(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

I m also getting from this lady, Carol. How much did u pay for ur set & the extra books? Is the quality the same as those found in the dept stores?

Mongs baby and megan sooo cute sooo sweet

I'm interested.. let me check with HB first..will revert..

hmm.. did u consider getting a nanny instead?
my SIL ever told me her sister work in infant care and (I dunno if every infant care is the same) the "teacher" in infant actually tie babies' hand and leg when they are in their cot so they dun flip.
Although they do it for safety.. but isn't it sooo poor thing to be tied the whole day?? so my SIL keep telling me never put bb in infant care lor.
When deal with infant care be careful also.. just in case.. Ihave a freind wanted to put bb at IFC at first and place $1000 deposit ( I think) but later change her mind decide to engage nanny. and she has great difficulty getting refund from the IFC, she even have to threathen to do to CASE and small claim court etc..
Dunno la.. maybe she suay suay kenan the no good IFC.
Anyway do consider seriously.
Just my 5 cent worth of thoughts and some hear-say info along the way...
Talking abt sitting supported....Here's some pics to share with u mummies. Pics taken recently.

Ethan talking to Pooh & friends

what is the standard warranty if we get from say Toys Rus?

I very "gian" to buy this e-book.. but also concern what if buy already spoit easily?
Am also interested to get an extra book too

take care of youself, hope you get well soon!
wah...the IFC that your SIL's sister works at sounds scary. Which one izzit? Haha, just want to kay-po, just in case it's the same one I made appointment with to visit them this coming Sat.

Re:Nanny vs MIL
Did think of it, but I'm really at a lost at the option. Coz after talking to my MIL who's still working, she's agreeable to take care of bb. So we thought,"Great! I can resume work soon enough" But just found out that she's waiting to work till November then can take care of him. So like abit redundant lor... unless we wait till November and I resume work in December (which was what was arranged with my company before I gave birth). I understand from my mum that nannies usually look for the long-term babysitting, so in my case, such short term cases might not be wise. Also not good for baby to keep changing caregiver.
Wow! How old is Ethan? He can sit up without support! Haha. I'm training Daren to try to sit on his own, but he like will topple over and lie flat on his tummy instead! heh heh. I must be patient...
Hi Wenyl,

I've actually PM you regarding the leappad. When do you intend to close the BP?

Take care n hope you get well soon
Heehee! Look closely....Ethan is using his hands to support himself. He toppled soon after the pics were taken. His expressions were so funny after he toppled to his side! Too bad I didn't capture that cos I was trying to "rescue" him. Haahaa!

I will check my mail & revert to u soon.
rachel_lim - as mentioned above, the brand is System 4, blue colour wording. I bought at parkway at the swensen restaurant that area. in a shop selling all hair prod and perfumes. 5% storewide. UP is 28 bucks.

sunny - durianlover also ask me but i not sure if BF mum can use the tonic.

wenyl - like mamachan i also want to ask u the same qn
haiz..sometimes i wish my boy can start walking already. haha..but then when he starts walking, i will have a different worries all together again :p

I'm intending to put my boy in infant care after I get a job. Appreciate if you can let me know the infant care so I know which to avoid. Thanks!

Today is so tiring. Went for job interview. Then my boy, like knew that I'm going out for interview, last night woke up every hr from 1.30am! So tiring! Previously he only woke up at 4am or 5am. Then sleep till 7.30am when my hb will feed him. Last night, he was like crazy, cry and cry and kept waking me up!
Haha! Yah I know what you mean about hoping our bbs can start walking soon. I told my friends that the moment they see me wear track shoes more often means my boy can walk!!! hahaha then we'll spend more time running after them and making sure they stay out of harm's way.
Hi Mongs & Tracy,

Pretty gals! I have the same pillow case & the same tee for Cephas! Pillow case came with the cot I bought at the Baby Hyperstore

Hi all,

As promised, his 1st swim photos. On top of that, managed to catch him holding his bottle on photos.


Drinking my milk to keep warm in the cold water


Taking a break before my next dip


Holding my bottle


I'm a big boy now
mamachan /SSF,
He was 5mths & 1+week when I took these pics. Sometimes I do wish he will grow up quickly & be independent. But when I see my friends chasing after their toddlers, we just wish our little ones will guai guai sit in the prams. U know what i mean...

Any idea where else sells System 4? I hardly go PP nowadays. Is it safe for breastfeeding? The rate my hair is dropping, I tink I will be as botak as my boy, man!

Wow! Cephas is using the big bottle! How much is he drinking now? I m still using the 4oz bottle for my EBM but I will try to fill it up to the top.
Wenyl, I want also...
I put down my name first la..

1. Wenyl x1 (Blue)
2. Tabbiesus x1 (blue)
3. Tracy x 1(Pink)
4. Denmy x 1 (Blue)
5. Cookie x 1 (pink)
Hi Wendyl

I am one of the mummies from market place and found ur lobang better than the market place, can I join in too.

1. Wenyl x1 (Blue)
2. Tabbiesus x1 (blue)
3. Tracy x 1(Pink)
4. Denmy x 1 (Blue)
5. Cookie x 1 (pink)
6. Lingbel X 1 (pink)

PS : My gal is now 5months plus. Born on 23rd Dec 2005...hee...
Re: maid
I have a Filipino maid. Coincidentally the day she arrived at my house, my water bag burst the very night! Well, she is pretty ok with taking care of baby as she has a 2 year old herself and has taken care of another bb with her previous employer back home. However, I feel that she has this superiority complex over me with regards to taking care of bb, especially during the first 2 mths. Admittedly, I was a klutz and panic easily. But I decided to make it a point to take care of bb the whole time and got my mom to help babysit when I went back to work. She is now only helping out but main caregiver is my mom. I know I am pretty insecure, scared hat bb will like maid over mommy. Also, can't really trust them 100%.

*hiaz... just now bb cry like mad when I tried to put him to sleep. But immediately calmed down when my mom carried him. So disappointed you know, everyday I will be rushing back home while facing so much stress at work, just so that I can put him to bed but realise it is getting more and more difficult. He also doesn;t seem to be particularly excited when see me.

I think it is still best to be a SAHM where you can truly bring up bb the way you want. I mean I used to be able to make him fall asleep on his own during my maternity leave but nowadays its impossible without rocking him for at least 30 mins to an hour as my mom has been doing that.

Re: blender
So far only used it to blend apple juice and pear juice. It's ok, I mean I don't have other blenders to compare so dun really know.

aiyah! Probably she drinks a lot more when she latches on, so no worries for you. My boy really drinks little lor cos he's on total FM.

Re: vitamins
any mommies giving vitamins to bb? My mom suggest to try some vitamin that can supposedly help increase appetite. I am sceptical of it. Better ask ped first.
Hi ling,
Welcome! Sure u can join in. By the way, may I know which thread in mkt place is doing BP for this? I tink the one I saw was already closed.

Hee...My boy is only 3 days older than ur gal.
Hi Wenyl,

My boy not showing interest in toys much, hope this one will thrill him...

1. Wenyl x1 (Blue)
2. Tabbiesus x1 (blue)
3. Tracy x 1(Pink)
4. Denmy x 1 (Blue)
5. Cookie x 1 (pink)
6. Lingbel X 1 (pink)
7. Cindy x 1 (blue)
I asked my hb liao..
as the product is exp.. he wanna go toy rus to see the real thing 1st..
heehee pretty sure I should be getting it la..
Who's bb is born on 16 Jan? Think my hb met your hb today. They talked about how their wives ae chatting in this forum and going to the next gathering at Waterplace!!
wenyl - u can try other shops that sell hair care products. may be able to find it there. frankly i not sure if it does harm bf mummies. but i do hear before that if u are bf, do not have chemical on ur hair but then its all without scientific proof.
Hi clare
sure..I do...hee...so U are here....hee..
ALso I got the bumper set.its cute ....thanks

Have not let Christabel try on it yet, cause I got intend to air it for a few days before letting Christabel roll on it....
RE : Toy - GYM
In case anyone interested at getting a "gym" for your baby. Saw "Fisher-Price Classical Chorus Gym" at $49.90 at OG chinatown. Ori. 89.90 at Toys R Us. Our baby might be a little too "grown up" for it. Suitable from birth.
mongs, Tracy, sysac,
Me to, me too. I also got the bed sheet and pillow set that came with the cot I bought at BB Hybermart. Sysac, so we have the same cot design

Keenan is 5mths 1 wk+ now also cannot sit like Ethan. I think Ethan is pretty fast at his milestones.

I want 4 extra books for the Leapad too:
If i were.. x 1
A-Z adventure x 1
Guess hw much i love you x 1
Animal Dance x 1

Thanks! I will also go Toys R Us this Friday and have a look at the real thing 1st...
Cephas drinks his milk in the water won't get big tummy har? Remember the older folks always say eat full don't swim or bathe, incase we get big tummy... haha
Hi Wenyl, hope u're feeling better. Count me in.

1. Wenyl x1 (Blue)
2. Tabbiesus x1 (blue)
3. Tracy x 1(Pink)
4. Denmy x 1 (Blue)
5. Cookie x 1 (pink)
6. Lingbel X 1 (pink)
7. Cindy x 1 (blue)
8. Sandra x 1 (pink)

Also want the following books:
If I were
A-Z adventure
Guess hw much i love you
Baby animals

Your Ethan really can sit up so steadily. Sarah has been trying to also but she look more like doing sit and reach leh...=)

Can check with supplier if she got these titles also? Xie Xie...

Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?
Rainbow Fish Storybook and Finger Puppet Gift Set
Where the Wild Things Are
Hi Mummies,

Am my first time in this thread. Was introduced to this forum by Clare (we are colleagues from sister co n share the same "expresso" room) last month and got hooked on it. Just a little intro of myself, my gal (Melody) was born on 15 Dec 05, 5 days ahead of my EDD)....and yes she's my first born.

Since you gals are on the topic of solid food...just to check, do you juz give your bb the plain cereal or do you mixed with veg/fruits? I started introducing Heinz first rice cereal to Mel when she was 4 1/2 mths. She enjoyed it very much initially (and would scream if she didn't have enough). But lose interest after a few weeks. I then tried to give her healthytimes organic brown rice cereal but she would spit out (machean like taking medicine!!!). In fact, she's drinking much lesser as well. She's still on TBF. Since birth she normally drink 4oz every 2 1/2 to 3 hrs. But lately she can stretch her interval to as long as 4-5hr in the day. She's getting very distracted, once she's over her initial hunger pant, she would turn her head n look around her or start "talking" to you....sometimes can take as long as an hr to finish 4oz of milk...can doze off...zzz. Do you guys have the same experience? Notice that most of your bb are very regular when it comes to feeding time. Mel is very unpredictable, sometimes she drink so little in the day and at night she can have 4oz very 2 hr...storing her milk juz like a camel!!!! But so far, her weight gain is okie, so am not too bothered yet.
wah $15 for 5 is v cheap leh.. haha, then i shall buy a pack.

I bot the one with spout and also the one with straw.

let me go check if it's HA variant. I'm in the study, pumping now. let u know again. Me using Similac loh. haha.. so queueing after wendyl and cookie for similac.

ya, i also bot the philips mini blender. but, hv not used it yet.

u mean leapfrog is retailing at $70? then wont it be cheaper if we get during GSS now, since there 20% off. sorry huh, me v tortise..i suppose it's much cheaper so u're organising BP? I'm interested but need to go shopping centre to try. when u closing the BP? haha..i'm like mongs, bot a lot of exp stuff liao.

we hv the bumpermat. find it good & useful.
thanks..hmm system 4, nvr heard of this brand before.

re nursing room.
ours is seperated by curtain. and you're rite, flr should be tiled, so easier to clean. haha..always has split milk. power supply in each station is good and also a steraliser.

just saw your post on pricing. u ignore my post. me check it out this weekend at shopping centre and get back to you.
went to metro and kiddy palace yesterday to see the leap pad. kiddy palace is selling at $79.90 as well (offer price), metro no offer, selling at $99.95. saw that the books is being sold at $29.9 at kiddy palace (offer price). can't play with the leap pad at both places, I didn't ask for a demo, no time, was rushing home.
still have not decided if want to buy or not.

wenyl, I also have that bumpermat. did you bought it from carol who was at korea?

Hi can you let me know if you can get additional books at discounted rate too? I'm interested in the titles posted by denmy and sandra. Btw I think someone in another thread is organising BP too... but I will confirm with you since you started it first.


Re: EB brown rice

Just to let you all know, vitakids at forum is bringing in stock in 1-2 weeks time... maybe u can call up and ask them to contact u when it comes in if u are interested. Supernature oso out of stock...dunno when new supply coming in.
i think i got it at $60... was on waiting list for the BP that time... then i did self collect and get the book at $18 each.
i also wanna but more books....
you will help your boy sit up then he supported himself or he is able to sit up by himself?
can i get extra books too if possible? I went home to check n found that my nephew has the leapfrog alphabet pal (the caterpillar), which his aunt bot from US. it's really fun and good.

i've updated the purchase list as follows:

1. Wenyl x1 (Blue)
2. Tabbiesus x1 (blue)
3. Tracy x 1(Pink)
4. Denmy x 1 (Blue)
5. Cookie x 1 (pink)
6. Lingbel X 1 (pink)
7. Cindy x 1 (blue)
8. Sandra x 1 (pink)

Also want the following books:
If I were -Denmyx1, Sandrax1
A-Z adventure - Denmyx1, Sandrax1, Tracyx1
Guess hw much i love you - Denmyx1, Sandrax1
Baby animals - Sandrax1, Tracyx1
Animal Dance -Denmyx1

Thanks and hope u get well soon!
me tinking of getting dat kind of float too..

woah! Ethan can sit upright on his own already...so u muz lower ur cot bed further?

Re: Flu
sigh, my gal woke up at 3am last night n didnt sleep till we left the hse for MIL's. she caught the flu n got stuffy nose so can't sleep well. she only caught a short snooze when i carried her sitting upright in my lap. i hope it goes away soon, but both my nephews down with fever, cough n flu so...haiz..
Hi mummies...its been a long while since i last posted...been really working my pants off....haha....

How's everyone? all the babies look so grown liao...so proud of all of us...we SURVIVED...hehe...

Sysac...wah Cephas so big liao....hehe....looks like he enjoyed his swim...

I've just started James on the healthy times organic brown rice...he enjoys it so much....when there's no more, he actually cried for more...and whenever we put on his bib for him, he would know that it is makan time and would be very excited about it...haha...
so cute...I also started allowing him to lick oranges and apples just to get the taste of it...

Ohh...juz one qn though...how much brown rice cereal did you gals feed your babies when they were on the soft liquid diet? I tried giving James 2 tablespoonfuls mixed with BM but he doesn't seem to be getting enuf...he's a big eater I must say...but I dun want to overexert his intestines too cos he has just started out...pls advise...thanks...

Me looking forward to my short break next week...going to Port Dickson with my 2 kids...hehe....it will be baby James' first swimming experience...and I'm behaving like a little kid myself...getting all excited about it and buying so many beach wear for my boys...haha...

K...gotta settle some work....seeya gals later...tata...
would you consider bringing bb to night safari at this young age? i am still pondering if wanna bring her along for my co's event.
Morning mummies!!

Hi Florence,
Welcome to this thread! AM sure u will feel right a home in no time as the mummies here very are all very friendly!! = )

Re Leap pad system & Extra books
I realised there are quite a few different book titles so to minimise Wenyl having to check with supplier for every single book, probably we can do up alist of our orders including the titles we want so that at the end of the BP (or when Wenyl feels its time to close), Wenyl can just bring the whole list to the supplier and get whatever she can? Just my suggestion. = )
I won't bring cos its probably too dark to see anything (haha from my experience lah... i went once and all i remember is there are LOTS of different kinds of DEERS... and all look the same to me hahah...). Most importantly its BB's bed time so I won't compromise loh... =)
then if we buy the leappad from shopping centre. Is there warranty? also 1 week? hope u recover soon. take care hor. now there's flu virus.

could he be teething? they wake at nites when teething, plus crying. BTW, thot u wanted to be SAHM? how come wanna look for jab now?

I got the same float. ;)
the reason that i am still pondering is 'cos i m not sure if she will be scared of the darkness or not... :p most prob i won't bring her lah... so that my hb and i can pat toh for a while. :p

Bo bian lor. No $ how? Hehe, anyway, yesterday went to take MRT with hb. Felt the thrill of having my freedom back. So shiok! And had some 'alone' time with hb. So nice. Missed those pak tor days.

You might wanna try motherswork at great world city. I remember they've a leappad there to try. However, not little touch.

How much are the books?
Good morning to all mummies

Seems all u mummies start ur bb with cereal..hheee.I still haven leh, but intend to start Christabel on cereal soon.

Joanna, I see James is taking Healthy Times Brown Rice. Yestersday went NTUC buy Healthy Times Brown rice can teach me how to start. Or any mummies and teach this blur sotong inexperience first time mum.

My gal is on TBF...so I intend to start the cereal mix with EBM. Can teach me how to prepare. Yestersday my mum ask me how to prepare..huh...I also dun know leh.

1) how many tablespoon of cereal for a start?
2) How to mix with EBM? Do I warm the EBM like how we warm the EBM to feed babies? Cause when we prepare the cereal for adult, eg:'super' brand cereal, the water need to be boiling hot)...
3) How much EM to mix with 1 table spoon of cereal?
Need advise sorry leh, first time mum.
Hi Ling Ling,

Altho baby James is my no.2, I am also rather sotong when it comes to starting him on cereals...sigh..cos hor...last time...all these done by my MIL....but now we have moved out on our own and as such, can only depend on ourselves and the maid...

What I had done was to let him try one tablespoon mixed with warm water initially....and when I saw that he took a keen interest in eating...I told my maid to mix 1 tablespoonful with EBM...what I do is to agar agar...put a bit of warmed EBM (NOT hot...if not BM loses its nutrients) and start mixing and keep adding BM till the cereal looks smooth enuf for him to take....then the balance milk I will keep in the warmer and feed after his cereal...

But hor...I also dunno how many tablespoonfuls to feed James leh cos it doesn't state on the box...so...any other mummies....pls help...
