(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

hi DS - I agree with you it's super hot at home, what I do is to go to the mall to get some aircon with my son; sometimes visit showflat which is just across the road.

Kuikwan - I'd like to find someone to do my accounts, perhaps we can meet and discuss on your charges?

are u also a SAHM? U alone bring ur son to the mall? Wow I salute u. I can't handle my son alone. Hubby always ask mi to brg Zach to the mall for lunch during weekdays. I told hubby I rather go hungry...kekeke
I wanted to PM u my mobile but u don't accept PM.
Good morning mummies.

I envy you then.. no need to cook porr for your son. As for laundry, as I "sayang" (cai2 guai4, just don't like to use the "old fashion" washing machine) my washing machine alot, so hor.. i will hand wash all the clothes.. only bedsheets then i use the washing machine.

I also salute you, can handle your son alone and go to the mall.

I also like kuikwan, I would rather go hungry or eat biscuit/loti. haha
Last time I also hand wash all Zach's clothes but hoh I canot tahan my hand very pain so when hes older I throw everything into washing machine save trouble...as for bedsheets etc I ask the laundry shop to collect n wash...
2moro whole day no access to computer coz hubby's family got gong teck...so wishing little Luke & Benjamin...Happy 1st Birthday!!
Going out with babies
don't be scared to bring them out. YOu will find out that you will enjoy it compared to staying at home all the time. If you want to eat lunch out, feed them at home first so only left to feed yourself outside and do have plenty of things to distract them . Another place to bring them safely is library..they will love it.
I really dun have the courage to give it a try coz Zach's a terror. When we had our meal outside, we have to bring the portable DVD player playing his favourite Barney CD then we can 80% enjoy our meal. If not, hubby and I got to take turns to eat coz he refuse to kwai kwai sit on the high chair and will shout or make alot of noise. sigh...
Megan, yup just like leng leng said..go to handicapped toilet. The more you go out along with them the more they will be cooperative and the more confident you will be. Why they are fussy maybe because they are not used to being outside. YOu could try giving some of your food to him and have it in the bowl & spoon so he could learn how to feed himself too. not to mention the yummy food he gets to taste.
did u go to plaza sing on sunday?
i tot i saw u..

lengleng, same here...if i bring my gal out alone, i bring her into the toilet with me... (of cos i can only handle one @ a time, i only bring either the big or small out, i canot manage to bring both of them out together)

happy birthday to those cuties who is gg one or already 1

im celebrating regine's 1st bday on coming sunday @ downtown east chalet, any1 free can drop by

so sad, planned last min, all those csc units all being booked....
for me, if there's a child restrain seat & he's safe,
I'll leave him to shout or make noise... hahaha...
You can bring some biscuits along for him,
maybe an empty & clean drink cup with straw,
that'll leave u about 15mins to finish up meal.

I gave my food to Besper too,
but selectively,
only those without sugar/sauce/salt,
his favourite since 4th month old... Plain Rice.

if I bring 2 out, my boy will be in Sling,
my girl in stroller,
in the handicapped toilet,
my boy will be in stroller, my girl stands.

I salute u, can bring 2 out together on your own! how to do take the transport then? I dun think I can even carry the stroller up the stairs with my boy inside. When I drive, I need someone else to be beside my boy who would be in the car seat behind driver's seat. even if my hubby sit in front, or at the third row behind my boy and within his sight, he still will make noise!!! v notti rooster!!!

when outside, he will make noise and not want to sit in high chair strapped up. he will want to meddle with anything on the table, give him toy he will throw onto the floor. only interested in what we are eating, and want to move around. so it's tough even with 2 person also have to take turns eat, 1 person no need eat liao.
Lengleng, till now Besper can still kuai kuai being carried in the sling? I've yet to master the sling since many months ago. feel such a waste having bought the MIM sling but didn't use it before. hubby always nag me to sell it off, but i dun feel "gan1 xin1" not able to use it once.
Leng leng..u so strong ! last time i used to do that too when i bring them out. nowadays my ger getting heavier and don't want to sit still in the sling, only one choice ! : KOKO has to walk!

sometime in the afternoon, i like to bring them out for coffee. go to those not very crowded shopping mall. i like to go tanglin mall..and then sit at the cafe, ordered a latte and ice cream for my boy. We sit at the sofa chairs...so my ger can move around too. when they are in their best behaviour, it is a nice outing...but not when they are both cranky..argg!
my toughest one & last time,
sling my boy & drag my girl,
took a bus from Sengkang to Tampines, my PIL's house.
After alighting bus, my girl refused to walk,
I piggy back her using my sling & carry my boy in front...
I was surprise of my own strength too... hahaha...

I seldon drive alone with my boy,
if I do, he'll be in the car seat at front pessenger seat,
we don't have air-bag in front, hubby chose his car for this.

Let's meet one of this days,
let me "Demo" how I grab him with a leg cross while I eat... hahaha...
Also usage of the sling too.

If he sees me grabbing the sling,
he'll crawl to the door & wait for me,
cause it means gai gai time.

I think kids are more obediant outside than at home,
unless they're hungry or tired,
I can't wait for my boy to run on his own...
Fairymoss, quite a few mummies here do not bring their baby out alone, you're not the only one, so don't fret! =)

Perhaps some babies are just more difficult to manage than others. Perhaps it's not that we can't bring baby out alone, maybe we lack the confidence, or maybe it's such a troublesome thing bringing them out alone that the hassle outweighs the joy of shopping.
Leng Leng
cant wait for ur boy to run on his own?? Me too...hahaha then I can chase after him n tat will make me exercise.

Ever since Zach was born, I never had a peaceful meal. I always have to quickly finish my meal fast fast fast...

I also have a brand new sling which I duno how to use even when there's instruction...now duno where I keep the sling liao...its a gift from my auntie when Zach celebrated 1st mth.

When hubby drives, I'll be sitting behind with Zach in his car seat, I'm like having a war with him behind from the moment I start to belt him. He also tends to throw everything he can grab hold of (toys,water bottle,tutu etc) on the car mat. If there's sunlight, he will start to be cranky and refuse to sit still. The war goes on until I took out the portable DVD player playing his fav Barney. Then he will kwai kwai sit n watch...the war ends finally!!
<font size="+2">Happy Blessed 1st Birthday to Ben &amp; Luke</font>

<font size="+2">Advance Happy Blessed 1st Birthday to Megan, Ziv &amp; Aiden</font>

Many mummies told me I must be crazy to want my boy to run,
cause when he can run, we'll have headache running after them,
if both my kids run in different directions, I'll have problem.
I told my hubby I have an idea,
tie them together... LOL
any of mummies here already give egg white to baby? i feel v tempted to give half-boiled egg yolk, whenever i eat, then DS would come and circle round my leg and look longingly at my plate!
yet to intro egg white to DS. I start feeding Zach egg yolk when he turns 10mths to see whether is he allergic to it. So far I only make hard boil yolk...yet to try other cooking methods.

Recently Zach's appetite did improve and I'm so happy to see him eating. Now he eats tomatos,carrots,corn,egg yolk,potato,doufu etc and he loves to drink the corn soup and lotus soup my mom made. I can finally replaced his 2 meals per day to cereal (with no milk after cereal).
I have yet to intro egg white to Rayden...only intend to do so when he turns one....saw from magazine better to set at one for fear of allergic....as for egg yolk, intro when he is 6mths old...

haha...i oso have the sling but I dunno how to use also....

any bbs out there start to walk before they turn one? mine not able to walk yet...can stand and climb, he attempt to walk in the playpen...but after a few steps, he will fall...
fairymoss..i already given my girl whole egg..hard boiled when she turn one this month. so far she is loving it...i added a bit of cheese and water to make it easier to eat. and i made scramble egg + spinach eat with porridge for her lunch today. you could also do chawanmushi (add salmon , brocolli and carrot).

HappyGal29, my ger walked just few weeks before she turned one. now she just loves to walk here and there...mastering her turning skill..now she is more confident, i think she is trying to half run which of course ended up stumbling on the floor.

Leng leng...its true enough..after they walk at least we don't have to carry them all the time. But headache also..coz don't want to sit on the pram and carried. how is your elder girl? if she is old enough...ask her to hold on to the pram/baby. that way there is no two directions..hehe..it takes practice lhor..but that's the only way to make my boy walk together with me.

Happy Birthday to all pretty girls and handsome boys of Dec thread!!!
how u teach your ger to walk? care to share? I try to put him on the floor to walk, but he will attempt to sit down and begin to climb....
i intro whole egg to my boy recently, did scramble egg without oil. just started used olive oil to make the scramble egg. I also added cheese to the egg, but my boy seems to prefer scramble egg without cheese.

will try to do scramble egg with butter soon.
no secrets lah,
can tahan, tahan...
Cannot tahan ignore.

my gal is 30mths old already,
I'll just let her run wild at safe places,
when I want to leave, just let her know,
she'll be behind me, like it or not...
Am I a mean mummy or what... hahaha...
I have given hard boilled Egg Yolk to Besper since 9th month,
haven't give him Egg White yet.

Sometimes when I cook noodle or porridge for myself,
I'll crack an egg in it, no salt, no sugar, no sauce yet.
I'll remove the egg yolk for him when the egg is cooked.
any mummies interested to bring their DS/DD for a trial lesson at AquaDucks? Coz I intend to bring Zach. If respond is gd then I will try to ask them to let us have a class of our own (dec'o5 tots only) and we can also treat it as a meet up session. I'll find out more from them soon.

actually baby will walk when they are ready. no trick, but give them plenty of opportunity and encouragement. but what i normally do is to hold their hands (both hands) to walk..when they are steady already, let go one hand. and then they have to hold something for balancing, let them hold a toy or something. then they will go the toy and walk on their own although they have plenty of styles.

Leng leng...i let my boy run wild also but very scared when bring them out on the main road, crossing the road or at mrt station, scared he suddenly just zoom off on his own..although so far he did not do that. so i ask him to hold on to me/pram. nowadays when we go shopping, he will just follow us.
Hi mummies!

Thank you for wishing my Luke a happy birthday. Got no time to check the forum for the past 2 weeks. Luke was hospitalised for 4 nites due to bronchitis. Had to suck out all the phlegm, very painful to see him go through that. But thank God, he celebrated his birthday at home!

Ok, now let me slowly read back all the posting by all of you....

a tired mummy.....
Hi Mujmuj,
Thanks for your advise...ya, i will normally hold his hands to let him learn walking but still, he prefer to climb....
Thanks Sandy for your birthday wishes to Aidan. Aidan celebrated his 1st birthday with friends and family last Saturday. It was fun! He enjoyed himself so much that he didn't sleep at all
Here he is!
Glad to know that Aidan enjoy the party. I hope Zach will also enjoy as much as Aidan does.
Aidan is so smart looking...

Happy 1ST Birthday To All The Tots In DECEMBER!!
this morn Zach fell down from my bed and hit his forehead. Many times he almost fell so I placed 3 mattress on the floor. Luckily his body landed on 1 of the mattress but his head was not therefore hit on the floor.
we will be shifting to the guest room and sleep on the floor. Me whole day headache coz I brokedown...so sad

Just to share, I let DS sleep in his room and on a queen size mattress. Since the mattress is spring-type and quite thick, so if he roll out of it and onto the floor, he will cry also. So what we do is we dismantle his play yard and use it to make a boundary for the mattress. this way, he won't roll out and hit the floor in the middle of the night. When he wakes up, he can self-entertain on the activity panel for a while, giving us another 5-10min of sleep.
He also can't crawl/walk out and wander to other parts of the house eg. kitchen. heehee. just an idea to share.
how to make scramble egg without oil ah??? Puzzles me... sounds like a pretty good idea for menu change. but that means bb is able to eat whole egg without any allergies right?
i'm using non stick pan so i tried do scramble egg with oil. just crack an egg n stir till it's cook. I was letting my boy try egg white, instead of hard boiled, i made into scramble egg.
fairymoss..i used a bit of olive oil ..but do put some water so the scramble egg is more fluffy and moist.

Kuiwan...it's ok for them to fall..they will fall many times in their life..but it is true very heart pain to see them fall and hurt themself. I let my baby sleep with us and we bought those bed rail ..and so far they have been a saviour..should have bought it when my first boy was a baby..he felt so many times. and we resorted to sleeping on the floor too.
sandgirl72,First mum,joyful
Thank you ... for your birthday wishes to Ben

Let me know the when the trial.... my wife love this type of activity.
I find that putting mattress is more hazard. the mattress give them a false sense of security and safety and they tend to be more careless, thus higher rate of incident.

I let my boy crawl and learn to walk to the hard surface. He will know that if he fall down, it will be painfully thus he will be more careful. So far so good.

Some pic of Ben walking ..
Thanks Mummies for all your well wishes!
Fybie enjoyed her birthday very much!!!
Here's a pic of her with her small bday cake on 29 Nov!!

I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid last Friday during my company health screening, so I need to go for further tests. Was told that Hypothyroid patients will have difficulty in concieving and high risk of miscarriages!!! I may even need to take life-long medication... Sigh
Dun worry too much. Let's hope for a miracle that the further test will give good report.

Lots of kisses fm Auntie Megan and RJ di di
no prob will keep u inform. But so far only u responded...hehe
wow Ben so fast can walk liao so envy. Hope Zach can walk soon so that on his birthday we dun have to keep bao bao him...very tired

LiewLian Soh
take care...1 of my fren who also has hypothyroid also managed to concieve leh. Dun worry everythings will be just fine.
My ex-colleague is also diagnosed with thyroid managed to concieve a 3rd baby. She is just doing great. Don't get yourself too stressed.

Thank you for your wishing.


Happy Birthday to Gezann


happy Birthday to Regine

Attached 1 picture of Ziv infront of his small birthday cake. Havent upload those picture we have during the celebration cos my hubby lazy still havent do it.


Not very happy maybe the cake too small compare the last week one keke

Good Morning Mummies.

HaPpY BirthDay to Gezann &amp; Regine!

And HaPPy BiRtHday Cathleen too! (tomorrow)

I think I better HapPy BirThdaY to all Dec bbs 1st.. hehe.. in case i forgot any.

Mr Ng,
Ben can walk already.. good good.

Not to worry, my SIL also diagnosed with thyroid, she took medication for some time. When her gynae said she is ok, then she still able to give birth to her 2nd bb. So must think postive and stay happy ok?
