(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

Regarding: BB photo shot

Hi mommies, did you receive my email regarding the corresponding email addresses for the photoshot? I've sent to the following accounts:

Celine, Edgar - hotmail
Clare, Ashley - yahoo
Cookie, kaelyn - pacific.net
Lingbel, Christabel - hotmail
MamaChan, Daren - yahoo
Queen, Issac - singnet
Rena076, Elijah - hotmail
Sept03bride, Caleb - hotmail
SH, JW - yahoo
SL, Charmaine - yahoo
Sunny, YX - Can you PM me your email address
Tabbiesus, Tabitha - yahoo

BTW can you all make it on 26 Nov for the bb group pic @ Botanic Garden? So far Sysac and SY are ok with the date.
1 Flo, Melody (confirm)
2 Rachel, Dylan
3 Sleepingdeer, Shannon
4 Lingbel, Christabel
5 Celine, Edgar
6 Wenyl, Ethan
7 SL, Charmaine
8 Tracy, Megan
9 Sept03bride, Caleb
10 God's child, Celeste
11 Babylon, damien
12 Clare, Ashley
13 Valerie, Kirsten
14 Rena076, Elijah
15 Queen, Issac
16 MamaChan, Daren
17 Cookie, kaelyn
18 Sunny, YX
19 Tabbiesus, Tabitha
20 SY, JH (confirm)
21 Sandra, Sarah Mae
22 Sysac, Cephas (confirm)
23 Denmy, Keenan/Ethan
24 SH, JW

ChickenLittle, are you still keen on the shot?

Hi Vensus
Warm Welcome

Re: Scratching
Mel does that all the time too, until she has cuts on her face, ears and lately she has been scratching her chest. Sometimes she can scratch her ear until she seems like wanting to pull it off!!! BTW, how do you clear the ears? Tried using a cotton bud but don't realy dare to push too deep in.
RE: Daren & Daddy encounter
Daren is so cute and smart! surely he knows his rights and wants at such tender age
Hi Flo,
My email is correct.

Re. Botanic Garderns PS
1 Flo, Melody (confirm)
2 Rachel, Dylan
3 Sleepingdeer, Shannon
4 Lingbel, Christabel
5 Celine, Edgar
6 Wenyl, Ethan
7 SL, Charmaine
8 Tracy, Megan
9 Sept03bride, Caleb
10 God's child, Celeste
11 Babylon, damien
12 Clare, Ashley
13 Valerie, Kirsten
14 Rena076, Elijah
15 Queen, Isaac (confirm)
16 MamaChan, Daren
17 Cookie, kaelyn
18 Sunny, YX
19 Tabbiesus, Tabitha
20 SY, JH (confirm)
21 Sandra, Sarah Mae
22 Sysac, Cephas (confirm)
23 Denmy, Keenan/Ethan
24 SH, JW
CONGRATS!!! I saw your MSN message last night as "wait for the good news..." but your status was set busy so I didn't ask then... WOW!! You are one steady mum man hahaha.... Yah hope its a GIRL GIRL GIRL!!!
Flo - Me too ok. Thanks! =)

Re. Botanic Garderns PS
1 Flo, Melody (confirm)
2 Rachel, Dylan
3 Sleepingdeer, Shannon
4 Lingbel, Christabel
5 Celine, Edgar
6 Wenyl, Ethan
7 SL, Charmaine
8 Tracy, Megan
9 Sept03bride, Caleb
10 God's child, Celeste
11 Babylon, damien
12 Clare, Ashley (confirm)
13 Valerie, Kirsten
14 Rena076, Elijah
15 Queen, Isaac (confirm)
16 MamaChan, Daren
17 Cookie, kaelyn
18 Sunny, YX
19 Tabbiesus, Tabitha
20 SY, JH (confirm)
21 Sandra, Sarah Mae
22 Sysac, Cephas (confirm)
23 Denmy, Keenan/Ethan
24 SH, JW
ya, I agree to seek for a second opinion if you are not too comfortable.
Congrats! wow, the first and 2nd age is quite far apart but the second and third one is quite near huh.

I am also thinking of having a second one. I don't want my children to have too wide a age gap. but I think we want to start next year. hopefully their birthdays can coincide, on christmas day. heehee!
Like Flo, I don't question how my MIL takes care of Isaac. But me & HB learnt it the hard way too... in the intital months of caring for Isaac, she's also super sensitive. When we asked a few more questions or make some neutral remarks, she thinks we are crticizing her. Also bang table and raised her voice and told us that she doesn't like us "saying so many things" and even threatened to stop helping us take care of Isaac. At first I'm also indignant and was thinking that I'm Isaac's mother, and I have every right to ask and make comments right? I was even thinking what's the big deal, if she doesn't want to take care, can always find a nanny what.
But easy to say lah... ultimately we know that it's best to entrust Isaac to family members. So I know I have to take a step back and trust what she's doing. Sometimes don't like also close 1 eye and even when tell her things, also have to do it very diplomatically.
So now I don't question how she takes care of Isaac. Don't even call back daily unless Isaac is not feeling well. At the end of the day when I go home, as long as I see the EBM bottles emptied and washed, the purees which I have prepared finshed (maybe not everyday lah, at least every other day). I assume that he has taken his milk, eaten his purees. That's good enough for me. My MIL also doesn't seek permission or tell me beforehand that she brought Isaac out. But I'm ok with it cos I'm sure even if outside of home, Isaac will be taken care of (the only thing I'm unhappy about is that sometimes for convenience when out, she'll bring FM instead of my EBM, so end up throwing away the EBM at the end of the day, but even so, I keep quiet cos I tell myself it's not a big deal as this doesn't happen often).
So for most of the time when I return to fetch Isaac, I don't ask what Isaac has been doing in the day, or how much porridge he has eaten. If there is anything out of the ordinary, my MIL will volunteer the info herself. Like she'll tell me that Isaac refused to drink the EBM and she had to mix a bit of FM in... or that he doesn't like mushroom in his porridge or that he's very tired cos hardly slept in the day. Or that he had a knock on his head cos my FIL didn't hold him properly. As long as I see that Isaac is being doted on by his grandparents, is growing ok, not being ill-treated, happy, I'm satisfied lah.
if gal gal, can close shop liao!

Re. Botanic Garderns PS
1 Flo, Melody (confirm)
2 Rachel, Dylan
3 Sleepingdeer, Shannon
4 Lingbel, Christabel
5 Celine, Edgar
6 Wenyl, Ethan
7 SL, Charmaine
8 Tracy, Megan (Confirm)
9 Sept03bride, Caleb
10 God's child, Celeste
11 Babylon, damien
12 Clare, Ashley (confirm)
13 Valerie, Kirsten
14 Rena076, Elijah
15 Queen, Isaac (confirm)
16 MamaChan, Daren
17 Cookie, kaelyn
18 Sunny, YX
19 Tabbiesus, Tabitha
20 SY, JH (confirm)
21 Sandra, Sarah Mae
22 Sysac, Cephas (confirm)
23 Denmy, Keenan/Ethan
24 SH, JW
Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
Denmy ,

congrats.. hee hee you are faster than me..


my email account is correct.. btw the timing is fine too..

how is your dad now? hope he is better.. be strong...
Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
queen: 2 or 3x; 10am (~1 hr), 1pm (~ 45min), 4pm (~30mins), sleep at 9pm - 5am.
Hi Flo
Yes yes, my email is correct. Sorry, I didn't reply your email. Too many things have been happening for me lately. Just to check with regards to the mooncake order. You mentioned that we don't have to fax the form to you anymore right? We just directly go to the counter with the form?
re: MIL,
I also don't question my MIL about Clariss day when i go over for dinner and to pick her up. similar to queen MIL, she will offer information like she is naughty, wants to be carried all the time, very hard poo, don't want to finish porridge blah blah blah when there is anything out of ordinary. I am quite comfortable with this arrangement.

re: no. of meals.
how many meals are most babies having? mine is having cereal in the morning at 930am, then dinner at 630pm. I am thinking of adding the lunch. are most babies having 3 meals a day already?
Wow ladies, so many heartwarming stories to share! Thanks for all the sharing! Encourages us to press on to be good parents!

Congrats to you!!
Wow so exciting!!

Re: menses
My menses also still not back yet...want to conceive also cannot!

Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min)
Durianlover: 2Xs (10:30am-1hr, 2:00pm-2hrs)

I'm surprised that so many babies still nap 3 times a day...my gal dropped her 3rd nap long long ago...when she was 5 or 6 months. Hope she gets enuff sleep since she naps only twice a day!
Oops missed out on Tracy & Queen's posting so am re-posting.

Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
queen: 2 or 3x; 10am (~1 hr), 1pm (~ 45min), 4pm (~30mins), sleep at 9pm - 5am
Durianlover: 2Xs (10:30am-1hr, 2:00pm-2hrs)
Re. Botanic Garderns PS
1 Flo, Melody (confirm)
2 Rachel, Dylan
3 Sleepingdeer, Shannon
4 Lingbel, Christabel
5 Celine, Edgar
6 Wenyl, Ethan
7 SL, Charmaine
8 Tracy, Megan (Confirm)
9 Sept03bride, Caleb
10 God's child, Celeste
11 Babylon, damien
12 Clare, Ashley (confirm)
13 Valerie, Kirsten
14 Rena076, Elijah
15 Queen, Isaac (confirm)
16 MamaChan, Daren (confirm)
17 Cookie, kaelyn
18 Sunny, YX
19 Tabbiesus, Tabitha
20 SY, JH (confirm)
21 Sandra, Sarah Mae
22 Sysac, Cephas (confirm)
23 Denmy, Keenan/Ethan
24 SH, JW

Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
queen: 2 or 3x; 10am (~1 hr), 1pm (~ 45min), 4pm (~30mins), sleep at 9pm - 5am.
MamaChan: 2x at IFC on weekdays but timing subjective. Min. 1/2 hour nap. Weekends : 2 x morning 9am to 11 plus am afternoon 2 or 3 pm to 4 plus 5pm.
Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
queen: 2 or 3x; 10am (~1 hr), 1pm (~ 45min), 4pm (~30mins), sleep at 9pm - 5am
Durianlover: 2Xs (10:30am-1hr, 2:00pm-2hrs)
MamaChan: 2x at IFC on weekdays but timing subjective. Min. 1/2 hour nap. Weekends : 2 x morning 9am to 11 plus am afternoon 2 or 3 pm to 4 plus 5pm.

Oops! Didn't see durianlover's posting. Posted same time
Just read your post...
Hope you dad is doing better. Do take care of yourself too!

Rena / sl / tabbiesus / Flo,
Our ON items have finally been shipped! Think should get it in 7-10 days.

If this time still a boy boy, are you goign for 4th one? I have a girl friend who had 4 sisters. She said her parent finally gave up on having a boy when the 5th one turned out to be a girl...

Re. 2nd one
I'm also very tempted. Now menses is back, got me thinking when I want to have the next one. I had even downloaded a software that can help to calculate ovulation dates. heehee. trying to get girl girl next time round.
Re. Botanic Garderns PS
1 Flo, Melody (confirm)
2 Rachel, Dylan
3 Sleepingdeer, Shannon
4 Lingbel, Christabel
5 Celine, Edgar
6 Wenyl, Ethan
7 SL, Charmaine
8 Tracy, Megan (Confirm)
9 Sept03bride, Caleb
10 God's child, Celeste ( Confirm )
11 Babylon, damien
12 Clare, Ashley (confirm)
13 Valerie, Kirsten
14 Rena076, Elijah
15 Queen, Isaac (confirm)
16 MamaChan, Daren (confirm)
17 Cookie, kaelyn
18 Sunny, YX
19 Tabbiesus, Tabitha
20 SY, JH (confirm)
21 Sandra, Sarah Mae
22 Sysac, Cephas (confirm)
23 Denmy, Keenan/Ethan
24 SH, JW
Denmy Denmy - CONGRATS!!!
Am so happy for you... WOW, so you made it to be the first to get preggers again! u must be very excited... i also think you shld get a second opinion to assure urself. do keep us updated on this little new life
I think our babies should be on 3 meals of solids liao... My Isaac is also still on 2 solids meals, cereals in the morning and porridge in the evenings. But I dunno how to intro another solids meal without reducing his milk intake cos now even with only 2 solids, he's only taking ~600ml of milk.
Haha! Congrats to you! Hope this time round would be girl then can close shop liaoz. Hmmm, I agree with some of the mummies, get a 2nd opinion before deciding what to do. I think the risk should be minimal bah. Tabbs, what you think??

Our babies should be one 3 solid meals a day but Daren can only have 2 solid meals a day and 3 solids on weekends. the IFC can only feed one time solid meal to the children as under the MCYS ruling. Or so they tell me, even though I offered to provide my own cereal.
no menses doesn't mean no ovulation leh. still can try.

you still BF? if yes, can still BF when pregnant?
me too. my gal still taking 2 solid leh. don't know how to reduce the milk intake via increase another time of solid... she's taking about 850ml (including direct latch, just rough est.)
yah... I think you should have a 2nd opinion. Abortion? I hope not!

Re. ToysRUs and MPH sale...
Where is it har? How long is the sale?
Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
queen: 2 or 3x; 10am (~1 hr), 1pm (~ 45min), 4pm (~30mins), sleep at 9pm - 5am
Durianlover: 2Xs (10:30am-1hr, 2:00pm-2hrs)
MamaChan: 2x at IFC on weekdays but timing subjective. Min. 1/2 hour nap. Weekends : 2 x morning 9am to 11 plus am afternoon 2 or 3 pm to 4 plus 5pm.
Flo: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (10am - 1hrs, 1-2pm - 1-2hr, 4pm+ 30min - 1hr
I'm giving Isaac 200ml via bottle 2x a day, and morning and evenings latch. I'm guessing that he only takes in at most another 100+ ml when latch cos he's sleepy and my breasts are not emptied. So at most 600 - 700ml per day. I'm thinking of a new menu like:
5am - latch
8am - EBM (220 - 250ml)
11pm - Cereal
2pm - Batched cooked puree (maybe 3 or 4 cubes) + 120ml EBM
5 pm - porridge
8 pm - latch
currently, my gal's meal timetable is like:
6am latch
930am EBM (190ml) + cereal (about 1 tablespoon)
12noon porridge (about half bowl)
2pm EBM (170ml)
4pm fruit puree
6pm EBM (190ml)
9pm latch

my mil told me that she's like eating lots of meals leh. when i see that, i got that feeling too. that's y don't know how to increase another solid loh.

i m planning to change:
6am latch
930am EBM (150ml) + cereal (about 2 or 3 tablespoon)
12noon porridge (about half bowl)
2pm EBM (170ml)
4pm fruit puree
6pm Porridge (depend on how much she wanna take to test out in 1st wk) + EBM (120ml)
9pm latch
Wah... your new menu also a lot of meals leh.
I think the cereal feed qty should increase.
Maybe give 100ml EBM + 2 or 3 tbsp cereal mix with 60ml EBM.
Denmy - congratulations!!! wah so exciting.. yeah hope its a GIRL! actually i have miss my mense too for more than a week but havent check ..haha maybe will join u. update you again.
I think your revised meal schedule is fine.
I also plan to do the following in order to introduce the 3rd meal but she don't really like solids and my MIL already have prob with her dinner.
6am latch (hopefully she is not too sleepy)
930am EBM (150ml) + cereal (about 2 or 3 tablespoon)
12noon porridge (about 1/3 to half bowl)
3pm EBM (150ml)
4pm 1 type of fruit
630pm Porridge (1/3 to half bowl) + latch on
9pm latch

actually my baby still wakes up in the middle of the night so I think she should be taking at least 600ml plus the night feeds.

durianlover, ya lor, my menses also not here yet. want to start 2nd one also can't.

sunny, think denmy stop bfing sometime back.
ya loh... that's y i didn't really dare to instruct my mil too much to do extra things for my gal.... 'cos i guess preparing meals and feeding already take up lots of time liao. :p
the 150ml EBM include the milk added into the cereal. normally i just agak agak to add the milk into cereal, depend on the texture i want loh.

your meal plan about the same as mine leh. hehe.... i hope my gal can take so much :p
congrats!!! wow, really excited for u. think it's best to seek a second opinion so that at least can get peace of mind.

seems like quite a few pple starting to plan for 2nd one....i actually miss JH's baby days but hb dun wan so soon.

re solid meals
another mummy told me that they dun really have to go on 3 solid meals now cos milk is still the main source and what they eat they dun absorb much and gets passed out as waste. i realise quite true cos JH's poo increased since he started on solids...

hope your dad is better

how did your interview go?

re toys r us sale/ MPH sale
i want to go but hb ban me liao leh...
CONGRATS!! wowww so excited for you! i nearly jump with joy when i read your post =D so happy for you.

yes yes do go for a second oponion. do update us.

i oso hesitate to add in another solid meal leh. err... dylan still having 1 solid meal per day only. is it too little? he is taking 720ml of milk per day beside his 1 chinese bowl of porridge.
Re. Botanic Garderns PS
1 Flo, Melody (confirm)
2 Rachel, Dylan (confirm)
3 Sleepingdeer, Shannon
4 Lingbel, Christabel
5 Celine, Edgar
6 Wenyl, Ethan
7 SL, Charmaine
8 Tracy, Megan (Confirm)
9 Sept03bride, Caleb
10 God's child, Celeste ( Confirm )
11 Babylon, damien
12 Clare, Ashley (confirm)
13 Valerie, Kirsten
14 Rena076, Elijah
15 Queen, Isaac (confirm)
16 MamaChan, Daren (confirm)
17 Cookie, kaelyn
18 Sunny, YX
19 Tabbiesus, Tabitha
20 SY, JH (confirm)
21 Sandra, Sarah Mae
22 Sysac, Cephas (confirm)
23 Denmy, Keenan/Ethan
24 SH, JW
JH only taking one solid meal a day except for weekends where i feed 2. actually my hb prefers he takes more milk than solids.
hoho then im like your hb. prefer to give more milk too. think as long as our babies growing well should be fine bah.
Hi Denmy,


Like what other mummy had said, if your are worried, get a second opinion for peace of mind.

You are very brave!!!! I don;t think i want another one liao..... I find it hard to manage with both thou my mum is helping me.... just that i find i can;t give enough attention when i have two so i cannot imagine three!!! hee hee..

I have two gals so naturally people expect me to try for a boy but thank God hubby and ILs are not particular about it. Anyway, hubby have a brother so he can continue the family name! Ha Ha

Yup, I've received your email regarding your email address. Have that in record oredi.

Regarding introducing solid. My PD actually has a different opinion. Cos when I ask her about types of formula milk to introduce, she said is more impt to focus on infant food rather than types of formula milk. I guess we are suppose to slowly transit bb from milk to solid and by 1 year old their main source of nutrients should be from solid and not milk. Given that most of our bb are/almost 9mth old, I think we should slowly increase their solid food intake per meal (e.g. should be about 5 scoop of cereal per feed as opp to 1 scoop) as well as the no of feed. Cos we can't expect our bb to be like robot and automatically able to take full solid meal by the time they hit 1 year old rite? So I reckon at least 2 sizable solid meal + around 600 - 800ml of milk for now?

Congrats. I am so happy for you. Let me check with my dr in office and I will let u know.


Yes, I am keen in the photo shoot. Please include me for the group shoot. I will try to convince hubby for the individual one.Because I actually have a package with picture me which I have not utilized.


Will wait for your good news too. So exciting, make me so tempted. Ha Ha me on 1 hand scare to get twins on my 3rd attempt on the other hand will love to have more kids. Maybe should go poke the condoms ha ha
HI Denmy,
Congrats! Did I read corretly this is ur 3rd? HOw old is your 1st? I thought Keenan was your first. Btw, did u have ur menses before conceiving? Were u still doing tbf?

Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
queen: 2 or 3x; 10am (~1 hr), 1pm (~ 45min), 4pm (~30mins), sleep at 9pm - 5am
Durianlover: 2Xs (10:30am-1hr, 2:00pm-2hrs)
MamaChan: 2x at IFC on weekdays but timing subjective. Min. 1/2 hour nap. Weekends : 2 x morning 9am to 11 plus am afternoon 2 or 3 pm to 4 plus 5pm.
Flo: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (10am - 1hrs, 1-2pm - 1-2hr, 4pm+ 30min - 1hr
MamaPanda: 2X, 11am - 2pm (2-3hrs), 4pm - 6pm (1-2hrs)

My girls takes really long naps of 2-3hrs so she only naps 2 times a day. She sleeps 11-12hrs at night. Recommended amount of sleep for 8 month babies is 14 hours.


Durian lover...me and you same same...TBF but wish to conceive...chances are so remote....sigh

Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
queen: 2 or 3x; 10am (~1 hr), 1pm (~ 45min), 4pm (~30mins), sleep at 9pm - 5am
Durianlover: 2Xs (10:30am-1hr, 2:00pm-2hrs)
MamaChan: 2x at IFC on weekdays but timing subjective. Min. 1/2 hour nap. Weekends : 2 x morning 9am to 11 plus am afternoon 2 or 3 pm to 4 plus 5pm.
Flo: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (10am - 1hrs, 1-2pm - 1-2hr, 4pm+ 30min - 1hr
MamaPanda: 2X, 11am - 2pm (2-3hrs), 4pm - 6pm (1-2hrs)
AK : 3x, 10a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m.
