(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

im interested. but can explain how this work? is it when you touch some area there will be sound coming out??
actually there is a BP at the market place, her bargain price is higher than yours! heehee
i had checked out the website. wow so many other stuff i wish to get!! too bad they dont ship out of US, if not can start a spree =P
check with u, do the supplier oso sell additional books?
wenyl/god's child/tracy
Hmmmm, I also think so but both my mum and MIL working currently. My mum offered to have the maid and bb over at her place at times but my mum is always running around herself, so can't really offer much adult supervision.

Maybe at the end of it, infant care might give me the best solution. I'll see how it goes, made an appt to go to the one closest and most convenient for us.
thanks for the link. i'm convinced! count me in:

1. Wenyl x1 (Blue)
2. Tabbiesus x1 (blue)
3. Tracy x 1(Pink)
mamachan - infant care centre also will have those toddlers rite? these kinda care centres tend to have kids falling sick very often and you end up having to take leave and also to care for your bb at home cos they do not allow sick children to stay there. y dun u try to see if any non-working mothers/neighbours who might be able to help?
god's child
Infant care similar to child care except I read from the MCYS website that the max. ratio of caregiver to number of infants is 1:5. And it's for infants from 2 months to 18 months. I don't really know what to expect... just keeping my options open lor

I just got a new maid, but don't ever intend to leave baby alone with her. She's mainly for helping my mom look after my baby and cleaning house. She can work but not that great, if I leave my girl alone with her, i think i will not be able to concentrate at work. I may just kena heart attack cos sometimes see the way they anyhow do things... hair in milk bottle can still give to me to use!!!! die.. lucky we are around to be the main caregiver... can never trust a maid... that's just my opinion lor.. .maybe if baby is older like toddler, then ok... but now when they are so helpless..

My friend's son is at infant care and they say infant care trained their son to be very guai.. I suppose becos no one will spoil the child at child care and the infant can learn to be a bit more independant. Also, at least infant care there is some sort of govt. check.. cannot be that bad right?

I must confess, I prob. do spoil my girl a wee bit.. when i'm taking care of her.. ;p

hope this info helps...

btw hope ur baby is better.. must be xin tia when he is sick...

check with you... the seller you mentioned is it Infantree, Suzanne Tan?? this is the singapore distributer. me thinking of getting other learning toys leh...
I am a fan of leapfrog pdts. my hubby bought the discovery ball from US (it's cheaper in US than here) and we thought it's a very good toy.
The retail price for leap pad is $70? $60 with a book sounds good but I need to check with my hubby. just bought a expensive jogger, don't know if he will like the idea. bought so many things for clariss already. bumpermat, jogger, bumbo, safety first bouncer, all the toys....
so many posts to catch up!

my boy fell sick so i was very sleep deprived for the past 2 nights. he will wake up every 30 min and i can't get any sleep. in the end took one day off to rest and he din sleep the whole day!!

i m interested in the book but scared my hb wil nag at me. when u closing the order?
i have that learning system...
find it quite good. my gal is able to concentrate on the songs, sound for a while and can be longer if her 'mood' is good. haha...

me too... buy quite a number of things for my gal liao... now aiming at bumper mat. :p do you find the mat good?
Hi Wenyl,

I went to the link but still a bit blur. Is this leappad something like an electronic book? Can we load other books into the same leap pad?
ya, am interested to get extra books too if I am going to buy. how much are they retailing for the books?
hee, the bumpermat is tuck in a corner of her room though we had opened it up from day 1 when we bought it when I was around 7 mths pregnant. I was lucky to spot the BP that was started by Carol who was in Korea. I paid $81 of some happy pooh design. I intend to clean it and put it in the living room with all her toys in a few weeks time, let her practise sitting by herself.
She can use her hands to support her body for a short period of time while sitting on the floor.
the idea of switching on the hairdryer to let bb sleep is interesting. think i shall try that if he doesn't wan to sleep!

i leave my bb in my maid's care in the day. so far my maid is ok. in fact, a lot of pple say that my maid takes very good care of my bb cos he looks very good and clean.

there's pros and cons in having a maid to care for bb. one thing good is bb doesn't have to travel to and fro in the early morning. my bb doesn't have very fixed schedule so can be quite difficult to bring him to parents' place in the morning. the usual cons will be that my bb is quite close to my maid of cos...

my maid takes instructions quite well so she knows what are the things she can do with my bb and what not. in fact, mine is quite good in the sense that she teaches him quite a few things. i find that she's very good at getting him to play with his toys and improve his coordination. my boy likes to stand up now and he can grab things quite well also.
did you buy extra books for the leap pad? how much is each of these books? my sis is going to buy the activity table for her son but I think this leap pad will be more educational. maybe ask her to buy.
wow! thanks for your input. i think i would most probably put my boy in infant care. seems like the best arrangement so far for us at the present moment.
btw, where's your maid from? I did ever think if I want a maid, I would prefer a Filipino one. Coz when I was younger, my mom employed a Filipino maid and she's quite good.
wow. you're quite blessed in that sense. is yours a filipino or indonesian maid? i heard nowadays even got myanmar ones. My hb very funny, he told me to imagine one day when our boy start to talk, and being with the maid so much, his accent might sound like the maid!
re: 1st veg
I gave Keenan carrot. You might want to add rice cereal and milk to it to make it creamy. Potato or sweet potato will be next on the menu.. heehee

Celine, the blue nobbly thing is the rubber at the bottom of the teat. Can you see it sticking out, just below the neck. Doesn't Dr Brown has the 3 extra parts for milk bottles? I go take a pic of mine and show you later.

re: Freezer Storage Time for purees
Fruits 6 mths
Vegetables 6 mths
Purees w/ milk 4-6 wks
Fish 10 weeks
Red meat & Chicken 10 weeks

wow, then Charmaine is growing quite well with sooo little milk... if she on FM sure save a lot of money. Good gal!
i m interested in the leapfrog little touch book. how much does it cost at the retail shops? and what is the collection mode if i buy thru u?
my maid is indonesian. prefer them to filipino. most of the pple i know dun have good experience with filipino maids. actualy i m fine with my maid speaking ot my boy in malay. he can learn one more language
krissie- i tried the hair tonic and it is quite good...in the sense it works so fast. this morning when i woke up my pillow has no hair on my pillow case and i realise my hair does not fall off easily.

I will try again tomorrow as i now wash my hair on alternate days and update all again. the feeling is quite good. cooling sensation after applying it on the scalp. i even put on my hubby too and he sure enjoys it with the massage added in. since he is balding too..might as well he do for me i do for him. haha...

anyway the brand is System 4, blue colour wording. I bought at parkway at the swensen restaurant that area. in a shop selling all hair prod and perfumes. 5% storewide. UP is 28 bucks.
i'm sure its v cute to see them sitting up themselves..keke, i'll go home n try on my bb tonight. nowadays when we carry her on our lap, she luv to rock forward n backward herself, like rowing a boat. n it can go on for ages...
My indonesian maid also takes care of Ariene when we're working. Had her since sep 05 so i could observe her and train her before i gave birth. found her trusty so i can leave Ariene is her hands without worries. Occasionally i'll call home to check on how Ariene's doing and once in a blue moon, my FIL will drop by to look look
I remember that your workplace has a full fledge nursing room with fridge, sink and steriliser. my company is going to set up one as well. hooray! I actually suggested to my HR after I can't use the library and have to pump in the toilet. find myself so ke lian and my baby even more ke lian. my management actually approve the suggestion and is looking into converting one unuse room into a nursing room. They have indicated that they would want a full fledge nursing room with a sink, fridge and sterilizer. I have suggested that they can have cubicles in the room that is similar to those of the toilets (lock from inside only) but they would prefer cloth separators (something like a fitting room) to partition the cubicles. How is it being done in other organizations? Can u advice? Also, I suggested that the flooring should not be carpeted as there is going to be a sink, water and milk may spill on the carpet and will be difficult to clean. I also suggested having a cantilever table from the wall so that the mothers can put their pump and a plug point in each cubicle. they may want to go to a visit a nursing room at KKH. any other suggestion?
checked with my sis on the leap pad and she is quite interested. however, we want to go and check out the real thing tonight so I will revert on my orders tomorrow. thanks for starting the BP.
your girl very very cute. I think she got dimple, isit? very smiley! brighten your day when she smile like that right?
ohhhh!!! megan so sweet!!! dylan sometime will oso have this kind of broad smile =D

what brand of tonic you using? it might save me from losing so much hair! no joke.... my hair is really getting lesser day by day *sobsob*
mongs, rachel,
thanks, ya she got one small dimple on the right of her chin but i tink can't see fm the pic...oh, she smiles at everyone..in the lift, in the restaurant, i hope she remains happy like this into her adulthood.
my gal also quite smiley when she is in good mood. when she smile, can't see her eyes. this pic she is talking to me.

aiyoooo. so sweet so sweet!! has very beautiful big eye! sure will grow up to be a very pretty lady! =)
my boy oso has the same pillow cover =p
rachel, thanks. the pillow cover came with the 7pcs bedding set when I bought her cot at robinsons. she is sitting in her pram. somehow, she always look a bit crossed-eye when taking pics, she focused on the camera lens. so funny.
same. me oso bought the cot from robinson and comes with the bedding set. mine too, always look crossed-eye when he look and talking to his pillow and looking at things at close distance haha

so good your work place going to come up with a nursing room. me ke lian la, have to pump in toilet till i finally come to a day to stop BF....... sigh
wat big eyes ur gal has...if u say her eyes till become small when smiling, she must be smiling very widely!

I contacted the same supplier, Carol, from the mkt place BP & she revert saying her new stocks will be arriving after 12/6.

She has confirmed that she can sell to us at S$60 (min. 10 sets). Collect from her place in woodlands. If 30 sets & abv, she will deliver to 1 location.

Carol wrote:
"However stocks are running low hence will try to meet yr orders as much as possible but no promise. Any tech fault can replace within a week. There's no warranty from leappad as they need ori receipts from retail shops as proof of purchase."

So, mummies....pls take note on the 1 week warranty. Do u all still want to proceed to buy from her? If yes, once we collect the set from her, we need to check thoroughly & exchange with her within 1 week if there's any problems okie.

The usual price is $99.95. Toys'R'Us was selling at $79.95 (sale price).

Yes, its like an electronic book. Carol also sells books at S$20 each. More than 3 are S$18 each.

Available titles :
If i were..
A-Z adventure
Guess hw much i love you
Animal world
Baby animals
Animal Dance
Pooh loves u

"However the abv are based on first come first serve basis as stocks are limited."

I will try my best to answer all ur queries cos I have just recovered from my gastric flu.
