(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

wah... your mil is too much. i won't feel comfortable if my mil takes care of my gal in that way, and with the dishonesty, i will be more uncomfortable.

anyone's baby bleed after poo? these 2 days, my gal's last bit of stool got blood leh... dont' know y.

yap, it's normal to have rashes after fever. my gal got that after fever, too. it subsided after few days.

hope megan recover fast....

can understand how you feel now. I was really mad with my BIL / nephew when my 2 boys kana sore eyes from them. Espically when damien get it.

Think you MIL should inform you immediately after the incident espically if kaelyn knocked her head.

Warm welcome...

Photoshoot..i am interesed..
shall see how many mummies are interested so that we can bargin for good price..

babylon, Damien + Duncan
hi vivien,
welcome to our thread!Enjoy your stay here.
Hmm i did not received any emails on photography leh..

Hi Tracy,
aiyoh Meg had fever? 39deg is very high leh, when caleb hit 38.6deg, i panicked already. Do sponge her. Your MIL also very jia lat. Yah maybe you should ask ur mum to take care instead since ur MIL like so bo xim in taking care of Meg. Have a good talk with ur HB.

Hi cookie,
if Kaelyn can eat, ur mil should just let her eat. Y must control?

I realised BB do slim down darn fast especially when they are ill. My poor Caleb lost alot of weight within 2 days, see liao also xim tia.
edgar doesn't really "gian" my breasts so i'm not so worried about weaning. infact when i breastfeed him, he has the tendency to push me away. so i feed him mostly EBM. only latch him on at night to sleep.

ur mil really terrible ya... i don't know of any nanny in pasir ris. hopefully some kind mummies here will have some contact for u =)

i'm interested too. got more information, i would like to be able to keep the soft copies...
I'm interested in the group photoshoot!
think it's fabulous that all the Jan06 babies can take one together (though mine strictly speaking, is a Dec05 baby...

Oops, Kindermusik trial not free?
Sigh, but not sure if HB wants to go for it if it's not free. Felt that our baby is still too young for classes.
Cindy - i have transfer $152.13 to you. did u recv my sms yesterday? oh and i have selected auto saving lei as you have mentioned. please check! i hope it gets thru.

welcome vivien to this thread

queen - yes my frd says she chg her milk bottles once every half yr. if urs has already turn murky, i would advise u to change. thats goes for the teats especially.

esther- oh u have transfer the boom box to her? coz she said to exclude boom box payment. let me know. no worries. but i still want 10 kits. hee..

cookie - oh no..sorry to hear Kaelyn has another bruise. i think it is maybe time u really find a nanny to care for her. i dun have any nanny contacts in PR. but will ask ard.
hi May,
I'm interested in the small handbag (first one) and the Medium Side Sling Bag (the dark pink one). Is it still available?

BTW, how big are they? If I buy 2 items together, the postage can reduce since mailing out together right? If we self collect, where can we self collect and how much less will it be?
Re: Bleed after poo.
Do you mean poo poo has blood stain? Doc once told us blood in stool is one of the symptom for rotavirus, but your gal not having diarrhoea rite?
Hmm.. I don't think I'll go if the trial class is not free cuz its hard to convince my hb to go
Hi Vivien, welcome!
I'm interested to find out more too... $50 is very reasonable! Which studio is taking the photos? Coz I went in to take a look and it doesn't state?

Mummies, as Queen suggested, be great if all the babies can take a group photo together!

Hee hee, no offense hor, but your nick reminds me of a photographer I know..
my hb also from DH. hee, which year u born in?

wow, your MIL is sure inconsiderate! i already find it hard to bear with her every sat already. dunno how u manage...

re MIL
my MIL seems to have a problem with JH being closer to me. on sat when we were at her place and JH was lying comfortably with me on the bed, she insisted on carrying him to the daddy outside. and when JH wants to come to me, i can see her straining to keep him from coming...

Re tumbletots vs kindermusik

which one is better? i haven gone for any trial yet but if there's trial, i will want to bring bb there.
y don't u consider infantcare? Montessori infantcare may be expensive but I heard they're good. I've visited the facilities of the branch beside my home before. Quite homely and clean and well-facilitated.
1. Clare
2. Cookie
3. SH
4. Flo
5. Wendy Ng
6. queen
7. SY

i m interested too!

SH, if my hb doesn't want to go, i can go with u. or else hard ot bring JH out by myself.

re isetan sale,
so any more mummies coming?
Hi Mummies,

I'm sorry to add fuel to fire, but I think your MIL really should have told you immediately after Kaelyn bumped her head... it is really not right for her to keep mum about it, really feel 'bu zi' for you!

poor Megan, she have to suffer coz of your SIL, she is really selfish leh, still bring her son over to your house, knowing that he is sick... what's wrong with all these people??

could your bb be having constipation? Or is her poo soft?

bought Shannon to a PD yesterday coz we noticed a nub of skin near her anus last week, PD says that she has a bit of prolaspe skin near her anus, baby's version of piles...
It happens coz she strains when pooing and the inner skin is rubbed out by the passing motion.... so have to drink more fluids... she says that for Shannon's weight, 7.75kg, she should be drinking at least 900ml to 1L of fluid... faint! I'm been piling her with water yesterday until she got fed up with me, haha..
my boy doesn't like avocado as well. my mum gave him some to tried and he totally rejected it. how to make it nicer?

my hb born in year 76, hee, shall ask him which class he is in when he was at DH.

your MIL really too much...sigh..neverending MIL problems

Jh weighs 9.5kg now! no wonder i having serious backache nowadays!

re weaning
i also cannot decide when to stop. like what wendy say, got to pump before sleep, pump when wake up, etc..really tiring but at the same time so bu she de. the feeling of bb close to u during bf is very nice.

re aquaducks
let me confirm the dates again. so far only 4 mummies

1. Sy
2. cookie
3. sl
4. denmy

re isetan sale
think so far only me and ak. right?
Do you give avocado on its own too? Dun think bb will like the taste. I normally add into cereal with milk, Mel likes it alot, makes it creamy. Alternatively, u can mix with banana or papaya (I guess make it taste sweeter).
I will get the measurement from my colleague and get back to you.

The two that you like are reserved by Cookie already.

COLLECTION of the bag
I can meet up with u all on sat during the tumbletot class. Maybe can help to get some mummies to pass to those that order? Then can save postage money...hehe.. I will not be attending the classes though.. since I going down to meet cookie, I can pass to u all as well.
Damien probably kanna false measles (aka roseola). Rashes will appear on whole body after viral fever subside. Dun worry abt the rashes as it will normally go away in 3-4 days time. Ethan got it last month. Pd only gave calamine for rashes.
Yes, u can try adding banana with avocado. Ethan lurves it! Even plain avocado is nice for him. Can also add a little milk if u find it too dry & textured. My Mil complained there is too much fibre strands in it but I tink it is ok.
i give it on its own. think will try again. hee, but i myself dun like avocado so when he doesn't want the rest, no one will fnish it.

welcome to the thread!!
Trial ... can try out MyGym @ Woodlands Civic Centre ... first trial is free.... there's another gym @ UE square which I heard is free first trial too ... I'm waiting for my boy to be older before going for such trials ... for swimming, I'm doing it myself, armed with a book. for swimming, I heard it will include submerging in water ... I've done that with my #1 and he loves it. 1 simple activity I do is to sing "humpty dumpty" ... and when it goes to "had a great fall", get the kid to jump into the water, by himself ...

I've seen my nephew who started going to a pool after 1 and he's terrified of water.

i'm kinda interested in the photoshoot but let me check with my hb first...

Re: avocado
My gal loves it plain! Really strange huh...thot avocado is tasteless and quite awful when eaten plain, but she enjoys it

wow 9.5kg is no joke! My gal abt 7.5kg i already find her quite heavy...no wonder u have backache! Ask hb to carry JH more often since he's getting heavier now!
can i check which push walker is better? i saw the FP one but scared that when bb push, the wheels will move quite fast.

mummies interested in aquaducks,
will keep u posted on the date again.

yah man, the last time we measure is only 8.75kg so me and hb got a big shock when we learnt that he is 9.5kg

hee, i cna't wait for JH to start swimming too!

i think u were looking for the healthy handfuls right? i saw it at Vitakids at Forum Basement. really small box

eh...i will check with sophia regarding payment..i've not paid her yet too. Ok will get 10 for you!


THANKS so much for the info! will head there when i get back to sin!

RE: How much water to give

According to Dumex's Fine weaning booklet, it is recommended to give fluids (including water, juices and soup) as follow:

First 10 Kg - 100ml per kg of body weight
Each Kg above 10 Kg 50 ml per Kg of body weight
re aquaducks
I've posted eariler but I think you prob miss it. Do they submerge the bb head in the water?
rotavirus? my gal got the vaccine leh....

ya, no diarrhea leh.... i hope it's because she strained too hard. but the stool not hard leh. hmm.....

no constipation leh. stool is soft.
pile? how does it look like har? shannon had constipation all the while? mayb tonight i go check my gal's anus...

i would like to get the back pack all 3 of them .
the sling bag for window shopping.. anyone that is left. if still any left i would like to get either the Unique "Bolster" like bag / Medium Sling Bag..

Hi Mummies
We got gatherings planned this week, those on leave or free are very welcome to join us...!


1) Wednesday, 6th September
Venue: Taka
Time: 3/330pm to 6+pm
Activity: Shopping and tea

2) Friday, 8th Sep
Venue: Botanic Gardens
Time: 330/4pm to 6+pm
Activity: Slow walk and lazing under the Big Tembusu Tree
Hello Mummies

RE: The long talk about photo-shot.

I've cho cho my friend again. She's able to do now cos she'll stop work in early Oct.

She can do up to 10 indv bb a day (cos if too many difficult to coordinate napping and feeding time) and the shot will most likely be at her pl (somewhere in Sengkang). For the big group shot, she suggests booking a function room (maybe one of the mommy staying in condo can help to book the room?). She'll charge us just for the individual shot, group shooting is complimentary.

The package cost $48 each bb includes

Soft copy in CD - 10 shots (hi-res version that can print up to A3 size)
Printed copy 1x 8R and 8x 5R

Let me know if you are keen.
Yes, Rachel is finally here. Have been barking her all the time, telling her Mel is getting less and less chubby by the day. Ok I shall start the ball rolling.

RE: The long talk about photo-shot.

I've cho cho my friend again. She's able to do now cos she'll stop work in early Oct.

She can do up to 10 indv bb a day (cos if too many difficult to coordinate napping and feeding time) and the shot will most likely be at her pl (somewhere in Sengkang). For the big group shot, she suggests booking a function room (maybe one of the mommy staying in condo can help to book the room?). She'll charge us just for the individual shot, group shooting is complimentary.

The package cost $48 each bb includes

Soft copy in CD - 10 shots (hi-res version that can print up to A3 size)
Printed copy 1x 8R and 8x 5R

1. Flo, Melody
Not going anymore.

1. Clare
2. Cookie
3. SH
4. Flo
5. queen
6. SY

If cookie changes her mind, reserve them for me ok?
at that time, sumo's stool got blood or at the end of the 'big business'? my gal's one is at the last bit.... sorry har... a bit gross. :p
re: TBF until 1 yr old
haiz... my ms dropping till all my frozen reserves almost used up. I dropped one pump and only pumping twice a day. I find it very hard to sustain the afternoon pump since kirsten sleeps lesser in the afternoon. I was still throwing away frozen EBM like 2 weeks ago. Probably thrown away 40plus glass bottles worth in total. Queen, instead of throwing away milk, you can still provide EBM for Yiping? To TBF till 1yr old, really need a lot of hard work! Jia you, TBF mummies! Soon, I will no longer be under the rank of TBF mums. Will have to start supplementing soon...

SSF, haha! I almost forgot, Perseverance Yields Success!
i understand that nothing beats to have a family memeber to care for little Kaelyn, but after so many months, its obvious that this issue being causing much problem and the relationship between your mil and sil been straining. you must have forsee that more were to come as Kaelyn gets older...

the option of getting a nanny or even infant care will be good. have a discussion with your hb and hopefully things will work out fine and you need not worry about kaelyn's diet and the way she was fed. understand it really pain our heart when our babies are not being care for the way we want them to be.

its not the first time this had happen leh. everytime when megan fall sick is bcoz of the two boys. i think since your mil dont bother or cant control the boys not to go near megan, you and hb will have to do something about it. like what your mum suggested, let her take care of megan for a period of time then. when your mil house is clear of virus first, then let your mil care for megan again. your mil should be aware that its not good to let megan to fall sick every 2 months or so. u, your hb and megan suffer in the end, all bcoz of a mother who dump her 2 boys at her mum's place and hack care about their health and megan's too!
RE: The long talk about photo-shot.

I've cho cho my friend again. She's able to do now cos she'll stop work in early Oct.

She can do up to 10 indv bb a day (cos if too many difficult to coordinate napping and feeding time) and the shot will most likely be at her pl (somewhere in Sengkang). For the big group shot, she suggests booking a function room (maybe one of the mommy staying in condo can help to book the room?). She'll charge us just for the individual shot, group shooting is complimentary.

The package cost $48 each bb includes

Soft copy in CD - 10 shots (hi-res version that can print up to A3 size)
Printed copy 1x 8R and 8x 5R

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
Hi Flo,
I'm keen...but when you gals wanna do it? I was thinking of closer to Shannon's 1 year old birthday... coz it's a milestone for all our babies...

RE: The long talk about photo-shot.

I've cho cho my friend again. She's able to do now cos she'll stop work in early Oct.

She can do up to 10 indv bb a day (cos if too many difficult to coordinate napping and feeding time) and the shot will most likely be at her pl (somewhere in Sengkang). For the big group shot, she suggests booking a function room (maybe one of the mommy staying in condo can help to book the room?). She'll charge us just for the individual shot, group shooting is complimentary.

The package cost $48 each bb includes

Soft copy in CD - 10 shots (hi-res version that can print up to A3 size)
Printed copy 1x 8R and 8x 5R

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon

hi Vivien,
i think I'll go with Flo's fren, thanks anyway!

Hi Sleeping dear
Happy baby leh, Shannon..ha ha..I see the rail reaches Shannon's whist....suggest U should start to lower ur cot. Happen to one of my gf, her son flip and fall from the baby cot one day...so rule of thumb for her, once the rail reaches baby whist, should start to lower...

RE: The long talk about photo-shot.

I've cho cho my friend again. She's able to do now cos she'll stop work in early Oct.

She can do up to 10 indv bb a day (cos if too many difficult to coordinate napping and feeding time) and the shot will most likely be at her pl (somewhere in Sengkang). For the big group shot, she suggests booking a function room (maybe one of the mommy staying in condo can help to book the room?). She'll charge us just for the individual shot, group shooting is complimentary.

The package cost $48 each bb includes

Soft copy in CD - 10 shots (hi-res version that can print up to A3 size)
Printed copy 1x 8R and 8x 5R

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
