(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

ok. I'll transfer the money. Do u know how much I owe u? or how much is each preggy kit so I can count how much I owe u?


I've also thrown all the FBM that are more than 1mth+ in my fridge. In fact, I only gave FBM to Mel once or twice plus the time when I was on biz trip. My colic was asking me to use it to wash face but find the smell quite yucky leh. Was just asking hb the other day if I should buy some more milk bag (have wasted so much money on them). Guess what was his relply, he said dun need lah, anyway you got to stop breastfeeding sooner or later, juz give her formula milk lor...haiz.

Same same I born in 1971 too
i'm oso having too much supply in my freezer. have been giving away my frozen ebm to my colleague. now that edgar is drinking lesser, i oso have excess supply everyday. dat's y got no chance to give him the frozen ones. may want to cut down the number of times i pump. currently i'm pumping 3x. once in the morning and twice at work.
hmm.. Yiyi? I gotta see the face to remember. I remember Li Wan Qiu and Lan Zhi Min, the 2 proud bootlicking copycats who sat behind us. Dunno wads it with them, always comparing results and extremely KPO. Everytime test take back our papers, they always like to poke their head over and see how much we got. Haha. Remember them?

btw, i got 5 preg and 6 ovu kits
Wendy, Babylon, Rena

I'm also quite anti KKH, heard too many scary story. The most ultimate one was this lady that I encountered @ my gynae's clinic when I went for my post maternity checkup. She was 5mth plus pregnant then, had abdominal pain and thought was stomachflu. When to KKH A&E, doc told her it's ok (I think was over weekend). She went back home but the pain persisted, I think a few days later she went to my gynae. Guess what she actually had contraction and the baby just pop out @ my gynae's clinic. I could hear the lady crying so badly begging the gynae to push the bb back (cos is too early, will not be able to survive). If the doc at KKH had been more careful, the bb could have been saved.

Anyway, in case any mummy need to bring bb to see doc in the middle of the night, my fren was recommending Mt A, charges are the same as KK and dun have to queue.
I'm worried if pump only twice a day, supply will go down so fast that I cannot TBF till Isaac turns one. I mean it's no big deal that he starts on FM but, I very "bu she de" to give up TBF when my supply is still good. Now that he's going 9 months, I'm begin to wonder if I should continue beyond 1 year old! Aiya, man will never understand the feeling of BF one lah. My Hb also ask me when I want to stop BF, but he never force to stop. He says up to me...
The preg kit is 1 dollar each and the ovulation kit is 2.50 each..

yah.. then they always tell tales on us one lar.. oh you remeber fu wei ting.. sharon fu? she just got married 2 weeks ago.. so are there any class mates that you still contact? by the way how come you rmember me? me very noti is it.. i thinks so coz my parents come every year.. haha
I understand ur concerns. I think you shouldn't stop the 5am pumping session cuz the fullness in the breast gives your body the signal that your baby don't need so much milk so the supply will definitely go down. Sometimes, when I'm too busy and miss 1 pump session at work, the supply will immediately dip the next day and it takes 2-3days of suckling from Ariene to bring the supply back up. I'm also thinking of BF as long as I can (maybe 2 years?) or until my hb feels he wants another kid. I understand how u feel but for me, on 1 hand, I'm really quite tired of pumping before sleep, pumping when I wake up, pumping at work. However, I also don't want to give up BF baby. Its really hard. Lets perserve!
Esther - Sorry i think i replied to you that i want to get 7 test kits from Vietnam? Can i change to 10 instead. in that case, you need not transfer me the boom box money. Thanks!
Of course I remember u la. We sat next to each other for 2 years! I even remember we used to quarrel initially during the first year but later, we made it up because we found our common "enemies" behind us. But, I do remember our teachers always scolding u cuz u always argue with them. Haha!
I also share the same concern. But then again I tell myself I only intend to breastfeed 6 months initially but have done it for almost 9 months. Now have decided to slowly wean Mel off (until the supply dries up). Have cut down to one pump since last week, but overall supply tho' reduce slightly is still more than what Mel is taking now. Will slowly cut down to no more pumping in office and just latching Mel on in the morning and at night until the supply stops. If not it will just be never ending. Cos I am sure by the time she turns one then I'll contemplate where to continue since still have supply. Clare was just telling me that she was in Taka nursing room the other day and saw this gal who's four years old and her mother is still breastfeeding her. The mother was telling Clare that she has difficulties trying to wean her off cos the gal is old enuff to demand. I can't imagine myself in that situation. So I guess, just have to stop at some point of time lor.
hi mummies,
i've updated the tumble tots photos onto my blog. Do go have a look
I've yet to upload the video cos youtube is having maintenance. will do so later.
think i'll bf till edgar is 1yo. i think that's good enuff. that's my goal for now. afterwhich, will see how lah...
RE:Baby kissing
My gal normally is quite generous with her kisses, sometimes when me/hb carry her, she will lean forward and kiss our face. But when she kisses, she's practically like licking our face. Last sat she "kiss" her cousin (who's 6 1/2 mths older). Her cousin's first reaction was like yee, and then used her hands to wipe off the saliva and everybody burst out laughing...so funny.
How I envy u! My girl just don't like to give kisses. She only like to be kissed. When she playing with her saliva, I can hear her taking a big breath and boooo all the saliva out, followed by a kissing sound. But when I ask her to kiss mummy and put my face nearby, she'll turn her head away
So giam siap!
Haha...mine too. Very stingy wif kisses. If he's grouchy, I kiss him, he will make noise. By the 3rd try, he'll wail!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never give me face!

His all time fav is "pinch" anyone who carries him and scratch himself...urgh!!!
Yah, the case where the mom still nursing her 4-year old daughter and cannot wean her off is very true for my aunt and my cousin, her eldest daughter. My aunt was sharing with me that back then, she didn't know how to wean her off, end up till 4 years of age, she had to tandem feed both the eldest girl and the 2nd son. There was sibling rivalry and she was possessive of the mom. Even my uncle felt that enough was enough coz it was also affecting his r/s with my aunt. So end up had to cold-turkey my cousin, which for couple of weeks, she tore the house down with her screams and tantrums. And she was super sticky to her mom too. SO I guess it's really a matter of time. By one year of age, BF your child would be mainly bonding and comfort sucking for them. The choice is entirely yours. FOr me, I decided that 6 months is enough for me as I don't think I can cope with a sticky baby and anymore engorgements and high fever during BF. I kena mastitis 3 times in a span of 6 months!
wendy & rena,
haha such a small world! So cute...both of u are actually long-lost pri sch classmates!

i also ended up throwing away lots of EBM. Actually, contrary to what a lot of other mummies think, i feel that there isn't a dire need to keep pumping, esp when you are able to latch baby on most of the time. For me, i've been doing direct latch coz baby is with me most of the time, so even though she might drink less often now, i don't bother pumping anymore because i know i'll prob end up throwing away all the excess EBM. Waste of time to sterilize and to pump! And like what u say, waste of $$ to use the milkbags. My body just adjusts to the baby's demand for milk. And so far still have more than enough milk for her..so i think it's just nature's way of making our body adjust to baby's needs. Now i just need to pump once in the morning if my gal sleeps thru the nite without a feed.
Yah, what I fear is also the difficulty to wean off after 1 year. So my target remains at 1 year old for now. In fact, I'm thinking to stop latching completely by 11 months and bottle feed 100% while cutting down on pumping. By the time Isaac turns 1, he should be on the way to 100% FM.

Now pumping is mainly to provide for baby while at work and to drain the breasts before going to work. Agree with you that if able to latch on most of the time, there is no need to pump. I hardly pump at all when I was on maternity leave.
Hi Vivien,
You also have a Jan 06 baby?

Do yo uall change milk bottles?
I noticed some of my bottles have turned a bit 'murky'. Time to change?

i also intend to BF till baby is 1 year old. Also scared hard to wean off by then but will just take 1 step at a time...worry about it later!
So far i haven't changed milk bottles coz i hardly use them, but i think if ur bottles are murky may be good to change...after all, used them for 7months already right?
Kindermusik trial is free? If it is, I want to join. If its not, hard to convince my hb to join
My hb now very "thrifty" ever since I started working part-time and taking half pay home.
Heehee.. .me also want to go for free trials also.
When will the free trial most likely to be?

1. Clare
2. Cookie
3. SH
4. Flo
5. Wendy Ng
6. queen
Re; Isetan

Hihi, I took leave today for 11 sep to go to the isetan sale. R u gals meeting? Can PM me details so I can meet up as well?


I am still on TBF. similarly, Ryan is only taking two bottle feeds while I am away and so I have cut down the amount I express to be just enough for his feed while I am away. So each pumping session, once i hit 200 ml, i will stop even tho i know if i persist, i can produce more.
Hi Vivien,

RE: Changing milk bottles
Which brand are you using? Am using Nuk and noticed one of the bottles turned murky when I dropped it a few times previously. I think it turned murky if it cracks internally. I threw the bottle away immediately cos not sure it would cos chemical reaction.

RE: Kindermusik
I dun think the trial is free, prob cost around $25. Rena, how much did you pay for the trial class?
Dear mummies,

kindermusik is not free.. all trial have to pay.. only tumble tots trail is free if you decided to sign up...please note that if we have 8 mummies then i will ask them to open a special trial for us.. if we have 8 mummies that decided to sign on the package then we can have 10% discount..
Hi Vivien,



Sure will get 10 for you..but dunno if Sophia paid you..anyway will sort it out with her!

BB's swimming

Can i check with other mummies if they put any sunscreen when they bring bb's to swim?? I have the cali bb sunscreen..is it safe to put on her face?
Hi Vivien,

A warm welcome to you! Hope you'll enjoy being a part of the Jan thread community. Do join us in our future gatherings and continually keep up with this thread as it can move very fast at times!

Kindermusic Trial Class
Nope it's not free. HAve to pay $25. For Tumble-Tots class, it'll be free plus one more free lesson if you sign up for one term on the spot. I too will ask them for additional one more free class on top of the 2 free classes should we have a good response to sign up.
Think it should be savings account, it's DBS though. I dun have internet banking for this account but should be fine ya?

I smsed you. Will be going Centrepoint tomorrow afternoon. I'll bring your stuff along in case u can collect.

can your bb fit the pampers? I like it for its breathability though it is thinner than mamypoko. But I think cannot hold as much pee as mamypoko.

What did you read at CSM? I nearly went Royal Holloway for MA in theatre.
same as you all, i am still TBF my gal. i did not throw away the BM. but i tend to keep those defroze but unused BM into separate bottle and accumulate it to soak my dry feet. keke.... dare not use it for facial. :p 'cos got quite a lot of 'stock', so, i didn't treasure the BM like 1st few months liao.keke...
i pumped 4 times a day during weekday (6am, 930am, 1pm, 430pm) and about 2 times during weekend (6am, 930pm).
like queen, i am also worriied that next time will be difficult to wean off my gal to feed FM. but, really bu she de the feeling of the latch on and the convenience leh.

reading your experience with mil, i start appreciating my mil more leh. though sometimes our view can be different, when my gal is sick, i still can concentrate on my work most of the time. 'cos i know that my gal is in good hand.
HI Vivien

The baby studio photography.. dun mind joining. Do they have a website?

Re: MIL...
This morning I was still positive abt leaving baby at MIL place.. was thinking it wasn't so bad after all...Guess what.. I had shock of my life when I go to MIL place in the evening.

(1) The cereal/feeding spoon I pack for baby was not used at all... I wonder what was use to feed baby.
(2) The bottle washing detergent and brush was still in plastic bag... feeding bottle was not clean properly. I spot check the milk bottle, it was oily and can feel dry stain.
(3) Just before we leave for home, FIL highlight to me that Kaelyn has knock her head!!!...
To my horror.. she has another big bruise on her forehead and this time accompany with a big swell as well.

MIL was dishonest, as her why din call to inform when the fall happen, she said was busy. She din even wanna inform us, fortunately FIL bother to highlight to us. The lighting was bad along the corridor and couldnt see clearly plus the neigbours was there I din wanna to pursure further.
When I reach home I saw how badly it was.
We asked MIL how it happen.. first she say Kaelyn was playing too kan cheong and dash too fast.
Then she say kaelyn was sleeping and wake up suddenly.
How am I suppose to trust her?

I brought up again to HB we should get a independant party to take care of bb.
MIL is just not careful enough, patient enough and worst of all she actually restrict Kaelyn's diet.
She keep insisting Kaelyn had Cereal for lunch and porridge dinner.. she actually cut her milk feed form 180 to 130ml...
When I ask her why she do that.. she rebuked what for feed so much??!!!
I told her.. Kaelyn can finish just let her drink. She rebuke she will be too full?
I ask she is not kaelyn why judge for her??
She is also contradict herself.. first she said oh every monday she dun eat cereal much...
then she contradict herself by saying Kaelyn has cereal and should be full so she cut her milk.

I'm really vexed.. I feel like I fail Kaelyn cos I cannot be the one taking care of her.
HB say will speak to MIL again I really dunno if it's effective.

Kaelyn has been thinner and thinner... she maybe growing taller.. but last Sun.. my friends who met her probably 1-2 mths ago.. all say she has slim down so much.

Sorry for the complain but I really need to let it out.
If anyone has any good Nanny to recommend in Pasir ris... please please let me know.
if there is good choice, I will not hesitate to change.
Oh I haven't tried yet.. but I think can la.. her M size mamypoko is pretty loose still.
Oh I saw the J&J stuff u help to purchase..if there is a chance and convenient perhaps you can help to purchase some light weight items
I have a good lobang. Was thinking of letting u all choose before I publish in Marketplace. My colleague went Malaysia for Business Trip and we asked her to help us get something back that is nice and good bargain. She bought alot of bags. Now there are 10 leftovers. I have bought 1 of them. Was thinking of helping her to sell in the forum but will let Jan06 mummies have the priority. Let me know if u like it.. cos there is only 1 pc each available. Price include postage.

Small Handbag - Good For Lunch Time! ($10)

Backpack - Good for baby next time to carry out ($12)

Side Sling Bag - For Window Shopping? ($12)

Medium Side Sling Bag - Can put milk bottle at the side.. Not very big though..but I find it quite cute..attached is front and back of the bag ($12)

Unique "Bolster" like bag - can put a T-shirt + shorts + towel for gym? ($14)
Poor Kaelyn, hope her fall is not too bad. Not wanting to add "salt and vinegar", I feel that your MIL should have informed you about the incident. Our bbs are very active at this stage and sometimes is inevitable that they will fall down. But she should have let you and hb know so that you could monitor to make sure Kaelyn is fine. Maybe the incident is a slap on her own face cos I remembered you mentioning that she was unhappy, saying that you don't trust putting Kaelyn at her pl. I think you better ask your hb to talk to her. Is not an issue of blaming her but more of keeping you guys in the loop lor.
oh dear! poor kaelyn. i'll ask around see if got nanny in pasir ris. your MIL is really too much! is she undergoing menopause?!!

Re:Baby Sick
it's my turn. obviously megan caught the viral fever from my younger nephew. MIL didn't bother to keep him away from her, as i observed last evening. so last night meg had fever 39deg..hb n i were awake from 2.30am-5am! took half day morning off to bring her to doc's at 9am.

told my dad, my mum got quite mad. she asked me to bring megan over to her but i need to discuss with hb.

ystrdy at MIL's, meg was so cranky in the evening i couldnt feed her porridge so let her have milk instead. asked MIL whether she had nap,MIL said yes. quite long. i asked how long in total today...only 1.5hrs!!!! my hb scolded her say it's obviously too short! she needs at leas 3-4hrs of nap. esp since she slept late last night.

sometimes u wonder where's the brain!

sorry ar..i get quite upset when meg falls ill when its no fault of hers.
welcome vivien!

i like the back pack (middle one) and the last sling bag (medium) posted! you have the measurement? and 2 bags got zip and compartment inside?


Damien recovered from fever but yesterday now his face and body are full of rashes. Wonder it is heat rash.

Any mummies encoutered this before?

My mum told me that it is very common to get rashes after fever. I have not call PD yet.
