(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

Ah Fat, you've not sent the pictures to me yet. [email protected] thanks

I am unlikely to join in the music/dance classes as its 8 sessions and will likely run over the time that we are back in SH. Probably continue with Positive Babies in Babies n Cream since they allow us to "come back" for our lessons since we are based overseas.

Ju, we will not be introducing the walker to cubbie as we prefer her to crawl as long as possible since crawling is an integral part of the brain development. I'm sure cubbie will walk in her own time, esp. now that she is always trying to stand up, with us supporting her of course.

Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 01/04/06 (sat)
time: 3.45pm-4.20pm (45 mins each session)
co$t: $100/8 session
10% discount if you join with another friend.

Interested Mummies:

(1) Ah Fat
(2) Cheeriomum
(3) Dili_mummy
Ah Fat, I'm interested since it's so near my place. But can go for Trial class first or not?

Bishan Mummies, see ya all this sunday! Chin, what food shall I bring?
Hi mommies,

RE: Nursing Bra size
After delivery, did your breasts up 1-2 cup size? While shopping for nursing bras, an auntie sales lady says if the cup size fits me nicely now (I'm currently at 35 weeks), likely will not change much. But antenatal class says to buy 1-2 size larger......how's your experience? 'cos right now, find that the cheaper nursing bras do not have cup size options. I can find one that cups nicely, with allowance to slim down at the underbust, but if I take a larger size for larger cup, the underbust will be too loose.
Heya ladies..

Orlando went for his 4mth jab today.. got a bit of fever so got to take the panadol syrup.. His weight is 8.7kg.. So HEAVY!! eventhough he also does d smacking of his milk bottle away, refusing to finish up his milk at times, n even smile when i scolded him.. till i smack him lightly n gave him my stern look den he noes i'm angry.. heh..

here's a pic of him dat i've juz taken:
Good Morning ladies..

It's mid week..! Looking fwd to the weekend?

AhFat - I will call to check later on the function room thingy..if at Bishan Loft, do count me in. Think there are other Bishan Loft mummies around, u mind if I check with them? Cos I thk the Bishan Loft management would prob be more favourable if there are a couple more pple from BL.

Bishan Mummies!
Bishan Mummies Gathering
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 19th March 2006 (Sun)
Time: 3pm
1) Chin
2) Meixue
3) Dili
4) Cheeriomum

Hubbies & babies welcomed. Please PM me your hp numbers and real names for easy comm. Thk i only have Meixue's number ..

Food...it is sort of tea time right? Think each one just bring some finger food..I will provide drinks and some finger food as well.

Cel - Orlando 8.7kg! Steady ah!!

Furry - when are u going back to SHA? It is bery cold there now! Somehow I do not recall last March being so cold..!
Cel, so fast Orlando 4th month already... WOW he is sure growing very well!

My son doesnt wanna take e panadol syrup, he refuse to swallow n spit it out.. headache man! Btw me using the 'inject' method.
ahFAt - Bishan Loft is out! The management office said - 1 time is ok..but not 8 times!

Yvonne - got your message the other day..sorry, by the time i saw it, u were offline! Catch u another time ok!
Morning ladies..

Ya chin, 8.7kg sia.. wah seh.. n its his 4mths n 4 days weight.. hee..

Yvonne.. Orlando did take a bit of the syrup.. juz hold his mouth in the 'O' shape n feed it to him.. i juz use a spoon to feed him..
Hi mummies,
I'm from the Apr MTB thread. I'm looking for a confinement lady in apr jus wondering any of u mummies here hav any recommendation for 1?
celtricia, wow, orlando's good size! My friend's baby is 1-yr-old, only 8kg. Your orlando win her already~ hehe.

Yvonne, I expert at using 'inject' method already. cuz my girl refuses to drink from the bottle, so i inject water, gripewater, infacol, infant panadol etc all the time. haha.

Chin, I bring cake can? hehe
Hi all mothers,
i assume that all of u have given birth in Nov 2005 rite. i chanced upon this thread heehee. I have olso given birth to a boy last year during nov. Looking after baby at home now but will be returning to work in april.
meixue.. tink way too fast for his growth leh.. hahaha.. like u say abt ur fren's baby.. haiz.. jialat.. really fatso liao.. hahahah..

Hi Pei.. Welcome! Feel free to join in our chats n also update us o n ur boy's details n pics too.. hee..

Wow, ur boy good size. My Javier is 7.55kg at 4mths. Did ur PD suggest to give solid??

My PD said can give solid in another 2 or 3 weeks time. So excited and nervous.

Wat brand rice cereal is good?? Any recommendation??
Summer, i went to polyclinic.. din go bak to PD after first visit.. coz too ex liao..

i've areadi intro solid to Orlando.. i bot the rice cereal Gerber one.. not bad.. but a bit bland.. so got to add a bit of fish.. but hor, after every mouth or two haf to give him water..
wah mummies, so good, u all can start your bb on cereal already... i ask the PD and she say dun start till 6mths
cos bb's digestive system not mature yet... starting solid early will cause food particles to stay longer in the system and may cause allergies in future... dunno how true.... sigh...

Manuka: same here.... my PD said the same thing.... better to listen loh.... no harm mah... just another 2 more months. But, I read from a certain book souce that baby must have rice cerals with fortified iron and milk with fortified iron as their iron is depleting from their body form 6 months onwards....

Chin: help me book Bishan Loft on 01 april

FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 01/04/06 (sat)
time: 3.45pm-4.20pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:

(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
free one ah!? haha... I'm on!

FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 01/04/06 (sat)
time: 3.45pm-4.20pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Dili

Bishan Mummies
Meixue, I wanted to bring cake! haha... can I bring... Apple strudel?? or go healthy, fruits???
Pei, Welcome! We have a list for our baby stats... give me your baby's details and I'll add you on...
... birthdate, edd, hospital, birthweight, name, 1M, 3M and 4M weight and length...
Wow, free ah? Count me in! =P but where will subsequent lessons be at?

FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 01/04/06 (sat)
time: 3.45pm-4.20pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
FREE?? I want I want!
Wow, free ah? Count me in! =P but where will subsequent lessons be at?

FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 01/04/06 (sat)
time: 3.45pm-4.20pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
Hee.. i also wanna join!

FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 01/04/06 (sat)
time: 3.45pm-4.20pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
From Pei

Boi Boi Name : Koh Kai Sern
BD : 24 Nov 2005
birth weight : 2.8kg
length 49cm
born in TMC
Currant wt....dunno le mayb 6kg? ^-^
will be seeing his gd old doc on april fool's day
plus injection.
that means i will have to give the session a miss........signZ

Let me scroll up and see wat else i need to join.
Btw i know this sound really slap-me-in-the-face.

Did all ladies here got back to your pre pregnancy wt? I'm still 5kg laggin.
wahaha..FREE..i sure go one

FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 01/04/06 (sat)
time: 3.45pm-4.20pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
ahFAt - Apr 1 not available..only available for Apr 8. Time slot is 10 to 330, and 430 to 10. So u have to change the timing for the trial...

also - the charge is S$10.50 (inclusive of 5% GST)..can I suggest that we all just throw in a nominal amt of money per person, and then we can also buy some food and drinks?

FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 01/04/06 (sat)
time: 3.45pm-4.20pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
(8) Chin
AhFat - Oh yes- I have tentatively booked for Apr 8 - 10 to 330 slot. Please confirm..cos I have to go down and pay a refundable deposit of S$100. The net charge is only S$10.50
AhFat - Oh yes- I have tentatively booked for Apr 8 (10am to 330pm) slot. Within this time slot, u can have it anytime..Please confirm..cos I have to go down and pay a refundable deposit of S$100. The net charge is only S$10.50
hi gals.... me MIA again! very busy preparing to go back to work in april, plus my maid is getting back to worse so going to send her back once i get someone to take care of my boy.... :-(

naughty, i interested in the chicco carrier but i need to let my boy try it... my boy now 7.8kg liao. u PM me ok.
Mummies(Ah Fat),

Can I join the free trial lesson on the 8th? My bb is only 15 weeks old though...


I have lost most of my weight but my tummy still flabby so can't fit nicely on my pre-preggie clothes!!! Sob sob! Also my shoe size increased by one size!!! Many of my shoes can't fit liao!!!
Nowadays, My Javier like to do this pose.


Hey, Dun play play hor, I noe GongFu Fighting leh..

Sometimes, he pose like superman flying. So funny.
Summer, my boy also like to do this pose leh, haha! Then nowaday he like to play with his hands, look at his hands n even suck his hands (with sounds)!!! Aiyo...
summer, your boy's face round round. very cute!
Yvonne, my baby loves to suck his thumb and whole hand sometimes.
Liew lian, u are already very very lucky to lost wt liao...me still tryin to lose lose wt.
celest, does dat mean our baby is 3 mths or 4 mths old? I'm always confuse??
btw, all mummies,

i love to put my son's pic here but discover that i have to shrink it 1st. ANyone can help on 'shrinking'?
Chin: book for the 4.30 slot. Can my niece pop by to survey the place? Food and drinks is a brilliant idea!!

**Date and time is CHANGED**
Thank you for the support....

FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 08/04/06 (sat)
time: 4.30pm-5.15pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
(8) Chin
(9) Jheng

I'm a very lazy mummy so grinding is not for me. Perfer already make one. hehehe.


Ya lor. Sama Sama. Play wif finger and even can try to put the whole fist into the mouth.


Do u take pic using digital camera or hp?? I use hp to take pic and using the edit function to crop it small.

FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 08/04/06 (sat)
time: 4.30pm-5.15pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
(8) Chin
(9) Jheng
(10) Summer
Summer, me too need to bring maid along...
Ah Fat, can? If cannot, then I don't drive, take cab with bb alone... no prob too.

Pei, are you still breastfeeding? Breastfeeding really helped me lose weight, I'm back to pre-preg weight now.
Hello ladies..

AhFat - already booked the function room for 430pm to 10pm..so if we wanna hang out for a while after the class to have some food and drinks, that's ok. When does your niece wanna recee the place? Maybe can ask her to gimme a call..? U have my number right?

So how much do u wanna pool per person? For the food & drinks. Also - I will be very busy during the week and Sat morn (MIL in town!!) ..so someone has to organise the food/ drinks..any volunteers?

Also - there is enough space / chairs for maids in the function room. If AhFat - it is your call..whether u wanna allow maids or not. One issue to note that we have to also provide for food/drinks for the maids?

Dili_mummy - I am still breastfeeding. BUT - I can not get rid of the stubborn kilos. AND - I am not even sleeping much..averaging like 5 hours per night. Why? Why? Why??!!

Bishan Mummies - ok - Meixue (bring cake), Dili_mummy (bring Apple Struddel). Have not heard from Cheeriomum....

FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 08/04/06 (sat)
time: 4.30pm-5.15pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
(8) Chin
(9) Jheng
(10) Summer
(11) Liewlian
