(2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

Wenyl, yup, still TBF, using Medela Twin Electric. My menses came a few weeks ago but was heavy for 1 day, then spotting after that. I also felt the slight discomfort before it came. Maybe da yi ma is announcing her arrival liao

thanks on the HT packaging..
u funny ley.. bb see PD, mummy not forgetting to see cute looking PD:p

Re: staying in Far East..
heehee I also stay in Far Far East also..keke

I also rem he is Dr Sim :p

Re: similac
If mummies giving up similac follow on.. can pass me lor..
I will queue after Wendy

Re: no consultation with Jab
Dr Sim also never charge consultation.. and I think his charges pretty reasonable. I remember the 1st jab charges was only $126, this include medication and development assessment.
The other PD at Mt A, though I like him very much but he simply too exp. $150/jab + $70 consultation.. can faint!
my menses not here yet leh... thought it was gonna come now that my MS is so low... abt 260ml of EBM and direct latch in the morning... only 2 feeds but no signs yet...
re: ziploc bag smell

sometimes I will wash the ziplock bag at home and let it dry on the bottle rack. Once it look old, I will use a new piece...
cookie, SSF, Y,
ya lor. reason why I switch to Dr Sim is becos he is nearby and his charges are reasonable. My last PD at TMC charge $179 for Pneumococcal and $45 for consultation and on top of that 5%GST... the worse thing was my elder son went for a pneumoccocal jab and we all (both kids) went in to see him together, he still got cheek to charge consultation fees separately: $45 + $40!!!! My heart dropped when i saw the bill....
Poor Jamie..she is sick today..did not sleep well and that's explain why I am still awake at this time. I need to go back office to clear something before bring her to see doc 2nd time as her fever does not goes down. She is having fever and running nose. Went to see GP last evening and that GP!! is guessing that she has a cold.

I remembered someone said that they bring baby to see this famous doc in Bukit Timah. Can someone give me the phone number? If possible the operating hours and address? Please email me to my office : [email protected]
Thanks a million !
me very busy at work, so might MIA for awhile.

thanks for the useful info on teething biscuits. where did u get the Gerber and Ht teething biscuits? i dun recall seeing them anywhere.

u got mail. btw, what brand is the exersaucer at taka?
do let me know if the tonic is effective. i'm also dropping SUPER a lot of hair.

Re Similac
Me also wanna queue up for similac samples after Wendyl, can? Thanks!
My friend told me the queue at Dr Sim's clinic is very long. My PD charged me 126 for the 5in1 plus consultation and assessment. I think her normal consultation fee ard 40. Find her a bit rush. Unless u go in afternoon,wkday. Saw one in Thomson and cost 60+ for consult...no wonder doctors are so rich!!!

RE : BB weight
Haiz...mine oso on the small size i think. Coming 5months 6.77kg 65cm. Thinking of starting solid to beef him up since he's not so interested in milk.
So pai sei. only just saw your post. Didnt mean to jump queue.

Re Similac follow-on queue
1. Wendyl
2. Cookie
3. Krissie
Y, Queen
hmm.. my bb's weight gain has also tampered, though he drinks qt a lot. He's 5mths today and is 6.75kg, 67cm. How much do your bbs drink? He drinks 140-160ml every 3 hrs. 6.5feeds a day.
is it ok that bb with TBF constipate? my gal didn't poo for 2 days liao... kind of worry leh... and since last week, she poo every althernate day, and these 2 days, she didn't poo... dont' know what's the reason...
morning mummies!

me on MC today and for the first time, left my bb at MIL's for the night last night so i can get good rest n recover fast..really reluctant to do it..my younger nephew's having fever..

when i reached MIL's last evening, i told her i going to c doc later cos i got flu. she immed said megan can't sleep well this afternoon, maybe i passed the virus to her! erm...isn't my younger nephew having fever n in contact with her ENTIRE afternoon?? why me?!

my MIL was sooooooooooo happy megan's staying the nite wif her.

tink meg is teething too, she keeps munching and can't sleep well in the afternoon.
my gal didn't poo for 4 days. finally pooed at the 5th day. she is almost TBF so I guess it's quite ok. be prepared for a lot of poo to clean up when she next poo. as long as the poo is soft, think it's ok. hers is sticky after 4 days. past 2 days she poo 3-4 times a day. very strange, sometimes don't poo, sometimes poo so many times. but she is not particular fussy so I am not too worry. apply the ru yi oil if you see that you baby tummy round round. oh, my baby also fart a lot on days when she don't poo.

Wow..you bb was drink so muchmy is still drinking 4 oz every 4 hourly and sometime cant even finished his milk. Bought the 8oz milk bottle and still dun have the change to upgrade his bottle.

Currently he is still 5mth and 1 week old and was drinking enfalac A+ (left tin).
So I bought the similac stage 1 and mixed with enfalac. 2 scope each and gave him (mixed the milk together).
Hopefully by the time he finished enfalac, he already get use to the similac taste. I want him to get use to similac taste before introduce him the stage 2.

Have not tasted his milk beforewonder which one is better taste..Similac or Enfalac

Apparently, I heard my colleague said that Nan taste awfullyher bb reject milkuntil she changed to similac, her bb start to drink more.

One of my neighbor told my mum that she actually tried all the FM and end up her bb only want to drink soy milk.
Re: FM

I have standby similac but didn't use so threw away cos getting all clumped up, then I got a sample of friso and mamex so open when baby doesn't have enough or if past one month... cos after one month not fresh anymore...


My baby is also very small, barely 6kg at 5 months. She drinks very little too only 120-150 mls each feed about 6 feeds perday, sometimes even less.
denmy - oh yes yes...Dr Sim. aiyo i think i got confuse with the thread above mentioning Dr Ng. That clinic only has 1 doc..so shouldnt be wrong.
yes small built and very cute looking with harry potter specs. hee...we are very comfortable with him lor and his charges are reasonable.

krissie - yeah will try the tonic out and let you know. u know..i dun even dare to wash my hair so frequently or comb it. just as long as it stay there will do. haha... but come to think its seems very dusty like that. hahaha....

re: bb constipation
i heard of many cases where bb drink FM and having constipation. not that i want to promote dumex. but since i change from BM to FM(dumex), my boy has been pooing daily. i guess its due to the milk? any other mummies here also felt the same for dumex milk or my boy is a special case? my boy now drinks 180ml to 200ml and he weighs abt 7kg. quite on the small side actually
I remember that your baby is a bit small built. did your PD comment on her weight? I think she probably follow your genes, I remember you are those petite built and your mum too. as long as she is active and gain weight regularly, think should be fine. my baby also on the small side. next sat going to see PD for her 5th mth jab. hopefully she reach 7 kg.
ya, she fart a lot, too... and it's smelly. haha....

anyone know how much it cost for pheumococal jab?
hey mummies, can get samples for the following cereals. don't have contracts for other brands.
anyone know where to get for Heinz cereals? maybe they don't have samples. there is a thread discussion about cereals. seems like Heinz is quite popular.

Nestle contact : 68367200
dumex, U may log in to their website to request
mongs - yeah i also want to try out heinz. my frd commented that its the best. not sweet...so i think i will go for heinz. let me know if you got the contacts for free trial. thks!
Dr Winston Ng charges $168 for pneumococcal (prevenar) and $105 for 5-in-1, $145 (I think or $135 thereabouts) for 6-in-1. I asked him about 6-in-1 before but I forgot whether is $30 or $40 more than the 5-in-1.

Milk amount
Wow.. ur babies drink so much? I'm not so sure what Ariene is drinking but I think she's drinking only at most 140ml three hourly cuz she can only finish 1 breast and leave the other breast untouched. SOmtimes, she cant even empty 1 breast.. she's 6.6kg, 66cm
$168 is for how many dosage? 'cos different age got diff # of doses leh...
i check with a GP, it costs $600.40 for 4 doses.
Morning mummies!

Re Feeding Solid
Can i ask what time should we feed solid? My idea was to feed twice, once at lunch time n once at dinner time and to set it routinely so that BB will slowly recognise Lunch & Dinner time. BUT my girl's milk time is ard 11am+. Should i feed her AFTER her milk then?? Her evening milk is ard 6.30 to 7pm so still alright but its the lunch feed that i'm abit headache leh... = (

Re Books by Annabel Karmel
Wah seems like she has got sooo many titles under her... should i buy the latest published one or should i buy the ones posted by Denmy/Tabbi ?
Wow u managed to buy so many things... i bought mainly clothes... 1 swimsuit, 3 Carters panties, 1 beach play set (hee hee Ashley probably still got a looong way to go before she knowhow to play but mummy see so cheap $3 just buy loh... the most mummy play instead =P)... wat else?? Didn't see the HT booth so sad coz i also wanted to buy the teething biscuits... =( Oh yah mum bought the grinder but till now not yet started using so dunno how good it is. Maybe i'll go get the Annabel Karmel book over the weekend then pass soem receipes to my mum to try. How's your mum's feedback on the grinder.. good??
Its $168 per jab. Like u said, it depends on how many jabs u need ma. I'm not even calculating how many jabs Ariene needs but I think I remember its 3 jabs total from 3 months old when I gave her the first jab. 5 months less jabs liao lor. Prevenar is age dependent. If taken too old, no effect I think. Got all the different jab infos mixed up in my head. Sometimes, I feel my brain is degenerating even since I gave birth cuz everyday so little sleep. I used to think sleeping 6-7hrs 1 shot is great but I'm starting to feel its not enough now. I cant possibly sleep when Ariene sleeps at 8+ 9pm cuz its too early so I'm getting rather sleep deprived.
wendy - wow..so ex? Dr Sim is charging ard $110 per jab. we opted for the 6-1 jab. so his charges are reasonable.
For the prevenar jab? U sure? My GP downstairs quoted me $170 per jab, which is $2 more than Dr Ng leh. Where is ur Dr Sim's clinic? I thought the prices are controlled by Wyeth cuz even their pneumococcal brochure Wyeth group dropped in my mailbox also stated $168 per jab. Or were u referring to the 6-in-1 jab? Ya, his 5-in-1 and 6-in-1 jabs are alittle more costly than GPs but I still prefer to goto him than a GP cuz I always have questions to ask.
Hi God's_child,

No problem. 24 packets is not a lot. Will be giving to some of my friends who are still using wet wipes for their toddlers
Hi Clare,

I feed Cephas only during lunch.

11am + is an alright time to feed your dau her lunch. Feed the solids before giving her milk. I suggest u shd slowly intro solids. Dinner may bit a bit too filling for her if you introduce 2 meals per day straight away. Just my suggestion
hi mummies,
so many posts...

my gal had that habit intially too, she would not fall asleep unless someone carried her... wah, had to do cold turkey with her for many days before it got better...

Emailed you the photo liao...

it's ok if TBM babies dun poo for a few days... my gal also.. as long as when it comes out, it is not hard, then it's not constipation. I give my gal some gripe water if she goes for 5 days without poo, and most of the time, it will come out
Hi sysac,
Problem is her morning feed is ard 7.30am so by the time ard 11plus she's hungry and have no patience to slowly eat the cereal. =( Maybe only way is to tell my mum to routinely try feeding her cereal before giving her milk so with practice over time she'll learn that cereal is before milk milk...
Re: BB length
wow, all bb here seems to be so tall, my gal is only 63cm.. haha, she is the 'katek' of the lot... so strange, somemore my hubby is quite tall...
ya, my memory is getting poorer. i can't even remember when i should bring my gal for 3rd 6in1 jab till i call the GP. sigh...

could we give diluted prune juice to bb? meaning mix a bit of prune juice with water...
Hi all,
Something funny to brighten your day! = )
Maternity Clothes

1st baby: You begin wearing maternity clothes as soon as your OB/GYN confirms your pregnancy.
2nd baby: You wear your regular clothes for as long as possible.
3rd baby: Your maternity clothes ARE your regular clothes.
__________________________________________________ ____
Preparing for the Birth:

1st baby: You practice your breathing religiously.
2nd baby: You don't bother because you remember that last time, breathing didn't do a thing.
3rd baby: You ask for an epidural in your eighth month.
__________________________________________________ ____
The Layette:

1st baby: You pre-wash newborn's clothes, color-coordinate them, and fold them neatly in the baby's little bureau.
2nd baby: You check to make sure that the clothes are clean and discard only the ones with the darkest stains.
3rd baby: Boys can wear pink, can't they?
__________________________________________________ ____

1st baby: At the first sign of distress--a whimper, a frown--you pick up the baby.
2nd baby: You pick the baby up when her wails threaten to wake your firstborn.
3rd baby: You teach your three-year-old how to rewind the mechanical swing.
__________________________________________________ ____

1st baby: If the pacifier falls on the floor, you put it away until you can go home and wash and boil it.
2nd baby: When the pacifier falls on the floor, you squirt it off with some juice from the baby's bottle.
3rd baby: You wipe it off on your shirt and pop it back in.
__________________________________________________ ____
1st baby: You change your baby's diapers every hour, whether they need it or not.
2nd baby: You change their diaper every two to three hours, if needed.
3rd baby: You try to change their diaper before others start to complain about the smell or you see it sagging to their knees.

__________________________________________________ ____

1st baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics, Baby Swing, and Baby Story Hour.
2nd baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics.
3rd baby: You take your infant to the supermarket and the dry cleaner.
__________________________________________________ ____
Going Out:

1st baby: The first time you leave your baby with a sitter, you call home five times.
2nd baby: Just before you walk out the door, you remember to leave a number where you can be reached.
3rd baby: You leave instructions for the sitter to call only if she sees blood.
__________________________________________________ ____
At Home:

1st baby: You s pend a good bit of every day just gazing at the baby.
2nd baby: You spend a bit of everyday watching to be sure your older child isn't squeezing, poking, or hitting the baby.
3rd baby: You spend a little bit of every day hiding from the children.
__________________________________________________ ____
Swallowing Coins (a favorite):

1st child: When first child swallows a coin, you rush the child to the hospital and demand x-rays.
2nd child: When second child swallows a coin, you carefully watch for the coin to pass.
3rd child: When third child swallows a coin you deduct it from his allowance!
__________________________________________________ ____
Hi Clare,

Yep, maybe have to condition your daughter abt cereals & milk

Cephas will stick out his tongue once we put the bib on for his lunch time. He will smile when he sees the spoon going towards him. As for the milk bottle, he will stretch out his hands once I put it in front of him.

And I like what you shared. If u observe the general public, it does happen!
size: i alway worried that my boi was on the small size as he refuse milk from 2nd month till mid of 4th month.... after seeing the PD for his last jab during his 5th mth, i realise he is above average 75 percentile - 7.9kg...

Similac - i have received their sample yesterday, delivered to my door step - very good service.

Clare - i normally feed him solid about 3hr after the last feed... after this, he will take his milk. think maybe not full enough???
Hi mummies,

Lucas is also on Nan1 HA, the most awful tasting one I think. Tried mixing Similac in and he doesn't seem to notice or drink more so I switched back to Nan again. I am still putting him on this formula as it is hypo-allergenic. The milk protein strains are pre-broken down to aid easier digestion, as well as minimize chances of allergy, giving better protection.

Now if Stage 2, dunno if should still go with the H.A variant as introducing more and more variety of solids soon.

He drinks only 60ml-120ml of milk each time, 6 times a day. Dunno why like not hungry leh. Poo daily and farts quite a bit. But I do notice his pee and poo qty are less compared to before when he was drinking much more. Hmmm.. hopefully will pick up again when the next growth spurt comes.
Wendy Ong, the number to the similac one is (Gina Tan) 62776345. They say they'll send the tin to me soon. I do not think Sarah will drink it. So if anyone really needs it, I'll pass to u.

Re: Far East
I'm staying at upper east coast road near expo/changi. Always thought it's like super ulu.

Wendy Ng, my gal also drinks only one breast at any one time and always only 10 minutes or even just 5 minutes. Think we dont have to worry whether they are getting enuf milk or not as long as they are putting on weight. She weighs like 7.3 kg at 4 months. I think she's above average. Imagine if she had taken both breasts! I think I'll have a really HUGE baby by now. =)

Clare, haha... funny n true. =)
So funny!!!

RE : JL sale
Went to the JL expo sale. Nothing much. Bought a wooden train set (those u gotta fix with tracks) for $9.90. Not much toys or clothes for babies
celine - i have bought the Pigeon Magmag for Celeste to try when she was 3mths plus... i use it for her to drink water/barley...she can hold for a little while and at most times, she actuali is playing with the teat... only drink abit... but little training better than none rite...haha
god's child,

does it mean that as the bb grows older, she will not need to drink from milk bottles? ie. only need to use cup, even to drink milk? i'm kind confused about the use of training cups. what is it for? can any mummies advice?

celine - i think when baby gets bigger, it will be changed from teat to pout then to straw.as to if they will stil use milk bots, i will think so... cos i see alot older babies in public also drink from milk bottle. i only thot of using the training cups for water leh cos it can get messy if u put milk in it for them to play with...
