(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Sally.. the collage very nice leh... so nice of u... i send u my bb's pic soon... at ur gmail ya...

selina: WOW 1200ml a day... so much ah....... :p


my email addy [email protected].. thanks

Date : 24 June 2006
Time : 12pm
Venue : Pasir Ris

Gals, please register your attendance accordingly hehe
1. Bulma + bb + hb
2. May + 2 bbies + hb + maid
3. Feza + bb (+ hb becomes tentative as it s the world cup season)
4. Ling + bb + son
5. Von + bb + hb
6. Carol + bb + hb + son
7. Violet + bb + hb + gal + maid
8. Venus + bb + hb
9. Claire + bb (+ hb tentative)
10. sally + bb (dun mind huh i put yr name first)
feza, ok just put. sorry i never confirm with u.

yah.. my baby also jan baby. but then it's 'feb thread' and not 'feb babies' cos the reason we're in this thread is becos our EDD was feb.

if we cant find a better heading, think can go without heading at all.
<font color="ff0000">Sally</font>
Thanks for the artwork! It is very very nice.
When are you going to complete it and send to everyone? Any deadline? I go and see if I can find any more swee picture :p

<font color="ff0000">Regarding wt/ht</font>
Just a suggestion. Since the wt/ht is always changing, why not we state down our bb's wt/ht as at say, 3rd month? So that at least we can see if our baby is on par with the rest or not. Becos some bb's wt stated may be very heavy but hor.. they came out early mah, so older.

<font color="ff0000">ilim</font>
Ok ok, I got no time to browse the website at all. Will do it soon. Thanks!
<font color="ff0000">Feza</font>
How old is Elly now? I know some babies, will start to fuss a little at about 2nd - 3rd mth old. If she is not sick or anything, then don't worry too much lor. Just have to be more patient and coax her to drink. It's just a phase. My baby also like that.
my boy also is a tv addict. he also lk to watch tv

re: bumbo
i also no intend to buy cos my boy's thigh also v big wait sit awhlie cant sit liao waste money
Hi Etelle
SAHM, i really wish i can... Well, have to think when to have 2nd one as i am not getting any younger.

My Corinne normal intake is 3 - 4 oz every 3 hours. She seldom ask for more than that. Sometimes, she only drinks 2 oz but still she is growing.

I think it is because Jayden in on FM and Corinne is on total BM. My PD did asked me what milk Corinne is currently drinking. I told her BM and she said it is good if i can continue to give her BM.

I will try to see if we can get sample for Wyeth as i have a friend working in Wyeth.

Partime Cleaner
I think i want to look for partime cleaner as i am feeling really tired nowadays. Anybody can recommend anyone?
how old is elly huh?? oh.. bout 11 weeks.. ok so there s nothing to worry bout..

bochap my girl also tv addict.. can somemore say her preference.. she like action movies and not forgetting chinese serials.. coz the mummy everynyte watch.. put her down on my lap and she happy happy sit sometimes talk back to the tv... i see also i laugh.. so comical..
bout bumbo, dun think i m buying coz this mummy dun wan to waste money.. saving the money to get a babybjorn carrier (for our yr end trip) and an exersaucer when she is a little bigger..
i employed this cleaning company. The "auntie" they sent to clean up is very good leh. If u want to try then sms me okie
I no earn commission one....just recommend cuz i am using and found them good....

About the weight of bb ah....why don't i put weight as at April 2006 then hor we can compare since the weight is measured at the same month....??? Then hor if say u all give me weight in may then i will put by the side of the weight(May) how about it?

Haha, finally saw the collage. It's cute! Thanks!

I spent so much leh. Just bought a bumbo with the Jan moms (Caeden's thighs still very thin, so can use quite long i think) and a 2nd hand exersaucer for $40 only. Hehe. Very good condition leh. But caeden is still too short, feet cannot touch the ground, so have to wait a while first.

He has also been drinking less milk. Dunno why,but haven't been able to finish his milk. Hiaz. Now I'm trying to feed him more at longer intervals.
Ethan's intake of Milk about 960ml. I also dun know how to calculate milk intake leh. I mean i give him 160ml now every 3-4 hours lor....
My boy's wgt is 5.4 &amp; 57cm as at 9-Apr... tks.

re: milk intake
I oso gives my boy about 160ml every 3-4hrs, but sometimes depends on his mood oso, once in a while he will just drink oni 80ml then refuse to drink more. But most of the time he either finish or leave about 10-20ml.
PD told me total milk intake shd be bb's wgt X 150, so my boy shd be drinking 5.4*150 = 825ml for whole day.

Dun waste $$ on bumbo seat lah... They seat for a while only. But if yr girl is not big size, it can last longer.

My boy has thunder thigh - 9 inch, so I predict he can only seat for 1-2 mths only. Will get my hb to borrow from his colleague. We also borrow from this same colleague of his when Belvia was few mths old. Can save $$$.
Hey mummies... found a topic to chit chat abt...
Are u plannin to send ur bb to any piano, ballet, violin classes... Let's share our views...
mashy, exersaucer at $40.. i wan.. i think exersaucer good investement.. unless i get eleanor to help me buy and ship over the playnest..but playnest is sitting ley.. she would nt practise standing on her feet..

i m dreaming of sending elly to ballet and mandarin classes.. ballet coz it s a dream of mine to dance but no opportunity.. mandarin coz i think it s impt.. in sg if you know mandarin(if you not chinese like me) more doors will open for you..and i m speaking from personal experience..
hmmm then do u tink it's weird if the child is not sent for this kind of courses?? Ya i tink mandarin should start young.. who knows can take chinese lesson in school in future...
yah, am thankful that last time, my kindergarten PAP only got mandarin so i didnt have a choice but to learn. and they said i was not bad at it and the teachers suggested i took it as 2nd Lang in Primary school but end up didnt. a bit glad also cos written mandarin is very very hard. many of my chinese friends failed their chinese papers whereas malay is very easy to score. (now the only characters i remember are 1, 2, 3, and 'ren' and 'ta') hehe

but i think spoken mandarin is important. must start with the 'four is four, forty-four is forty-four'. hheh.

other classes, am not too sure. now that music is a part of me, i wish i had taken up piano last time.. but its quite pressurising when the interest is not there. i remember taking violins when i was primary something but i pleaded with my folks to quit cos it was very stressful. the instructer made us stand very long with the violin between our chin and shoulder without hands holding cos to train our posture. i cried after every lesson.

i probably would observe my baby's development to see what she might show interest in 1st. then cultivate from there.
Sally: u non-chinese huh?? haha 4 is 4, 44 is 44 tat one is hard leh.. haha....
tat i agree... interest is very important..if the interest is not there.. only waste money... tat's wat i intend to do.. see the bb development first then start from there...

U know why i prompt this question to u mummies... cause my fren ask me to start thinkin what courses to let my bb go for.. and it is kind of weird if nowadays kids dun haf this type of 'ECA'.. which i feel its not necessary tis case... i tink its more of a KS feelin tat a lot of parents nowadays are havin and eventualli resultin in the kids been stress at such young age... and i tink childhood shoold be fun and enjoyable.. not stressful ones...isn't?? *my personal opinion* hehe
me nv tink until so far leh, me only thought of brining my boy for yoga class when he's abt 6mths n then kindermusik when he's 12mths or so so tht he can learn to interact wif ppl mah...
amanda, i malay lah.. hahah

yah i think now many ppl KS then very irritating when keep telling u to do this and that. diff individual got diff opinion mah. i saw u in ringo but cant add cos dunno your email. u add me lah [email protected].
What you said is true. You will be surprise there are really alot of such KS parents in Sg. My son's classmate in Childcare, his mum just got him transferred out to a Montessori becos you know wat? She said the current CC did not give homework for the child to bring him to do. OMG! You know they are only 3YO leh. My hb and I are really amused. They will have a whole life to do homework and study. Why torture them at such a young age right? I just wanna say a prayer for the poor child. Good luck to him for having such a KS mum.

I dun know if I am going to be a KS parent next time when my child is older, but I dare say for now, I am not. I just want my children to enjoy their childhood, and will let them decide what kind of activities they want to join.
I agreed with u childhood should be fun n enjoyable.
I intend to send my girl to outward bound school next time to enjoy playing!
Now I am learning yoga n shu fa, I wan her to learn also leh... hehe think these 2 "ECA" r good to train enduruance n patience.
Personally I think any ECA got its pro n con, most importantly should activate the child have the right attitude towards learning will be good liao
Sally: hehe... but at least u know some chinese words la.. but u can speak chinese??

Sunshinekid: hehe so KS one... no give things to do change school.. wow lau... cannot imagine...

siewlng: yeah man... childhood should be fun.. hehe
Hi Feza
My gal has a small appetite. At almost 3months old, she is still drinking 3oz every 2-3 hours. Sometimes, only 2oz. I think she drinks more when she latch on direct. But i seldom do that now coz she has got sensitive skin and she will develop rashes on her face since the milk will leak and drip when she drinks.

Dunno if anyone has the same problem? I am on TBF.
Date : 24 June 2006
Time : 12pm
Venue : Pasir Ris

Gals, please register your attendance accordingly hehe
1. Bulma + bb + hb
2. May + 2 bbies + hb + maid
3. Feza + bb (+ hb becomes tentative as it s the world cup season)
4. Ling + bb + son
5. Von + bb + hb
6. Carol + bb + hb + son
7. Violet + bb + hb + gal + maid
8. Venus + bb + hb
9. Claire + bb (+ hb tentative)
10. sally + bb (dun mind huh i put yr name first)
11. ilim + hb + bb
Here's my update as of 8th may:

nick: ilim
Baby's name: Keagan Wong
Baby's DOB : 21st Feb 06
Wt(kg)/Ht(cm): 6.5kg/60cm
Address (Area) : Punggol

<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>Mummy's Nick</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>BB Dob</TD><TD>Wt/ Ht (As of April)</TD><TD>Type of Diaper</TD><TD>Type of FM</TD><TD>Caregiver</TD><TD>Address (Area) </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Mashy</TD><TD>Caeden</TD><TD>1-Jan-2006</TD><TD>5.8kg/59cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Bulma</TD><TD>Jarren</TD><TD>12-Jan-2006</TD><TD>7.1kg/58cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Ah May</TD><TD>Sam/Ray</TD><TD>13-Jan-2006</TD><TD>5.6kg,5.1kg/55cm</TD><TD>NTUC(Day)/ Nepia(Night)/ PP(Gng Out)</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma/Maid</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Bochap (Siewlng)</TD><TD>Yu Jie</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>6.18kg/ 61cm</TD><TD>Nepia/Huggies/Pet(Day)Nepia(Night)</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Ivory</TD><TD>Zi Jie</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>6.7kg/ 64cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Sally Cinnamon</TD><TD>Sarah</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>4.5kg/ 57cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Smiley</TD><TD>Jia Hui</TD><TD>24-Jan-2006</TD><TD>5.15kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>BM &amp; Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Ling79</TD><TD>Nicole Tan</TD><TD>25-Jan-2006</TD><TD>6.0kg/ 62cm</TD><TD>PP/ Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Gingerale</TD><TD>Annalisa</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>VonVon78</TD><TD>Marcus</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>6.12kg/63cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>BM &amp; Enfalac A+</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Bedok Reservoir </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Venus</TD><TD>Corrine</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>7.1kg/60cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko/Drypers/PetPet/PP</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Jurong East </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>BB Ger</TD><TD>Shayna</TD><TD>29-Jan-06</TD><TD>5.9kg/ 63cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Bukit Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>Babycutie</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>1-Feb-2006</TD><TD>7.18kg/ 60.5cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>Yishun </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Jasminesym</TD><TD>Jerry</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006</TD><TD>5.8kg</TD><TD>Nappy (Day) Nepia(Night)</TD><TD>BM &amp; Enfalac A+</TD><TD>SAHM/ Maid</TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>oscarsem</TD><TD>Tavis</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006</TD><TD>6.6kg/64cm</TD><TD>PP/Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>jasjas</TD><TD>Chloe Choo</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>6.3kg/ 62cm</TD><TD>Pet Pet</TD><TD>Friso 1 Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Redhill </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD>Elvin</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>6kg</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>30</TD><TD>C2202 Cecilia</TD><TD>Clara</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>7kg</TD><TD>Drypers</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Clementi </TD></TR><TR><TD>29</TD><TD>Carebear (Carol)</TD><TD>Amelia</TD><TD>5-Feb-2006</TD><TD>4.43kg/ 57cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD>Annika Chui</TD><TD>7-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Drypers/ Nepia</TD><TD>BM &amp; Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>Ethan Luah</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006</TD><TD>6.8kg/ 62 cm</TD><TD>Nepia/PP</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>Xin Ru</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Drypers(Day)PP(Night)</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Infant Care</TD><TD>Sengkang West </TD></TR><TR><TD>32</TD><TD>mtanlove</TD><TD>Amos Jaw</TD><TD>9-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>PetPet/Mamy Poko/ PP</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>34</TD><TD>Violet Blaze</TD><TD>Lee Feng Kai</TD><TD>9-Feb-2006</TD><TD>5.4kg/ 57cm</TD><TD>PP/ Drypers/ Nepia</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>Maid/ Childcare</TD><TD>Sengkang </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>Daphne</TD><TD>10-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Nepia (Day) PP (Night)</TD><TD>TBM</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Fan</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>12-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Tanjong Pagar </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>elfstar</TD><TD>Jordan</TD><TD>14-Feb-2006</TD><TD>9kg/ 70cm</TD><TD>PP/ Huggies</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>UK </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>Koli Selina</TD><TD>Noel</TD><TD>14-Feb-2006</TD><TD>5.7kg/62cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>Bedok Reservoir </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>Claire</TD><TD>Tan Xin Ru</TD><TD>16-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Pet Pet/ Sealer</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>West Coast </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>LIM</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>20-Feb-2006</TD><TD>5.4kg/ 61cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>ilim</TD><TD>Keagan Wong</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>6.5kg/ 60cm</TD><TD>Japanese Brand</TD><TD>Friso</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Feza</TD><TD>Aida Ellyanna</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>4.4kg/55cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Marsilling </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>Professor</TD><TD>Alston</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>5.6kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Drypers, Pampers, Huggies</TD><TD>Dutch Lady</TD><TD>Grandma</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>33</TD><TD>bulomum</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>22-Feb-2006</TD><TD>5.1kg/ 56cm</TD><TD>PP/ Drypers</TD><TD>S26</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>35</TD><TD>hipee</TD><TD>Lisa</TD><TD>25-Feb-2006</TD><TD>4+kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Fitti</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Today went to see doctor cuz of throat inflammation then hor also told doctor about my knee joint pain. And doctor told me to lose weight leh said my BMI is 24 which is alittle overweight...i am weighing 61kg and height 161 and she said i ahve to lsoe to about 58kg then normal. She said cuz if i put on weight heavy then legs cnanot support too muchw eight thus cause the brushing of the joints blah blah blah the bottomline is i have to lose weight.
Hi Gals

Me have started wkg last Thu. Missed my boy so much. My boy doesnt take nap during daytime and I am worried he doesn't have enough sleep to grow.

Do you all train yr babies to take nap or just let nature take it course. As my mother in law is taking care of him, thot of asking her to make my boy sleep during afternoon.

My boy also have this wheezing sound when he sleep. He seems to have phlegm too.
bb juz full mth n still keep restless in afternoon though she is sleepy n keep yawning..been so since wk 2. Do u gals know y. izzit not enuf milk? my gal also like never satisfied. suckle every hr n keep falling asleep on my breast. how to stop them from treating us like pacifiers? Btw, how long it takes to build up milk supply, sometimes i pump afternoon get only pathetic 50ml but i usually latch bb on

<table border=1><tr><td>Mummy's Nick</TD><TD>BB Name</TD><TD>BB Dob</TD><TD>Wt/ Ht (As of April)</TD><TD>Type of Diaper</TD><TD>Type of FM</TD><TD>Caregiver</TD><TD>Address (Area) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mashy</TD><TD>Caeden</TD><TD>1-Jan-2006</TD><TD>5.8kg/59cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bulma</TD><TD>Jarren</TD><TD>12-Jan-2006</TD><TD>7.1kg/58cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ah May</TD><TD>Sam/Ray</TD><TD>13-Jan-2006</TD><TD>5.6kg,5.1kg/55cm</TD><TD>NTUC(Day)/ Nepia(Night)/ PP(Gng Out)</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma/Maid</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bochap (Siewlng)</TD><TD>Yu Jie</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>6.18kg/ 61cm</TD><TD>Nepia/Huggies/Pet(Day)Nepia(Night)</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivory</TD><TD>Zi Jie</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>6.7kg/ 64cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sally Cinnamon</TD><TD>Sarah</TD><TD>23-Jan-2006</TD><TD>4.5kg/ 57cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>CCK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Smiley</TD><TD>Jia Hui</TD><TD>24-Jan-2006</TD><TD>5.15kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>BM &amp; Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ling79</TD><TD>Nicole Tan</TD><TD>25-Jan-2006</TD><TD>6.0kg/ 62cm</TD><TD>PP/ Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gingerale</TD><TD>Annalisa</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>VonVon78</TD><TD>Marcus</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>6.12kg/63cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>BM &amp; Enfalac A+</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Bedok Reservoir </TD></TR><TR><TD>Venus</TD><TD>Corrine</TD><TD>26-Jan-2006</TD><TD>7.1kg/60cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko/Drypers/PetPet/PP</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Jurong East </TD></TR><TR><TD>BB Ger</TD><TD>Shayna</TD><TD>29-Jan-06</TD><TD>5.9kg/ 63cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Bukit Panjang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babycutie</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>1-Feb-2006</TD><TD>7.18kg/ 60.5cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>Yishun </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jasminesym</TD><TD>Jerry</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006</TD><TD>5.8kg</TD><TD>Nappy (Day) Nepia(Night)</TD><TD>BM &amp; Enfalac A+</TD><TD>SAHM/ Maid</TD><TD>Bedok </TD></TR><TR><TD>oscarsem</TD><TD>Tavis</TD><TD>2-Feb-2006</TD><TD>6.6kg/64cm</TD><TD>PP/Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Woodlands </TD></TR><TR><TD>jasjas</TD><TD>Chloe Choo</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>6.3kg/ 62cm</TD><TD>Pet Pet</TD><TD>Friso 1 Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Redhill </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jappooh</TD><TD>Elvin</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>6.2kg/ 59cm</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>C2202 Cecilia</TD><TD>Clara</TD><TD>4-Feb-2006</TD><TD>7kg</TD><TD>Drypers</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Clementi </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carebear (Carol)</TD><TD>Amelia</TD><TD>5-Feb-2006</TD><TD>4.43kg/ 57cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Enfalac A+</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Pasir Ris </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunshinekid</TD><TD>Annika Chui</TD><TD>7-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Drypers/ Nepia</TD><TD>BM &amp; Enfalac A+</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>Ethan Luah</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006</TD><TD>6.8kg/ 64 cm</TD><TD>Nepia/PP</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>Xin Ru</TD><TD>8-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Drypers(Day)PP(Night)</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Infant Care</TD><TD>Sengkang West </TD></TR><TR><TD>mtanlove</TD><TD>Amos Jaw</TD><TD>9-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>PetPet/Mamy Poko/ PP</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Paternal Grandma</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Violet Blaze</TD><TD>Lee Feng Kai</TD><TD>9-Feb-2006</TD><TD>5.4kg/ 57cm</TD><TD>PP/ Drypers/ Nepia</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>Maid/ Childcare</TD><TD>Sengkang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy</TD><TD>Daphne</TD><TD>10-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Nepia (Day) PP (Night)</TD><TD>TBM</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Jurong West </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fan</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>12-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Nepia</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma</TD><TD>Tanjong Pagar </TD></TR><TR><TD>elfstar</TD><TD>Jordan</TD><TD>14-Feb-2006</TD><TD>9kg/ 70cm</TD><TD>PP/ Huggies</TD><TD>BM</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>UK </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koli Selina</TD><TD>Noel</TD><TD>14-Feb-2006</TD><TD>5.7kg/62cm</TD><TD>Nepia/ PP</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>Bedok Reservoir </TD></TR><TR><TD>Claire</TD><TD>Tan Xin Ru</TD><TD>16-Feb-2006</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Pet Pet/ Sealer</TD><TD>BM &amp; S26 Gold</TD><TD>Maternal Grandma/ Maid</TD><TD>West Coast </TD></TR><TR><TD>LIM</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>20-Feb-2006</TD><TD>5.4kg/ 61cm</TD><TD>PP</TD><TD>Dumex Mamex Gold</TD><TD>Nanny</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>ilim</TD><TD>Keagan Wong</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>6.5kg/ 60cm</TD><TD>Japanese Brand</TD><TD>Friso</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>Feza</TD><TD>Aida Ellyanna</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>4.4kg/55cm</TD><TD>Mamy Poko</TD><TD>Similac</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Marsilling </TD></TR><TR><TD>Professor</TD><TD>Alston</TD><TD>21-Feb-2006</TD><TD>5.6kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Drypers, Pampers, Huggies</TD><TD>Dutch Lady</TD><TD>Grandma</TD><TD>Bukit Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>bulomum</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>22-Feb-2006</TD><TD>5.1kg/ 56cm</TD><TD>PP/ Drypers</TD><TD>S26</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD>hipee</TD><TD>Lisa</TD><TD>25-Feb-2006</TD><TD>4+kg/ 58cm</TD><TD>Fitti</TD><TD>BM &amp; Dumex</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Date : 24 June 2006
Time : 12pm
Venue : Pasir Ris

Gals, please register your attendance accordingly hehe
1. Bulma + bb + hb
2. May + 2 bbies + hb + maid
3. Feza + bb (+ hb becomes tentative as it s the world cup season)
4. Ling + bb + son
5. Von + bb + hb
6. Carol + bb + hb + son
7. Violet + bb + hb + gal + maid
8. Venus + bb + hb
9. Claire + bb (+ hb tentative)
10. sally + bb
11. ilim + hb + bb

re: catering,

two choices.. there's this halal caterer that serves quite good food (i hope their standard never drop la).. here's their sample menu.. i will decide on actual menu that day.. good option but more ex..


option 2 would be i cook for you all and you all pay me but hor logistically not that good la coz hubby dun drive and after the event i still need to clean up.. cheap option but logistically not wise..

lemme know on the wyeth sponsorship.. thanks so much..
forget to mention to you all.. my girl found her thumb... but that s the only one time she suck her thumb not her fist.. i purposely never give her pacifier then she bo pian have to find something else to soothe herself.. i was so proud of her man.. i know i m crazy.. told hubby to take picture he say i crazy..
hi girls
bit tired today as my FIL just passed away this morning. Wake starting today till Saturday. Question : can we bring bb to the wake? I'm not sure if it is a good idea since there will lots of praying, candles, joystick smoke etc.

I also believe childhood should a joyful experience. I grew up in a very different environment.... jungle, waterfalls, river fishing, hunting with my dog,not much of city life. So i really hope my girl can at least experience these too, although it may be hard to have these in Sg.

I would also like to expose my girl to sport either tennis or golf, depending which one she will like. who knows, she can be a pro one day. Guess i am taking learning from my working life, stuck in the rat race. I really hope my children can live their life differently.... sigh.
mashy n feza
emailed u liao check k?
but i think i will call tomorrow to ask whether from malaysia not...

got clean bb mouth not? last time noel also like that but ever since i clean his mouth everyday, he is drinking quite well. about 140 ml every 3 hrs. total milk plus water about 1200ml.
he fully recovered from diarrhea and now putting on weight. his thigh getting very big. if u got no time to buy the sticks, i will send u some again.

KS mum.
haiz... i think i will be a KS mum next time. u know what? i have been teaching low ability class for three years liao(last class score below 20 per subject) i think it is really important to start from young. foundation must be very solid. i like to watch animal planet and national geograhpic channel so whenever i am watching, i will place my boy facing TV too(from very far la) then i will explain to him what i am watching. he too stare at the tv altou i dunno he understand not. i bought tang shi book and had been reciting to him everytime i am bathing him. playing nursery rhymes and cd stories to him...
have anyone thought of putting bb for art class next time? i like to draw very much so next time i am putting him in NAFA kindergarten. heard they will have 2 days for drawing, 1 day singing and 2 days drama... activities quite good leh.

sign language.
latey noel had been using sign language with me. when he is hungry, he put his fist in his mouth to tell me that he wants milk/water.
when he wants to sleep he will use his hands to run his face and eyes. any bb like that too?

HB quarrel with my parents
yeaterday my hb quarrel with my parents. headache man.. he was trying to feeb my boy then my boy dun want him to feed, cried and he kept forcing milk in his mouth and boy got choke, my parents got angry and snatch boy over, they quarrelled. i cried the whole entire night. hb came over just now, bought bak kwa to apologise to my parents. they forgave him...haiz... stress.

i will put bb and my name down first cos hb might be posted to Australia for 2 weeks (going back to his army training college)
Date : 24 June 2006
Time : 12pm
Venue : Pasir Ris

Gals, please register your attendance accordingly hehe

1. Bulma + bb + hb
2. May + 2 bbies + hb + maid
3. Feza + bb (+ hb becomes tentative as it s the world cup season)
4. Ling + bb + son
5. Von + bb + hb
6. Carol + bb + hb + son
7. Violet + bb + hb + gal + maid
8. Venus + bb + hb
9. Claire + bb (+ hb tentative)
10. sally + bb
11. ilim + hb + bb
12.koli + bb (hb tentative)
koli, not her tongue i think it s just a phrase coz she s drinking better now.. good to know now that noel is gaining weight.. relax try to take it easy.. dun stress..

venus, so sorry to hear bout yr FIL..

bout education, i think currently just let them enjoy their childhood.. just encourage learning thru play.. even if i let elly go for classes i would definitely emphasize on fun..
sorry to hear about your fil. I think to pay respect bb has to be around for a while but dun keep her there for too long lor....you take care leh....gonna be very tired...

alamak how come your hubby also so quick tempered one must give way to the elders mah....anyway must relax leh everyone in your hosuehold if not not good leh always quarrel quarrel....haha i not as KS as you leh ha ha me hor is more of the relax kinda parent. I agree with Feza that childhood should be fun lor...there are too many KS parents are there who are breathing down the kids' neck let us be the new batch of parenst who relax
mtan: my gal also used to haf a lot of phlgem... then i let her take chinese medication.. those powder one... can HOU NING which can be bougth at Yu Ren Seng... 1 small bottle cost $58+ then can take 2 time with that bottle.. it helps clear phlgem...

feza: hehe its normal... when my girl starts to play with the fingers, interlock her fingers.. i was so happpy and laugh and laugh...

koli: wow.... u so cute leh... read tang si.. explain to bb while watchin tv... hehe relax.. later bb stress... hehe
oh my god... poor u to be stuck inbetweer.... glad tat they are ok now....

i guess most of us will let bb learn as they grow and see their interest and develop from there.... lucky i am not the only one thinkin like tat... one of my fren who is givin birth in Oct told me they already planned what to send their bb to.. i was like... haven even born kana stress liao... :p

Venus: i missed out ur postin... so sorry to hear tat.. it gonna be tough for u ya.. to handle the wake and to take care of bb.... take good care ya...
Better dun bring bb down to the wake... maybe bring down once to pay respect then dun go down liao... some bb do get very cranky when involve w this things...
