(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

violetgem, yalo, my 1st baby when i gve birth, i 1 week later then go toilet...
but my 2nd 1, i can go toilet the next day after i delivered..

krissie, i never bring my pump along to mt a during the stay there...
cos the 1st few days normally don have milk 1...
(throughout the hosp stay, i direct feed on to my baby so i no need to pump out the milk)

the 2nd day when im back home then my milk come..
2005, upon discharge or staying in the hosp, u can check with the nurse, ask them whether they have the glass bottle for express milk anot, u can ask frm them, its FOC.
absolut, my 1st 1 kept on sticking to me alot before i deliver....then after i deliver, she tends to get all of our attention & do alot of actions to attract us..
then when my 1st 1 went to the hosp to see me with my mom, she kept on looking @ the newborn...
she's juz curious...
& she tends to b abit of jealous whenever she see some1 carrying the newborn..
Wow.. you preparing yourself for CNY liao ah.. hee.. i still waiting for my bb to pop leh. So haven think about CNY goodies yet.

The reason why we can't bend is because our vaginal may not get back to their original position (zi3 gong1 xia4 chui2" in chinese) partly also afriad that your wound might not heal so fast. If i am not wrong.
krissie, dr ho din check my cervic during the checkup...
krissie, the glass bottle u can get frm the baby nursery..i also got 12 bottles...

moonbell, their glass bottles are better this time, can store 30ml more expressed milk...last year i got from them can store only 90ml...hehe this time can store more...but i haven start to pump out my milk yet..
i tried to taste the milk before, it taste sweet..
welcome back! so envious u can enjoy ur bb everyday! cnt wait for my turn, im 10 days fr edd, very nervous, wonder when my ger wana come out..

i like the name cathleen. sounds demure n feminine. reminds me of meg ryan in "you've got mail"

did u supplement BM wiv FM for the 1st few days ur MS not established?

thks i shall do dat. hopefully get more than i bargain for haha!
Oh.. your 1st child like that ah, then how? Guess you and hb got to give her more atttention hor.. if not she might "hate" your 2nd child?

wah, you 10 day from edd ah? I am 9 days away from EDD, wonder will my edd change a not. Today going to see my gynae again.
my girl also 1 week old today!
wahaha, time flies...hehe

icecream: so gd to have icecream ar...i only have hot milo & biscuit before i deliver..

btw, u put on how much weight?
left 5kg, same as straycat...wow, i tink i still have around 8kg more to lose..
2005, if u get frm this baby nursery not enuf, u also can go to other level/ward baby nursery to get mah...juz tell them their side there give u not enuf..(somemore sometime before u get the glass bottles frm them, happen that some other mothers request also, they all give away to the previous request then left only afew for the next mother) so u can go and ask frm other nursery...hehe

DS, ya....now have to give her more attention..
whenever i BF my newborn, she will come along and lie on my lap...
heehee..last time before i give birth she don stick to me so much..

Wow, your MS is very good leh... still got extra to wash fash... just like Zoe Tay.
Hope I can be like you. Will pester my mom to cook me more fish too cos think she will mostly cook chicken and pork for me.


1 week very fast pass one... Just hang on...

BTW, do you feel your hands ache when using the Avent manual pump ?? How long you take for each side ?? My friend told me she took about 1/2 hr each side (including massage) which I think it's a bit too long. That's why my hubby wanted me to buy the dual electric pump cos he said like that take 1 hr for both sides.

Why pour the EBM away ?? 20ml is also better than nothing right ???


You brought the glucolin drink yourself or supplied by the hospital ?? BTW, when they administered epi on you, were you lying down or in a sitting position ?? Was your hubby with you ??

I'll be very tensed up if I hear bb cries... Their cries are sooooooo loud....

Oh no, engorgement!! I very sacred of it. Heard alot of negative feedback from my friends. So, how did you reduced the engorgement ?? Using cold cabbage leaves ??


Children are like that. Did you buy a gift for her and told her it's from the bb ??
My hubby's newphew (about 2 yr old) will kick or punch his bb sister if nobody is looking...

My appetite has dropped recently. Didn't even have my dinner yesterday and just now had a very light lunch too. My colleagues all commented that this is a pre-labour symptom.
Ds, my hubby drank it last year...whenever my big 1 canot finish the expressed milk, i'll ask him to drink...then he juz drink lo...
for my 2nd 1, i haven start to pump out the milk yet, so he still no need to suffer yet..
jeslyn/ DS,
my hubby was nvr given BM by his mum. i told him dats y he so weak always flu... he jokes dat i can feed him some if our ger got leftover ahha!

hope doc has gd news for u today

is ur hospital bag n bb room all ready? many pple i know pop 10 days earlier so im counting down... every nite sit n home n wonder if its gona be tonite!
2005, wahaha...ya...can direct feed him too...last year when im too lazy to express out my milk, i ask him to drink directly...cos engorgment already, somemore abit pain..

Me another 16 more days to go... And same like you, every night wondering if tonite is D day.
In the end, didn't have a good night sleep.
violetgem, reli anot, the nephew go n kick the newborn?

i din do it(buy gift for my 1st 1)....i oso tink dat if i buy gift n tell her its baby to give it to her, i tink she oso don understand leh...she oni 16mths leh..

my appetite also dropped before i give birth, also i lost weight 2weeks before i delivered...
Oic.. your gal so cute.

wah.. 1st child will behave like that when a second 1 come to the world ah.. hmmm

wow, your hb got drink your BM ah, icic.

Hope so. Hope my EDD won't change to later date. :p
My hospital bag almost ready, only a few more things to put in. Had pasted a list outside my bag, will grab them when i going to hospital.
BB room ah.... we intend to let him sleep at our room 1st. Will prepare for 1 when he grows bigger.
Wah.. you sit and wait, me everynight lie on bed to watch tv program. :p
hahahhaa.. wah u dam stylo can ask hubby feed direct somoemore! will tell my hubby tonite, he'll b so shocked!

same here. getting more n more paranoid. wonder when the real contractions come, what will they feel like! last nite had a false alarm, my hubby so kancheong, in e mrng he said he even dreamt dat bb has arrived!

That's why my MIL said. She helped to look after the 2 kids together with my SIL. I also witnessed before. Even now the 2nd one is 1 yr, he also bullied her leh... I think of the 2nd one, sooooo poor thing....

I watched the variety show hosted by Tao Zi (on cable TV). But don't know true or not lah....

I watched together with my hubby, so I told him to drink, he appeared to be hesitating leh...
2005, becos in the middle of the nite, if ur baby able to drink both side of the milk then ok, but if ur baby drink one side of the milk only, and left the other side of the milk never touch, then u will feel engorgement pain mah..somemre i lazy to pump out, i will ask him to drink directly lor...(somemore i can c that he's abit unwilling to do so, cos middle of the nite, tired want to slp mah)
me too left a few items to pack into hospital bag. gd idea to paste a list on e bag...

bb's room's all done up liao wiv sheets and soft toys. i fell in luv wiv my own creation hee...hope my ger will like it too

i c. never knew dat adults also can feed on BM wan. always tot joke only haha!

ya me watch tv while waiting for IT to happen too.. but always like pre-occupied wiv labor tots!
2005, i tink they will have the same nutrient as our newborn...
can also give to the small 1 in the family mah..
mummies who are in your confinement now.

Do you all take DOM since you all BF your bb? when you all take the DOM?
tat time i brought my son to e polyclinic for blood test, check jaundice den also c doc so jus told her abt e rash n she prescibe e medicine for me lor.. Its call 'aqueous cream'.

Re: Engorgement
I kinda got use to the pain, haha.. even when i switch to FM i still will get engorgement when its his feedin time, But i jus bear with it lor... But really feel like jus cuttin them off... haha..

Heard tat if u bend over too much durin confinement u might get frequent back aches in the future.. Cause it happened to one of my aunts.

U still let ur hubby drink your milk ar?? My hubby wans to drink but i don let him.. feels kinda strange to me..
im doing confinement now...mom asked me to drink DOM, but i don like the taste...somemore now im BF my newborn, and she's having slight jaundice, gtg back to hosp for blood test tomoro, so mom said better don take so much of sesame oil/ginger/DOM.....etc....

sabre, if ur hubby wants to drink let him drink lor, if not u feel sometin very hard n feel like stone infront of u leh...
u won feel uneasy?
Oh.. aiyo.. why you everything also don't drink?
I wonder when my time come can request bo, since its my mil who will be cooking for me. Hiaz
Now i weaning off my milk supply le.. SO also not much already .. so not much engorgement le..
The DOM taste really bad.. 1st time ever tat i scared to drink alcohol.. but no choice have to drink..heard tat if u BF den have to drink 1 hr be4 breastfeedin ur BB..
I also think DOM taste quite "thick", as compare to Yomeishu. If i drink i normally will add 1 to 2 cubes of ice, if not really thick to drink.

So what FM you let your boy drink?
Am staying with her lor, there is no like or no like. In fact, when i am at my early stage of pregnancy, i can say that she also those bo chup type. Maybe becos she immune of having grandchildren liao. My bb is not her 1st grandson anyway. But she bo chup also good lah, if not scare have lots of restriction also. But i think she shld be experience in cooking confinement food. She did that for her own daughter also. She got make those rice wine for me lah, still consider not bad liao. Cannot hiam lah. Just that duno whether i can make special request a not lor. In fact what ever food that she is cooking now, i also eat, not so fusy unlike my hb. haha

Wah, what is your bb wt now? But dr got say your size may not be able to give birth naturally huh? Aiyo make me scare liao.
im not staying with my IL, can say that she bochup me, cos during my both pregnancies periods, she don buy any tonics for me...unlike my own mother...
but she oso not bad la, not that naggy type...
sabre, weaning off milk supply means u going to give baby total FM ar?
u don wan ur baby to drink BM?
if supply low, drink more liquid lo...
Hmm, who knows when you have your 3rd kid, if your 3rd one is a boy, she may buy tonics for you?
Mine also don't buy tonic for me to drink. My hb is the one to buy then both of us will figure out how to make the tonic lor. Lucky hock hwa staff got teach.
My mil also not naggy, lucky.
Aiyo, you doing your confinement, how come don't rest more when got the chance? Keep posting here. No need to rest ah? :p But lucky you around, seems like all other mummies are bz doing their confinement and resting.
she not bias- girl or boy also can...her only grandchildren leh...
im the eldest...

ok i going to rest...cos i very bored @ home, nothing much to do leh..
last time during my confinement i also go out...

yala see la, heng i around, if not u also bored, no1 talk to u...
Then that's good.
Wah.. very bored at home, guess your mum must be doing a good job.
I envy you.

Aiyo, go out during confinement.. your mama never say you ah? :p

Okay, you take care. Chat again.
my son drinkin S26 but is a bit too heaty for him but I still got 1 can so finish it den change to others..
Everytime after drinkin the DOM i will immediately drink e red date drink.. to get rid of the smell.. haha..

I stop breastfeedin already.. Cause my family keep naggin.. couldnt take it.. So now he on FM.. But as long as he gainin weight den ok le lar.. but when his feedin time he still will look for my breast to suck on..
Hello ladies,

Wow so many positng over the weekend, got to catch up slowly.


Thanks for the info, i know Mt. E can do the birth cert registration but my hubby lost his I/C, so have to go to imigration office to do it personnally together with Megan, i guess.


Ya, agreed with the rest of the mummies, Elyse is very big and she looks so happy. I like the name Elyse, suits her very well.

Moonbell and Joyful,

Congrats and thanks for sharing the birth story. Now is a different life all together right? I am waiting for my D day to come!!


We must take care of our back during confinement, best is to lie down flat as much as possbile and get plenty of rest.


Same here, another 2 weeks for me. Think our dates will be quite close to each other and last weekend i was busy washing Megan's bed sheets, pillow and boster etc. Finally done up the bb room liao.

Krissie and 2005,

Have your bb engaged yet? Mine is already engaged (not fully yet though). Do you still experience a lot of bb movements? My Megan is super active and think she is getting stronger cos her movements are sometimes quite forceful and can be quite painful. Think i feed her too much food liao!!

Finger Joints Pain

Anyone of you experience finger joins pain? I started to experience it last few days but my fingers are not that swollen leh. Wonder if it is due to too much salt intakes?
Hi Ladies

Just went to see Dr Ang. He said that I had dilated 2-3cm liao, will deliver these few days. This evening have to go back and let him check the dilation rate.

Jeslyn and DS,

In fact i am looking forward for my confinement, cos finally can have alcohol drinks again!! I use to drink red wine and spirits quite often but once got pregnant, totally cut off from that!!
