(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

tracy, rena, sl,
There's another Organic-4-Less store in Bukit Batok. They sell both Earth Best and Healthy Times cereal. The outlet at Thomson might also sell it i suppose!

Re: avocado
My gal finished 1 whole avocado on her own...oh no is it overfeeding??

Mel, SH, sl,
i went to the mid-autumn thingy with some frenz last year! It was fun! Brought back lots of memories and they still sing the "wo3 yao4 chang4 yi4 shou3 hua2 chu1 de ge1". Mass dance also still the same! But they've got new song additions that also sound very nice but not "my time" type of songs

How did u choose the avocado? I want to let Ariene try too but I dunno how to choose. Instead, I bought the golden kiwi from shop n save and fed half to her for dinner. She gave very cute funny expressions eating it, yet she want to eat. Think she's not used to the sweet yet sour taste of kiwi but she likes the taste. I was laughing all the way.
Re Photoshoot (Flo)
I think Queen was missed out along the way...add again

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
13. valerie, Kirsten
14. Rena076, Elijah
15. Queen, Issac
16. MamaChan, Daren
17. Cookie, kaelyn

Hi vivien
I will go with flo's option. She has brought this up much earlier and we have been waiting
I thought WendyNG like the dark pink one?..
I wanted the bright red one...
If wendyNG like the small hand bag too..
I will just get the bright red one, so wendy get one too

Thanks all mummies for feeling so strongly for my case...
What all of you said is true.. I felt that way too. But there are just too many limitation. I have to consider my HB too. After this incident he is however "moved" by the idea of getting a 3rd party. Getting a nanny... the same probably happen still, going to IFC is professional but seriously cost is a problem.
I believe my MIL would have feel bad, I suppose she doesnt mean it to be happen.
When I go to her place tomorrow, I will tell, remind, beg her...
I have nagged my HB big time, he claim that he will try to make his mum understand...I'm not too sure abt this.
At times I felt very down and depress that I couldne be with Kaelyn all the time or as her main caregiver. I felt like I have failed her...

As much as I wanted to scream at my MIL, I know I cannot do it...I just have to ren.

Anyway today HB took care of Kaelyn, in the afternoon he manage to feed the full 180ml that proof once again kaelyn can drink that amt and we should not short change her.
I hope this will motivate HB more to stand firm.

My HB used to be very firm with his parents but as time goes.. he has soften. Perhaps he noted his parent has aged and I just have to stand by him.

Since my MIL is stubborn and do not take the "hard" way. Looks like I have to use the soft approach on her..

Re: Enjoy only cereal...
Any baby here.. only enjoy cereal??
Kaelyn is so much more receptive to cereal.. when I feed porridge she simply zip her mouth and refuse to open...
Sometimes I have to prepare 1 potion of cereal and 1 potion of porridge.. and feed 1 spoon each becos afetr the cereal spoon, she will open her mouth and I feed the porridge.

I'm not willing to only feed cereal.. afriad she might reject porridge totally in future.

Any baby like this? how ah?

wow .. really must lower the cot. Right noe I already lower to the lowest!...as the 2nd lowest level when kaelyn hold and stand her chin was right at thetop of the railing. I so KS ask HB to lower quickly. Cos when she hang her chin on the railing.. I scare of suffocation.
so, what did you do to cure sumo's bleeding?

she only poo max once a day. sometimes alternate day loh... i suspect it's the way we carry her to sit in the potty and she strain too much when poo.

i am quite sure that it's not food leh. 'cos she cried when she's almost finished the 'big business'.

Re Photoshoot (Flo)

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
13. valerie, Kirsten
14. Rena076, Elijah
15. Queen, Issac
16. MamaChan, Daren
17. Cookie, kaelyn
18. sunny, YX
Is the poopoo pebbel like? hard and round... if it is then it's constipation.
Got check if it's her anus was tore and bleed or was it blood in stool? ( I hope not) the latter can be serious lor so better check again.
Hope YX get well soon...
I think give Kaelyn more time on the porridge.
My Isaac also rejected porridge at first. My MIL was upset about it initially, made stupid remarks and kind of implied that the porridge I cooked for Isaac is too tasty that's why he doesn't like her not-so-tasty porridge etc. But eventually, after one or 2 weeks he gradually grew to accept it. Now, now we add meat into the porridge, he loves it! But if Kaelyn really does not like porridge, it's ok! THe rice cereals are just as nutritious (if not more) with all the fortified vitamins, iron and nutrients. What you can do is to be adventurous with the cereals, can always add pureed spinach, meat or fruits into the cereals so that the meal is balanced. Sometimes when I don't have time to prepare porridge, I just cook some vege and meat, pureed it and add into the rice cereal.
By 1 year plus, our babies can pretty much eat what we eat, so porridge will probably not be the bulk of their diet anymore.

You pump 1st thing when reach office is it?
What time is Charmaine's last latch at night?
My Isaac latch at 8pm and sleep till 5am or so. So my breasts will be really full by the time I reach office. That's why have no choice but to latch & pump at 5 or 6am.
I have clear the misunderstanding with Cookie.
She will reserved the milk bottle bag only. Do you want this?

Will be meeting Cookie on Sat as they having Tumbletot classes there. Will u be going as well,can pass u then or maybe any other mummies can help u collect.


Base: 24cm
Height: 18cm
i choose the avocado with black-looking skin. Black skin means the avocado is ripe. Green skin = not ripe. The black-skinned avocado still feels very hard when u press it, but when u cut it open, it's ripe enough...can scrape and feed baby, or can mash it
Just now i went NTUC and bought 3 avocados for $3.40. Considered cheaper than the rest...think Shop n Save selling 1 for $1.45 or something like that.
The last sling bag is reserved by Cookie already.
So u still want this?


Let me know if u are still interested as Rena is in the queue next.
Didn't see u online after I have compiled everything.
I am left with these after the mummies have reserved. U ok with it?


But if wendy and sunny doesn't want their reserved item, let me know if u want it as well since u have msn me that u want all already.
Just to share the goodness of peas (snowpeas, sugar peas)...
Seems like a very good food with loads of nutrients, very high in essential vitamins (A,C, Iron and Calcium).
Tabbie, you fed Tabitha well!

I'm going to introduce peas to Isaac this weekend.

100g peas contains (by % daily value):
- 0% Fat
- 0% Cholesterol
- 0% Sodium (4mg only)
- 2% Carbohydrates
- 11% Dietary Fibre
- 4g sugars
- 3g Protein
- 21% Vitamin A
- 80% Vitamin C
- 4% Calcium
- 11% Iron

The Good
This food is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Iron and Manganese.

The Bad
A large portion of the calories in this food come from sugars.
Yes, please reserve the bag for me. If cookie changes her mind again, pls reserve the pink sling bag for me as well. Any mummy staying in cck/bukit panjang/bukit batok area meeting with May can help to collect for me please?

Will u be going for the tumbletot class with May as well? Then I can send u a cheque or wire the money to u for the Nepia diapers.
Agree that sometimes you can't have the best option due to circumstances, so don't feel bad that you couldn't be Kaelyn's main caregiver. Perhaps as you say, maybe you should try the 'softer' approach and see how it goes. Old ppl are like small kids and can be very stubborn at times , the more you ask them to do sometime, the more they resist. Ask your hb to talk to her nicely and see if that works. Afterall I believe she wants Kaelyn to be healthy and strong too.

RE: Enjoy only cereal
Even adults have preference, so is normal that Kaelyn perfers cereal to porridge. Do you put the same ingredients all the time u cook porridge? Perhaps she's a bb that prefer sweet to salty taste. Do you add red dates and wolfberry? If not maybe u can try that cos it will make the porridge sweeter.
Good morning mummies!

Er...I'm not sure leh. So far, I have not bought any jar foods for baby. Have always bought them fresh, steam them, puree and then freeze. Haven't tried giving sugar/snowpeas yet.

TBF mummies,
I got my menses last night. Sian. Now have to remember to use protection liao.

Organic 4 less store in Bt batok
Sorry can I know where it is located at?

Damien is super super cranky after recovering from fever. Mum complainting that he wants a lot of attention and also to be carried.
Last nite was really terrible, he woke up at 12am. Keep crying and cryrefused to sleep in the cot.
Once I put in to sarong, he just doze offdeep sleep.
1 am, place him back to cot since he is already in deep sleep. (dun want to sleep in sarong at nite).
3 am, wake up and started crying again..

Rashes after fever
Wonder do I need to bring him back ot PD..coz really bad.
He looks like a dirty boy with the rashes.
Dear all,

how about having two photo shoot? at least we can compare? actually i dun mind paying for both as the price is reasonable? if ok maybe can ask vivian to neg. with joyce to inculd 1 family photo lor?

Those who are in for the idea just add your name


1) rena076, Elijah

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
13. valerie, Kirsten
14. Rena076, Elijah
15. Queen, Issac
16. MamaChan, Daren
17. Cookie, kaelyn
I wanted to try the soft approach. Hope my hb will be like heart to heart talk to his mum.
my Hb said he will try to make mum understand.
But guess what... this morn has an heated arguement with HB.
When we went MIL place this moring.. he just let out 4 instruction to his mum, pls wash bottle properly, feel 180ml, use our bumper and call us if anything...
Thats all and we left!!....
I really want to faint... I dun expect him to rush things thru just like this.

Ok I will try to put red dates and wolberry tomorrow and see how.
Dear all,

how about having two photo shoot? at least we can compare? actually i dun mind paying for both as the price is reasonable? if ok maybe can ask vivian to neg. with joyce to inculd 1 family photo lor?

Those who are in for the idea just add your name


1) rena076, Elijah


1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
13. valerie, Kirsten
14. Rena076, Elijah
15. Queen, Issac
16. MamaChan, Daren
17. Cookie, kaelyn
hi mummies..

Re: peas!
hehe... so my efforts in blending peas is worth it! har har

RE: avocado..
the ripe one : the skin will turn dark brown/ blackish.. and it will feel softer(but not that soft) compared to the unripe ones

RE: porridge
my girl only just started on porridge.. not a big fan either.. so dun worry..

her favorite food now is peach...

Re Photoshoot (Flo)

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
13. valerie, Kirsten
14. Rena076, Elijah
15. Queen, Issac
16. MamaChan, Daren
17. Cookie, kaelyn
18. sunny, YX
19. Tabbiesus, Tabitha

it is a big mistake to let hb handle the matter.. coz hy hb also like that.. very jia liat..

that is why i never ask him to do anything..

i give sumo avocado since 4 mths.. he only take a little..nowadays i am lazy so never make for him..

RE: blueberry

last week me and wendy went to carrefour and bought some rasins and apricot and blue berries..

i have been adding it to his cereal.. sumo did eat some.. but i realise that sumo dun really like cereal nowadays.. how???
Re. HB with MIL
Why ah? Why are men like this? My HB also. He always say if I want to say anything to MIL, tell him first and he will tell my MIL cos after my MIL's blowup a few months ago to something which I have said, he scared liao. Ok, so ask him to go tell his mom, sometimes he will conveniently forget. Or even he say, he'll also cut out a lot of things, just say 1 or 2 lines. I mean sometimes, need to explain the rationale right? Not just leave instructions. If not MIL will never understand why we are doing this, and they will always think it is us DILs who are being picky, complaining blah blah blah.
We gave Lucas his first taste of cheese yesterday. He luuurvvves it....

Re: avocado
That's the only food he doesn't like. Ya, maybe I should try mixing with banana to see if he likes it better

I was from class 1K,2K,3I and 4I. What's your hb name? JH has gained a lot of weight! So good, Lucas weight gain has slowed down so much. He also doesn't know how to really stand/crawl yet.

The amt of fluids sounds a lot! Now Lucas is only drinking about 600ml of milk + 100ml of water/juice/soup combined. Maybe can supplement with fruits/veg in her diet to increase fibre intake?
OK, i'll let u know when the next staff sale comes around. Should be in Dec. But i think I gotta limit to the lightweight products.

I go to Dr Allyson Tan too. She's quite nice, gave me lots of samples of nappy rash cream, moisturizing lotions/bath and vitamin.
I have no choice.. I tried talking to MIL she just ignore me, walk away or just dun listen.
She only listen to HB.

Totally agree... some things MUST explain in details rite? thats exactly I told my HB, MIL will think we are givign instruction again and the more unwilling to follow. SHould explain properly..
Then he call me control freak. So I say.. yes I admit I'm a control freak! when come to baby if it other things I will not even bother or care to deal with your mother.
Before this moring.. he was still very promising told me he will try to make mother understand!!??..
Really upset...
Hi mummies
Re : Fruits / Food
Wow, you all have been giving interesting stuff to your bb, me still very boring, only given cereal, banana, apple and papaya. Will try other fruits this weekend

Ya...guys are guys. they feel don't need to explain/talk too much, always give 1-2 lines instructions. OK now MIL will think it is us.

So sian, yesterday one staff resigned during her probation, so last day will be the end of week. Another had a fight with hb and is going through divorce so on leave till end of week. So I have to cover all the work and worked till past 12a.m. last night. hiaz........can't take leave to go to Isetan already.
Got this thru email... make me laugh...hahaha.

1. Men are like ....... Laxatives ..... They irritate the shit out of you.
2. Men are like ...... Bananas ...... The older they get, the less firm they are.
3. Men are like ...... Weather ..... Nothing can be done to change them.
4. Men are like ......Blenders ... You need One, but you're not quite sure why.
5. Men are like ......Chocolate Bars .... Sweet, smooth, &they usually head right for your hips.
6. Men are like .... Commercials ...... You can't believe a word they say.
7. Men are like ....... Department Stores ..... Their clothes are always 1/2 off.
8. Men are like .......Government Bonds .... They take soooooooo long to mature.
9. Men are like .... .Mascara ...... They usually run at the first sign of emotion.
10. Men are like ..... Popcorn .... They satisfy you, but only for a little while.
11. Men are like .......Lava Lamps .... Fun to look at, but not very bright.
12. Men are like .......Parking Spots ....... All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.
Now send this to all the remarkable women you know, as well as to any understanding good-natured, fun kinda guys you might be lucky enough to know !!!!!!!!!!

YES... MIL surely think it's me.. anyway I dun care.
Poor you... hang in there...
Oh Oh nice meeting you!
so sorry got to make a move first.
I guess most men are like that lor, can't take instructions. If not they won't come out with the book "why men don't listen and women can't read maps". Cookie, maybe u just have to wait for a few days for your MIL to cool down then try to talk to her nicely lor. Tho I must say is not easy cos her mind is fixated oredi.
I got my menses since May eventho I am on TBF. By the way for TBF mummies who still haven't got your menses, if you do not intend to have another bb so soon pls use protection cos is not full proof. My gf got pregnant when she was BF and menses not back yet.
this is my blog's url.

my boy doesn't like porridge all the time. it depends on how i cook it. he prefers meat over fish i realise.

shall we go back together this mid autumn? hee, just to relive some memories

Re Photoshoot (Flo)

1. Flo, Melody
2. Rachel, Dylan
3. sleepingdeer, Shannon
4. Lingbel, Christabel
5. Celine, Edgar
6. wenyl, Ethan
7. sl, Charmaine
8. Tracy, Megan
9. Sept03bride, Caleb
10. God's child, Celeste
11. babylon, damien
12. Clare, Ashley
13. valerie, Kirsten
14. Rena076, Elijah
15. Queen, Issac
16. MamaChan, Daren
17. Cookie, kaelyn
18. sunny, YX
19. Tabbiesus, Tabitha
20. SY, JH

If you want to take family photo, you can request my fren to take some family shots. There will be no extra charge if you are not going to take extra shots i.e. within the 10 soft copies and 1x8R and 8x5R printed copies. She can help to dev the extra photos at cost. If you want to double/triple the no of shots it will be $88 (i.e. 20 soft copies, 2X8R & 16X5R) and $128 (i.e. 30 soft copies, 3x8R & 24X5R) respectively.

For mummies who have more than 1 bb, may want to opt for the $88 or $128 package and can split the no of photos among your kids.

If you want to just take the group pic, it will be $28 and you'll get 1X8R and 1X5R plus 3 soft copies.
Ya...nice meeting you although it was a short one.

Finally, saw two front teeth this morning, so relieve that his teeth are out.
i so blur. here is the url


re peas,
what kind of peas shd we get? i see so many different kinds...

re MIL,
queen, for me it's a different case. i used to ask HB to say but nowadays i give up. i will say it myself and over time i realise that my MIL does listen. whether she likes it or not, i have no choice cos HB doesn't pay attention to what goes on when we go back so even if i tell him things that i m not pleased with, he won't know and he will just say he will observe next time.

the blueberry etc that u bought, is it fresh or dried ones?

let me chck with hb which class. what kind of cheese u give? i wan to try giving yoghurt. can give that?

i will go to your place this weekend to pick up my things. so pai seh.

yah JH gain a lot of weight. dunno how it happened. really much heavier than i expect!

no matter what we ask HB to tell MIL, they will stlil think it's us. everytime i tell hb that, he will say his mum will know. but i highly doubt so...
My PD said can give yoghurt but just note that it is a consiptating food. She didn't specify which type tho, I guess give those without added sugar?
re:HB & MIL
i cannot agree enuf that hb will still side MIL. ystrdy megan had a real good rest at my mum's. she slept 3.5hrs, woke up 2x in between due to renovation downstairs, but pat pat n she's back to zz.

so i tot since my mum can manage meg quite well, i proposed to hb to leave her there for this week till she fully recovers. he objected n wanted to bring her back to his mum's. my mum of cos asked me to go with hb's decision. so my wish of 1,3, 5 at MIL's and 2,4 at mum's is down the drain...

woah...this teething thing is real exhausting!! she woke up last night at 3.30am again jus wailing and wailing. thank god i standby a dentinox gel, so applied for her. she return to zzz till 6.30am..

so lack of sleep now, makes me wonder how i managed when she was a newborn and how i can go thru all that again for no.2! and mgr seems to pile up so much work for me and lack of sleep = lack of concentration at work. keep forgeting to do stuff etc...
I think my HB weakness is when come to MIL.. he just not brought up to express much with parent I guess.
He was on leave with my Gal ytd and I wun say he did a good job taking care of her.
I wrote him a instruction list to prepare cereal and he call back to check when he was unsure...

As the 10yr mark approaching.. we have so much arguement.. seems so hard to cross our no. 10 yr.. geez...

Anyway we have both calm down... he say he will call ande explain to mum later. Guess I can only trust him now.

Sorry and thanks for listening to my grumble to all mummies :p

ok then i wll take the package then
i want to take family photo coz i dun have a decent one...oh if like then then lets bring some food like mini gathering..
Hi Flo

Is there a website to view your fren's photo works? Do I have to provide clothes for my kids? And makeup (for mummy)? where's the studio?

for $88 (i.e. 20 soft copies, 2X8R & 16X5R) ... 8R and 5R are developed from within the 20 shots? so, if i want to take a family shot, plus my 2 kids individually and together, these are included in the 20 soft shots and then from there develop the 8R and 5Rs? I don't think your fren would provide 16 different photos ... can advise. sorry, did not follow the thread that was discussed before

Dear all,

i will pass the california cream to lisa.. please collect from her on sat.. thanks

Rachel, flo sfs and amy...
im getting from you on the coming gathering @ tabb place on 23 sept right? this sat im not @ the tumble tots leh...
