(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs


Please don't abort bb!

I went thru the same thing as u when i was preggers with rory. Went for my pre-employment checkup (inclusive of chest x-ray) less than a week before conception. I also stupidly and unknowingly took a short course of antibiotics (doxycycline) in my 8th-9th week because i was breaking out badly due to the pregnancy hormones - i didn't know i was pregnant until the 15th week! how stupid can i be?!? Till this day still want to kick myself.

According to reference books, Doxycycline can cause bones deformation and dentation problem (yellowing of teeth especially). My gynae, Dr Lisa Chin, sent me to Professor Anandakumar at Camdem Medical Centre for detailed ultrasound scan and 2nd opinion. Prof Ananda was so jovial, fatherly and reassuring. He told me there's virtually no risk from the X-rays and from his scans, rory was developing fine. and that i shouldn't worry about the doxycycline because there's nothing a good dentist cannot do. Moreover, doxycycline these days are alot less 'damaging' than they used to be. Rory has 3 teeth now, and they're all pearly white

I remember waiting for my turn at the professor's clinic...was praying so hard for my baby's wellbeing and could feel myself shake from the anxiousness because I feared I would have to abort my baby.

I hope u feel more reassured
If you're worried, you might want to ask ur gynae to refer u to Prof. Anandakumar.

All the best,

Super busy these few days.. so many postings!!



RE: xray exposure
To be honest with you.. it will be hard to find a medical professional who will be able to guarantee that ur baby won't be affected at this stage.. even though the risk from exposure is probably minimal. Only later, with u/s scanning, you will be able to see if there is any fetal abnormality. I really hope that your baby hasn't been affected. Praying hard for you!

Sorry for not responding to ur email abt the phototaking... the yahoo mail is fine by me and the date is also good for me... thanks so much!! I'm interested in a family shoot too.. can i do it on a separate day at her studio?

RE: kiwi
Rach.. thanks for ur info.. i dunno much abt kiwi fruit.

A ct scan is actually like multiple XRAYs being taken at different planes,the info from each image is then combined to give a better digital image,

So there is higher xray exposure then compared to one XRAY
Thanks for the info on Kiwi

I think the golden kiwi is most likely GM cos so far all those I have come across are pointed.

Yes the family shot will be on a separate day. My fren will set up a yahoo group account to coordinate the indv photo date once I confirm all the email address.

Re: Email address for bb photoshot
Celine, Sept03bride,cookie and SH are your email addresses ok?

Glad to hear that your dad has dicharged

the green round kiwi is natural but the golden ones or pointed ones are not.. there fore it will be better to buy the green ones.


the quality of nepia is almost like pp.. the price is 15 dollars for all sizes..
Thanks rena.. i think i will check...

I think i bought the yellow ones last time cos they were sweeter... but i bought them from the l'organic shop lei...how can organic shop sell genetically modified food items.. hmmm?? doesn't that defy the definition of organic...i can't remember if round tip or pointy... i guess gotta go check.
my gal's using Nepia, but I bought at before price increase. So dunno what's the price now. thanks. Yes, I like it cos it's soft. Is your bb using Nepia as well? Have you tried the pull-up pants? good?
Wow, so much to catch up on. Hubby was away so no time to reply till now...

Denmy, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Really hope your dream of a baby girl comes true.

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
queen: 2 or 3x; 10am (~1 hr), 1pm (~ 45min), 4pm (~30mins), sleep at 9pm - 5am
Durianlover: 2Xs (10:30am-1hr, 2:00pm-2hrs)
MamaChan: 2x at IFC on weekdays but timing subjective. Min. 1/2 hour nap. Weekends : 2 x morning 9am to 11 plus am afternoon 2 or 3 pm to 4 plus 5pm.
Flo: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (10am - 1hrs, 1-2pm - 1-2hr, 4pm+ 30min - 1hr
MamaPanda: 2X, 11am - 2pm (2-3hrs), 4pm - 6pm (1-2hrs)
AK : 3x, 10a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m.
Chillies : 1 long 1 short nap in either morning and afternoon depending on his mood, sometimes 1 short one 30mins in evening)
Maywong: 3x, 10am-11am(1hr), 1.30pm-3pm(1.5hrs), 4.30-5pm (30min) ~seems like jamie nap very little.
valerie: 3 or 4x. Ard 10am, 1pm, 4pm. 1.5hr, 40min, 40min.
does organic means no pesticide ? but i dun think it inculdes genetically modified food..

RE: elijah cough again

haiz i am so upset my sil gal sneeze on my boy two days ago now elijah is having cough.. when i told mil that niece may spread to elijah but she so jump to defence immediately.. hey come on when elijah was having allergy she insist that he spread to my niece but now why can't she come to terms with it for the fact that my niece is still sick you now still coughing... Angry..
hi mummies...

Caleb is using Nepia diapers and for bulk purchase..it went up to 15 bucks per pack, it used to be $14 and i think u need to order 1 carton(i think so..last time i order 4 cartons so not sure abt the minimal qty) and they will deliver to your place for free.

oh btw, i bought a kit yesterday and tested..and sorry Denmy..not joining u.haha..it is negative. do keep us updated on your status. we are sooo excited for you!
Re: Kiwi
Shoot! I thought Golden Kiwis were safe to give. And to think i did so much research on infant FM just to find one that didn't contain and GM products. That's it - no more Golden Kiwis for Gabriel.

Re: Water
Durianlover - I want to give Gabriel water to get him into the habit and taste of water. I am quite sure his "yeh yeh" will jump to give him sweet stuff once he is past one years old. Also, gabriel's not taking much milk too so must make sure he has sufficient fluid. Sometimes when i see him struggle to poo, that's when i tell myself must give more water next time.

Your sil is too much. Since when is an allergy infectious? first time i heard of it.
hi mummies,


any mummies have any friends in the nail industry?? i'm trying to set up a small scale nail spa here..need to work out the figures and get some professional advice like suppliers etc.. if anyone has friends, can introduce to me? thanks alot!!
Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
queen: 2 or 3x; 10am (~1 hr), 1pm (~ 45min), 4pm (~30mins), sleep at 9pm - 5am
Durianlover: 2Xs (10:30am-1hr, 2:00pm-2hrs)
MamaChan: 2x at IFC on weekdays but timing subjective. Min. 1/2 hour nap. Weekends : 2 x morning 9am to 11 plus am afternoon 2 or 3 pm to 4 plus 5pm.
Flo: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (10am - 1hrs, 1-2pm - 1-2hr, 4pm+ 30min - 1hr
MamaPanda: 2X, 11am - 2pm (2-3hrs), 4pm - 6pm (1-2hrs)
AK : 3x, 10a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m.
Chillies : 1 long 1 short nap in either morning and afternoon depending on his mood, sometimes 1 short one 30mins in evening)
Maywong: 3x, 10am-11am(1hr), 1.30pm-3pm(1.5hrs), 4.30-5pm (30min) ~seems like jamie nap very little.
valerie: 3 or 4x. Ard 10am, 1pm, 4pm. 1.5hr, 40min, 40min
babylon: 9.30 (30mins), 11am-2pm(3hrs), 5-530(30mins), 730 -830(1hr)
estherlee - wow..u are starting a biz here. actually i am also planning to open a small scale shop but have no idea what biz to do. sorry don't have any contacts on nail services. maybe other mummies can shed some light. let us know once its open so we can patronise. hee..

re: tumbletots

haha yesterday I am the only parent who came for the tumbletots as lots of bb is sick and some cannot make it last min. but Veron is so nice..she started the class even when there is only 1 baby. she is so pro..but the sad thing is that Caleb was so cranky and afraid of Veron. He kept wailing almost throughout the entire class..haiz..he wouldnt want to try the swing, nor the slide. in the end...Veron didnt charge me for the class.haha..we so pai seh..hmm..any of your babies also behave the same or is it just Caleb. We do bring Caleb out often but he always wail when he is close to strangers.
Oh dear, feel so bad that we can't be there for the tumbletots. I thought I was much better but still having slight fever. So ended up we didn't go. Veron is really nice. I'm intending to enrol Daren for the class, seeing that he enjoyed himself quite alot. Daren was quite ok during the class the last time round. Was it near Caleb's naptime??

Tumbletots Signup
Any mummies keen to sign up for a semester of classes with them?

1) MamaChan + Daren
hihi all...

So HAPPY for u!
Congrats again! Pray pray for a gal...hehe....i dun hv that kind of courage....the boss at my son's enrichment class is also expecting her third baby....she has an elder boy and the second a girl...now she's expecting a girl again....hehe...yesterday...she was just trying to psycho hubby and I to try for no. 3....haha....say must have a girl to complete the family....but....i really no courage....what if it's another boy...haha....so....for now...i'll happily settle on having 2 boys...hehe
as with the x-ray...i think if the radiation is below 5, it should be safe....read it somewhere...but just to play safe...beta to seek second opinion....

Mummies...I'm gonna stop bf liao....now i pump in every 12 hours can only get max of 80-100ml....so...decided to stop...James turning 9 mths soon....but i feel quite bad about it leh...yesterday went to shop for milk powder then realised that it is SO EXPENSIVE these days as compared to the days of my elder boy....

Now James takes 2 cereal meals, once in the morning, once in the afternoon and porridge in the evening....in between he has between 4-5 milk feeds of about 180ml each time...

Okie....all mummies...take care....catch up with all of you soon!
Re: Toysrus sale
Anyone been there?? how's sale

din manage to read your posting... too many to catch..
I gather you are pregger??
We must catch up soon...
Hope can organise to go Pasir risk park again.. before your tummy gets "in the way" :p
Re: Nepia
Went NTUC on Sat. Turn out that there's some promotion. Think the Nepia diapers are selling at $28+ for 2 packs. Works out cheaper than bulk order ($15 per pack).

For those who wanna buy, maybe you can drop by NTUC. Sorry I didn't notice the promotion period coz i just ordered a carton from Nepia liao. Only remember feeling very bang!

no la..i'm not opening it in singapore..too competitive and expensive, i'm stationed in hanoi so trying to do something to occupy some of my time too

Dylan's 2nd meal

I looked thru his schedule..i think maybe we can either

1) 8.30 bfast maybe a little cereal for a start


2) 5.30 early dinner..maybe can start with 1 cube portion of fruit/veg puree

i think for a start a small amount should be ok..i hope this helps.
so sorry last min got to cancel the class, lucky didn go yestersday, Christabel fall sick and got slight fever, 37.2

mummies like to check those cool pack that paste on bb forehead, so we place the pack in freezer or normal fridge at the bottom? I think its the bottom, but seems after a while, no longer cold, so like to ask. Thanks
congrats!!! wah.. you're fast.. hope that you'll get a gal this round. I'm hoping for a gal too.

for the fever pack that we bot, no need to put in fridge. just peel off sticker and paste on head can liao. cant rem the brand. it's blue packaging with this sick bb pic on the cover.

Lingbel : 3Xs (10am, 2pm, 5pm)
SY : 2Xs (~ 10am, 5pm)
Rachel : 3Xs (930am, 2pm, 6pm
Rena : 3Xs ( 10.30, 2 pm, 7pm)
Yuki : 3xs (10am -1 hr, 2.30pm - 1.5hrs, 8pm - 15min) and sleep at 1130pm!!!
Cookie : 2 or 3 Xs depends (10am, 1pm, 3pm)
God's child : 3Xs ( 10am, 1pm & 5pm )
Denmy: 2Xs (12.30pm-2-3hrs & 6pm-1hr)
sunny: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (roughly 1030am - 1.5hrs, 230pm - 1hr, 5pm- 30min
Tracy: 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and 5pm-6pm or 6pm-7pm
queen: 2 or 3x; 10am (~1 hr), 1pm (~ 45min), 4pm (~30mins), sleep at 9pm - 5am
Durianlover: 2Xs (10:30am-1hr, 2:00pm-2hrs)
MamaChan: 2x at IFC on weekdays but timing subjective. Min. 1/2 hour nap. Weekends : 2 x morning 9am to 11 plus am afternoon 2 or 3 pm to 4 plus 5pm.
Flo: not fixed, but roughly 2 or 3xs (10am - 1hrs, 1-2pm - 1-2hr, 4pm+ 30min - 1hr
MamaPanda: 2X, 11am - 2pm (2-3hrs), 4pm - 6pm (1-2hrs)
AK : 3x, 10a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m.
Chillies : 1 long 1 short nap in either morning and afternoon depending on his mood, sometimes 1 short one 30mins in evening)
Maywong: 3x, 10am-11am(1hr), 1.30pm-3pm(1.5hrs), 4.30-5pm (30min) ~seems like jamie nap very little.
valerie: 3 or 4x. Ard 10am, 1pm, 4pm. 1.5hr, 40min, 40min
babylon: 9.30 (30mins), 11am-2pm(3hrs), 5-530(30mins), 730 -830(1hr)
krissie: 9-10+ (1-2hrs), 3-4+ (1-2hr)
Hello mummies,

Today spent some time batch cooking for Isaac. Trying out 2 of the A. Karmel's meat puree recipes. Made 3 portions (~80-100ml each) of Chicken with Carrot & Apple puree and 2 portions of Cod with Sweet Potato puree. Both quite yummy, especially the Cod. Going to semi-replace 1 milk feed with the purees, starting tomorrow.

I'm going to try the below meal schedule:
5am/6am - Latch on (hopefully takes in at least 100ml)
8.30am - 220ml EBM (increased by 20ml)
11am - 4 tbsp of cereal with ~70ml EBM
2pm - Chicken / Cod puree (used to be 200ml EBM)
3.30pm - 150ml EBM
5.30pm - Porridge
8.30pm - Latch on (hopefully takes in at least 150ml)
re: toysrus sale

any mummies went? was so busy over these 2 days but i couldn't find the time to go. Hubby just flew off to BKK. Will be back only next sat. Very sian. The next week's gonna be a mad rush every morn and evening for me again. Somemore it's gonna be a busy week for me as well. Can't even take leave so that I can manage better. Hiaz
I find Dylan's feeding is quite similar to Ashley. For your reference

Ashley's usual feeding schedule:
730am 7-8oz BM
1130pm 1 chinese bowl porridge
2pm-3pm 7-8oz BM + Fruit/snack
6pm 1 chinese bowl porridge
830pm 7-8oz BM (estimate cos Latch On)

I just started introducing breakfast yesterday so Ashley has 3 meals a day. Targeted schedule looks like this:
730am 7-8oz BM
930am Light Breakfast (eg. egg yolk)
12pm 1 chinese bowl porridge
230-3pm 7-8oz BM + Fruit
6pm 1 chinese bowl porridge
830pm 7-8oz BM (estimate cos Latch On)
Dear Mummies.....

Today's Children's Day holiday...yahoo...which explains why I can stay at home and chat on the computer...hehe....

Hai...I look at all the mummies and c that all of you still bf....i feel bad...hmm....luckily...i still latch him on once a day...

okie...gotta go clear some work...will try to pop in later....tata
hi mummies,
sorry MIA from Friday, working at the silly children's day carnival at expo. so tired today. hubby was alone with meg on sunday. i pat her to zz at 11am then left. she slept till 1.30pm hubby was so 'creative'. at 4pm, he drove her to punggol end so that she could sleep in the car. then he transfer her back to cot where she slept till 6.30pm. lucky him!

haha, i was reading whaleshark's post several times as i got a shock reading it. :p

i've changed meg's carseat to front facing about 2-3mths back. meg hates water too. can only drink if spoonfed. i've tried all other gadgets and gave up liao. she's pooing normally so i just left it at that.
hi mummies,
i went to the toys r us sale and got 2 toys for him. one is a turtle and one is the peek a blocks. hb so funny. he got con into going to downtown east with me. we were plannign to go white sands but no parking so i told him to go downtown east isntead and he din realise got the sale..hee.

initially he din wan to buy the turtle but when he saw JH pressing it, he soft hearted and gave in..haha

re nepia
the promo ends end sept....it is cheaper than ordering from nepia direct.
been using front facing car seat since Ariene was 6 months old.. never bought the front facing ones

gm foods
wads the drawbacks/effects of feeding baby GM foods? so many of our foods eg, rice, are GM to increase he yield so its impossible to avoid.. I dont think I want my kids to grow up not being "able" to eat so many foods.. its so sad case..
thanks for the suggestion! your 2 options are good, will try an error and hope he cooperate =p

btw, over the weekend i tried out the following schedule and so far so good =>

720am 240ml FM
12noon porridge
4pm cereal (60ml FM)
430pm 180ml FM
830pm 240ml FM

Dylan takes the cereal well and im happy. this morning inform my mum on the extra cereal meal, again as expected she said is it too much for him... well hopefully things go well and my mum will not complain further. *cross finger*

my new feeding schedule is ok right? think i gonna prepare lots of fruit and veg puree, so that can intro them as snack to dylan =)

wow Ashley eats more leh. your light breakfast means just solely egg yolk? i see from your schedule Ashley can drink another 7oz of BM after 1 bowl of porridge! an interval of 2.5hrs only! wow wow hee...

yah Dylan takes more and less number of times.

Is it the turtle one with 3 balls inside ? I oso bought that from Isetan at $19.90. How much did u pay ? What other good lobang at the sale ?
Re : Car Seat

I'm considering changing to front-facing as well. But my son is a feather weight and looking at the situation for my older boy who was bigger at the same age, he only converted at 11months. And my front-facing car-seat is pretty upright ... So I'm staying put with back-facing car-seat.

I just remembered 2 cases of accidents; 1 was a mother who was glad she had her 2 kids strapped in though it was a ride round the corner; the car seats save the kids. Another was my hubby's colleague. hubby, wife n 3-yr old boy was in a car accident. Boy was not in car-seat.

Heee, your account of "conning" your hb so funny. I think end of the day when hb sees JH enjoying himself with a certain toy, am sure he would be willing to buy for him!

Hmmm, I've been wondering myself what the adverse effects might be on GM foods. I think most GM foods in the case of rice for example, are modified in such a way that genetically, it's resilient to plant diseases or pests that eats up the crops. But thinking of it this way, it might have a little effect on the human body. Might have to find out more on scientific articles on such things.

I don't think your new feeding schedule will be too much for Dylan. In fact...it makes Daren look like he's overeating! heh heh

Feeding Schedule for Daren (on weekdays)
7am - 210ml Milk
11.30am - 1 bowl porridge
2pm - 180 milk
5pm - 180 milk
7pm - 1 bowl porridge
9.30pm - 180ml milk
chicken little
yeah i bought that turtle. bought at $20...hmm seems like not really that cheap. bought the blocks at $15. the rest din really buy...

do u wake dylan up in the morning to feed?

my feeding for JH is like this on weekdays
9am 210ml
12pm 210ml
3pm 180ml
6pm 60-90ml
7.30pm cereal or porridge
10+pm 90ml (dream feed)

for weekends, the noon feed is replaced by porridge.
wow. thanks for sharing on the importance of having a car seat once again. I bugged hb to get one about 3 months back even though we don't own a car but we get to drive a vehicle (either my mum's van or BIL's car) almost every weekend and seeing Daren can be quite a handful, felt it's much safer for him to be in one. Never regretted that decision. It's really useful when either one of us have the vehicle and need to pick Daren to and fro infant care. Especially during the period when my hb was away for 19 days and my BIL happened to be away for 14 days and I got to use the car.
hoho, its good daren can eat. you know la its one tough thing to convince my mum her darling grandson is not overfed...

nope, he will auto wake up at 7am sharp. he is the one who be on duty to woke me and my hb up! =p
Crab Dinner
Date : OCT 7
Place : at Toh Tuck plc( place at Celine77 edgar mummy)
Time : 6pm Dinner time of course

1) rena + hb + bb (confirm) (Either crab shack or the mapherson one)
2) angie + hb + bbs (confirm)
3) celine + hb + bb
4) sept03bride+hb+bb
5) god's child + hb + bb (50% confirm)
6) babylon + hb + bbs (KIV First, if I can't join, might just drop by to say hi to all, since I stay nearby)
7) SY + hb +bb (can only confirm when nearer)
8) sanraye1330+hb+bb (to cfm nearer the date)

posted last week that i cant make it for the crabby party. hb having a gathering with his ex polymates (which he totally forgotten about it till he received an email...) sorry
Crab Dinner
Date : OCT 7
Place : at Toh Tuck plc( place at Celine77 edgar mummy)
Time : 6pm Dinner time of course

1) rena + hb + bb (confirm) (Either crab shack or the mapherson one)
2) angie + hb + bbs (confirm)
3) celine + hb + bb
4) sept03bride+hb+bb
5) god's child + hb + bb (50% confirm)
6) babylon + hb + bbs (KIV First, if I can't join, might just drop by to say hi to all, since I stay nearby)
7) sanraye1330+hb+bb (to cfm nearer the date)

i can't make it also....hb got to work that day so he wants me to have dinner with him..sob sob..plus need to go IL place.

really quite pissed over this. my hb doesn't like to go out on sun but i m ok. so i told him i m missing the gatherings cos of his refusal to go back on sun. one thing is cos my MIL works, we can only go back at night and hb feels that it is tiring...

anyway i will pop by to say hi cos will be at my mum's place and it is really near.
Chicken Little

Only $19.90! Gosh, I was cheated! I bought it for $25 at the warehouse sale!

And I was very upset with Toys R Us. I went on Sat and attended the auction coz I saw the Buzz Lightyear Rider that they are going to put up for auction. One of the helpers passed it to the auctioneer and told him it's $20. Then the auctioneer proceeded to reserve that for himself! So upset! Another staff still had to cheek to lie to me that it had many faults! But when I asked to check it, the auctioneer stepped in and said it's reserved. Of course, by him!

wah, they are so unprofessional man. i will be pissed. even if they want to reserve for themselve might as well do it behind close door mah. sigh...
