(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

Something funny to share: Incident b/w hb and Daren
When I was out on field trip over Monday and Tuesday night, my hb dutifully took care of Daren. When it was near Daren's bedtime and after giving a warm bath and changing Daren into his PJs, my hb placed him in his cot and went to the kitchen to make his milk (we call it his "yah pian", opium in chinese). While hb was in kitchen, he heard Daren start to make noise and crying also, he went into his room while shaking the milk bottle to dissolve the milk powder. Daren, upon seeing the milk bottle, quickly spit out his pacifier and crying for the milk. My hb kan cheong and told Daren to "wait a while more, milk not ready". Daren took up the pacifier and made his point by throwing the pacifier out of the cot. My hb took it up and gave it back to him again, this time, Daren made a very angry sound and threw out the pacifier and cried for the milk again. By this time, milk was ready and fed him the milk, Daren kept quiet and was very busy drinking up all the milk!

I nearly rolled unto the floor with laughter when I heard it from my hb. Coz hb gave alot of sound effect and an animated face. heh heh

Hi Gals, very touched by all your sharings here. A part of me also can empatise. I guess most of us went thru some hell in our growing up years which brings to mind that our kids will probably also go thru a time in their lives thinking that we are horrible parents. Lets hope and pray that we can work things out with them when the time comes. Afterall now that we are mummies, we all shower so much love for our babies - very heartbreaking to have them turn around and blame us for our shortcomings in the future...

My family is very dysfunctional even though my parents are still married. I've been through alot of violence and I've lapsed into depression when I was around my early twenties too. Thankfully, I found God again (I was a non-believing Catholic for a while), after a very trying time. Over the years, things are still very crappy (my two younger brothers are still giving my parents hell), but because of my faith, I manage to stay sane and not slip back into depression. All I want is to try my best not to repeat the same mistakes my parents made when they were bringing us up. And hopefully God will grant me wisdom in that.

Re: Scratching
Sarah scratches herself silly too. She has cuts in her ears, eyes, forehead, nose (basically all over her face). Today was particularly bad. Hb was asking what happened to her... I notice that she scratches her face and pull her hair whenever she's very pek chek or tired. Maybe it's a baby thing.
Hi Gals, very touched by all your sharings here. A part of me also can empatise. I guess most of us went thru some hell in our growing up years which brings to mind that our kids will probably also go thru a time in their lives thinking that we are horrible parents. Lets hope and pray that we can work things out with them when the time comes. Afterall now that we are mummies, we all shower so much love for our babies - very heartbreaking to have them turn around and blame us for our shortcomings in the future...

My family is very dysfunctional even though my parents are still married. I've been through alot of violence and I've lapsed into depression when I was around my early twenties too. Thankfully, I found God again (I was a non-believing Catholic for a while), after a very trying time. Over the years, things are still very crappy (my two younger brothers are still giving my parents hell), but because of my faith, I manage to stay sane and not slip back into depression. All I want is to try my best not to repeat the same mistakes my parents made when they were bringing us up. And hopefully God will grant me wisdom in that.

Re: Scratching
Sarah scratches herself silly too. She has cuts in her ears, eyes, forehead, nose (basically all over her face). Today was particularly bad. Hb was asking what happened to her... I notice that she scratches her face and pull her hair whenever she's very pek chek or tired. Maybe it's a baby thing.
Hi Gals, very touched by all your sharings here. A part of me also can empatise. I guess most of us went thru some hell in our growing up years which brings to mind that our kids will probably also go thru a time in their lives thinking that we are horrible parents. Lets hope and pray that we can work things out with them when the time comes. Afterall now that we are mummies, we all shower so much love for our babies - very heartbreaking to have them turn around and blame us for our shortcomings in the future...

My family is very dysfunctional even though my parents are still married. I've been through alot of violence and I've lapsed into depression when I was around my early twenties too. Thankfully, I found God again (I was a non-believing Catholic for a while), after a very trying time. Over the years, things are still very crappy (my two younger brothers are still giving my parents hell), but because of my faith, I manage to stay sane and not slip back into depression. All I want is to try my best not to repeat the same mistakes my parents made when they were bringing us up. And hopefully God will grant me wisdom in that.

Re: Scratching
Sarah scratches herself silly too. She has cuts in her ears, eyes, forehead, nose (basically all over her face). Today was particularly bad. Hb was asking what happened to her... I notice that she scratches her face and pull her hair whenever she's very pek chek or tired. Maybe it's a baby thing.
Shaking Head
Relieved to hear that some babies are shaking their head too. Look quite cute but not so good lah.

Zachary scratches his ear really hard too (due to some ear wax inside)so daddy went to dig out with a fat cotton bud juz to play safe. He has sticky ears and sensitive nose. So many stuff to dig out.

Come from quite a violent family where can get beating from father till university times even before shifted out after marriage. Only stopped when i got pregnant. Think the hurt really affect even till now. Trying to forget with the help of God's Grace. God really help me a lot during the depression times. Thank God for the more peace loving hubby and my wonderful PIls for all the help and support they given.

Biggest effect of violent background is tend to use more action than talking to solve problems. Pray that will not use it on zachary. Really thank God for my mum in law for helping me a great deal.

Lighter topic: Toys'r us
Think this sale will be also concurrently with the MPH warehouse sale. Saw from somewhere in the forum that POSB everyday card can get in too. Maybe can try it out.

If some mummies opting out, any effect on the class? (On or postponed) drop you a Pm liao.
Celine (celwong)
No, there's no effect on the class with some mummies opting out. Coz it's already an ongoing class so we can just sit in.

##Tumbletots trial at Speciailist Centre on 30th sept 3.45p.m. Duration is 45 mins. Price $23.

Those who are interested:
1)Mamachan + bb (tentatively as I'm quite sick)
2)SSF + bb + hb
3)Lingbel + bb + hb
4)celwong + bb + hb
Re: Family

After hearing all the stories from you gals, I dunno whether I should feel glad that my mom had passed away during my teens. My childhood was filled with neglect and violence as well. In a way, I was happy that my mom passed away early so that all of us could have some peace. Altho there were difficult years when we had to cope with the changes, it was ultimately for the better. The abuse I faced during childhood also made me want to be a good mother and keep a healthy family lifestyle.

So gals, let's all move on. Our bb's future now depends on us. We can make that difference.
Re : Family

It was reali heart warming to read on all those family stories..like wat Tracy said, its so touching tat we can share so much on a forum. Thank God that we have passed those stages and have moved on to this day when we can start a whole NEW family tog wf our baby! Everyone, Jia You!!!
Re : Family

Gives me a bitter-sweet feeling when I read about what has been written ... especially on how the growing up phrases have been affecting one as kid. An experience whether good or bad makes one grow up faster, isn't it? Though divorces and deaths have an impact on the kids, we have to remember the impact it left on the spouse involved. My dad died when I was young and it changed my mum's life forever. It was sad cos she was a good mother; but she became not a good mother/grandmother. I relied more on my MIL when I needed rather than her. I remember once there was a big crisis in my life, I needed help. My mother told me that I'm no longer under my dad's surname so she got no obligations ... though my MIL have some differences in child-caring from me, I still respect her for her views esp she had stepped in willing to take care of me and it was not easy for her coz the crisis affected her too.

I will always give Dylan 3 naps daily,he could nap for max 3hrs per nap. but min is 45mins. when my mum took over during the weekday, he sometime only had 2 naps. lately he just do not want to nap during the evening slot too. not sure why... think he knows we are coming back and wants to play =p

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm)
*Thumb up* you were brave to walk out of the darkness lady. have to say i cant believe it on what your mum did to you, especially about the PI part... wow. tons of pain and stress you have went through..

yes, lets move on! we will give whatever we could to our children and let them have a happy childhood =D

no need pai seh la. heehee my blur son not aware of what happen =p
re: Plaza Singapura Nursery Room

mummies, any idea whether the nursery room at PS has any high chair provided?

having a gathering there soon and have to feed dylan porridge outside for the very first time. hb said just feed him in the pram, but i super worry about the outcome of the feeding session and how the pram will turn out to be at the end of the day......
Denmy / Mashy,
It's true. Let's us all hope that we can do better for our bb. I once told my brother..."If I become like mum next time, can you scold / remind me so that my bb won't be brought up the same way" :)

Re: Baby falling off bed
Alamak...yesterday JW's turn to fall off the bed. When I went back home, my MIL says one moment he's on the bed sleeping, the next moment she heard a loud "thud" sound and by the time she rush into room, he is on the floor liao. She says fall until he is perpendicular to bed (with leg closer to bed & head farthest away). Face up. Wonder how he fall until such a awkward position. Sounds like need a somersault to land in that position. :-(

Anyway I didn't felt as bad coz this forum probably prepared me for this day liao. (though I wish he never had to fall). But just wanna check coz can't remember. How long should we observe him. He seems fine for now...eating, playing...though yesterday nite kept waking up...i think nightmare. I was bathing & he will screaming the place down. Won't stop even with hb carrying him until mummy had to rush out with dripping hair to carry him. Stopped immediately like a radio being turned off. So funny...my hb was so irked by him ;p
Hi mummies,

I finally got round to downloading the photos at tabby's place. I found this nice photo. I know one of the bb is Tabby...apologises but i don't know who is the other baby. Let me know if you want the copy of the actual photo.
Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Hi mommies,

Wow, reading all the stories make me appreciate my family even more!

I grew up with very strict environment. But non violent or anything cos my dad's cold icy stare is enough to send us scrambling to our rooms..... He had never need to use cane........

I remember finishing my homework when i was in kindergarten only to have him tearing it up cos i didn;t write nicely..... I cried big time cos it was an effort of a 6 year old to write words ten times in the jotter book and i had to rewrite under his supervision again! Was quite stress cos my dad is a perfectionist. i remember i was so envy of my friend whose dad signed the report card without seeing. I had to sit thru with my dad to go thru every single subject to see which area i did better or worse and how i can improve it etc....

But having said that i still appreciate my dad cos he provides for us with the best of his ability. He encourage me to excel in sports etc and took leave to attend my school sports days event, taking pics and even naming them for me in my album. I still have those albums with me
If i complain that i need proper running shoes, he will get it for me. When i need to cut potatoes to do art painting, he bought the whole set of art cutting knives to cut all different patterns....... In short, whatever i want to do, he tried his best to provide.

my mum is ok too. She's taking care of my children without complains. She had to sacrifice her mahjong sessions and i thot she won;t last long but she did. Ha Ha. And whenever i had to work late or even last minute meeting and she had to cancel her appointment to help me with the kids, she never grumble.....
So much posting to catch up...
These few nights has been sleeping early...

before I forget:
Thanks KY..and other mummies, contributing on the nanny / IFC choice:
For your very detail analysis and sharing of personal experrience in these child caring option.

I'm glad to read so many mummies sharing life experiences...
Do you think some hollywood flim maker will make our thread into a movie or something ..hahaha..

It was very heart warming to read and know so many mummies willing to share your life expereince here... bad or good.. it shaped us along the way, be it a reminder to refrain from doing so or a role model to follow.
it was a lesson learnt that no teacher can teaches us.

Yes lets all move on and jia you jia you...

Oh.. anyone wanna share... I will be glad to "listen"

Durain lover..
Kaelyn too.. she is delaying her bed time. I believe she realsie there are much more to do besides sleeping.
Since HB not around and I just wanna spend more time with her... I let her be.
I am also guilty of carry her to my bed to roll around..while we both fall alseep.
Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Re : Mouth ulcer in baby
I dunno why i am so upset now..MIL say celeste is having a mouth ulcer and also a whitish pacth on her inner upper lips. i was alittle cheesed cos i aldy highlight to HB tat the maid doesn;t seem to be cleaning celeste's tongue.asked MIL if the maid gt clean her tongue or not,MIL say its the lips wat not tongue..Hey,com'on.. cleaning of tongue is directly related isn't it??? what shld i do? bring her see PD?
god's child,
re: Ulcer
Sounds like oral thrush. Better bring her in to the PD.

Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
God's child,
are you still breastfeeding? can it be due to yeast/oral thrush. ya, I don't think it's due to not cleaning of the mouth.

Nap time,
gee, I don't know what is clariss nap time. she sleeps when she is tired and normally sleeps for only about 20-45mins. think she take 3-4 naps a day, last one at 5pm or 7pm. so envious that the other babies have structured sleeping time.
Nap time

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min)

Actually at that pt in time, I wasn't really very concerned. In fact, I was actually very calm. My gynae keep explaining and explaining, esp on the pt that he might need to remove the whole womb. Till I was quite impatient and told him that I understand that it would be his judgement call during his operation. I guess I was still pretty young and the fact that I might not have my own kids didn't come across very strongly. It's kind of like, I understand yet I don't really understand.

From what I understand from my gynae, he can't explain why cycsts occur as well. The chances of recurring apparently are there. So I have to go for a review every year.
re: menses

rachel, I haven't got my menses at all. Although some days in a month, I would get the crampy menses feeling.

i also saw the photo. It was placed on the steel operating table and my first thought is that it looks like pork. Immediately i regretted having that thought cos i didn't dare to eat pork for a few days after that.
Re : Ulcer
oh..so serious ar... shucks! celeste has been visiting Dr Ng very frequently lately leh... *sad* gota bring her in to clinic again... isn't cleaning tongue oart of oral hygiene?

Charmaine sleeps as and when she's really, really, really tired. Cannot tahan already. So in the day, she ended up napping at most, 2.5 hrs. Bad right? Hiaz. What to do.

Sorry typo - shd be cyst. It's like a body of liquid formed in your body. From what I know from my gynae, if it contains only water, most likely it's benign. But if there are walls within the cyst, i.e. the cyst is compartmentalised, like mine, there's a likelihood of it being cancerous.
re: istean pte sale

I just came back from the istean pte sale. Am happy to report that I managed to grab the 10th last chicco musical table there. Gosh! And I was there at 11.15! Btw, mummies who are interested to buy the booster seat that time during the isetan baby fair, it's also available today at $30+. Otherwise, nothing else is really worth buying.
guess like what you said, at that point of time you are young. young = bu pa tian, bu pa de. haha as we gets older we become more pa se =p

glad all turn out well. oh yes its important to have regular checkup. talking about that i will be seeing my gynae in another 4 months time. thats fast, time really flies!
i was really young when i went for op to remove my cyst. only in sec sch. was so scared that i burst into tears upon hearing got to go for op. i dun need to go for review since then. mine was a mesenteric cyst. not sure what that means...but unlikely to recur one...

this morn JH also bumped his head. he was being kaypoh and stood up using the bench then somehow i think he was trying to sit and lost his balance and bang agst the wall. din cry though. just look at us. think he's used to it liao..

U oso at Isetan. I think I left by the time u arrived. Hubby gave me a lift in the morning because he thinks I need a break since I was with Aden at the hospital and monitoring the renov after that.

Me mainly bought toys for children's day for nieces and nephews. stored up my avent bottles to change. Help sil bought the pigeon sterilizer for her sis. Saw the booster seat , dunno to buy or not. In the end din get. The bed rail is 30 plus too

i had cyst too .. that was why diffcult to get pregnant but i still did and as i had a c section so the gyane just remove it for me on the way..

do you know that till now i am still have an infection at the wall but it is not life threathing .. so i just leave it lor..
to lazer it needs about 10k
So many heart touching stories. I was very busy this few days and am unable to log on. My dad just had a surgery yesterday. One of his blood vessel in the heart is blocked, that's why he experienced chest pain. He had an operation to insert a stent to clear the blockage. That's when I feel the closeness to my dad. Really very scared that he will leaves us suddenly.
Went gynae today to confirm my suspicion on a 3rd pregnancy. CONFIRM LOR!!! I am 7wks 5days preggers liao. EDD is 12 May 2007.

According to gynae, conception took place on the 19th August. But I had IVU X-rays on the 6 Sep. Gynae said risks of radiation are minimal becos the egg only planted itself on the 9th Sep. My only worry is that could the radiation affect the baby? Gynae even suggested that if I am super kiasu, I can abort it and she gave me 2 weeks to think about it b4 I see her again. Any mummies out there know how high the risks are?
ooh, finally finish catching up with all the postings, have been very busy @ work

Congratulations!! Actually I am not very sure abt the x-ray thingy but I do hear that the risk is actually quite low. Maybe u can seek second/third option if you are really concern?
RE: Spinach
It's ok lah, dun have to be so ke qi, is on the way for me
Issac is very cute too, got round big eye har.

RE : Lymph Nodes
Your PD is correct if bb often fall sick, the lymph nodes at the back of the head will be visible cos my niece experienced the same thing too
re: Toys R Us and MPH Warehouse Sale
I should be cheongging in the evening. I want to get the rubber pony (girl one, like Sumo's) and a potty and some nice books...Anyone coming also?
Denmy, Cookie, SH, Tracy, Chillies, Rachel, KY
RE: Parents/ILs

I really feel fortunate and appreciate my mom even much more after reading all your postings. My mom used to be a SAHM and I still remember as a kid, everyday I would look forward to having different types of homemade dessert and snack for tea. Shes those traditional dutiful wife, mother and DIL. Apart from taking care of 4 kids, she also had to take care of my paternal grandmother who was blind, bed-ridden and senile. At times my grandma can really be unreasonable and my mom wont make a single complain and just painstakingly take care of her. We were never really close to my dad cos hes often overseas becos of work. When I was 16 years old, my dad suddenly died of stroke and my mom had to single handedly bring me and my 3 brothers up, whom all are still schooling ranging from 17-12 years old by working as a production operator. And shell still need to rush home every evening to cook dinner for us. Despite having received fairly little education, she does respect our rights and privacy. She never searches thru our stuff, open our letter and not even set any curfew. I guess being a kid, the more our parents want to control us the more we want to keep things from them. For me, even tho my mom never questioned me who I am hanging out with, what time Ill be home etc, I would automatically tell her what time Ill be home if I am hanging out late or if Im not coming home for dinner so as not to make her worry. Her belief is that you can never pull a rubber band too tight cos it will snap. Whereas my ILs who are fairly educated are control freaks. Can you imagine even after my hb and his siblings started working; they dun even dare to let their parents know say for eg they bot a new hp. When I started dating, I had no reservation of bringing my bf (aka hb) back home to introduce to my mom. For my hb, he had to keep our relationship under wrap and only met his parents after he graduated (which was 3 years after we dated)!!! When me and hb bot our first (an old second hand) car after we got married (which was well within our mean), we had to hide it from them and park far from their pl whenever we go back, and of course it was subsequently discovered and turned out quite ugly. I had quite a bit of problems with my ILs just after we got married. Apart from this incident, there were a few others and after that they started to pour out their displeasure (cos they felt that they have lost a son after he got married). Altho my relationship with my ILs has improved after we had a bb, but somehow I always still feel I am an outsider to them. Perhaps all these incidents just had too much bearing on me, as cookie put it is easy to forgive but not forget. Thats why from the day I knew I was pregnant, I never even give my MIL the first rite of refusal to take care of my gal, cos I know it will create even more tention.

I never questioned the way my mom takes care of my gal how much milk Mel drinks in the day, how many and how long nap she takes, if she brings her out etc. I dont even call home from office everyday unless Mel is not feeling well. Its not that I am a bo chap mommy, but guess is more becos I the trust my mom, just like the way she trusted me when I was a kid. So I keep reminding myself not to be a control freak mom.

Sorry mommies to bore you with this long posting

Since after the "talk" you had with your MIL has some effect, why not you sit down to have a heart to heart talk with her. My gf used to have a lot of problems with her MIL too. Since her hb is the only son, she has no choice but to stay with them. After sometime, her hb sort of like got sick being stuck in between the 2. He tend initated a monthly "family conference". They will tell each other what are their expectations (esp with regards to taking care of bb), what they like and what they don't like. When I first heard of this I kinda find is not really our Asian culture to do it. But apparently it works (even tho her MIL is a rather traditional kind of woman). I guess the pro of opening up is that also it may be hurting initially, it does set the right expectations and dun have to second guess the other party's thoughts. Now they are able to stay cordially, not super close type, but just no more screaming and shouting. So perhaps you can seek your hb's opinion when he's back.
