(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

the training cup with the spout will make it easier for them to learn to drink from the cup in the future. I guess it's a matter of habit. My niece 4 yrs old and nephew 7 yrs old still drink their FM from the milk bottle from the teat. I should think that they should stop doing that, can't be drinking milk from the milk bottle till they go sec sch, right? but according to my SIL, they enjoy the process of sucking the milk lying down and from the teat. I was thinking the most drink milk using the teat till 2 yrs old for my girl is long enough, after that she has to drink from cup or with a straw.

re: training cups
You can actually buy the replacement training teats and additional handles for your existing milk bottles. I'm using Avent and Bfree and both brands have the additional accessories. However, I find Bfree's training teats softer than Avent's, which is better for BB to adapt to.

re: mealtimes for Ashley
It is recommended to feed 1 meal for a start 1st. Her 11am feed is ok as a lunch feed. If she always starving come 11am. You might want to get your mum to feed her 3/4 of the milk 1st, then semi-solids, then finish off with the rest of the milk. That's what I do with Keenan, not becos he's a hungry hippo but becos he's more interested in his food than his milk. So I will actually feed him 80% milk 1st and he usually refuse the last 20% after his solids.... and still cry for more solids... wa piang!!

re: Anabel Karmel books
I am not sure about her latest books but I know she does repeat some of her recipes in the 2 books tht I have. As for Annabel Karmel's New Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner, it's very comprehensive with lots of text. The individual recipes come with little check boxes/ icons to tell you if it's suitable for freezing, and as a record for you to check against a smiley icon if BB likes it.

If you like more pictures and less text,her Feeding Your Baby and Toddler is just as good with very easy to follow steps. Tells you prep time and cooking time for individual recipes. Hope this will help you decide what you are looking for.
haha, i just called Similac and they say they'll send me a sample. O, and Gina said that palm oil actually hinders absorption of calcium, so no palm oil in Similac.
celine, mongs, god's child,
My elder son was actually weaned off his bottle b4 he turned 2 years. i really followed the book then. now with keenan, think i'll be more relax with him, but not til the extend of 7 yo...
Thanks for the advice on feeding and books. Mum said she fed Ashley her 2 spoonful of cereals at ard 11am and not much fuss so i'm happy. =) She had to hide the milk first though cos scared she will reject the cereals when she see the milky hee hee...
re training cups:
thanks all mummies for the advice and feedback.

Denmy, can i check with u, u were saying that B-free has training cup issit? i am using Dr Brown's bottles right now, which is similar to Bfree. does it mean that the training cup has an internal straw too? the one that supposedly reduce air from getting into baby?
hi mummies

so many postings to catch up with! I brought Daren back to the pd for a follow-up check on his condition. Daren still coughing and sounds phlegmy and when I told the pd that his mucus is yellow, he decided that Daren should be placed on antibiotics. So right now, Daren is on antibiotics. So sianz... so young take antibiotics. The PD also tried delaying giving him that but seeing him today, decided to give lor.

Nannies around Redhill area
Any mummies got any highly recommended nannies around Redhill area? Am looking for one as I intend to go back to work either in July or August.
hi! i'm fm the mar thread. can i ask if ur kids r still using e bumbo seat? i'm looking ard to buy one. if u r planning to sell yours, pls pm me. thanx!!
I bought similar Carter's romper before at higher price and not BP from this forum.
The material are thin and stretchable and in my opinion ok la.. as good for hot weather.

I get to know Carters when my friend bought a pack of newborn from US for me. and when I bought the 2nd pack of Carter multiple romper material seems abt the same.
But I do noitce 1 of my romper has a tiny tiny hole which I just leave it.

What Prime highlighted could be true.. maybe she has bad experience and giving word of caution.

Btw... my gal is wearing the 9mths (L size) if I'm not wrong.. it's is loose but comfy should be able to wear for a while more.
Sigh! Yesterday kanna very bad gastric flu. Vomit & diarrheoa whole nite. Whole body feels so limpy. Now still got slight fever. Arghhhh!

tks for the pics! the exersaucer is from safety first.

Can I have ur similac 2 if u don't need it? Maybe I take from u during our next gathering. Tks!

got your envelop already. Will mail out tomorrow.

re: FM

ya - no standby tin at all. My gal's on tbf, no fm at all since she's 2 wks old. that's why considering if i shd buy one tin on standby and to slowly introduce bb to FM.

i think it's okay cos my gal's on tbf as well. she would normally poo every other day as well but once she pooed only after 3 days.
re: bb drinking milk

I think my gal drinks the least - only at most 300ml for the whole day. But her weight is okay. At her last checkup when she's 4.5 mth, she's 7 kg.

how do you cold turkey your gal to sleep in the pram? ignore her when she cries in the pram? can advise? thks!
no way she drinks only 300ml a day... are you sure?

no la. I don't mean the other thread... sorry, my mistake: didn't see your name on NO.2....heehee

Bfree training cup
It has all the other parts except for the straw. If you know what I mean... the rubber nobbly thing is improvised and bigger.
my gal usually will fuss if she wan to sleep and in the pram..I have to keep moving around and slowly she will sleep.
if I stay still for 1 moment also cannot..
I think bb like to be in moving motion in the pram.. just like in a travelling car, it make them fall alseep cos maybe it mimic like when they are inside our womb, when we walk or move around they are also moving inside us so very comforting.
re: bb falling asleep
there was a few times, when Keenan was younger, and he couldn't fall asleep on his own at night. What HB and I did was simply switch on the hairdryer and just sit there in the darkened bedroom and BB will fall alseep in 5-10 mins.

re: food grinder
I used the Munchkin food grinder for apple puree and carrot puree. I find it not fine enough for bb's 1st food. Apple puree is not too bad when I mixed it with rice cereal and milk. Will get little 2-3mm bits in the carrot puree. But I still feed Keenan the carrot puree mix with a little water and he gobbled it up. I still think that it will be much palatable if it was evenly blended.

Verdict: Still good for light-duty meals and eating-out when BB is 7 mths old.

So mummies, I still need to get an electric blender... heehee... which one is good har? What is that one some of you were talking about? the one sold at Motherhood Exhibition?
Thanks Babylon for the contact no.

RE: Sick Jamie
Was so worried abt her temp last night..after seeing the doc 2nd time, her fever subsided. But poor Jamie, when she cry there is no sound. Her throat is very painful and she kept crying. How I wish I am the one who is sick and not her.
*hug hug*... dun worry.. jamie will be well and fine before you know it
poor Jamie! Feed her some water, hopefully she'll be better soon!

i just bought the Munchkin food grinder after seeing u all talk abt it! But couldn't find the netted ball thingy. Tried Metro and many other dept stores in Orchard but all didn't sell.

Re: pulling ears
Janelle also pulls her ears but i attribute it to her being tired. She tends to do so when she's sleepy/tired, including rubbing eyes!

Re: milk intake
i think Janelle beats many babies flat. She drinks 200mls every 3-4 hourly and when she finishes it all, she'll still continue sucking on empty bottle! i'm refraining from giving her more than 200mls coz i think 200mls is already a lot! Anyway most of the time i direct latch her so not really sure if she drinks 200mls all the time, but usually she empties both breasts.
I got the netted fresh food holder from NTUC at Marine Parade, the old library building.

re: pulling ears
Keenan also pull and rub his ears and sometimes accompanied with screams and shouts if we ignore him... heehee

Re: milk intake
Can give her 1 scoop more... Keenan drinks 240ml + 8 scoops = 260ml in total
do u know if the carters rompers are $15 for a pack of 5? or $15 each?

I've a small tin of NAN stage1, unopened. You want? can give you.

re training cup. I bot, going to use liao. I got the Pigeon Magmag cup, recommended by a Dec mummy, coz teat is softer than avent.

re anne karmal
thanks denmy for the books and pochacco for the links.

was wondering which shld be the 1st veg to introduce to bb? is it potato?
I kaypo kaypo here...I believe the carter romper.. should be pack of 5 for $15 ba..
I bought similar before... but I paid $21
re training cup,

demny, what nobbly thing are u referring to? i have attached the pic, maybe u can point out to me which one. and where did u buy it?

krissie, which magmag did u buy? the one with teat or soft sprout?

Thanks! Is it the H.A variant? Cos I thought I'd let him be on hypo-allergenic milk until 6 mths. Which FM are you on now? I dunno if i should try other brands for Stage 2... tempted to give Similac a shot again. But my mom says maybe the qty drunk doesn't really matter, if bb can absorb the nutrients well and gain weight it is ok. That's why i have not changed out of Nan H.A.

300ml EBM excluding latch on issit? How do you gauge? Your girl must be taking in the nutrients really well.
thanks for your feedback.

Denmy, ic.

May, is Jamie frequently sick? my colleague was telling me that babies although very fragile should be quite strong in terms of immunity because of the nutrients that they have been taking from the mummies placenta. also, all they drink is milk and even those who have started on solids eat very healthy stuff. don't think parents give them McDonald fries and those fried food, hence babies are very strong. those virus that affect the babies slightly can cause havoc to adults. I remember what sleepingdeer experienced with both she and her hubby down for 1 week when her little shannon just suffer 2 days and can start beaming. Maybe it's good to check with your PD to ask if there is a need to supplement her with vitamins. I read from another thread that toddler from 1 yr onwards can start taking cod liver oil and it's quite impt to take that esp if they go infantcare or childcare, don't think babies below that age can take but it maybe it's good to check with PD.
Dun worry too much. I am sure little Jamie will recover fast with your constant care. you must rest well too!

ya what cookie says is true, $15 for 5pcs. if it's $15 each, dont' think I will buy. can buy nicer disney designs with $15.
don't worry about the antibiotics, Clariss took a course of 5 days 6hrly when she was just barely 2 months due to her eczema and severe cradle cap, I don't know what is the rational of taking antibiotics for eczema but her eczema cleared after that. my MIL was also quite insistent not to give the antibiotics but her skin is really quite bad then. was glad that we gave her that coz she recovered fast, eczema and cradle cap is very itchy so she was less cranky after that. parents allow their children to take antibiotics because it really helps them to recover faster, hence they suffer lesser so don't be too hard on yourself. think the impt thing is to build up his immunity after recovering.
denmy and pochacco,
so tempted to start on solids after reading the recipes from the website that pochacco posted. can be so fun making the puree for my gal. I intend to buy organic vege to make and freeze the puree. so my MIL only need to thaw and warm up before feeding my gal. just to check, how long can we freeze the puree? I bought a tuperware container that can be used in the freezer. think this will be very handy to keep the puree cubes fresh and away from contamination.
Hi mummies
Amt thinking of going back to work sometime in July/August. JUst to check with you all, any of you leave your child to the maid's care in the day? My mum was suggesting why not get a maid, I'm abit hesistant about it and my hb not for the idea as he thinks the child will grow up behaving like the maid.

What say you mummies with maids at home?

Just to share something. Today I had to throw away 130ml of EBM coz the glass bottle containing it cracked. Really heart pain. Apparently not supposed to fill up glass bottles too full before putting the EBM up in the freezer to freeze. Was told that milk will expand when it freezes so should leave some space for it to expand. Dunno the rationale but apparently it's true. When I saw the cracked bottle today, I nearly cried. I know it sounds stupid to cry over EBM but really coz I have great difficulty pumping out EBM & to me 130ml is quite a lot to throw :-(

Just want to share this incident in this forum just in case i am not the only one who don't know abt milk expanding when they freeze & plus really needed an outlet to just get it out so that I don't feel so upset with myself for being so stupid.
I tink the Philips mini electric blender is quite popular among the mummies. Cost around $50+.

I m definitely not in favour of leaving bb alone with maid....no matter how good the maid seems to be when u r around. But if ur mum is around to supervise, then it's ok. My neighbour leaves her bb to the maid to take care in the day. I witnessed the maid's rough handling & carelessness. The maid has friends (maids from other hses) coming over to chitchat in the day while leaving the bb to cry.

Tat is why till now, my hubby & I still comtemplating whether to employ maid or not.
mamachan - i hav a maid to take care of Celeste BUT not without adult supervision... maid is new to us and we do not know her well... and our bb is stil so young..they wont know hw to tell us even if they are being bullied ( unlike kids of 2yrs who can tell their parents wat the maid did ). So i leave her wf the maid at my in-laws on weekdays and take them home during weekends... i stay at my in-laws' on Mon-Thurs. Cos Goin home to and fro quite tedious for us and bb even wf a car... tats just my 2cents worth la...

To me, i wont trust a maid wf my baby. Cos maids nowadays are too SMART!

yes cos I will pour the ebm into bottles of 100ml each. I always prepare 5 bottles before I go to work. When I come back, the bottles are always half or 1/4 filled. My gal never finish the entire bottle.
May - Dun worry, im sure Jamie be fine soon... its just the nasty virus going all around..almost everyone in my office has it now. feeding more water will help. Celeste had a phelgmy throat too at her 1st mth.i fed her alot of water and it went away aft a few days...
of cos its best to leave maid under another adult's supervision, preferably ur mum or MIL. but if no choice, wat my fren is going to do is install camera in the baby's bedroom n the maid cannot bring the baby out of the room at all times. my fren will be able to view the camera thru the web. this will ensure the maid will not be up to mischief.
wow, ur baby drinks pretty little but yet putting on quite alot of weight..that's good. my gal is drinking a total of 900ml per day. last took her weight during her 4mths jab, she's only 6.5kg, 68cm.
god's child,
not bad, u can stay w ur inlaws on Mon-Thurs. i'm travelling to n fro everyday. from punggol to sin ming to kaki bukit then vice versa in the evening. quite tiring, cos gotta leave my place at 7am in the morning. i always insist to leave my ILs place at 8pm so i can reach hm earlier, get my things done n watch tv...hee hee..esp mon-wed, Desperate Housewives and CSI.
I am so tired today. Coming down with flu, sore throat and bad cough plus my gal wakes up at 230am last night and refused to sleep. Out of sheer desperation, we let her sleep with us on our bed. Any solutions?
wow... so much post to catch up. been busy lately.... nearly fall sick, so keep drowning myself with water and more water! *touch wood* think is due to the weather and lack of sleep, so gets heaty.....

re: mummies & bb sick
do take care yah, only when you are well then you can take good care of your little ones. my hb mentioned that if i fall sick then he will be very ciam!
hmm... seems like the flu bug is really getting out of hand lately.

re: intro solid
wow, so much info on how to intro solid to our bb and im really having a tough time digesting. think must really be hardworking and do some homework first!

re: similac follow on
yesterday they called me. will be delivering the sample to me shortly. think will stick to similac since dylan been supplement with similac 1 and problem till now.
any mummies willing to let go theirs? can i have it? thanks in advance!
btw, i will be getting my dumex 2 sample. any taker?
Anyone interested in LEAP FROG LITTLE TOUCH LEAPPAD(6-36 mths).
Each comes with 1 book-One bear in the bedroom. Available in blue or pink.


Price: $70 ($60 if there's 30 orders)

I m trying to negotiate if this seller can sell us at $60 for min. 10 orders. Cos I dun tink I have the time to coordinate a large BP & she only delivers to 1 place. So, I m asking the mummies here first.

Anyone interested, pls leave me ur names....
1. Wenyl x1 (Blue)

My mum and aunty bought the grinder from the motherhood fair at Expo. Cost $48. Its a "not-known-brand" grinder and the demo shows able to grind till very very fine and hence both mum and aunt was so convinced n bought. H/w I somehow feel such peddler item always work during demo but buy home different liao (maybe coz i bought 1 steam iron before n was so upset that it doesn't really steam my clothes at all hee hee... ). Anyway the lady was saying CK Tang also selling retailing ard $60+. Will ask my mum & aunt for feedback once they have started using it n post here again.

Cindy - Your mum also bought way the grinder before you were even pregnant right so cute... maybe you can also share how good it is?? = )
