(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

wow! shannon can stand so stable =) clever girl!
i think its up to them whether they want to crawl @ the end of the day. dylan still have no intention to crawl too, instead he want to stand. he will either turn to us and grab our body for support to get up or plainly straighten his legs and refuse to sit =p

maybe he takes after me, haha. im one who used my butt to move myself around the floor. i went straight to standing and walking =p

Cookie -
so angry for you! hw can ur MIL be so irresponsible! you have the every right to know everythin bout Kaelyn,esp when she gets herself injured. its not bout the blame part,its tat, there is always monitoring to do when any child has a fall. ur HB shld reali stand firm and tell ur MIL off..

sleepingdeer - i agree wf Lingling,shld lower the level of cot liao.Celeste is also standing up and we have raised the rail to the highest and matress level to lowest. its gettin dangerous when they can pull to standing position.with the support from their bolsters n pillows, who knows if they can tumble out of the cot!

Tracy - seems like the babies here are taking runs to fall ill... guess its reali a bad viral strain going around... is megan better now? actuali since ur mum is willing to care for megan,and MIL is busy wf 2 nephews,how come dun wana pass meg to ur parents? surely megan won't be visiting the PD so often as compared to staying at ur MIL's place.

Re : Celeste's bronchitis
YES! Dr NG gave the all-clear yesterday.
Celeste's lungs are totali clear now and tat she has recovered. i reali am so glad and also pray that the other babies will recover soon too...
Hi mummies,

so much postings!

your mil is one kind one. Actually this makes me kind of glad when my mum's helping me with charmaine.

i have been throwing away ebm too. Actually I only pump twice a day now. I latch on in the morning and evenings. My ss didn't drop that much. Each session can get abt 200-300ml. I have already used up 4 packets of milk bags - not sure if I shd buy some more. I don't have much bottles for storing milk. hubby is saying don't buy just don't freeze lor. But somehow, I don't feel comfortable without the frozen ebm in fridge.
think ur girl will skip crawling and walk altogether. but like wat lingling mentioned, suggest u bring down the cot coz it's kinda dangerous. she may flip over and fall. i have adjusted my cot to the lowest already. so that the rail is around eye area.

vivien, think i will go with Flo's friend as well. thanks! :D
Me also keen but when is it? Anyway, I put my name down first.

RE: The long talk about photo-shot.

I've cho cho my friend again. She's able to do now cos she'll stop work in early Oct.

She can do up to 10 indv bb a day (cos if too many difficult to coordinate napping and feeding time) and the shot will most likely be at her pl (somewhere in Sengkang). For the big group shot, she suggests booking a function room (maybe one of the mommy staying in condo can help to book the room?). She'll charge us just for the individual shot, group shooting is complimentary.

The package cost $48 each bb includes

Soft copy in CD - 10 shots (hi-res version that can print up to A3 size)
Printed copy 1x 8R and 8x 5R

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. wenyl, Ethan
flo, i'm interested in the photoshoot session too!

RE: The long talk about photo-shot.

I've cho cho my friend again. She's able to do now cos she'll stop work in early Oct.

She can do up to 10 indv bb a day (cos if too many difficult to coordinate napping and feeding time) and the shot will most likely be at her pl (somewhere in Sengkang). For the big group shot, she suggests booking a function room (maybe one of the mommy staying in condo can help to book the room?). She'll charge us just for the individual shot, group shooting is complimentary.

The package cost $48 each bb includes

Soft copy in CD - 10 shots (hi-res version that can print up to A3 size)
Printed copy 1x 8R and 8x 5R

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar

same here! charmaine can pull herself to a standing position like shannon but that silly gal still can't crawl forward! hiaz.

god's child,

glad that celeste's better now.


I am interested!

RE: The long talk about photo-shot.

I've cho cho my friend again. She's able to do now cos she'll stop work in early Oct.

She can do up to 10 indv bb a day (cos if too many difficult to coordinate napping and feeding time) and the shot will most likely be at her pl (somewhere in Sengkang). For the big group shot, she suggests booking a function room (maybe one of the mommy staying in condo can help to book the room?). She'll charge us just for the individual shot, group shooting is complimentary.

The package cost $48 each bb includes

Soft copy in CD - 10 shots (hi-res version that can print up to A3 size)
Printed copy 1x 8R and 8x 5R

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. sl, Charmaine
Oh goody! photoshoot

RE: The long talk about photo-shot.

I've cho cho my friend again. She's able to do now cos she'll stop work in early Oct.

She can do up to 10 indv bb a day (cos if too many difficult to coordinate napping and feeding time) and the shot will most likely be at her pl (somewhere in Sengkang). For the big group shot, she suggests booking a function room (maybe one of the mommy staying in condo can help to book the room?). She'll charge us just for the individual shot, group shooting is complimentary.

The package cost $48 each bb includes

Soft copy in CD - 10 shots (hi-res version that can print up to A3 size)
Printed copy 1x 8R and 8x 5R

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. Tracy, Megan

all of us are posting at the same time.

Here's the updated list. Did I miss anyone out?

RE: The long talk about photo-shot.

I've cho cho my friend again. She's able to do now cos she'll stop work in early Oct.

She can do up to 10 indv bb a day (cos if too many difficult to coordinate napping and feeding time) and the shot will most likely be at her pl (somewhere in Sengkang). For the big group shot, she suggests booking a function room (maybe one of the mommy staying in condo can help to book the room?). She'll charge us just for the individual shot, group shooting is complimentary.

The package cost $48 each bb includes

Soft copy in CD - 10 shots (hi-res version that can print up to A3 size)
Printed copy 1x 8R and 8x 5R

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan

Wow.... the response is so good.
1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
Sorry, not from this thread but was just doing the random kaypohing and realised you're from SNGS. By any chance were you from S1/S2 Hope?
Oh! If you do chance upon this message, I can be found in the Mar thread.
wow, jus half a day away and i've to look into the archives! posts are flying...

all mummies,
thanks for your replies. brot meg to a new PD, The Kids Clinic @ Sengkang, Dr. Allyson. Very nice and detailed lady. she said got abit of wheezing but occasional only, so no worries. if she becomes breathless then gotta go back n she will give that neubilizer thingy.

so meg was given paracetamol, an orange one for incase the fever doesnt go away, orange liquid for runny nose, one for cough/phlegm and one for congested airway.

now meg is at my mum's. she was screaming the house down when we fed her med. then immed she went to sleep at 12noon. hopefully she'll KO till 3-4pm.

hopefully this will work and i can put meg at my mum's on alternate days.
Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
RE: The long talk about photo-shot.

I've cho cho my friend again. She's able to do now cos she'll stop work in early Oct.

She can do up to 10 indv bb a day (cos if too many difficult to coordinate napping and feeding time) and the shot will most likely be at her pl (somewhere in Sengkang). For the big group shot, she suggests booking a function room (maybe one of the mommy staying in condo can help to book the room?). She'll charge us just for the individual shot, group shooting is complimentary.

The package cost $48 each bb includes

Soft copy in CD - 10 shots (hi-res version that can print up to A3 size)
Printed copy 1x 8R and 8x 5R

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
Yippeee!! I've been waiting for this.... Mummies I've been having this idea in my head for the longest time.. for the group shoot lets get all the babies to dress in pink/blue/white romper with baby's name sewn on it... that'll be SO SO cute!! White romper shouldn't be hard to find... but the names, anyone knows anyone who can sew?? Or we can buy those iron-on alphabets?? what ya think?? =)

Re Photoshoot (Flo)

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
Well done Shannon!

Sleepingdeer, she has changed so much from the last time I met her at Rena's pl....such a xiao mei nu now or maybe bcos she only smile so sweetly at home...heehee

Oh yes, you better lower the cot to the lowest level, Mel almost topple off the bed, lucky I managed to catch her in time.

As for the timing of the photo shot, I am easy, how about the rest of the mommies?

If had taken rotavirus jab then can't be. Could it be that she poo poo to many times a day. My gal once poo poo 5-7 times a day (think too much fibre in her solid) until diaper got pinkish stain.

agree with the other mummies that you should lower the cot. Once she learns to pull herself up, this will be potential danger zone.

My boy also sama sama, wanna stand but can't crawl yet. He even tried to pull himself up using the side of the cot as support. And he'll lock his knees so that we can't force him to sit.

Could it be the food she ate?

Coz when I fed my boy carrot, he'll poo orange, and if fed peas, it'll be green. Maybe u fed something reddish/dark orange?

When u give Ethan avocado, do u give one whole avocado at each feed? Is it too much to give? If half, how long can we keep the bal in the fridge? Cos I also dun like to eat avocado on its own so dun know what to do with the other half.
think its the group photo that need some coordination since it involves so many babies haha. like date, venue and time. think it had to be done before 4 pm before its time for their feeding time bah.

as for individual photo shoot your friend could arrange with us individually when you pass all our contact number to her?
I started with only 1/4 avocado cos i mixed with banana. slowly increase to half a fruit. i keep the other half for next day feed. Try to choose those darker green & rougher surface & it must not be too hard when u gently pressed on it.

Regarding the bb shot. My fren said she can do max 10 bb on one day (cos need to coordinate feeding and napping time) and we can have our long awaited group photo on another day (she suggested booking a hall, maybe in some condo clubhouse?). Perhaps we could group ourselves and do it in batches? What do you mommies think?
Hi mummies,

Re: lowering of Cot
yup, we need to seriously lower the cot, plan to do it this weekend.... haha, both me and HB have prohia of doing it, coz the last time we did it, we picked just a HUGE fight over how to do it.. haha!

yup, you probably saw Shannon with the SMILE switch OFF at Rena's place... she is always like that, I bet you she will be grumpy this Sat...
u mean for the individual photo taking, we group ourselves in batch of 10 babies right? so your friend can shoot a max of 10 babies in day 1 and the next 10 in day 2?

for the group photo shoot, your friend need to bring all those barang barang to the venue lor. will there be a backdrop as in like those studio backdrop? do your friend have any portfolio that i can show my hb?

i think venue is not a problem, or maybe we can even have the shooting at botanic garden?? haha

sorry for so many question bcoz i know my hb sure will ask me all these =p. thanks!
let me check with them what they do during the swimming program.

i din know abt the gatherings earlier or else i may plan my leave to coincide with the gatherings!!

shannon looks so tall in that photo! JH is also doing that now but he will be lazy and he will lean on his knees instead and use the rail to support himself. but once in a while he will stand. such fun to watch them do this.

anymore gatherings plan? will take leave that day to go.
JH today poor thing. not feeling well. he got a slight fever from the jab we took yesterday. crying so loud. think he's getting quite spoiled actually. the grandparents spoil him! esp my parents.

Have checked with my fren. She's flexible whether mummies prefer to do it in batches or individually. For indoor shot, she was orginally suggesting her pl. She said if want to do outdoor, best is to do after 4pm cos if earlier sun is too glaring and not gd for bb. I guess depending on the response, if the group is too big, her pl will not be able to accomodate so many bbs for the big group photo shot (which will be done on a separate day and is complimentary).

As for the portfolio, she needs sometime to get it organised. Can probably show us next week. Will keep you posted
Re Photoshoot (Flo)

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
13. valerie, Kirsten
I've finally decided to sit down and start a blog for my darling. Comments pls? Do add me in to your blog sites and I'll also add yours into mine
Re Photoshoot (Flo)

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
13. valerie, Kirsten
14. Rena076, Elijah

vivien, Sorry, i think most of us are keen to take with Flo's friend coz we have been waiting for a long time..
Rena, sl,
i saw this new 'organic 4 less' store along thomson rd. after the 'crab shack', round the corner.

i think they have earth's best cereal? I've not visited cos i jus bot HT from lisa. Jus tot u gals may be interested to check it out.

yap it is new , i saw but i bought lots of supply from lisa so never take a liik too..


laught at me man! i only rmember your face after checking out your young photos... very lousy right!.. i think i couldn't remember you coz you change .. and i keep thinking that your photos looks like suzan chung then korean newscaster...
i have a blog but i seldom update and i canot remembr how to link to other blogs.

rena, wendy,
read abt how you guys are class mates...so small world!
Re. photoshoot
shall we do the group photos in Botanical Gardens?
Think big rolling fields and big Tembusu trees!

If I just want to opt for the group photo can?
Like that how to pay?
Individual photo think will only take when Isaac is 1 year old.
Re Photoshoot (Flo)

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
13. valerie, Kirsten
14. Rena076, Elijah
15. queen, Isaac
wads ur blog url? I add yours to ariene's.

To add a link to other blogs, just add a link and enter the url can already.
So if now you have excess how? Just pump and throw ah? I can't bear to just throw fresh BM. would rather freeze and then 1 month later console myself that the FBM that I throw is not fresh so it's ok to throw... but on the other hand, I also heart pain to throw away those Gerber milk bags wiht the milk! I'm thinking of pumping twice a day too, then problem is I need the 3rd pump at 5am or 6am cos Isaac doesn't empty both breasts in the morning. Cannot go to work with 1 small breast and 1 big breast from 10 hours of fullness.
Yes, I was from pure S2 combi.

You're from SNGS too. Which year were you from? I was there from 1989-1992 (i.e. I'm a 1976er).

Re: Feeding water to baby
Gabriel doesn't like to take water from the bottle or the sippy cup. I have to feed water to him by spoon. Very hard to get him to drink water - don't know if its because I didn't introduce water to him earlier when I was breastfeeding.

Re: Fish
Gabriel doesn't like fish but loves beef. I had the same like and dislike when i was pregnant with him. I wonder if its the same for the other babies? Do you find baby disliking foods that you avoided during your pregnancy?
Re Photoshoot (Flo)

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
13. valerie, Kirsten
14. Rena076, Elijah
15. MamaChan, Daren

Ha ha ha. Exactlly my sentiments! I also heart pain to throw away the milk bags more than I heart pain to throw away the milk! Actually the LC said no need to pump so much already but then I have this fear that if I don't pump till empty then slowly and surely the ss will decrease. As it is, my pumping schedule is not very regular already. If I don't empty, isn't it worse. But then, again, I really have to remind myself to trust that God would provide for Charmaine and not worry so much. After all, isn't my initial target 6mths? Now that Charmaine is 7/8 mths, I am shifting my target to one year. My PD actually suggested that I tbf her till 2 yrs. I am considering cos it's so convenient.


you guys going to the mid-autumn thing this yr? I haven't been there for a few years but I feel like bringing charmaine there this year.

Btw, I go to work with 1 big and 1 small. : P Too lazy to pump at home. I leave my pump at work now - don't bring it home anymore.


i've been back twice for the mid autumn thingy after i left hcjc. the atmosphere, mass dances and school songs sure brought back memories. made me feel old too. my last time back was 7 years ago. when is it this year?
