(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

Ariene too. LAst night, she woke up at 2am and just kept crying until i applied the dentinox gel and massaged her gums for her then she stop crying.


talking about teething, dylan start to fuss last night. also kept crying, even when we carried him and pat pat him also no use. conculsion... he is teething again! this time round will be his top 2 bunni teeth. oh no... sleepless night for me again (count my hb out bcoz he will sleep like a PIG)
Hi mummies

Re: Porridge eating
well, the secret is out why Shannon doesn't really like her porridge... it's not tasty enuff... today, I cooked pork rib with brocolli, potato and sweet potato, and she finished one big bowl... really amazed...

1 pork rib - 3 - 4cm long
2 baby potatos - cubed into small pieces
1 slice of sweet potato - 2cm wide - cubed into small pieces
2 stalks of brocolli

I use the slow cooker, just add rice soaked in hot water, the pork rib, and both potatos together into the cooker and slow cook for about 1 1/2 hours..
once the pork rib is done, take it out, and remove the meat. Throw the bone back into the porridge to simmer.

Add a little water to the meat, blend, and add the blended meat back into the porridge to simmer.

Blanch the brocolli and blend until small chunky pieces.

When porridge is gummy and almost dry, it is ready, mix the brocolli in and that's it!

Really tasty with the blended meat and pork bone... you can add onion in for extra sweetness and taste..

RE: fussy baby..

my girl is getting really fussy now.. i dunno what to do.. wake up every hour at night.. no teeth in sight.. dentinox doesn't really help either.. dunno what to do.. so stressed! and now it seems she is able to call mama so she will scream for me in between her cries.. aiyor.. so heart pain! dunno if she really know mama or not.. but its the sound she makes...and only when i carry her she will stop crying..

So far she still bo gay leh...

I feel so bad... cos my hubby wants her to learn to sleep by herself by crying it out cos she still latches on to sleep.. but i dunno if she's crying now becos she is in pain from teething or just becos she's manja.. so am damn against it.. but the longer i delay the worse it will be right? Some more.. i'm going away for conference in november...and my mom and hubby are pressurising me to stop BF... hiaz... so tiring.. everyday... like a zombie at work.. and taking care of baby is just as tiring..

RE: hubby
haha.. why ah.. men r like that.. i thot my hb very good liao cos initially he still very helpful like will change diapers.. but sometimes.. he oso makes me want to vomit blood when it comes to not helping at nite when baby fussing cos i'm working FT too.. some more yest he was telling me he very good oredi.. cos a husb expect a good wife to :
1. fetch slipper when he come home
2. massage him
3. clean baby and pass to him when baby happy and take away once baby fusses/ crying

my reply was: i hire u a maid! Thank god he was only joking otherwise i would have strangled him!
RE : Teething
Huh...1 is out and the other seems to be on the way. He rejects milk almost totally. Suck a few and stopped!!! Urgh!!! He's okay wif his cereal and can finish all 130ml of it. Fed cereal at 6pm and din want milk all the way till morning. Drank only 50ml and stopped. He wailed last time at 5am. I guess shld be hungry but when fed...cried even louder. But give water, he will suck furiously. Wierd! Anyone having the same problem?

RE : Cereal
How many meals of cereal do you feed your babies?

RE : Pea
Tried peas today thanks to the advise by the mummies. He gave me the frown but I mixed it into the cereal and he finished all. Used 5 snow peas. Din yield alot when pureed.

RE : Avocado
My boy also not a fan. Actually after mixed with milk rather nice but he still dun wan. I guess I will mix into cereal too. Its very good for babies with good fat
Dear all,

We are meeting this friday at botanic gardens.. time 3.30pm..

those who can join please add your name so we know who to expect..

1) rena076 + bb
2) sleepdeer + bb
3) wendy + bb

So many babies getting cranky & waking up at nites. Sigh! I just noticed this morning that Ethan has 3 TEETH sprouting out at the same TIME!!! I almost fainted man! I was still telling some of the ladies in msn....maybe i see wrongly. But my mum confirmed it during lunch time. She also saw three separate whitish teeth cutting thru his upper gums. Tat explains why he so super cranky for the past 1+ weeks!

I tink he is trying to catch up with his girlfren leh! Kirsten, here I come!
Add me, add me-

Re Photoshoot (Flo)

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
13. valerie, Kirsten
14. Rena076, Elijah
15. Queen, Issac
16. MamaChan, Daren
17. Cookie, kaelyn
18. sunny, YX
19. Tabbiesus, Tabitha
20. SY, JH
21. Sandra, Sarah Mae

Re: Menses
I also kena mine on Monday night. *Sigh* Almost forgot what it's like to have PMS and cramps.
re teething
JH also very fussy cos of it and it affects his milk intake.

only helped with the detinox gel.

going for meeting. post later
Add me, add me-

Re Photoshoot (Flo)

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
13. valerie, Kirsten
14. Rena076, Elijah
15. Queen, Issac
16. MamaChan, Daren
17. Cookie, kaelyn
18. sunny, YX
19. Tabbiesus, Tabitha
20. SY, JH
21. Sandra, Sarah Mae
22. Sysac, Cephas
oh dear, seems like most of our babies going thru cranky phase due to teething..hang in there mummies!!

I feed my baby one meal of cereal per day...for lunch. evening is porridge.

good to hear that Shannon enjoys porridge now! i'm also using slow cooker, but dun ve to soak the rice in hot water beforehand. takes me only 3-4hrs and the rice already soft.

haha lazy me, jus dump everything (pumpkin, pork) into the porridge and slow cook all.
I tried porridge. Mum cooked the stock wif pork but rather tasteless. He spat everything out!!!

Now i give two meals of cereal. Feeding, Brown rice, Barley cereal and Brown rice. At least got variety.

maybe shld try porridge again. Wat do u cook wif?

think have to try and try and try. dylan's first try on porridge is a failure. he eat till want to vomit... my mum was upset. but after a few times he was fine with porridge. so gonna try try try yah =)

normally we give him spinach, brocolli, potato, sweet potato, carrot, pumpkin, pork( for taste only) and fish.
i also cook the same way. dump everything into the slow cooker and cook. the only thing i dun dump in right from the start is fish cos it will be very hard. only put it in just before eating.
Hi Mummies,

Does anyone know how long I can keep the puree food in the freezer? I prepared some peas puree for my MIL to use during the weekday. She ask me like dat won't spoil ah....I say won't lah. (but actually I also not too sure how long they can last)
Re: Mid Autumn
I definitely don't mind going back...keke...just worried I will feel really old there ;p
Babies included or not? Else i got to make plans to leave JW somewhere liao.

Btw, didn't see your blog address leh...where ah?
SH, celine,
when u keep puree in the freezer, will it change the taste? and must u keep in freezer without any other raw food?
megan's porridge varieties are like that:
1) carrot + fish (she hates this)
2) pumpkin + spinach + mince pork / pork for taste only
3) sweet potato + pork

my MIL adds dried scallop or dried mussels for taste so its very tasty. but my mum n I dun add such stuff, megan still eats.

for all porridge, i dump everything in in the beginning..haha.
sorry for the late reply. was soooo busy just now.
ya, still want the bag. if rena has taken it, it's ok.
cookie, rena
yesterday i checked my gal's anus. got some tear so i asked my mil to apply olive oil after each time she changes nappy for her.
hope she doesn't need to go throught the stool test by pd.
hee, i cook similar porridge. for me it is

1) carrot + spinach + fish
2) chicken + carrot + spinach
3) Chicken + pumpkin + carrot
4) beef + carrot

so far he likes all the meat stuff better....
poor baby.. must be painful. I suppose she has constipation thats why anus tear?
Read to avoid carrot and banana, try feeding papaya. help my gal the last round.

RE: meat in porridge.
DO u cook the meat first then blend then add into porridge again.. or chop/mince finely in raw state before adding?

I have not add any fish or meat so far.. only ikan bilis powder.. I suspect kaelyn maybe dun like the ikan smell.. tomo will cook one without.
Sorry i'm not sure what's the address of the Organic 4 Less store in BB. We kind of chanced upon it. It's at a row of shophouses and we were there to photostat some stuff when i saw the shop.

yah do we go back for mid-autumn with or without babies? i think with baby more fun! Let them experience the spirit

Re: teething
Wow hearing so many stories abt baby being cranky due to teething sure doesn't make me look fwd to it! Janelle is still totally bo-geh.

Re: kiwi
Fed my gal green kiwi today...it was sour! Yucks! I mixed it with avocado and when she ate, she gave this really strange expression...and i burst out laughing at her! And she thought i was playing a game/joke and she smiled at me. Haha so funny!
But even though the avocado-kiwi concoction was terrible-tasting, my gal finished it all. 1 whole avocado plus half a kiwi.
RE: Photo Shot

There's alot of queries regarding the photo shot. I'll try to answer as much as possible.

1. How much is the cost?
The package ranges from $48 to $128. My friend has done up a brochure, if you are interested let me know, will PM you.

2. Where is the shot?
The shot will be at my friend's pl (Hougang St 51, beside Hougang Green Shopping Mall). Mommies who prefer outdoor shot, there's a colorful playground just downstairs where you can take some pose too.

3. Do I have to provide clothes for my kids? And makeup (for mommy)?
Mommies will provide for your own BB clothes and makeup. But my friend will do touch up on the photo to remove panda eyes if any...heehee

3. When will the shot be?
Currently available shooting dates are as below:
(Shooting time: Weekdays is 10am to 6pm; Saturday is from 10am to 7pm)

Mon, 9 Oct
Tue, 10 Oct
Wed, 11 Oct
Thur, 12 Oct

All Weekdays and Saturdays starting from 6 Nov onwards

For the group photos, we can arrange on a Sunday if not all can make it on Saturday.
However, no photo shoot will be done on the particular Saturday where the next day is the group photos shooting. Reason being, both bb and mummy will be too tired to do the group shooting.

4. Will there be studio lighting?
My friend says there is no need for lighting at her pl cos the flash light on her camera is more than sufficient.

5. Is there a website to view your fren's photo works?
She's trying to organise her pic, hopefully can get it setup by next week.
i think a tear in the anus is pretty common among babies. Usually it's coz the poo is a bit hard so when they force it out, it causes a tear. My gal had that twice before. First time PD said let it heal on its own. 2nd time PD gave some ointment to apply at the tear area. Yeah, do try to feed her some papaya. It helps!
my bb totally hate sour.. she reject anything or everything that is sour.. she will shake and shiver.. and if I try again.. she will cry and object!
Very alike to her daddy in this area...haizzz
I am a 1973 baby. So i was in Sec 4 when you entered DHS. I remember Qiu Shen and his big hairy mole. Dunno how many times had I been in and out his office liao!!! Must have been quite naughty (to them) then, even though I still cannot quite see the necessacity to be called to 'the office'! Was constantly thinking to myself 'why me again?' heehee

Sally cinnamon, Cindy
I did Fine Art (Film & Video) at CSM. Sally, you must be doing design/art, am I correct? Which shchool did you go? Cindy, wa... theatre... why didn't you pursue your MA then?

re: KKH
I get goose bumps when I read about the part the lady beg the gynae to push bb back in... very saddening.

welcome to the thread!! I also dun mind checking out the studio photography for bb. They do families too right?

I read about your MIL also buay tahan for you and Kaelyn!!! Inde nanny might even do a much better job than Kae's own granny!!! I'll keep a look out for nanny for you. grrrrr....

re: Organic Healthy Handfuls
I saw them, but in small packets, at Cold Storage, Parkway Parade. Now having discount somemore. $1.15 per pack instead of $2.35 (I think).

My friend was telling me her gal's teeth came out quite late and 4 came out at one go. Now she's 15 mths, still no sign of more coming out. Looks like her gal's teeth grow in sets of 4.

Mel also quite cranky these few nites, keep wanting ppl to carry her and is drooling big time again. I think she might be teething too cos I can feel sometime something cutting thru her lower gums altho can't see anything yet. She dun seems to be drinking much milk also.
Re: Mid Autumn
If you guys are planning to go back, let me know. Will bring baby along if i join you all.

Re: Porridge
Gabriel has at least 1 feed of porridge a day. My mum will usually double boil his porridge with vegetable stock that we may once a week. Very tasty and he loves it. My mum and myself eat the same thing as Gabriel sometimes. Chillies, maybe you can try this. I fry the onions, carrots, celery and leek before I simmer it for 2 hours.

We will add purees which we make during the week to the porridge. In order of his favourite purees (i.e. where he voluntarily opens his mouth immediately after swallowing)
(1) beef, sweet potato and carrot
(2) carrot, tomato and cauliflower
(3) carrot and broccoli
(4) chicken, peas and carrots
(5) chicken, sweet potato and apple

He doesn't like fish. must coax like crazy before he will open his mouth to eat.

I keep the puree in separate containers. Got them from nuby (comes in a set of 4). Very handy. I make 2 varieties, enough to last a week's feed.
I kept the puree in ice-trays with cover as per wat i read from mummies in this forum. So I don't think it matters if the freezer has raw food. Anyway, the raw food will also be in plastic bags...so double protection i think.
Your hb from DH? what year?

re: sick baby
Keenan was down with high fever again last few days. Took him to PD and said he got Tonsilitis. Poor bb...we could see a swollen gland covered with a white film. That explains why his breath stinks also, despite washing his mouth and drinking religiously. His fever has come down already, but will continue to mornitor... stress. Might not be able to attend this Sat's Tumbletots... any mummy interested to replace me? otherwise wasted...

Healthy Handfuls

Thanks! its so much nearer for me to go to parkway!


Oh no! I hope he's feeling better already!its so torturing for even adults to have tonsilities..
ya , i have the same question as flo..bb's so small can get tonsilities too? Wat was the reason ? did the pd say? like heaty or not enuf water??
re: blueberries
Thought berries are still a no-no for bbs now?

re: Cheese/ yoghurt
i gave a small piece of cheese to Keenan 2 weeks back but he just squash it in his hands. I've startd giving yoghurt recently also. Bought this brand from Cold Storage at Parkway called Horizon Organic Baby Yogurt ($9.45 for 4 tubs_ each tub is double the size of 1 Petit Miam). I mix it with mashed peach as a after-dinner treat.

re: bb weight gain
Keenan weighed 10.5kg 6 weeks back and on Mon when I took him to the PD, he weighed only 10.2 kg.... lost weight liao.
The brand is call Arla Cheesesticks. My mom bought them. I think LaVache cheese cubes also quite popular.

Were you from volleyball team? You look kind of familiar come to think of it. I was in the basketball team.
In the end didn't go overseas cos of then bf. It'll always be one of those 'what-ifs'.

Re: tumbletots
I dun mind taking your place. When and where? Have you paid them yet?

Re: hb
I really dun understand why sometimes they can be so detached and 'logical' when it comes to bb. I was telling him that these few days bb quite clingy in the middle of night and I need him to learn how to make milk as the moment i leave the room bb will wail. He told him maybe he should sleep in the study as his sleep gets disrupted and he only gets 6 to 7 hrs of precious sleep a day. I was so disappointed by that statement lor... what about me, having to work AND look after bb the whole night through but also tahan what. I tell myself it is the rite of passage of motherhood that I must go through.

Re: dentinox
I also give Lucas dentinox when he cries inexplicably at night. Dunno if it is really working for the gums or it is just because of the sweet sorbital ingredient. Hope he doesn't get addicted to it.
Poor Keenan. His appetitite was affected? We moms also feel heartache when bb is unwell/lose weight.

Re: berries
Ya, I thought berries are as allergenic as egg white and seafood? Maybe different babies have different tolerance.

Re: bb physical milestones
Any babies doesn't know how to crawl/shuffle nor really stand yet?
Wah! Ariene is really fast in her development. Read from your blog that she can say mama, milk,and ah-pa already?
Yes, just now my husband came back late and I was changing her on the station. The moment she saw my husband, she called out AHhh-pa and started complaining to my hubby. Guess she's complaining about me forcing her to lie still while wearing her diapers. She's complain queen.

As for milk milk and ma ma, she only cries out milk milk when she's hungry and ma ma when she's upset and wants some comfort, especially when I ignore her.
