(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

i know what you mean, thanks alot for your information and concern. what bothers me is that if i intro another soild meal for Dylan, his milk intake will sure fall below 600ml. this is his schedule:
730am 240ml FM
1230pm 1 chinese bowl porridge
430pm 240ml FM
830pm 240ml FM

9pm he will go to bed and wake up at 7am the next morning. think i fed the least number of time to my baby bah... cant imagine my mum busy with his feeding if the time interval will be every 3hrs. now is 4 hourly. how ah? any advise?

so many posts, so many things to update....

Feeding schedule
Ryan has been on 3 meals a day for at least 2months already....i started him on 3 meals when I saw QUeen's post on KK recommended schedule. So he has his cereal at 10 a.m. POrridge at 1 p.m. and 6 pm. In between he takes 2 bottles of milk.

Last weekedn, together with my family and RYan, we went to Penang. My husband had high fever on first day, me on second day and Ryan on third day. When we arrived in SG, Immediately i went to gleneagles to see Ryan's PD. He was diagnosed with HFMD and so was my hubby. So we have all been at home this week. For me, on top of taking care of hubby and BB, i have also been cleaning car, house and all the toys as the virus is very infectious....so it has been a terrible time.
I am quite lucky in that I got quite a good maid who seems to love RYan a lot...so i feel quite comfortable with her. On top of that, I send my maid to my mother's/MIL's place on alternate days so there is family supervision as well. For my mother, it is easy for me to tell her what I like and dislike her to do and she will not argue with me.

For my MIL, i am also quite lucky as she is the modern grandma....so she acknowledges that she knows nuts abt parenting as all her 3 children were taken care of by her SIL and she didnt even change a diaper for her kids before. FOr Ryan, MIL has never even changed one diaper for him! All she does is play with him and buy him things. This to me is ideal as I also dun wish her to get invovled and have loads of opinion how i raise my child. If she wants to bring Ryan out, she will always call me to ask so I am glad she is considerate abt it too.

3 meals a day

renee has been on 3 meals for almost 2 mths already.
wat i do is :

7.30 - 230ml FM
9 am - BF normally cereal mixed with puree
11.30 - 160ml FM
12.30 - LUNCH porridge/diff purees
3 - 160ml FM
6 - Dinner porridge / diff purees
8 - 230 ml FM

i dun insist she finish her cereals/porridge..as long as she takes them..so maybe for a start, u may want to let isaac have smaller portions. for me, i still want her to have milk more importantly. i hope this helps
CONGRATS!!!! So excited for you.

RE : 3 solids
Oh...our babies shld beon 3 solids now? My boy takes cereal for breakfast and porridge in the evening. However, he has cereal in milk for last feed.

CONGRATS! i'm so happy for you.

but wanted to check with you hor..so u did check before you went for your xray, right? and negative.. but normally with test kits, when will results show? after egg planted?? or conception ah?

coz better be safe la..for those mummies who bought the test kits... coz i also nearly went for xray when i was pregs last time with renee..coz the stupid gynae in hanoi didnt ask me if i was pregs ( i went to see the gynae here as i had spottings and thot something wrong with my womb..then they poke here n there and asked me to go for xray..)

a few days later then i tot..hmm maybe i pregs so i went to buy the kit and tested positive ...
Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
queen: 2 or 3x; 10am (~1 hr), 1pm (~ 45min), 4pm (~30mins), sleep at 9pm - 5am
Durianlover: 2Xs (10:30am-1hr, 2:00pm-2hrs)
MamaChan: 2x at IFC on weekdays but timing subjective. Min. 1/2 hour nap. Weekends : 2 x morning 9am to 11 plus am afternoon 2 or 3 pm to 4 plus 5pm.
Flo: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (10am - 1hrs, 1-2pm - 1-2hr, 4pm+ 30min - 1hr
MamaPanda: 2X, 11am - 2pm (2-3hrs), 4pm - 6pm (1-2hrs)
AK : 3x, 10a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m.
Chillies : 1 long 1 short nap in either morning and afternoon depending on his mood, sometimes 1 short one 30mins in evening)
Re. Botanic Garderns PS
1 Flo, Melody (confirm)
2 Rachel, Dylan (confirm)
3 Sleepingdeer, Shannon
4 Lingbel, Christabel
5 Celine, Edgar
6 Wenyl, Ethan
7 SL, Charmaine
8 Tracy, Megan (Confirm)
9 Sept03bride, Caleb
10 God's child, Celeste ( Confirm )
11 Babylon, damien
12 Clare, Ashley (confirm)
13 Valerie, Kirsten
14 Rena076, Elijah
15 Queen, Isaac (confirm)
16 MamaChan, Daren (confirm)
17 Cookie, kaelyn
18 Sunny, YX
19 Tabbiesus, Tabitha
20 SY, JH (confirm)
21 Sandra, Sarah Mae
22 Sysac, Cephas (confirm)
23 Denmy, Keenan/Ethan
24 SH, JW (confirm)

your schedule looks good, but can i ask how much water renee takes for the whole day?

hmm one thing is dylan's nap time clash with your feeding schedule... well ,think got to start intro another solid meal first. try an error and hope things work out well and my mum dont complaint me being so troublesome haha thanks for your info!
Hi Denmy

congrats! x-ray? I don't suppose so ... just imagine, there would be a number who like u dont know they are preggie n went for x-ray, then how... anyway, from a professional aspect, gynae would tell u facts and leave all decisions to u. one person I can think off-hand is Ginny Phang, the doula. She's rather well-read, so hopefully she can give you better answers ... anyway, take it easy and just continue to take your vits.

ak/durianlover ... even if you r bfg, u can still conceive. there are some mummies who actually tandem nurse, ie nurse 2 babies and they also nurse thru' pregnancy.


renee drinks about 100-150ml of water a day. so far she has never not finished her milk.. so everything's good for me..


renee's very greedy, she takes about average of bout 8 mins for a meal..
Hi Rena,

Was wondering about the title of the song on your blog.

I accidentally click on it once and heard the nice song. So every now and then i 'visited' your blog for the song (and of course to read on Sumo )

I know it's from Hillsong but don;t know which album or title.
hi Denmy,

Congrats! Am so happy for you! Are you hoping for a gal or boy this time? I also think you are very courageous. I think I would like to wait till Charmaine's 2 before trying again. Mum also said that she wants a break : P Guess everyone can guess how difficult it is to take care of her.
The song title is " Here i am to worship"


Elijah drinks and eat fast too.. but at times he has his mood.. and will take longer time
Hi mummies

It's been a while - Gabriel was sick, then I was sick. Very trying 2 week but we're both ok now.

Took me a while to catch up on all the post. Very touched to see many mummies sharing their lives here - thank you to those mummies. Hopefully with the network of support here, we can all be better mummies to our little ones.

Congrats on being preggers again! so exciting.

Re: Milk
Gabriel takes, at most 250ml EBM a day and he doesn't drink much water (unless you spoonfeed). been racking my brain to see how to 'persuade' him to take more water. I have tried with the bottle, mag mag cup with spout and straw, nuby cup, nuk magic cup.... so waste money *sigh*

I suspect he was 'heaty' from lack of liquid when he fell sick. was feeding him boiled barley water religiously when he was sick.

Re: Car seat
Is anyone's child seat facing front yet? Am thinking of turning it to front-facing so that Gabriel doesn't fuss so much in the car.

ya my friend who was breastfeeding her girl of 9mths old conceive another girl. I am not sure if she had her menses already then but for those of us who don't even have menses (our womb not even lining itself to prepare for the embryos), think the chances even lower. also heard from my sis gynae who did a scan at her uterus, although she had menses for a couple of months, she is not ovulating. she is still breastfeeding her 15mths old son. her gynae suggest for her to drop bf altogether.

but then I also heard of people tandem feeding, guess it really depends on individual and their body.

My email add's correct. Thks! Sorry that I didn't reply to your email cos I think I meant to reply later than forgot abt it. Btw, can also help to check what's the price for other printouts?

re: solids
Charmaine's on 2 solids a day - porridge/cereal/puree at 12noon and at 5pm, i.e. lunch and dinner. Usually she has porridge with vegetables and fish cos she really loves them. She's a Chinese baby - doesn't like cereal. : (

re: mil
I guess to keep peace sometimes we have to learn to keep quiet. I remembered that one sat when we are all lunching at mil's place. I brought the freezed potato puree along for Charmaine. She asked me when did I cook that and I said that I made it on thur and freezed it. She actually said "Aiyo, why like that? Not good for babies to eat overnight food. It's easy to puree potato, just need to wake up a bit earlier lor." I was angry cos to me it's like implying that I am lazy to wake up earlier to prepare food for Charmaine. I didn't answer her, just left the kitchen. BUT on the way back home, I complained to my hubby all the way. : )
Clariss car seat is facing front though she is not yet 9kg as recommended for the use of the car seat. but she is very happy inside and she can fall asleep by herself. I am very happy with that.
Thanks Mongs.

Re: Breastfeeding
I am still breastfeeding and my menses has yet to come. Last week, I had some spotting and was expecting my menses to come but it didn't. Is this normal?

Re: Ovulation
My friend stopped breastfeeding her 16 month baby 2 months ago, hoping to conceive another one. This was at the recommendation of her gynae. However, she did a scan and found that she has yet to ovulate. Apparently, the body needs some time to adjust and for the ovulation to kick in.
Hmm, I feed Ariene 3 meals a day since 7 months old. Breakfast is usually fruit like banana, papaya or mixed grain / rice cereal. If I'm unable to feed her breakfast, she'll drink about 250ml EBM. Lunch is usually the heavy one like beef & spinach porridge, pork porridge, chicken and broccoli porridge, etc. Dinner is usually non-porridge mixed vegetables and fruit like broccoli & carrot & potato mix, sweet potato, butternut squash, etc and kiwi cubes, papaya cubes etc. I'm feeding fruits like papaya and kiwi in little cubes to my girl to train her to learn how to chew and bite. Above all, she still takes milk (either latch on or EBM) after her meal. Am I feeding her too much? I'm not sure what's the recommended to feed her everyday. I just make sure she has her vitamins and proteins ie, at least one meat, one vegetable and one fruit everyday. SOmetimes, in between meals, if she's perkish, I'll feed her a fruity snack or some finger food snacks.

Sorry to intrude on Jan mommies... But Mel, you disappeared!!! Anyway, repost...



If I recall, YOU wore the same darn sexy thing and you danced in FRONT somemore... Must be those sexy long legs of yours...

Those kindergarten teachers... one of them must have been a clost paedophile to think of that costume...

Hmmm... doesn't matter to me whether hubby there or not. Can also if you don't mind cos my hubby more sociable than me one... he can TALK!!! The son is a no choice thing. Your call on the hubby lor...

good to know both of you have recover =)

i had 'upgrade' dylan's car seat for 2 months. he is happier comparing to rear facing bcoz he can have better view and he enjoyed watching the lorries and buses passing by (cant see car from his seat yet heehee) another thing was his legs are getting longer and rear facing just cant allow his legs to be comfortably straighten out.
Denmy: Congrats! I wish to have a boy boy in the future but now time is tied up with my autistic elder gal.

Mummies: sorry havent been particpating much as I am busy with my work...what's the photo shoot in Botanic Gardens abt? Can someone pm me just in case I missed out in this fast moving thread?

haha me gonna sit down and plan where to squeeze in dylan's 2nd solid meal. dylan drinks 150ml of water, somedays can take up to 180ml. thankful that he can drink water without any fuss.
Thanks rachel.

In case you are wondering - you can ignore the posting from whaleshark. She's from the March mummies thread and we found each other on this forum. She used to be my kindergarden and secondary school classmate and we were just reminiscing the good old days in kindergarden when we had to put up a concert on the March mummies thread.

I also know it is possible to conceive even when TBF but very very low chance....I saw my gynae last mth and he said he really pei fu me for TBF for so long. He said while he heard of ppl conceiving while TBF, but unlikely....anyway, I am also thinking of stopping TBF so that I can regulate my body and prepare for my next kid....
i like that song a lot as well!

dylan drinks a lot of water...i realise as JH gets older, he drinks more water as well, which is good... hmm, maybe i need to plan how to squeeze in one more meal. actually i was planning to drop the morning pump and use it to feed him some breakfast...
haha im like having lots of question mark above my head when i read her post to you. now i understand le. =)

i make it a point to let dylan drink 60ml before he takes his morning nap at 930am. yah yah we mummy need to do some homework =p
Rachel, SY
How do you persuade your babies to take water? teach me some tricks leh. Am having a lot of problems with Gabriel on this.
Thank you, thank you!! I did a little read-up on the internet and am asking my urologist to find out from the radiologist what were the doses of radiation used. With this info, at least I can assess if I'm at a high-risk group lor. Waiting for him to call me back. Will update you guys as soon as I get an answer. Anyways, here's the link for some of you who might be interested to know more about radiation in pregnancy: http://www.kem.edu/dept/radiology/Info2.htm

I will answer your q's tonight... I am starving now... need to go get food...
rachel, mel,
i always give JH water after each solid feed. in btwn solid feeds i realise he likes to drink water as well. so it's a good chance to feed.

besides that, i give him water after his dream feed and also after feeding milk.

actually last time i have a lot of problem giving him milk so i started giving water during dream feed. it works!

hee, another trick is to give him something that he doesn't like to eat and he will drink lots of water after that. JH doesn't like potato so he drinks a lot of water each time i feed potato.. :p

hope that we hear positive feedback from your urologist!
RE: Kiwi Fruit
If I remember correctly my PD ever mention that kiwi fruit is genetically modified. Tabby is it true?
hmm... i dont have any tips in getting dylan to drink water. he simply drink whatever we feed him! whether is it sour, sweet, bitter or tastless. =p medicine to him is nothing bcoz he takes them in as well without any fuss *faint* at first even worry whether something wrong with his taste bud.

like what SY mentioned, you could try giving water to him after his solid meal.

oh... starving no good wor. do take great care. yah will wait for your update =)

wat's dylan's current schedule like? maybe i can give somee suggestions to second feed?

renee also takes medicine like dylan...i didnt think renee had taste bud issues...i just think she's greedy .. everything also ok .. but i'm very happy thats the case!
SY, Rachel
Thanks for the pointers. Will try dreamfeeding Gabriel with water first.

Are the kiwi fruit sold in packs of 4 in supermarkets genetically modified? I give the golden kiwi to Gabriel.
thanks alot! muack**

Dylan's feeding schedule:
730am 240ml FM
1230pm 1 chinese bowl porridge
430pm 240ml FM
830pm 240ml FM

Dylan's sleeping & napping schedule:
7am wake up
930am nap(~3hrs)
230pm nap(~2hrs)
6pm nap(~1hr)
9pm ZZZZ
not sure about golden kiwi... its yellow flesh?
as long as the shape of the kiwi is round and the 2 ends of the kiwi not pointed, then it is fine =) hope my info helps.

me gonna off work and log out soon. will lookout for your post when i log in again. thanks so much! over the weekend wont be in here bcoz gonna visit my ILs in malaysia.
Denmy - Congrats !

May - Hope your dad is better
Take care of yrself too.

Flo - Do u have the brochure yr photographer fren has done up? If yes, plse email me a copy. Tks!
Crab Dinner
Date : OCT 7 ( place at Celine77 edgar mummy)
Time : Dinner time of course

1) rena + hb + bb (confirm) (Either crab shack or the mapherson one)
2) angie + hb + bbs (confirm)
3) rachel + hb + bb (confirm)
4) celine + hb + bb
5) sept03bride+hb+bb
6) god's child + hb + bb (50% confirm)
7) babylon + hb + bbs (KIV First, if I can't join, might just drop by to say hi to all, since I stay nearby)
8) SY + hb +bb (can only confirm when nearer)
9) sanraye1330+hb+bb (to cfm nearer the date)

Good idea for lantern leh. Lets all bring 1 lantern.

Shall we decide where to get the best crabs from all over Singapore ?

can get more details on the photoshoot from you, PM me the details, ok?

Toy'R Us Warehourse
Quite crowded. Some sales pple really good, but the cashier quene was super long, waited for 1 hour just to pay. Some ang mos really buy and buy with 5 ~ 6 big carriers.

Bought 1)A Lego lookalike thing (has pooh figures). Think 100pcs, can stack and change different types of design. 2) Fisher Price Peek a boo Cubes 3) Elmo Sumberine

Was hoping to find the pony, hokey elmo or balls there. But not available. Some items like push car cum walker type quite a selection, FP selling very fast (Stacking gold fish, stacking stars and pull toy) MPH has a small sale next to it, small baby books like dr suess type.

Staff are still unpacking some toys when i left.
Crab Dinner
Date : OCT 7
Place : at Toh Tuck plc( place at Celine77 edgar mummy)
Time : 6pm Dinner time of course

1) rena + hb + bb (confirm) (Either crab shack or the mapherson one)
2) angie + hb + bbs (confirm)
3) rachel + hb + bb (confirm)
4) celine + hb + bb
5) sept03bride+hb+bb
6) god's child + hb + bb (50% confirm)
7) babylon + hb + bbs (KIV First, if I can't join, might just drop by to say hi to all, since I stay nearby)
8) SY + hb +bb (can only confirm when nearer)
9) sanraye1330+hb+bb (to cfm nearer the date)

Good idea for lantern leh. Lets all bring 1 lantern.

Shall we decide where to get the best crabs from all over Singapore
Thanks mummies for the concern.
My dad has discharged and currently resting at home. But Jamie keeps crying for him to carry her. Sigh..

CONGRATS! Read abt ur post in office today but unable to post. Don't worry abt x-ray as it won't do much harm at this early stage but definitely not a CT scan. My boss went for CT scan without knowing she is pregnant. After discovering that, her gynae told her that it is better not to keep the baby as CT scan had great damage to baby. Think it is better to seek a second opinion. Dun worry.. take good care of urself!! Give u some luck of baby girl !! Hope your boys will have a baby sis soon !

Hmm.. so who will be the next one?? I wonder??
Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
queen: 2 or 3x; 10am (~1 hr), 1pm (~ 45min), 4pm (~30mins), sleep at 9pm - 5am
Durianlover: 2Xs (10:30am-1hr, 2:00pm-2hrs)
MamaChan: 2x at IFC on weekdays but timing subjective. Min. 1/2 hour nap. Weekends : 2 x morning 9am to 11 plus am afternoon 2 or 3 pm to 4 plus 5pm.
Flo: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (10am - 1hrs, 1-2pm - 1-2hr, 4pm+ 30min - 1hr
MamaPanda: 2X, 11am - 2pm (2-3hrs), 4pm - 6pm (1-2hrs)
AK : 3x, 10a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m.
Chillies : 1 long 1 short nap in either morning and afternoon depending on his mood, sometimes 1 short one 30mins in evening)
Maywong: 3x, 10am-11am(1hr), 1.30pm-3pm(1.5hrs), 4.30-5pm (30min) ~seems like jamie nap very little.
RE: menses & bf
i went to gynae for uterus scan abt 1 month ago and gynae said i'm still not ovulating, possibly due to breastfeeding. Said if i cut down no. of feeds per day to 3 or less, then menses might come back. But as of now, i still bf 5 times a day. Dunno if it's a lot??
But now that i read that having menses doesn't mean u'll ovulate, guess i'll just have to wait!

Dylan eats/drinks 4 times a day only? That's amazing! But i guess he eats less often but takes in bigger quantity.

i'm also using front-facing for Janelle's carseat. Did that when she was abt 6 months old i think!

Re: water
My gal also hates drinking water. Think she drinks less than 40mls per day. Is it really necessary to give her water? Coz she poos normally so i assume she's got enough fluids!
