(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Gynae said placenta aging is a natural process, just tat mine is a bit early. He used the normal 2d machine to scan, then tell me bb's lungs are getting white which means its getting matured.

Hi gals,

Regarding the ageing of placenta, we will have to specifically ask our gynae then he will scan for us. For me, I asked him and he had to "search" to find the placenta, and he said mine was okay, no white spots which means no ageing. Also, the level of amniotic level is good, as he pointed to me it is quite high (level). Err.. I cant really see but if doc says so, I will trust him

<font color="ff0000">Amanda</font>

My tummy is considered to be slightly bigger as compared to my first pregnancy, but generally still small for 32wks. I forgot to ask gynae how heavy is my girl yesterday... so got to wait 2 wks later.. hiaazzzz... *bish myself*
good morning... wish all mummies a happy happy happy new year ahead and may all our babies be healthy and pretty/handsome =) and may all of us have a smooth delivery.... cheers!!!!!
Wah, I just went to take a bathe and when i looked into the mirror, got a shock man.! My tummy and breasts got alot of green veins.. wonder if any of you also have that. Very ugly, especially when I am also quite fair.
Hi Sunshinekid

YEs, I have a lot of green veins on my tummy, breasts adn hands. This is normal, due to greater blood supply, about 25% more.

I jsut came back from gynae visit, at 33+ weeks, baby is 2.1 KG and my total weight gain is about 5+ kilo.
<font color="ff0000">Lenny</font>

Wowww.... so little weight gain, ENVY ENVY ENVY.. all your weight gain has gone to baby and everywhere but yourself.... Hehehehhhe
Dear all
Wishing all a Happy new year 2006
Don't know who will be the first to pop......MAshy?

your total weight gain is so little. Mine is 12 kg liaoz leh hee hee :p

i also leh sianz of the beart burn ...whether i eat alot or little got eat fruits no eat fruits also same...sigh forget it lah ha ha ha :p

Recently below my naval that portion very itchy leh...i did not scratch just rub only and then apply powder. And also apply the johnson lavender lotion leh can or not ah? The lavender smell very strong i scared cannot leh
so envy u so little weight gain. i gain 15kg liao meh

i dun hv the green veins so far lei but got SM on my 2 buttocks lor =(

Mashy will b the first lah haha

ya i also cant b bothered wat to eat. i just eat. anyway so conscious w wat i at also will vomit and heartburn... why torture myself

i no more itch liao the baval there. thk u dun apply Johnson lotion, better apply the SM cream.
u din respond to my new year greeting sms i thought u went to deliver leh...wonder if mashy has delivered or is she still at home ha???? cuz she told me she having contraction pain leh on the new year eve about 11.00pm like that...Hmmmm it be great if she has given birth the first on our list

Yah think i will apply SM cream...thanks...by the way my hair has grown exceeding shoulder liaoz but still very qiao leh wondering if i should cut again or heck it cna keep it long??
hi ladies,

mashy congrats!!

received an sms from stella.. mashy has safely delivered bb caeden at 6.45pm.. bb weigh 2.8kg after an 18 hr labour..

looking forward to hear from both mummy and bb soon!!
Mashy congrats to u. U have delivered 1 mth ahead....and glad that bb Caeden is at a good weight.

Don't forget to pose pics of yr lovely son here hor.....
Congrats Mashy. Baby Caeden is a healthy 2.8 kg. woh!
will wait for you to post his photo.
18 hours of labour, take good care and rest well.
congrats! She had 18 hours of labour and then ended up in c section. Both mummy and bb are fine. Thank God for his protection.

Yeah it's awesome having the first on our list delivering....woah...either ivory or bulma be next liaoz...Bulma sure hope it's her she cnanot wait to get Jarren out she said
<font color="ff0000">CONGRATULATIONS TO MASHY!!!!!</font>

GEE... I feel so happy for her. Is she induced or she cut down on her Ventolin thus had natural contractions.. Wow. 18 hrs.. but I am sure she is fine. 2.8kg is a good weight!
Congrats! Wow, it's so special to deliver on the 1st day of 2006. It marks the beginning of a new year and a new chapter as a mummy in your life. Although its early, but bb's wgt is good leh.....

Rest well and share your birth story and bb's pix with us soon!
congrats, Mashy =)

i was looking out at news on 1 Jan to see if mashy and caeden appear on TV haha but the 1st bb is again fr TMC lei except is not caeden

haha dun thk nx is me lah... thk will b ET cos she also start to have painful contraction lk mashy mah

i just went to trim my hair last thurs. didnt cut it short tho cos wanna hv my long hair bk hehe
Hi Mashy

Congrats on the delivery of your boy !

Hi Etelle, sunshinekid, bulma

I think a high protein less carboy diet helps.
I have heart burn too, take mylanta to relieves it, it is safe for preggies which i took for both pregnancies.

For sm, use the clarins body oil, so far gynae commented i hjave no sm at all, the oil helps alot alot but the smell may not appeal to you.
me too saw the first baby thought it's Mashy ha ha :p but it isn't wow got $1k cash gift hor for being the first baby hee hee :p But Et's EDD is much further than yours leh.....you trim your hair ah me thinking of trimming but feel no use lah cuz my hair all qiao qiao grow long already also qiao i am so sick of it....so always tie in pony tail....

i given up on the heart burn liaoz....like yesterday i had curry for dinner but no heart burn some days i stick to those very qing dan one then i have heart burn....so just bear with it lor...anyway still tahanable lah hee hee :p

I have the itch below my naval i also don't know if it's SM but more like rashes to me. So am applying SM cream lor and it does help in relieving the itch leh surprise hor...only below the naval there a little bit the rest of the body alright.
Hi Etelle

The itch is likely due to be the skin stretching. The SM cream does help relieve the itch and make it more "elastic" :p

Eat small frequent meals will help relieve the heart burn too .. sometimes I gorge myself with too much good food and suffer heart burn, sometimes it could be "wind".

I cut a few inches off my long hair last week, and was so glad I did that .. cos not only is my hair lighter, the curls are bouncier and easier to maintain, esp during confinement period.

Went to tom and stefanie and bought few more clothes for my baby gal - all at 3.90. I get most of the "branded but label snipped off" clothes and onsies for my gal and baby from T&amp;S .. thjey have brands like Gap, oldnavy, carter, osh kosh and today I got a cute fleece wilson pink jackets for 6-9 months old at 4.90 .. more for cold weather or air con places, and a gap pink polo shirt for 6-9 mo.Most of the clohtes are priced at 3.90 or 4.90 (not on the racks, the pile) and last month I got my gal a laura ahsley white dress at 18 bucks, label intact, from the shelves.

Most of the baby stuffs are ready, my maid has started washing the hand me downs from my gal and the new stuff bought for baby, I got my nursing bras from 9mois already ( the last time i got the sorella ones, and they were bad). For nappy cream, desitin creamy one is better than drapolene but harder to find .. used to be able to get it only from TMC pharmacy but it sure is more effective. Bought also medela pureLan cream for sore nipples to be used during bfg. Haven't got any pampers yet, intend to get mamy poko.
MASHY CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE ARRIVAL OF BABY CAEDEN! Can't wait to see picture of you and baby!! Please take good care and rest well.....
Wow, 18 hours of labour and thank to god both mummy and baby are well.... We shall look forward to hear from you, Mashy.

Bulma, are you next??
Thanks yeah i have stopped using SM cream actually for a long long time. Only used it like a couple of times thorughout my pregnancy. think i will start using it again. How often should i apply???

i think all we mamas here should take it easy on the spring cleaning ah....maybe leave it to the man of the house hee hee :p
Congrats Mashy!!

Wowowow.....great to have Caeden born on the 1st day of 2006.

Can't wait to hear ur birth story &amp; to see the pic of both u &amp; bb.

Take care &amp; rest well.
I think i got stretch marks laioz...below my naval and above my naval...not alot alittle bit but it's hideous. At first i thought it's rashes cuz red mah...but i am starting to feel it looks like SM. Will confirm it with my gynae on wed...gosh why is this happening to me?!?! I thought SM is inherited?? My mama dun have leh....sigh i must have outgrown my size liaoz way way way too much for my skin to take.

btw do you girls have onset of momentarily "uncertainty". I have leh. Sometimes will just like feel so frightened that bb is coming out and then sometimes over the moon and cnanot wait for bb to come out. Then have fear of whetehr i can cope or not, will i continue working...blah blah blah....sigh......getting cranky ah...momentarily onset like i tell you not all the time.
dun thk i b next lah... til now i no feeling i gg to give birth hehe usually is like dat : the more u salivate and wan, e more u wont get it .. sob sob... so i probably will be the last to pop ... sianzzz

i also got a long period stop applying SM cream but re-started beginning of Dec cos my fren told me last trim is the time we stretch the most and will probably get SM. tis happens to her so i immediately went to buy SM cream and apply daily once hehe

btw, i dun hv the momentarily "uncertainty" hehe i v certain i wanna deliver jarren asap (too bad jarren dun wanna come out yet), i even prepared to go induce haha so how can i hv uncertainty... then i certain i wanna continue working after ML also =p cos dun wanna stay at home just look after jarren. leave the job to my mum lah hehe earn money then can provide better for jarren and family

but i get v emotional nowadays, abit will cry and angry and irritated. like last friday, i was sitting comfortably in study room, then my hb ask me to move my butt and go MBR rest cos v late alr. then i start to get upset and say i cant move. then he keep ask me to move my butt. then i started crying as i move haha and he ask me why i cry. i say he so fierce. preg alr so xin ku (vomit, heartburn, fl heavy, etc etc) he stil so fierce to me... then he say he where got fierce, i just refuse to listen and just cry n cry hehe but i cant control my tears lor just suddenly fl v "wei qu" to be asked to move my butt haha
Mashy: Congratulations!!! so happy to know that both are well... Do take good care of urself and waiting to hear ur story and ur boy pics ya...
You're very funny... see your posting makes me laugh. Haha, you cry because HB asked you to move your butt... haha!

Update on my gynae visit last Fri, bb is 2.2kg at 33 weeks. Dr say bb is overweight and i should start cutting down on my carbos or he is afraid i am going to have a difficult delivery. The way he put it is like very serious lor, he say everything is above avg and he say at this rate bb is est. to be about 3.5kg at birth and that's too big. He makes me so worried. Previously i am worried that bb is too small at 1.2kg a month ago but who knows she actually put on 1kg with a month! Must be the durians!
BB's head has finally turned down... now we're on a 'diet'.
Hi Etelle

For my first pregnancy, I apply the Clarins oil from 6 months onwards, twice a day, after bathing. But this time round, I couldn't really be bothered and only apply as and when I feel like it. Thank God so far no stretchmarks, then again maybe cos my tummy already stretched before. My mom had stretchmarks but I dun have, so dunno if it's inherited or not. btw, the other less costly alternative to the clarins oil is Johnson baby oil or olive oil from what my friends told me, I tried johnson baby oil, not bad.

Hi jasminesym

Yes, they do have for boys too, from baby to toddlers and up. There are a few branches - one at woodlands civic center, choa chu kang HDB area office, northpoint, westmall at bt batok.

The 3.90 ones are found in the pile, gotta dig and search :p but you can find very good buys.

Another shop that sells branded baby clothes at lesser price is at queensway shopping center, 2nd floor, shop namae is in@wear, it's directly infront of the stair case on the second floor (only one main stair case). I bought alot of old navy and gap pyjamas at 8 bucks (or less than 10 bucks) per set for my first daughter for the last 2 years, all very nice and good quality.

Hi Etelle, Bulma

I used to get very emotional during my first pregnancy, some said this could be due to hormonal changes .. and also the uncertainties being a first time mom. I had post-natal depression after deliverying my first daughter due to inlaws' problems/nonsense and coping with the changes (e.g. they refused to sterilised the milk bottles, and make the formula milk an hour in advanced for their convenience, wanted to do the first month celebration late after her actual date and wanted to celebrate the first month at fast food rest. such as Macs .. sigh!) . It helps to have a lot of support from your family members, or even a domestic helper proves to be of great help.

Hi Summer,

My baby put on 0.5 KG every 3 weeks since the 30+ week visit and 33+week visit, but I thought 2.2 Kg is ok cos my gynae didn't comment on my baby's 2.1 kg .. Told him I wanted a big baby like my gal at 3.75KG and he told me I gotta eat more then :p
Does the durians really helped ? I was contemplating eating durians and wonder would that make my baby heavier ?
<font color="ff0000">Summer</font>

Hahaha.. I remember you told me your baby was the smallest amongst us leh, how come suddenly grew so huge huh?? Ooopps.. I think it's time for me to be worried liao.. cos I don't know how heavy my girl is as at 32wks.. forgot to ask gynae :p But as at 30wks, she was about 1.5-1.6kg lor.... still, dun think she can put on so much within 2 wks yah?
How often u have been eating durians?

<font color="0000ff">Bulma</font>

Heee.. u are really so funny, so emotional. I understand lah, tend to be abit more "deh" and want to sa (3) jiao (1) like a little gal. But hor.. once you have a second kid, think even if I sa jiao my hb also dun bother liao, cos got my son to fight for attention liao mah.. heheeheh.
u shouldn't be eating durians at this stage leh.... It make yr bb grow woh.....and its heaty also....

Wah weigh 2.2kg at wk 33 consider big ah... Then siao liao lor, my bb was 1.75kg at wk 31 leh..... my next visit is this coming friday.... dunno how big will he be......
To prevent further stretchmarks, u should apply daily and stop scratching yr tummy.

U hv this uncertainty because its yr first child and u feel very lost as to how would life be after yr bb is born. So u tend to worry this and worry that..... in fact family support at this stage is very important.... Don't worry so much lah, everything will turn out fine once bb is out.....

I am lucky that my mum volunteer to take care of my girl. And I had hire a domestic help to help out.....
My gynae is very particular about my gal's weight. In fact i think he is very concerned. The first thing he looked at the weight of my bb last Fri, he asked "what did i tell you was the weight last week?" and he says bb is above avg for everything and my hubby goes "whoa" when dr says bb is now 2.2kg! Coz she almost doubled up. I dunno if the durians helped but i only ate once when one of the gals mentioned that durians will make bb grow so i eat loh. Then the next few days i could feel her growing liao coz my tummy feels very tight and i can see bumps on my tummy when she moves and i alrdy told my hubby prior to the checkup that she has grown very big.

Yup, my gal was the lightest one month ago when you gals posted your bb's weight when i did a comparison. Dunno why suddenly she grow so big also... hai. But i realise everytime when i eat anything she goes moving and kicking quite vigorously. Now i will tell her "girl, take it easy... eat slowly" wahaha!
your description of your girl is really cute
I'm kinda worried abt my bb's wt too, but not sure exactly how to slow her growth (and my own) down other than changing my diet. Will exercising help? but this point of time dunno wat exercises are safe.

Talking abt sm, i stopped applying the clarins oil for abt a mth, and got awful red SM along my hips...so now religiously apply again. showed hb and he was like nvm lah, no one going to see anyway...

Praying that my girl will not pop early coz havent settled my work yet; still have to prepare materials for my relief teacher. Fingers crossed
thk u hve to cut down on yr carbo liao.... if not too big very difficult to push especially if u r gg for normal birth...
Hi Summer

My gynae didn't tell me the est. birth weight, but he looked at my previous record and commented that my first baby was big at birth, and also I put on so much more. Hubby thinks that 3 kg baby at birth is just right, easier to deliver.

I pray that my gal will absorb the nutrients from my food .. eveyrday i tell her to absorb my food intake.

From the book I read, at end of 8 months i.e. by 35-36 weeks, baby should weigh between 2.2 to 2.7 KG i.e. 5-6 pounds.

Yr gynae says yr gal is above average ah. I have just gone for my visit &amp; my gynae say my boy is of average size, weight estimated at 2.2kg. I'm at 33 wks &amp; 6 days now.

Wonder why the diff in assessment.

One good thing is that my weight gain=bb weight gain since last visit. Hopes this will remain till bb decides to come out....8>
<font color="ff0000">Summer</font>

I think it's me. :p I mentioned that eating durians will make babies grow bigger. But I didnt know how true this is! Hahahah.. so u have proven it right maybe?

Very strange, my gynae is never concern with my baby's weight gain. And if I dun ask him, he also won't take the initiative to tell me himself. As for myself, I am very concern, cos my baby was quite small for my first pregnancy. Small babies tend to be more drowsy, making latching on breastfeeding more difficult for me I feel.
Hi Sunshinekid

My mom took durians and gave birth to a ten pounder, my elder bro :p She said it was the durians but I thought it was a myth from her .. think she put on 20-30 kilo when she was expecting my elder bro, and after delivery, she has to be put on drip for weeks. She said since then, she didn't dare to put on too much weight or touch durians when she was expecting me and my sis, and we turned out to be 8+ pounder babies.

Surprisingly, alot of my forum mommy friends who are successful in bfg had 7 pounds babies, around 3 kg. hmm .. what do you classify as small ? below 3 KG ?

actually you can call Dr Paul Tseng to check the weight, he may not have told you but prob have recorded it in his notes.

Hi bamwicca

perhaps boys and gals weight chart is different ..
at least for infants, I know it's different .. wonder if it's different for foetus ?
<font color="0000ff">Lenny</font>

He was only 2.33kg at 36wks+.. so he was tiny. I would attribute his weight to my pre-clampsia, which is high blood pressure in pregnancy. The doc said even if he comes out later, he will not grow much already. So his weight gain was kinda stagnant in early 30th wks.....

Hee... you know my gynae is Paul Tseng.
hi Sunshinekid

the list shows your gynae's name
I have a friend who has the same gynae as yours.

Actually, towards the last month 36 weeks onwards, some mothers tend to lose weight or not gained much .. for me in the previous pregnancy, I was the total opposite, gained a kg every week or two in the last month.

btw, which PD are you using ? I told my gynae anyone except the Dr angs.
Lenny: Maybe lor...think gals suppose to have smaller bone structure than bois...so the size &amp; weight assessment maybe different.
