(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Probably the sunlight makes Zach looked more fair in the pic.

Totally agreed with you
Zach loves to smile and laugh alot but when hes angry he can be a terror too. Very extreme character

hi kukiwan and meg,
guess mothers will always face this prob of deciding who will care for our babies. im a FTWM who recently left my job to relook my options. i have a maid to look after my DD since her birth but everyday im still struggling over the same dilemma.

having a maid comes with its own set of problems. there were many occasions i was tempted to send mine home but my hubby, the voice of reason, talked me round.

my maid brought bugs to my hse when she first came. bugs infested my new place and we had to evacuate several times to get the pest busters to come. a 1-time job cost me 400 bucks and the maid didnt even apologise. also she came wiv agreement she dowan off-day. after 6 mths she told me she had to go church, send $$ back bla bla bla. of cos i shd have refused but i also fear she wld mistreat my child so i agreed. the third time out she bought a hp back. i told her right from the start shes not allowed to have hp cos i hate maids who chat/ sms on the phone all day. then we found pictures of her and a man in her phone. its all very disturbing but we kept her cos we need her help around the house and re-training a new maid would be hell. work-wise shes ok, shes also quite gd at following my instructions on how to care for my baby.

sometimes i feel i really hate my maid and its a torture to stay wiv her. im also super nice to her for fear she mishandle my baby on purpose if i anger her.its so sad that we modern working mums are subjected to this kinda mental stress.
u left ur maid alone in the house with ur DD?

For example my MIL's maid. Shes very hardworking and also very obedient type. But once I saw her using cold water to bathe my nephew and I also saw her pinch my nephew but I kept quiet and my nephew's too young to know how to complain. I pretend I saw nothing but I did report to my MIL. I scared that if I confront her, she will mistreat the boy when they are left alone in the house. In my mind I was thinking...what if this happens to my son??
hi kukiwan,
yes i leave my child alone wiv maid when im at work. my mum comes over in the morning til abt noon. after that my baby will be with maid til i get home early evening. fortunately my then-job had flexible timing so i can pop by home to spot-check now and then.

ive never caught my maid doing anything abusive to my child cos if i ever, she'll be sent away straight away.

many pple tell me cannot leave baby alone wiv maid. but who am i to choose when i dnt help and need to work?
hi kukiwan,
yes i leave my child alone wiv maid when im at work. my mum comes over in the morning til abt noon. after that my baby will be with maid til i get home early evening. fortunately my then-job had flexible timing so i can pop by home to spot-check now and then.

ive never caught my maid doing anything abusive to my child cos if i ever, she'll be sent away straight away.

many pple tell me cannot leave baby alone wiv maid. but who am i to choose when i need help and need to work?
Ya it's indeed quite diff for us...we have to go to work and we have no one to take care of our bb...we are like at the mercy of the maid...I will take extra precautions on the things you warn above...tks for sharing...
Joyful, hope you don't mind updating. Shanice is 9kg and 74cm at 1-years old. thanks!

Brought shanice for pneummococal jab today. So far so good.
hi meixue,
happy belated birthday to shanice! m sure mummy and baby had a ball of a time on sat

shanice is of gd size for a girl. so envious. hazel is barely touching 8kg at 11+ mths only. my parents keep complaining shes so small, like 6 mths infant
So now are you temporary a SAHM?
Gezann also barely 8kg at 11mths, my niece who is 6mths old is catching up, and her face is bigger than gezann's. What to do, they are this size and can't get chubby. Don't stress yourself, as long as hazel is happy and healthy.

You have left your job? I admire your courage in doing so. I'm like you, always think of bb, wondering what he's doing at home, has he been taken good care of, is he misbehaving, eating & sleep well etc. I would like to be a SAHM, but also fear that I can't handle bb alone, and don't know whether I can take it facing this little terror of mine all day long. I don't have a maid, and therefore have to juggle house chores and taking care of bb if I were to be a SAHM.

I can't even handle bb alone all day during weekend, let alone everyday! I'm considering childcare so that can relief my mum. Playgroup also not bad an idea at least can occupy DS for few hours, relief my mum for several hrs, and at the same time can let DS get used to the absence of familiar faces.

Lengleng, once you start your boi on CC, then would you go back to work?
Hi kuikwan,meglee,Berlin,

Thank you ... we also like this photo. Have blow up a bigger photo and put it at our living room.

Ben is sick last night, running fever. Mummy is not around in Singapore. Poor Ben.

After I brought him to the doc and taken the medicine, he is much better now. Need to monitor.

Well, his birthday is coming this friday.. Finally he is turning ONE
Poor Benjamin...hope he gets well before his birthday.
This morn ard 2am Zach's stomach pain pain. Cry like as if got mistreat. After apply yu yi oil and also took medicine, still not feeling well. No choice have to put him in his sarong and he slept till 8am. It's been a long time ever since he had stomach pain.
HapPY BeLaTED BiRthdaY To FybiE & ShaNice!

Mr Ng,
Agreed with the rest, Ben look stylo and his head don't look big in the piture. Hope he gets well soon.

Your boy doesn't look like 11mth, he is a big boy. What is the chinese surname of "kuik", I find this surname unique. 1st time seeing this surname.
Kuik in chinese is Guo. Aiyah think last time the nurse in the hospital anyhow spell lor. Everyone in the Guo family surname spell Kwek only my FIL(eldest son)is different n my husb have to follow his dad mah so we are different from his other relatives...kekeke so funny hoh
Hi kuikwan,
Take care of Zach, He will be well soon.
Talk abt surname, my wife one is also unquie. The surname is "The".

Hi ds_73,
Thanks. But recently, a lot of people seem to notice the size of his head. Some say that he will be very smart. Sigh! that is not important.
I just hope that he grow up healthy.
Happy Belated Birthday to Shanice and Fybie..So sorry, I was too busy lately and forgot abt their bdays.
Hope the 2 gals had lots of fun on their big day.

Me now having a headache trying to find a venue for Ger's bday party.
Hi fairymoss,
most prob will return to work when he goes to CC,
I'm going crazy as a SAHM already... hahaha...

Currently considering to find him a nanny, maid or send him to infant care,
so I can return to work earlier...
But all has it's pro & cons...
which area u prefer? maybe can help you brainstorm too coz few mths back me also got headache finding a suitable venue and DH say must be at east side. Finally decided at ACC

Leng Leng
Seems like we are facing quite similar situation now...
1 part of me wanted to return to work but another part of me cant bear to leave my son with maid/cc. Very dilemma
Hi 2005, krissie and DS, thanks for your wishes! =) I'm sure you're looking forward to your own darling's birthday too! Btw, DS and krissie, Fybie's birthday is on 29 Nov, so actually, your wishes for her are not belated theoretically. Still in time! =)

2005, I really envy you to be SAHM. Being SAHm has always been my dream, but it's really hard to survive on single income. During my unpaid leave, I really enjoyed staying home. Even though I don't have a maid anymore, And that it sometimes can get frustrating handling both baby and housework, but I still like it. How're u liking it so far? ANy plans when to return to workforce?
liewlian and nkteck,
happy 1st birthday to fybie and ben!

im not so capable to be SAHM la, i still have my maid to help out around the house. but now dat im ot working i get to spend more time playing wiv hazel and i do feel that she is more affectionate to me nowadays. she would cup my face in her little hands and kiss my lips

whenever my maid goes on off, my hands would be full all day! im oso not dat apt in handling my baby alone. another problem is my hubby. he demands alot of private time together so i guess we cant do without a maid. he wana go walk-walk, do dinners, watch movies bla bla bla. sometimes i hope he would spend more time wiv baby. this is also a battle i face every wkend. need to split my time properly bet hubby and baby!

i intend to keep the maid til hazel's 2 at least, so i wld be returning to e workforce, hopefully b4 CNY.

im looking at teaching, anyone's a teacher here?? can share ur workload/?

hazel is more sticky to me these days which i dont mind cos i luv her attention haha. but gets abit tiring when we go out cos she doesnt wan grandparents to carry. and shes not a pram-baby. mentally i feel much more relaxed cos i dnt hafta worry abt my baby when at work.
yes temp SAHM. wana do tea sometime?

how was the bday bash? did shanice have fun?

any tips on how to get baby to behave during party so wont get cranky?
2005 and Berlin, count me in for lunch too! Along MRT line please, preferably tiong bahru. Berlin, u noe why..thanks! =P

2005, u want more advice about teaching? U can SMS or email me, we talk privately. Not nice to name schools on forum. hehe.

We didnt have a party for shanice on her actual birthday. the 3 of us just went to stay in hotel. She enjoyed herself tremendously. This weekend, we're going to invite some close friends over for a small gathering. hope shanice will enjoy herself too! How about Hazel?
Hi kuikwan,
if u r unsure, u can try doing part-time?

This is what I do;
make sure they sleep & eat well b4 the party,
during the party, do prepare lots of things to distract him,
e.g. biscuit, toy, etc...
If they can move on their own, BEST,
let they crawl/walk to do their own exploration,
just "keep an eye" on them.
Oic.. so sort of same as my father surname, my father surname is "then", different from his siblings whose surname is "theng".. so short of the "g".. so end up.. last time during my sch days, pple will keep make fun of my surname. :p

Mr Ng,
Wah.. your wife surname also unique. hehe

Yeah, happy advance birthday to Ben!

Oh.. so you are a SAHM liao.. so one more SAHM in dec thread.

My boy also likes to kiss my lips.. everytime kiss till my face full of saliva..heehee

HApPy BiRthDaY to FyBie~
meixue, thanks for the info. hee
Hi, Thank you to all who wishes Ben .. Happy Birthday.

The mystery to Benjamin fever finally reveal. My friend call me this morning and tell me her daughter kena Hand,foot and mouth diease. Ben was with them last friday. The incubation period is around 2-3 days and Ben have the fever on 5pm sunday.

Well, Benjamin fever have already subside. Eating and playing well now.

So mummy .. try not to let your child touch around when you are outside. Prevention is better then cure.
berlin and meixue,
ok lets do lunch/ tea whichever's better for the both of u. anywhere/ anytime's quite fine with me. me got no msn, sms me!

hazel will have a small party wiv around 40-50 guests. i hope she will enjoy herself and put on her best behanviour on that day cos she can be quite a riot when she tired/ hungry/ bored.

thks for the tips. hazel cant walk yet and she also dislikes sitting for long periods of time. will prep some toys and snacks to distract/ reward her.

me is very temp SAHM only! wish i can turn permanent full-time stay home mum.
Thanks, Mummies for all your well wishes!!

Fybie will turn one tomorrow!
Wanted to buy a small cake to celeb wif my parents since they missed the party last Saturday, but my hb said my MIL wanted to have dinner and cut cake with her, so I am forced to tell my parents to do another day... Sigh!

I hate my Hb for being so unthoughtful!!
LiewLian Soh
Happy birthday to Fybie!
Why cant both families have dinner together?

Leng Leng
Though I'm a SAHM but I'm actually working from home too. But Zach needs my full attention during the day so I can only do my work at nite after he sleeps. I'm getting exhausted liao everyday not enough sleep then tends to be bad tempered. Worst is I still have to do house work. Luckily my hubby help out alot.
I'm super worried that Zach will be cranky on his birthday party nite coz normally he sleeps at 8-9pm. For his afternoon nap he usually sleeps in his sarong so hubby says we have to bring the sarong to ACC...
Sorry mummies that I haven't been diligently updating our bb stats.. bcos can't access this website from office nowadays.. it's being blocked

to <font color="ff0000">Fybie</font>! Our thread's sweet little girl will be 1 tomorrow

An advance
to <font color="0000ff">Ben &amp; Luke</font> on 1 Dec, and <font color="ff0000">Megan</font>, <font color="0000ff">Ziv &amp; Aiden</font> on 2 Dec.

*muack muack <font color="ff0000">Megan</font>*.. my flying kisses from SG all the way to France to u ... keke

We can already see 3 handsome boys, namely Jared, Ben &amp; Zach among the Dec05-thread babies

Our bb stats:

PM me if you wanna update your bb stats in the table above, bcos I don't check the forum everyday since I can't access from office anymore.
Leng Leng
I'm working for my dad as accounts. He allowed me to work from home so that I can take care of Zach. On the other hand I'm also doing part time accounts at home for other companies lor

Me too also bored to death. Morning till afternoon also duno what to do. Every morn I'll go to my mom hse so my everyday activity is watching tv, sleep n play with my nephew. Getting fatter each day...
wah.. so good ah.. go your mum hse can watch tv, zzz and play with nephew.. then your boy leh? Who take care?

You waiting for your kids to be 2 yrs old.. then when return to work force.. what you intend to work as?

Actually i hate most to stay at home is due to the hot weather.. super hot at home..

Office at least got air con. But if no sun in the morning also sian, cos laundry cannot be dry and smell nice leh.. if laundry not sun.. got smell one.. then no rain i also complain.. duno what i want also. haha :p
I take care of my boy myself lor. When my boy sleeps I also sleep. when he watch Barney or cartoons I also watch. Tats my life...
Then cooking cooking porr, washing his clothes and doing hsework leh? He sleep u sleep, then who cook porr?
I duno how to cook porridge. My mom will cook but Zach dun like porridge so I only feed him cereal lor. Just throw the clothes into the washing machine then hang up to dry lor all done by my mom. I do not need to do houseowrk at my mom hse coz she got part time cleaner. As for my house sometimes got part time cleaner, sometimes I do it at nite or weekends when I'm at home.
