(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

hi straycats,
gd to hear fr u again, must b v bz wiv megan
thks for sharing BF tips and massage info...

do u sterilise ur breastpump each time u pump? medela quite simple to dismantle n assemble so shd not b too much of a hassle right? then where u store e milk, bottle or bag? after pumping do u wash n sterilise straight away for next use or wash den wait until wana use then sterilise?

okok must try to "ren". bt dnt tink i can fit into my jeans anytime soon! my hubby just teased me say waste $$ on all the branded jeans now will nvr fit liao!!!

will relish this last 2 weeks of my pregnancy b4 the endless sleepless nites ahead! bb's room is fully done up n so beautiful! finally put on the sheets n bumpers, so colourful n happy-looking!

sterilised bottles can remain safe for use for how long?? do u all sterilise all ur feeding equipment b4 come bk from hospital? i rembr mrs wong mention after sterilise dont air n dnt wipe dry rite? just cap the bottle n keep...

Congrats to new mummies! =)

2nd-time mothers: If we don't bind our tummy, will the tummy go down by itself sooner or later? Cuz i don't like the feeling of being binded, but yet my tummy still looks like 5-months pregnant.
oh, I see.. didnt know got such thing as water leakage. I've increased discharge these days, and it's clear like water type. So, i better monitor, in case it's also water leakage for me. thanks for sharing. I'm also giving birth in Mt. A. It's reassuring to know that the nurses are good. Coz they will be with us longer than the doc.
BTW, do i need to bring bath towel for myself to Mt. A?

Congrats!!! Elyse is so sweet and pretty..

Congrats!!! Thanks for sharing.. very reassuring to hear that he's good. Now, am only praying that bb will come out when he's around. Wow, your anasethist is good, no pain.. hope mine will be the same as yours. Heard that some pple's epi injection is v painful. hee hee.. can imagine him chatting with me while doing the cut too.. I must really pray that my labour will be as smooth as yours. Ya, good to hear that you can bf..
I jus found e perfect teat for him.. hahah.. Tollyjoy one.. e hospital one is also too big for him, drink 60ml spit out 40ml..
Actually don have to use e receiving blanket cause i think they are really warm. I jus use a nappy to wrap him up n use another nappy to act as a blanket and cover his lower body cause they tend to kick and the legs will b exposed. My son is also a bit warm everytime when i carry him to feed him. I jus open up the nappy and 'air' him for a while, after feedin den wrap him back again.
now everytime i make 3oz for him, sometimes he will drink 2oz sometimes 2 1/2oz sometimes 3oz. But usually after tat if he still doesnt slp i will jus leave him on e bed first unless he makes noise. Den maybe feed him a bit of water n give him e pacifier(cause i really buay tahan also) den carry him walk around. Don b so uptight or it will b more difficult to know what they wan.. Different bb got different needs also..

Congrats to u.. Hope to c ur bb pic soon..

Joanne Lee,
ur bb looks so cute!! Rest well ..
Didnt know that you're under Dr Ho too.. So good to hear that stiches are good.
wah, and stitches are not painful.. that's really reassuring. ha ha.. this is the reason why i go to him actually. What is the jaundice level which needs to rent the equipment to sun bb?
Oh... me put on 11kgs so far..
Oh..good hor mother doing confinement for you, so can have special request.

Thanks for sharing your family picture.

Try to relax if you still have reached 38 wks.

Yeah, is my 1st bb. Now a bit kan cheong, but at home night time still able to sleep cos tired leh. When at work surf net lor.. stil eating as ususal. See monday what gynae say, see whether bb engaged bway.. if engaged maybe will be more kan cheong.

Joanna and moonbell,

Actually i very scare bb come out.. kkeke stay inside better. :p But sometime also wonder how my bb will look like, very curious.
is ur hubby staying there thruout the hosp stay with u?
my hubby stay with me, meals, towels all provided...
but they charged for companion lo...

yes i also under dr ho....he very good...i go back to him for both of my deliveries...

jaundice level i tink not exceeding 15, i assumed..
and also if ur hubby is staying with u..need to bring extra toothbrush leh, they only give one set only..
Re : laughing gas

Don't know whether it's the mask or the gas that made my friend puke... But I remember Mrs Wong ever mentioned that the laughing gas will make us very high...

Jeslyn, DS,

My mom said cannot eat fruits after delivery leh... cos she said too liang... But don't know izzit applicable to all fruits or wat... But she told me I can eat love letters and bak kwai during CNY, I very happy liao cos normally I only eat these 2 CNY goodies, of course, pineapple tarts also lah... But she said cannot eat, okay lah, just have to compromise lor...


Wow, you very good leh... can do big biz on the 2nd day liao... No pain at all meh ?? My friend told me she still experienced pain even on the day of discharge leh...


My gynae also prefer Mt A, probably becos of the parking... But I bo chap him, I still choose TMC. hee hee...

Me too, just went for checkup this morning, bb's head still not engaged yet. I asked my gynae what happened if water bag burst but bb's head not engaged yet, he said there will be some risk but still can deliver naturally, he ever done before... And he mentioned bb's head will be engaged starting from wk 37 onwards...

My gynae wanted me to deliver earlier, ie. going for induction cos he said my bb a little bit on the bigger side. Maybe he sees me small build lah. He also adviced me to take 1 or 2 weeks ML earlier...

BTW, I remember MT A also give out a gold coin with a rooster on it if you give birth before 29 Jan 06.


Congrats to you!
And thanks for sharing your birth experience. Yours very fast leh... Hope I'll be like you.


How much you bought the binder from Guardian ??

I also put on 15kg liao. Heard from my colleague that once you deliver, you will lose 7kg immediately (cos of the bb's weight, placenta and water etc). But still got another 8kg to reduce leh....

BTW, this wk I lost about 0.5kg and my gynae was so kan cheong about it, ask me to eat more.
Thanks.. I'll be 38 weeks when's he aways. Told my hb I'll go home everyday. No shopping when gynae is not around. I feel the same as you. Scared of labour, but yet excited to see the baby. My hb says i'm being silly as I have no control over when bb will come out which is true lah.

yes, hb will be staying with me.. he's been very supportive and caring so far. Can't imagine him not staying with me.
Thanks to all...

I've got a really demanding baby, she's like permanently hungry .... (and permanently pooing...).. i kinda feel dat i don have enuff milk for her... any good recipes for increasing milk flow? i noe my biggest problem lies in dat i don take fish...

my long baby story :
12pm : put in 1st pill (induction)

10pm : put in 2nd pill coz no dilation yet

10am : gynae announced only 1cm!!! took epidural, burst water bag then put on drip (coz midwife says drip will cause contractions to be more frequent, aka painful, so epi 1st :p)

1pm : only 1.5cm dilated!!! how stubborn my cervix can get... midwife says maybe have to do emergency caesarean.... sad sad ... i worry for my Elyse coz water bag burst for so long liao...

5pm : fell asleep... too tired of waiting.... midwife says nearly fully dilated, can start pushing at 6pm... relief relief.... finally
can see my baby...

6pm : midwife can't seems to locate my gynae! left her a voicemail! me panic panic... meanwhile did a few pushes and midwife said i did well... actually cannot feel anything, being on epi for so long and legs both so numb...

6.20pm : gynae arrives, said i can do it in 2 pushes, which i did
... all in all i think i pushed less than 10 times... absolutely painless ... oops, yah it was painful the last push coz there were 2 midwives squeezing my tummy wif all their might... dat's abt all

so while being stitched up, i tried looking at my baby instead... she did look kinda scary, all covered wif the whitish stuff and a bit of blood...i try not to think abt it though i can see the gynae sewing away.... eeek.... i cannot imagine....

yah, i agree wif u mothers dat bigger babies are easier to handle... they are really not as soft as smaller newborns... however i was tired juz after carrying her for a while... 3.8kg is really not light!

is it normal for newborns to lose some weight? coz Elyse only weighs 3.6kg when we were discharged...

Newborns usu lose a bit of weight in the 1st week but dun worry they'll usu put it back on from 2nd week onwards. Bigger bbs usu have a better appetite and more demanding when it comes to milk but I guess it's better than having sleepy bbs who refuse to latch on. Try and eat healthy and drink lots of water. I found that my intake of water directly affects the amount of BM I produce since BM is made up of abt 80% water. can also drink hot milo before feeding or pumping coz it helps to speed up letdown.
violetgem, ya, can, for my 1st baby, i din go to toilet to do big biz only after 1 week....

2nd day can do big biz already, not pain, mayb becos of the skill of my gynae...wahahaha
Joanna Lee (dipple)
wow, ur baby is huge...

drink more liquid to produce more milk flow.
or feed more times will also produce milk....
Thanks all!

I have sore nipples for the first 2 days of direct latching at the hospital, v painful. With help fr lactating consultant, I learn the correct way.

Btw, just get a small tube of nipple cream will do. I bought a large tube of Medela Purelan, in the end, use my own bm to nurse the sore nipples, which is better than nipple cream.

Better stop the shopping @38wks and don't exert yourself. I did quite a bit of housework the day b4 I gave birth, also, did shopping at carrefour, took a yakult and a coconut drink the night I got contractions. Asked him if it's the drinks that caused early labour, he said no, it's normal to give birth + or - 2 wks of EDD.

massage and binding so effective for you, so envious of you, I can't fit into any of my kakis, jeans, etc...

same as you, I also look like 5mth pregnant with a small tummy (worse, with stretch marks). Got 5kg to lose. I feel more energetic this week, will try to do some toning exercises now.

Try to massage your breast regularly and let baby latch and suck more often, baby's suckling brings in the milk. Just to share with you, I didn't eat any fish for the 1st wk, but I drink milo 3x a day. I bf my baby about 6-8x a day, didn't use pump yet, direct latching is v tiring but it'll help to establish the milk flow for long term supply (heard fr friend). 3.8kg is not easy, did you use any pillows to support your elbow or rest your baby?

I use nappies to wrap my baby the way the nurses did, like jeslyn, my baby likes to be warm also. At night, I even cover him with additional thick towel.

Hope you have a smooth and fast delivery. I think shopping/walking really helps.
violetgem, krissie
Must eat fruits to get balanced diet mah. I ate apples and pears provided in the hospital meals. But my mum now only allow me to eat apples, pears are liang.
Violetgem, jeslyn
I can put-put on the 2nd day also, thanks to the constipation pills and stool softener liquid provided by gynae. Can ask your gynae for it.
You are lucky that can eat fruits..I'm contented to be able to eat kai lan already..under the care of my mum..if under my MIL, only chicken diet allowed..no fish, vege etc.

Does your bb have pimples? My bb just got this pimples these two days..so worry that it can't be cure on time as we r celebrating full mth next week..so ugly to see visitors with the pimples. Anybody knows what to use to cure it?
The medela pump is very easy to use. Just remember that pumping is not suppose to be painful, if it is then the positioning is wrong. If can, try to let your ger suckle 1hour after delivery then let her do all the work until you need to use the pump. I only have 1 normal nipple so need to latch & pump. If you encounter sore nipples, like what moonbell said, use a nipple cream or best till your own breast milk

I sterilised my pumps etc every night. During the day since I pump regularly, I wash with the pigeon liquid washer, rinse with cold water then sterlised with hot water. if you sterilise every single hour...no time to do anything liao. Btw, I only got 1 medela bottle (comes with the pump), if this bottle is being used, I use the NUK bottle to hold & store the EBM. The NUK bottle fit perfectly.

Don't be scared..you can hardly remember what went on during delivery. Then when your BB arrives...you will not even have time to eat / poo poo., every 5mins of rest is a blessing to hb & myself, when Megan cries or is awake..everything is on high speed mode.

I got the binder for $55. They have 3 panels & 4 panels (wrap up to the ribcage) not recommended cos' very hard to breath. And if your toso is short, better to use the 3 panels.

Moonbell, 2005
I also am surprised that I can fit into my jeans. Maybe its due to taking care of Megan on my own..everytime eat half way she cries, have to stop everything. If she guai guai sleeps nvm, if she in happy mode, my gopdness she can keep me on my feet for 4 hours!!! But I like to see her smile when she falls asleep, tells me all the hardwork is worth it
cheerful mum,
where can i get the aloe vera jelly? Baby really look pitiful leh..now look like hua1 mao1..heart pain hehe..Now, we r using hazelin snow, but the rash didnt go away..Do you think puting calamine lotion/drinking water will help? Or do you sell the aloe vera jelly? Can i buy from you?
Ya, the antenatal instructor says that bb will lose some wt initally. So don't worry. Re MS, heard that papaya + fish soup (drink soup only, so no need to eat fish), fernugeek, moms-in-mind nursing tea helps too. Some pple find some are more effective than others, so you have to try to see what suits you. Hope they'll help. Can also buy the bf pillow if he's too heavy.

Thanks, I packed 2 toothbursh + 2 bedroom slippers for both of us.

ya, i plan to not shop when he's not around..but, so hard to resist shopping with the Christmas around the corner..
Ya, me plan to eat apples too.. so many other fruits all cannot eat & I love to eat fruits, so xian.

moonbell / absolut
is it only milo that helps or any hot drink, I prefer milk to milo. is it as effective?
fortunately my wrk is less bz at end of the yr, so i just go offis do abit of wrk, hang out wiv coligs n surf net hee... at nite usu feel abit kancheong wen i get woken up. any contraction?? any leakage?? is it gona b tonite?? haha... otherwise, like u say everything as per normal loh..

ya hor, bigger bbs not so "filmsy" not so sacred will hurt bb wen handling her.. hopefully my bb will put on a lil more wt b4 she arrives
since ur bb bigger at birth, do u tink it was more difficult to deliver??

looks like nappies r v useful! never knew they can be used for so many purposes!

thks for the info. luckily ive 2 spare NUK bottles can use to store BM. i only hv 1 medela whoch comes with the pump. the rest of pigeon n avent bottles i bought r wide-neck, cannot fit directly to pump. btw can we transfer fr medela bottle to other bottles (sterilised of cos), wld the exposure to air spoil the EBM??

love the look on bbs' faces when they sleep. next time i wld just sit on a chair beside the cot n watch my ger slp

i massaged my breasts wiv massage cream (cannot be used when breastfeeding) now because without lubrication, i find it painful n abrasive to massage my breasts. do u all use any cream to massage breasts after delivery?? does it hurt?? anyone has any idea which r the bust creams safe for BF?
moonbell, i dono leh, this time i don need any stool softerner...

juz put as norm...

& agree with u, alot of shopping & walking help!!

take care~

Wow, your bb is big leh... And you managed to deliver naturally... pei fu pei fu... Though your waiting time (for the dilation to open) is long, your pushing time is so short... only 10 mins.


Huh, 1 week never do big biz ah ?? Then must be very kang kor lor... Actually, I'm currently taking stool softerner also... will definitely continue after delivery cos read book that we better don't suffer constipation, if not, will hurt the wound.


But my hubby doesn't want me to walk too much leh cos my feet are very swollen... just like elephant legs. I even took photos of it. ha ha...


I very pei fu you leh... take care your bb yourself. Don't think I can manage it without anybody's (except hubby) help.

Thanks for the info on the binder. Will look out for it.


Envy you leh, another 1 more week, your confinement over liao.

BTW, anybody wear socks during delivery ?? Heard many people said the delivery room is very cold, so must wear socks. But won't it be very dirty after that ???
U can get a cream or lotion from polyclinic as well. My bb uses it and e rashes is gone in about 4 days. Don worry abt it, eventually it will go away, cause its because their liver haven fully develope yet..

Your bb must b really cute, cause when i was stayin in KKH, e lady who was next to me her bb was 4.1kg!! So everyday i could c her bb, haha.. Their appeitite is really big... Must b really hard on u.. But u will slowly get use to it one don worry!!!
I also have the medela pump. Only managed to find one bottle (no brand type) which can fit the medela pump. The rest of my bottles are avent. Was thinking that after pumping out, I can put the EBM from the medela bottle into my avent bottles for storage or into the glass bottles from hosp or the or milk bags. Is that ok? Any risk of contamination? Thanks.
moonbell / jeslyn
did u bring your own breast pump to Mt. A? was thinking that i'll most prob not hv milk for 1st few days, so no need to bring pump?
if bb not engaged will have complications if watrebag bursts?? ddnt know dat... gynae said my bb's not fully engaged yet, but i still hoping to pop earlier than edd. tot anytime now might pop liao. better not, better not!!

im also using medela mini electric. did u buy the BM storage bottles from avent, 4 for 25 bucks something lidat? so far dats the only i see which can store EBM. the rest of the brands dont come wiv the sealing discs so cnt be used to store BM right? really headache where im gona store EBM.

can i just check how many bottles do we need to stock? i have 5 small ones n 2 big. hafta use for both storage n feeding. shd i get more??
was reading the instruction manual for the mini electric. it says prior to use that i shld boil the parts in water for 3mins? can check if you did that, pls? or can we use steriliser? thanks.
can buy the sealing discs separately for the bottles. but it's too exp to use the normal bottles for storage if u have a lot of milk. I think it's either the avent cups or milk bags?
How did you guess abt my 1st bb sticking to me more? Did it happen to you too? She's been quite sticky esp at nites. Insist on co-sleeping with me if she wakes in the middle of the nite although she's been usu sleeping on her own. How's no.1 coping with the newborn?

Think any hot drink also can.
I didn't bring pump. Should only hav colostrum for the first 2 or more days, so don't worry about breast engorgment. Hospital rent the pump foc if you really need it. Best is to let baby latch on direct, their suckling is really powerful, and will bring in the milk supply in few days time. Sister Kang goes round the ward every morning to help bf mummies, she's really expert n v encouraging, corrected my bf position.

Agreed with absolut, any hot drink should do the trick. Milo is for my energy and nourishment. For the late night feedings, I only drink the hot red dates drink.

2005, krissie
I got about 12 glass bottles from the hospital nursery, and bought the bottle caps+sealing disc fr Mt a retail pharmacy (the caps are actually Tollyjoy brand but without any packaging, only $0.70 instead of $1.70 sold at John Little!) but haven't start storing bm yet. I used the extra milk to wash my face, it rubs away the oils and tighten the pores! Better than facial wash, haha...anyone tried it out like me? Next, I might drink the milk myself!

I didn't wear any socks in the delivery rm and hospital stay, their blanket is warm enuf.

I also wonder why my mum didn't prepare fish for my confinement food. Everyday pork and eggs leh... until 1 wk later, I pestered her to prepare fish for me.
moonbell / jeslyn
sorry, another qn. Did Dr Ho do a cervix check during the usual checkups? If so, when does he do it, pls? Coz, he didn't do it during my 36weeks check last week. Thanks!
Wah, how did u manage to get 12 bottles from hosp? My colleague only got 8.
Wow, envy you, so fast, u have so extra milk to wash face. Why don't u store it? Thanks. will get the sealing discs from the pharmacy too. There're much cheaper than the avent ones.
Yup, seeing him today in the evening.
You put on 15kgs, also ok mah, not too much, somemore we going to deliver soon.

Good Morning all mummies,
Another week has started.
Do you need to bring baby to polyclinic to see doctor to get the cream/lotion? What is the cream/lotion name?

Cheerful mum,
I stay in sembawang, how much does the gelly cost?


Can't wait for the confinement to go over..want to go out shopping liao!..and really look forward for xmas this yr..going to take a "leave" somewhere near xmas to pak tor with hubby liao..hehe..

No socks..but had to wear long sleeping pants everyday,my MIL steady one, know that I sure dun have..got relative to make a few for me before she came over hehehe..

Alamak..i just poured away 20mL of breast milk this morning..hubby refused to feed baby with so small amount of EBM..so no choice have to throw..should have use it on my face instead..aiyo..

Btw ladies, I can total breast feed my bb by direct latch, and it seems enuff for him..dunno why when I try to pump, always very little and pathetic..is it becos the pump no good or my BM very little? I'm using Avent Isis Manual..

Anyone using avent isis and can pump a lot in short time?? Or definitely have to use electric pump?
thks for info. but avent cups can only b reused up to 4 times? at the end of the day, is it cheaper? was tinking stk up on NUK bottles cos can be used for feeding n comes wiv sealing discs..

also, like u, im concerned abt contamination when i transfer the milk. anyone knows??

i c. so u using glass bottles to store EBM? how many times can they be reused. i rembr straycats mentioned glass bottles may contain glass shards which r invisible to naked eyes. wonder wads a safe timeframe to use...

nvr knew that BM can be used to wash face hee... but like such a waste ley...

gdluck, hope bb's engaged

i peed at least 8 times last nite since 7pm.
tot my bag burst!! false alarm! hope its becos bb's engaged so i feel the need to release more often.

been having this dull cramp in the tummy. wonder if its a pre-labour sign...
Thanks ah. Hope your bb also engaged. Wah.. you pee 8 times, that a lot. Sometime i don't feel like waking up to go pee leh.. :p
Hi everybody!

Chinese New Year is just around the corner and i have a list of wonderful goodies at reasonable prices.

The Bak Kwa is from Fragrance (Xiang Wei) which Sharon Au advertised for.

Prices won't increase when nearing CNY, especially the bak kwa but pre-order is required.

Delivery will be near various MRT stations.
Home delievery will be provided if purchase is $100 and above

Pls email me if you are interested.
[email protected] or call me at 90473694.

Hi ladies,
My girl is 1 week old today
Just cant stop admiring her. Hee
Guess its the same for all parents

When epidural was administered, it feels like mild electric current flowing into the spine.
Yep, I could still eat a light lunch in the labour ward. Guess its to give me more energy. I also took the glucolin drink before pushing.

Re: bf
Just as I was wondering on the 4th day if I will ever have breast milk, I get engorgement the very next day. Quite painful, feels like pressing on a blue-black area when the breasts are lightly touched. At first, I could only express a few miserable drops of milk. So I didnt even bother to sterilize the pump. Thankfully it gets better. Yesterday, ie 7th day, I could express 2oz three times a day, although its still not sufficient for my hungry little girl, who feeds 3-hourly, 2oz each time.

Re: epi
My hubby told me that my contractions were very strong, beyond 140, which is the upper limit that the machine can record. So there were times when the curve peak so high that it goes way out of the chart. Without epi it would be very unbearable.

Yeah, I was given ice cream strawberry flavour

Re: epi youre really very brave without epi!
Re: preggie pix very nice pix! My tummy is about the same size as yours! Btw Regine is a nice name for a girl.

Thanks dear!

My hubby doesnt like me to post my girls photos on the internet. But I can still share via email if you let me have your email address.

Your observation seems right that the trend so far for Dec bbs weighing >3kg, they are all girls!

I also have ugly stretchmarks, so sad!

Congrats! Your girl is of a healthy weight and she has a cute smile
Will update the chart for you later, need to retrieve it from another computer.

Congrats! Your labour is pretty short huh, only about 6-7 hours. And your mum was quite strict about what activities you do hor.

Great to see your postings again
Yeah, our girls are about the same size
My hubby has named our daughter Cathleen.
Btw, how much weight have you lost so far?
Like moonbell, I still have 5kg to lose.

The Avent manual pump didnt work for me, so I switch to a battery operated one instead. Maybe the manual one is more suitable for mums with established milk supply.

Do you know why we cant bend over during confinement? Was told to observe this rule but dunno whats the logic behind it?

Haha yeah, Dr Thong walked into the labour ward stylishly & was out of it within half an hour, of course in style too.

Of course happy lor. Its kinda fun watching her make faces.. such as rolling her eyes, yawn, smile, frown etc.

Not nightmares lah, not so bad. I had gotten used to her cries esp if milk is not fed within 1-2 minutes. Not sure tho if my neighbours had gotten used to her loud wails at night.
