just over leh. We are waiting for shipment now. My friend living in Australia said he will help me buy and send to me if I need. Maybe I can help u buy?
Hi Angeline,

u may want to try this caterer. It's halal certified. I introduced it to my dept secretary for her to organise a co function and she reverted that all the colleagues responded that the food r fantastic. The set up also quite nice. I had tried it for my bb full mth too, n friends also commented it good too...(myself only tried some during one of my seminar but not my bb full mth cos' i still need to take confinement food lor). Furthermore they hv 15% discount for some menu too.
clarie: sounds nice.... send ourselves one huh... hehe
do u have Microsoft Office Picture manager?? if have u can go and resize there...
Ethan has got like milk rashes yi li yi li under his neck anyway to remove it? And also hor the GAIA products only good for encezma? If normal skin can use it for moisturing?

thanks...delihub is the halal arm of neo garden...its in my choices..coz got 15% off...but nv heard ppl try b4 tts y abit apprehensive..
Oh sorry, ling huh... aiyo i blur liao lah. Waiting for the California BB Calendula Cream as well. THere's a BP going on now, did yo managed to get it?
My gal's face sometimes got small small blisters one leh, your gal have or not? Ya loh, scary to see blood hor? Today my gal's pyjamas also got a bit of blood, see liao very scared.
Hi Angeline,
I had ordered both delihub n neo garden before...for neo garden i ordered those mini buffet, those without warmer etc...not bad either but too oily...so i would think Delihub is the better choice, esp their steam siew mai, yum yum..it's this dish that made me "nan wan" that's y i intro it to my dept secretary....I hv ordered a mini buffet from Delihub again this Sun for Father's day, wanna "bu chang" myself for not able to eat during my bb's full mth...

for the smile2006, i dont think you can send in the collage. they require actual photos. so have to send individually like that.
Btw, Hi to all, mine also a Feb bb...has been following this thread for quite sometimes but never join in....hope u all dun mind..

I didn't join in the contest, but can i vote? I saw the collage sent out by Sally, all of the bbs r so cute n lovable....
oh, well, mummies can send in bb pics then they can be in the digital mural

I've photoshop on my comp, but havent got around to using it. it;s a sch laptop, so photoshop is actually for the art trs but IT tech juz happily install on all the laptops
fen: u wanna vote huh... hehe can.... so should we include u into our contact listing and u can join us in the bb contest in the themes comin up??
You must really take care of Jarren leh. Last time, Nicholas oso develops wheezing cough when he was 5 months old...So bad till from that time onwards, he got the wheezing very easily...I oso spend so much $$$$. Later, my OD says he got bronchitis n I was so scared...That y tt time I sent my dog away. when my dos was away, he oso got wheezing...that time i so stress n beng kui.

Did your PD recommend Nebuliser. This helps to clear the phelgm...
so sorry din reply u, actually me not home yesterday n i forgot to off pc...pai seh leh..

Me was in a dilemma b4, i enjoy n would says i love my flying career but i got to sacrifice it lor if not keagan will miss us when both of us not in singapore n plus me n hb dun wan to have a maid at home so i got to give up flying....

but i will definitely get a ground job so tht i can spend my own $$$... hehehe..

Ya me now a SAHM, will look for a job nx yr.

Siewlng i got extra bottles u wan it??
ilim: hmmm like tat good... can see ur baby grow day by day.....

Fen: ya hor... after u mention then i realise also leh... hehe urs is what time?? morning, afternoon or night?? mine is morning 8+ then etelle is evenin 6plus....
Hi Amanda,
mine is 7plus in the evening...very "gan jiong" situation..so gynae said hv to do it fast...i reached Mt A at abt 6pm while my gynae reached abt 6:30pm....

Can u sell me the extra bottle? Get from u during our gathering?
I have passed the bottle I bought to nanny, cos most of the days, Yujie bath at their place. Only weekend I need the lotion.

If u r getting your friend to buy, please help me to buy also. Thank in advance!
I was told by the sales lady during Motherhood fair that we can get Guardian to order leh. I will go n ask n let u know
