(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

Tracy, see if anyone else wants it first bah, since I already have 2. If no takers, then pass to me!

maybe my ziplock bag not dry enough. it smells musty. scared will affect my milk. already not enough milk and will be heart pain to throw away.

u can go to abbott website to sign up for an account.
sorry wenyl, actually some PD give 400g samples to their clients as well. I got a tin of Nan HA to try from my PD before.
har... really ah? she didn't tell me leh.... sigh...

i didn't wait till it dry then only put into zip lock. no time lah..
so far bb drinks liao ok leh....
I stay in the East... the far East...

I also thinking to switch Keenan to Similac stage 2 and he is currently on Enfalac A+. How do you mix Similac stage 1 and Enfalac? In what proportions? Both in the same bottle or separate? Keenan is taking 8 scoops Enfalac with 240ml water now. Can advise pleaseeeeeeeee...Thanks!
okie, pls PM me ur address so i can send the similac to u once it arrives. i'm in punggol so east is fine for me.

promil gold 2 not taken yet. i reserve for u. where u stay?
Thanks! I tink i will still stick to Similac for the time being. Maybe can pass to Mashybrainz first.

No prob! Will ask PD when I bring bb for his Hep B jab in 2 weeks time. Time flies....bb is gonna turn half year old soon!

Yah...he better catch up if not, next time they go paktor....ur Kirsten smiling so beautifully, then Ethan still boh gay!! HaaHaa! U on TBF right? What pump do u use? Ur menses here already issit? I feeling crampy today. Sigh...dunno issit da yi ma coming to visit me after MIA for so long.
got ur email..bedok no problem lah, i work in kaki bukit. after work can drop it off ur place, my hubby picks me up aft work. got ppl at home at around 6pm?
what do we do with the unfinished FM milk powder? if it's still fresh, we can mix it with milo and finish it up right? a bit funny, drinking babies' FM at this age.

my BM increased a lot today. I wonder why? maybe it's because I latched her on totally over the weekends. normally the MS is highest on mon but today is exceptionally high. not that I am complaining, so happy!
we're supposed to gradually replace the stage 1 FM with stage 2 FM right? like usually 4 scoops, so now 3 scoop FM1 + 1 scoop FM2 for 4 days, then slowly increase FM2 till totally replaced. so i guess shouldnt ve too much of FM1 balance?

i jus bot one new tin of FM1, no choice, no more already n they dun ve small tin.
mongs.. hahaha actually i did that for my leftover milk for Anmum prepregnancy milk even after i have given birth. but the taste not very nice lei..so i threw away coz anyway not much left.

u may want to pass ard to babies in this thread should you have leftover and not want to leave it untouch for more than a week. i be glad to take it for dumex milk
oic, but my baby is on BM most of the time and drinks FM only when I don't have enough BM for her. I wonder how to gradually introduce stage 2 then. sometimes, she use only half a scoop, sometimes 1 scoop. think my MIL will have headache. think not so impt to mix since she is drinking very little of the FM. right?
actually I thought of that, giving my unfinished FM away but I think might is opened for quite sometime already coz my baby don't drink much FM so I don't think it's advisable to let other baby drink that y I thought maybe adults drink will be ok.
mongs - how long have u open it already? 4 mths? ya agreed if its too long then its not wise to pass along. but maybe b4 u throw away, u can put up at the marketplace just in case there are needy mummies who need it.
uh oh..then i not sure how to mix liao..any mummies can advice?

good one...ya maybe loyang..

haha, we so bo liao, guessing where u stay.
Re : Switching FM from 1 to 2
my sis-in-law's PD (niece s coming 8mths) say no need to replace scoops and do gradual switch. she is using Dumex and she changed from Mamex 1 to Mamil 2 just like that. But for babies switching from other brands to Similac, the lady was saying to replace scoops and do it gradually in stages of 2 scoops replacement at 5 days interval.Reason being their milk taste very different from other brands cos they are the only one that uses palm oil... tats wat she said la... so your might wana check wf your own PD again.

Sysa - think i will give it a miss liao cos HB scared change brand will give Celeste nappy rash.. her bums being rather red lately... thanks for the kind offer in sharing anyway!
god's child and other mummies,
Re: Switching FM brands
i just want to clarify one thing: does Similac contain palm oil or not? thought it says no palm oil on the tin?
similac's ingredients:
Lactose, nonfat cow's milk, high oleic acid safflower oil, coconut oil, soy oil, vitamins and minerals.
PM you my add liao. Thanks!!!!!!!

RE : East Mummies
Wondering which PD you ladies bring your baby to. I dont quite like mine. My friend told me there's one in Elias Mall pretty good.

RE : Left over milk
A friend got the hub to finish up the milk when the bb has left over. Very sayang mah. Especially my boy...haiz....feeding time is so difficult. Frequently has left over
RE : Gymboree Baby Play
Bought the above book, not too bad. Has activities that we can play wif babies at different months (up to 12months). With songs inside too.
Another 2 photos I took of her at 4 months 3 weeks:

Mummy Look! I can play ball too!


Close up of my darling while watching TV with daddy
Dr Ng did not charge me any consultation fee for Ariene's jabs. Only difference is need to pay 5% GST.
The last time I brought Keenan for his Pneumococcal and 2nd 6-in-1 vaccine to Dr Sim at Elias Mall. Its called Pasir Ris Child and Baby Clinic. I find the doc very precise and patient with his explanations. Will most probably go baack there for his 3rd 6-in-1, as well as other illness. He does not charge consultation if BB goes there for vaccines.
Perhaps. Dr Ng's 5-in-1 is $15 more than my GP downstairs but his prevenar and rotavirus is slightly cheaper than my GP, so, give and take, I'll still prefer to bring Ariene to Dr Ng cuz I can ask him many questions on her development at the same time.
Hi all
Switching milk from stage 1 to stage 2
I was taught to replace 1 scoop per feed for 3 days and keep doing that till all scoops are replace. This is to avoid rejection by bb as they taste different.

Green poos
I thought green poos was due to bb not getting enough hindmilk, I check with PD previous when bb was about 2-3 weeks old. not sure it that the same for 4/5 months bb.

Left over milk
I use to drink whatever bb can't finish and end up gaining weight as bb FM contain high fat for their brain development. so mummy trying to lose weight don't drink.
hi mummies,
lots of new info to read here

You mean you don't even have a small tin of FM for standby now? Your BB has never drank FM? That's really very very good! By the way, I have post you the self addressed envelope liao...

re. FM
I had a big tin of Dumex Mamex Gold for backup, opened since end of last year till now! Today my MIL said finish liao. So this big tin last 5 months... didn't know that FM once opened cannot keep too long? How long can an opened tin of FM keep? My Isaac is now 5.5 months already. Knowing that he will refuse EBM sometimes, had to get a new tin of FM. I bought the Dumex Mamil Gold 2 (cos thinking no point getting step 1 since reaching 6 months soon) and today my MIL had to open and gave him 2 feeds of FM cos he once again give pattern and refuse to drink 2 bottles of my EBM (angry with him man!). So he already started on follow on FM even before 6 months! No mixing for transition... Is it ok?

Re. BB's weight
My boy just had his jab last sat. And his weight is 6.56kg, length about 67cm. Very light hor? His weight is only at 10th percentile. He's already 5.5 months. His last weight taken was 6.1kg, only gain 400g in a month!

I used to put my pump parts in Ziploc bag but has since stopped cos I find that the ziploc bag is not long lasting. So ended up buying a plastic container to put the pump parts. Do you use sterilizing solution at work? After pump, just dump the parts iummediately into the solution and turn your ziploc bags inside out to air dry. Then shouldn't have musty smell.
Hi Clayre,

Good to see u again at the expo. Me bought so many things: photography package from studioloft, Gaia bath pdts, HT puree and teething bics (cereals OOS already), Eu Yan Sang Si Sen Brown Rice... Thought that go all the way there must at least go back with some stuff.
The super grinder your mom bought, my mom bought it before bb was even born!!

Re: Rice cereals

Anyone notice how the Heinz Rice Cereals has much less calories and vitamins & minerals compared to other brands like Gerber and Nestle? I bought both Heinz and Gerber at one go in case Lucas prefers one taste over another... compared the nutritional panel and realise the Heniz one seem to be quite light compared to all other brands... I am feeding him Heinz first right now, thought I'll finish it before opening the others.

If starting on solids, how much milk to still feed? As my bb doesn;t seem to like milk much, I am actually doing the reverse... feed milk first then some rice cereal. And, its true, I think his poo is getting harder. Oh dear, he hardly drinks water, think I should start him on the water habit before introducing even more solids.
queen - yes what i heard is not to keep an open milk tin more than 1 mth. normally 1 tin can last me 1 week only. so good hor..those who are breastfeeding, really help to save milk powder money.

denmy - i am also seeing Dr Ng from Pasir Ris baby clinic. yeah agree he is very patient and nice. quite funny at times too. we are very ease with him and will stick to him. only prob is his clinic don;t operate in the noon. so need to find a backup clinic.
Not Dr Sim meh? I remember wrongly har? He is the one who talks without pausing for breath one right. Small built and wear specs. Quite cute-looking also... hahaha
