(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

yah, i know it's good that Daren can eat. But I think even if he's full, he just won't stop. He's been getting a little greedy lately. Sigh...just the other day, my MIL was like telling me not to overfeed him as scared his gut might get "spoilt" from being too full all the time, and kept urging me to cut down on his intake.That babies do not know the difference of when they are full.

I read in the weaning book that as of now, at their age of about 8-9 months, their milk intake should be about 600ml, while taking in 3 solid meals a day.

Then again, I see Daren no matter how much he eats he doesn't like put on much weight coz he burns it all up with all his moving about!

think as long as Daren is eating well and no tummy upset, all should be fine. yes yes agree with you that our babies could be very greedy. yesterday after feeding dylan 1 full bowl of porridge, he kept looking at us as we start eating our meal. i tease him by muching my food and went close to him. he actually lean forward and want to eat my mouth!! imagine that, so greedy! after that he kept getting close to me and want to munch my mounth! *faint*

so what your MIL said is true.
Don't worry about Daren. Ariene eats even more and drinks more milk, she's still the lightest baby in this thread @ 7.4kg. I've been feeding her 3 solid meals a day since last month and she's still not gaining much weight. Since PD says its ok, I'm also not too worried.

As for GM foods, I think I'll just continue to feed Ariene whatever we're eating, GM or non-GM, with the exception of preserved foods like salted fish, salted vege, sze chuan vege, etc. There's too many GM foods involved. Unless its satistically and scientifically proven GM foods causes gene mutation or something to that extent in babies.. oh well.. *shrug*
Haha.. You're not alone. Sometimes, when I'm munching something, Ariene would come close to my mouth and take a BIG SNIFF and lick my lips to taste my food...
episiotomy and baby dancing
Erm.. mummies who had episiotomies, does it still hurt when u baby dance? I suspect my gynae sewn my "opening" smaller than its original size..
Crab Dinner
Date : OCT 7
Place : at Toh Tuck plc( place at Celine77 edgar mummy)
Time : 6pm Dinner time of course

1) rena + hb + bb (confirm) (Either crab shack or the mapherson one)
2) angie + hb + bbs (confirm)
3) celine + hb + bb
4) sept03bride+hb+bb
5) god's child + hb + bb (50% confirm)
6) sanraye1330+hb+bb (to cfm nearer the date)

So sorry, cant make it as wellkana red bomb .
from what i know from my mum, who went to classes conducted for people who had cancer and people who like to learn more on healthy eating. GM food does affect human and its been scientifically proven. therefore should avoid as much as possible. but like what you said, in this way lots of stuff could not eat then. honestly, with all the pollution in the world, lots of food has become toxic and polluted. example deep sea fish and even veg... oh well...
I think you should start JH on more solids now, not just restrict to weekends. Perhaps replace the 9am milk feed with cereals. FM / BM is no longer enough to provide the nutrients needed for babies our age. besides, now is the time our babies should experience different tastes and textures of solids and soon, they have to learn to self-feed solids.
mamapanda - i had episiotomy too.. it doesn't hurt now but it was SUPER painful the first few times... was going OUCH OUCH... cld it be cos u r tensed?or mabbie you can 'dance' more often? hee hee :p
Crab Dinner
Date : OCT 7
Place : at Toh Tuck plc( place at Celine77 edgar mummy)
Time : 6pm Dinner time of course

1) rena + hb + bb (confirm) (Either crab shack or the mapherson one)
2) angie + hb + bbs (confirm)
3) celine + hb + bb
4) sept03bride+hb+bb
5) sanraye1330+hb+bb (to cfm nearer the date)

Apologies mummies..new maid is scheduled to come in on Friday and i gota use this weekend to get her accustomed to the routines...

Then lucky i never con my hubby to go there. I went to isetan and grab all the toys for my niece and nephew as we celebrated the children's day with my fil's birthday. Then I sure regret not getting more.

Hubby just told me " dun complain if house in the mess because I make it happen , buying so many toys for my kids"
re feeding,
JH won't overeat one. once he has enough, he will fuss if i dun carry him out of his chair...at most i will only make him eat a bit more...

really? i went on the last day so not a lot of things left...

i m planning to drop my morning pump and then use it to feed JH cereal before i go for work. the thing is i dun let maid feed him cos he is quite fussy when he sees us taking his food. when my mum is at my place, she will feed him porridge for lunch also.

i m starting telecommuting once a week soon so i can start him on lunch feeds as well when i m at home.

i had episiotomy also but haven started BD yet. we did try but it seems to be painful.
Re: Pasir Ris Park
Is it this Fri? If yes, then maybe i see if i can take leave coz i have a lot of leave to clear but no time to clear :-(

Would you still be going for the HCJC mid autumn celebration?
Don't mind me being kaypo. The haze is back lately, better keep bb indoor so may not be a good idea to go pasir ris park
Re: Cranky Baby
JW is being very cranky recently. Every little thing he will end up crying. The worst thing is he refuses to stop until i carry him. More than once when I am in the shower, he wakes up & start crying. Even when my hb carries him, he refuses to stop. Try distract him also cannot.

I always have to rush through my shower & quickly come out to carry him. The moment I carry him, he turns off like a radio having the power cord pulled out. All quiet. Any other mummy goes thru this? Need to make him stop or not...or would they grow out of it?
mamapanda, rachel, mamachan
RE: GM Food
There are actually different schools of thought on whehter GM Food will cause cancer. Moreover the history is too short to really have any meaningful scientific proof. I'm more the kiasu type with regards to bb. As long as is within our means and ability to prevent, my personal view is to avoid such food if possible. Well is always better to be on the safe side

I've just been experienceing the same... duno why tabby has been like superglue to me.. once i come home she will hold out her arms for me to carry.. and not let anyone else carry her.... but during the day if i'm gone.. my mom can carry her and play with her until she's so happy.. but the minute she sees me she will start whining for me to carry her. It's really funny cos i tried passing to daddy... its waaahhhhh wahhh waaahhh, then when i carry she stops.. i pass to my mom ... its waaahh waah wah... then i carry , it stops again...

If u figure out a way for it to stop.. let me know hor... :D
hmm, u r right..the haze is back. maybe i shd monitor it and won't bring him if it is really bad..

hee, if we dun go pasir ris park, maybe we walk walk downstairs..haha.

i dun think i can go for the HCJC thing already...got to go to IL place. was quite pissed with hb over this cos initially he say ok, then now he say must go IL place.

JH also like that. every little thing also wan to cry. sometimes when i carry him, he will stop. sometimes he won't..

yesterday he very funny. he was like fussing and faking his cries...cry cry a bit, he will stop to say O, then he will continue to cry, then say O and this continued for a few minutes..his fave word is O

same for JH. in the day he is fine with anyone carrying but at night when i come home, he will prefer me.

Actually I have second thots over the HCJC thing too cos my hubby's in BKK now - last minute travel. He will be back on Sat afternoon. Shall we call off the mid autumn thing?

My gal has always been superglue to me at night. Can't leave her alone. But she does seem to be better now. She will cry for my attention if I don't carry her immediately when I reached home. But once I have carried her for a while, she's okay with anyone else carrying her while I shower.
Tupperware Party 2 @ MamaChan's place @ Redhill, either 28th or 29th Oct. TBC by end of the week. (Limited to 10 families due to space constraint)

Cooking Demo of simple steam sponge cake or peanut cake.

1) Rachel + hb + bb + mum(?)
2) Sept03Bride + hb + bb
3) Chicken Little + hb + bb
4) Rena + hb + bb (TBC)
Tupperware Party 2 @ MamaChan's place @ Redhill, either 28th or 29th Oct. TBC by end of the week. (Limited to 10 families due to space constraint)

Cooking Demo of simple steam sponge cake or peanut cake.

1) Rachel + hb + bb
2) Sept03Bride + hb + bb
3) Chicken Little + hb + bb
4) Rena + hb + bb (TBC)
SH, SY & Tabby
RE: Cranky Baby

Mel used to be sama sama too. The moment I step into the house she'll stick on to me like a superglue, can't even change first. These days she has all her fredom in the living room, so when I go home sometimes she's so busy "exploring" the house that she's completely oblivious of my presence
Haha, another tupperware party? Hubby will be back liao..so Onz!

Tupperware Party 2 @ MamaChan's place @ Redhill, either 28th or 29th Oct. TBC by end of the week. (Limited to 10 families due to space constraint)

Cooking Demo of simple steam sponge cake or peanut cake.

1) Rachel + hb + bb
2) Sept03Bride + hb + bb
3) Chicken Little + hb + bb
4) Rena + hb + bb (TBC)
5) Tracy + hb + bb
haha! was wondering if you'll be coming or not coz never see you online for awhile. Sure! Welcome welcome! how's the weekend? busy? manage to sell alot of pens?
been really busy lately so couldnt come online
ya, been selling pens over the weekend. brought my gal along on sat for awhile to meet my colleagues and see looney tunes babies. as usual, she preferred my guy colleagues over the gals. but as my colleagues say, this is NORMAL. haha.

suspect her top two teeth are coming out soon. cos on sat nite, she was wailing in her sleep at about 10.30pm. then she couldnt sleep till 12midnite. she was very tired, kept rolling on our bed and wanting to be carried upright. hb said he felt sharp sharp at her top gums. thankfully she settled down and slept thru. beta dun start teething when daddy's away!!

read about your question on amt of time taken for porridge. for meg, it depends on wats in the porridge. if its yummy, can finish 1 chinese bowl in 20mins. if its yucky aka fish / carrot, can take up to an hour.
hoho mentioning about teething... dylan been quite restless these few nights leh. kept tossing in his sleep. this morning even scream and wail at 330am...

teethin again??!! oh no...

lady, kind of miss you in msn wor. =)
Hi^5 and Clapping of Hands
Oh something to share. Daren can finally clap his hands. When he sees us smiling with glee by that little gesture, he claps his hands. When he manages to feed himself with a Gerber Star Fruit Puff, he would clap his hands and smile, coz before that I would clap my hands and cheer him on when he manages to feed himself. Also, when I raise my hand to him and say," Give me 5!" He would give me a high five in return. I thought it was coindence, so got my hb and MIL and mum to do it with him and he responded like wise.
haven't logged in for quite awhile... but have a lovely surprise... from denmy! CONGRATZ!!! good on u! will pray hard hard for u that u get a girl! :D

re crab gathering:
Irealise that the turn out for the crab party seems quite lukewarm. how about we postpone it to another time?

Tupperware Party 2 @ MamaChan's place @ Redhill, either 28th or 29th Oct. TBC by end of the week. (Limited to 10 families due to space constraint)

Cooking Demo of simple steam sponge cake or peanut cake.

1) Rachel + hb + bb
2) Sept03Bride + hb + bb
3) Chicken Little + hb + bb
4) Rena + hb + bb (TBC)
5) Tracy + hb + bb
6) celine77 + hb + bb
Hi Mamachan,

How many teeth does Daren have?

Megan has two bottom and i was wondering when can i start giving biscuits etc...... Gerber Star Fruit puff sounds like an excellent idea but i don't know if she can swallow...

Hi mommies,

I am mother of two but when come to some mothering skills, some of you first time mother are so much better than me! ;p
Tupperware Party 2 @ MamaChan's place @ Redhill, either 28th or 29th Oct. TBC by end of the week. (Limited to 10 families due to space constraint)

Cooking Demo of simple steam sponge cake or peanut cake.

1) Rachel + hb + bb
2) Sept03Bride + hb + bb
3) Chicken Little + hb + bb
4) Rena + hb + bb (TBC)
5) Tracy + hb + bb
6)God's child + hb + bb

Celeste's bf, Caleb going, how can i not go??? heehee.. plus we get to meet the other babies for some funtime again!

I've been giving my boy the star puffs. He had only 2 teeth then. No prob with it. I started off giving him the Pigeon Spinach xiao man tou. Then change to Gerber star puffs when he finished. 1st few times may take some time to chew, after that, it was a breeze.

I bought the strawberry gerber star puffs but dunno can give or not. Can ?

Now those biscuit which contain salt and I bought by not checking goes into my 4 years old gal's stomach and she enjoy. Hubby oso think it is better then giving her potato chips


I am ok to postpone the crab gathering, just let me know which date it will be scheduled.


Aden used to sleep through but after his admission and recently when 4 teeth popped at the same time, he will cry around 3 am too. I dun remember my gal has so much problem when she was teething.


I oso mother of 2 but first time mummies in this thread are so much better than I am and I am learning from them
RE : Haze
Yah. haze is bad and my boy's cough worsen. PD said got sensitive nose. gotta take antibiotic. Sian. Saw PD twice and burned $110. Ouch....

RE: Looking for help
My boy is terrible. He wld misbehave at my IL. He wld refuse to drink his milk, scream and cry. Wld search for my MIL and wld try all ways to reach for her. (knowing she wld "save" him) Then after bath, threw tantrum. He's not like that wif me at home nor at my aunt who looks after him. Considering we only go once a wk, my boy actually knew who's on his side. Urgh!!! Told my hub he will get it from me when he is older. No Grandma to the rescue!!!
Hi MAshy brain,

I just bought the Pigeon Spinach Xian man Tuo, the pumpkin favour too and also MUji's yolk xiao an tuo. (Seiyu having 20% off over the weekend)

Megan loves the xiao man tuo......naturally right?

I find the Muji ones melt in the mouthmore readily as compare to pigeon type (harder). i sort of hesitating in giving the xian man tuo cos it is sweet in my opinion.... My parents think i am depriving my gal of good food.... ha ha.. EVerytime i try to stop them from eating all these, they will roll their eyes and say give a little bit for her to taste..............And says she will try all these sooner or later but i rather it be later.

I was very adamant about not giving my gal sweets till she's two and above. When she just went to playgroup, the teachers gave them the rabbit sweets on the first day to 'ease' their tension.... i am surprised some kids can just put the whole sweet into their mouth in one go.... my gal has to take a few bites.... But with these prevention, my gal still have milk bottle decay, supposily from drinking too much milk from the bottle.......... hai...... "Ren suan bu ru tian suan"....

Hi Chicken Little,

Hi 5!
Tupperware Party 2 @ MamaChan's place @ Redhill, either 28th or 29th Oct. TBC by end of the week. (Limited to 10 families due to space constraint)

Cooking Demo of simple steam sponge cake or peanut cake.

1) Rachel + hb + bb
2) Sept03Bride + hb + bb
3) Chicken Little + hb + bb
4) Rena + hb + bb (TBC)
5) Tracy + hb + bb
6) celine77 + hb + bb
7) God's child + hb + bb
Daren has only one emerging bottom central tooth, still not the full size. But I read on the bottle that the Gerber stars "melts" in bb's mouth so I let him try one or 2 1st. He seems to like it and even chews on it rather than proceeding to swallow as compared to eating porridge. So it's quite safe. But of course have to feed under adult's supervision.
Tupperware Party 2 @ MamaChan's place @ Redhill, either 28th or 29th Oct. TBC by end of the week. (Limited to 10 families due to space constraint)

Cooking Demo of simple steam sponge cake or peanut cake.

1) Rachel + hb + bb
2) Sept03Bride + hb + bb
3) Chicken Little + hb + bb
4) Rena + hb + bb (TBC)
5) Tracy + hb + bb
6) celine77 + HB + bb
7)God's child + hb + bb
dun think i can make it for the tupperware party...
want to go leh..

re hi 5
JH can hi 5 too but refuse to clap though...he can hold on to the side of the playyard and walk along it..
Re. episiotomy & BD
I also had epi. BD now is ok, not painful but can feel a bit tight. Just have to go slow and use KY.

1st few times BD after delivery sure damn jialat one. I remember the 1st time BD was quite painful and end up feeling very tense. Had to force myself to relax and use lots of KY and go slowly. After getting through the 1st 2 or 3 times, BD now is ok liao... It's important to be relaxed and get into the mood, if not, very difficult.

Re. Sticky baby
My Isaac also very sticky to me, especially when he's in a cry baby mood and when he's sleepy. He needs me to hold him. My HB can never pat him to sleep... On one hand, I'm happy that he wants me, on the other hand, I worry that he'll no row out of it.

Re. Cheese
I used it to cook cod for Isaac. Used mild cheddar. Haven't tried giving it in original form.

Re. greedy (curious) baby
My Isaac is game to try anything! I was just telling some of the mummies over MSN, Isaac has tasted (only tasted, not consumed) ice cream, durian, mooncake, Coke, hum chin peng, chocolate and even beer! And he likes that all! One lick is never enough for him.

Re. cereals
Been feeding HT cereals for Breakfast everyday, 3 to 4 tbsp. 1 box can only last at most 2 weeks. Very expensive hor... I'm thinking of switching to rusk biscuit, dissolve it in milk to serve as cereal... much cheaper. Anyone tried that before?

Gosh! Beer!!! Do you know how dangerous that is?
I'm sorry I've to say that but my FIL was fed alcohol when he's a baby and now his liver is damaged. Babies' liver and kidney functions are very poor. So pls, no alcohol.
yah... of cos I do! My HB was drinking beer and holding Isaac at the same time and Isaac grabbed the glass and put his mouth to the rim. I'm sure he tasted some beer from the rim. My HB quickly put the glass down but the naughty boy actually cried for more! But we know better lah...

Who fed your FIL alcohol? You mean his liver was damaged since baby and he had problems throughout his life?
SH, Tabby, sl, SY, queen
Same here - Gabriel always makes crying/whiny noises when i'm around. Don't know why. Having a hard time putting him to sleep these days. He will SCREAM his lungs out and refuse to sleep. *sigh* Don't know what to do and I hope it's just a passing phase. Not sure if it's teething -can see 4 teeth coming out from his upper gums.
sl, SH, SY
If you guys aren't going to the HCJC mid-autumn thing, then we'll call it off and meet some other time. Enjoy your mid-autumn with baby!
Ashley's milk in take has been stagnant at around 7oz +/- since we started feeing her solid at 6mths. I also dropped her dream feed ard 8.5mths but did not increase her milk intake as she's taking more solids now. Hmm... still so looks like she's eating too much?? haha...

Re Breakfast for BB
Just started introducing egg yolk (with bit of BM/FM so not too dry) as Breakfast to Ashley yesterday n today. Not intending it to be heavy as her lunch would on only 2-3hrs away. Can share what else can i feed? Will a fruit be enough?

Re Cheese
We also started giving Ashley cheese over the weekend as snack. Bought the Cheese Sticks for Kids one (cos cannot find any BB cheese). I dun like cheese so am clueless abt it but she seems to love it. Is the cheese sticks ok to feed baby?

Re Scrapbooking Gathering
So sorry have been pretty busy recently thus not been following up on the above. Anyone has the latest list of who's interested? Anyway i brought Ashley to the National Library last Thurs and I borrowed 2 books on scrapbooking for babies n children... ooh the designs are soooo nice, maybe its because the pictures they used were very well taken as well. Oct weekends seem like quite pack for me as there's a wedding + Aquaducks + KinderMusik Trial. Shall we hold it in Nov instead??
