(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

hi ladies - nice to meet all of you who turned up today.
glad to be able to put a face to the names/nicks.

ok - Bishan mummies (and any others who wanna come over) - 19th ok? afternoon, i suppose - in case any of you need to go to church. Meixue - sure, u can use the pool lah..when are u planning to intro your baby to swimming? i bot a pair of baby swimming trunks for my boy today. :p

ahFAT - Thanks for organising the meeting today..and also for the photos. Can send the soft copy of me & baby to me? Think the first photo is that of Cheeriomum - not Summer! Correct me if i am wrong...
Dunno if you people are interested.....
my neice is a graguate from UK in the field of music.....
she is currently taching piano(pte), violin(pte) , and music appreciation classes for older kids(Comunity centers)......
i've pester her to help come up with a programme, that incoperates, vocal play, object exploration, and creative movement..... for babies 0-18months....
She will only start the programme if we have got 6-8 babies.....

Babelious Rhythm & Dance
Venue: either comunity centers, Someone with a BIG house, or condo function room ( too keep the cost low)
Date: votes needed if weekday or weekend classes are better?
time: votes needed again.... day or evening classes? 45 mins each session
co$t: trying to keep it below $100/8 session

Interested mummies:

(1) Ah Fat
hello mummies,

Just woke up for boy's last feed. Wow..so many mums went..can c that the meet-up is so happening. Ah fat, so who's the mum who rushed fr church..I got confused. Hei hei..ok we can all meet again for the Motherhood Fair. I think it's going to be much better than this one.

Naughty, wow..u got so many carriers huh? If I know get from u lah..the buyer I bot fr also got 3 or 4 fr friends as gifts..haha..

Susan, so u r late lah..hehe...I thot what happened when u called me..
Went to Expo yday. Not badas a fair lah I think. Bought the bayb bandana and baby banz for Zoe :p


bought 2 bumwear diapers to try also. hope turn out well lor. btw u all gt subscribe mother & baby?
Hi ladies,

Hee hee ... yes, Chin is right, the first mum is me, Cheeriomum. So nice to get to know you all and looking forward to see you and play with your babies again.

Ah Fat, thanks for organising and can you send me the pics too. My email is
[email protected]

I am interested to join you in the program. Can use my place if it is convenient for you all. I am staying at the Gardens at Bishan.

Interested mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
Evening ladies..

seems like those who went to d fair haf enjoyed themselves ah.. Great to c those pics.. hee..

Summer & Chin, not sure abt boy's weight, should b abt 8kg plus bah.. coz yet to go for his 4mth checkup, will b doing it tis coming tues.. den will update u ladies..

Chin, the potty one was quite a difficult pic to capture.. hahaha.. haf to wait there for him to stable den quicky take a shot.. as for the bottle holding part.. i only get to c d pics.. coz i wasn't ard when he did it.. i tink dat was d only time leh.. so far, tis days din c him doing it liao..
hello mums,

Michelle, my boy has the some color bumbo as ur gal
but got warned by mum, in-laws etc that cannot let him sit cuz not good for his spine. He's stable in it but I realised really not enuff support as sometimes his head tends to lean backwards and there's no support for that portion.
Hello Nov mummies!
Wah...all of you look so good! Rong Guang Huan Fa!
Can see slim down quite satisfactorily also.

Dunno if I ask before, but share with me your wonderful experience with your massage ladies leh....

Another Q: anyone use Gerber breastpads (washable and/or disposables)? Any comments? I see them cheaper than Avent or Pigeon.
mm.. sorry tt i didn't turn up..at the gathering when am supposed to. i wanted to go but called carole to check again on where's the location.. and obviously.. was told by her tt there;s nothing but lots of insurance agents around.. mm.. then on second thoughts.. we went up onto CTE instead! tts to taka baby fair. and i really didn't have anyone's nos. who was going.. so.. really paisei about it..glad tt u all enjoyed urself at the gathering.
Ah Fat, thanks very much for organising on Sat. Fair was lousy (hardly anything to buy) but meeting you all was great! Hope to see you all again soon!
Aprilpinky, me was the one who went to the fair straight from a friend's church wedding, so couldn't bring bb along. Will bring her at the next outing to meet all of u.
Good Morning...

Sigh ... managed to go to Expo but only met up with Susan cos we were late...!!!

Hey Ah Fat, thanks for downloading those pixs to show us... at least now we know whos who better? Hee hee...
hi ladies..nice meeting u all at the fair.. i think we miss taking pic of manuka and her boy..

ah fat..when ur hubby take that pic?? me not nice lei..chi xiang for all to c.. :p

can tell me abt ur program..wat ur cousin going to do??

can please email me the pics?? my email is [email protected]
venus: rahahaha.... i thought you look very pretty in that shot. very photogenic..... the programe is some thing like musik kinder's programe. But, cheaper lah. where babbies and mummies meet to dance ard and listen to music....
Hey ladies,

Ah Fat, thanks for organising the meet up and for K. esp. and his photography. Really lovely family

Can I also have the pix emailed for keepsakes ? [email protected] Thanks.

My eyebrows are growing wild..lol...need to get them trimmed. Going to Hyatt for lunch with mom...giggles...excited
woo hoo...come back later to talk
Ah Fat: would your sis be using a lot of musical instruments like the Kindermusik lesson? I had gone for the trial lesson yesterday at Apollo Centre. Thanks for emailing me the photo.
Ah Fat. thanks for organising the gathering @ Expo. U look much much more pretty in person leh and also, pls change ur nick - its misleading

Also, so sorry I didn't get to stay long cos bb dunno why cry leh...think he a bit shock to see so many people around + its his milk time :p
I didn't went back to look for u all later cos me with frds and they went into the exhibition after bb's milk milk...
But hor, the exihibition is a disappointment manz.... nothing to see/buy at all! compare to the Motherhood fair - which is more interesting

Venus - yar lor.. so sad, no photo for me n bb.. but its ok, there will be other chances.. kekeke
ahFat, ya change your nick. I flipped
when i saw your pic. All mummies very pretty & photogenic!!! For those never show face before , should we post a pic of ourselves & bb? To be fair mah... & next gathering will be easier to indentify one another.
Wah, all the mummies look so fresh-faced. And most seem to have shed all the pregnancy pounds! Wish I could have been there!
All of you looked great!!!

So here's the story of why I didn't turn up...
I reached the fair at 215pm... Ah Fat told me you guys have finished lunch and have separated. I went inside the fair and girl needed feeding... and so I lost track of time!!! What a huge pity!!!

Musik Kinders... Ah Fat, I'm interested! I'd prefer Sat afternoons... ? 2pm onwards ?

Bishan Mummies... 19th March is good for me!
Hello ladies,

Dili_mummy...maybe we were in the feeding room at the same time. I was there from 215pm to 245pm, feeding my boy...haha. We would not have recognized each other anyway.

AhFat - the music prog for kiddy sounds good. But for me, depends on time and location(cos I am without transport)..I am ok if it is Sat afternoon..and around Bishan. Can also use the function at Bishan Loft...but must pre-book, and there is a charge of S$10.30 per session.
Hello ladies,

Dili_mummy...maybe we were in the feeding room at the same time. I was there from 215pm to 245pm, feeding my boy...haha. We would not have recognized each other anyway.

AhFat - the music prog for kiddy sounds good. But for me, depends on time and location(cos I am without transport)..I am ok if it is Sat afternoon..and around Bishan. Can also use the function at Bishan Loft...but must pre-book, and there is a charge of S$10.30 per session.
Aprilpinky, if my ger can control her head very well already still can sit bumbo? But i only let her sit in it for at most 30min/day..
Chin, so 19 March confirmed at your place? Thanks for offering your place! What time is good and what food shall we bring? So far, Dili and I can make it, who else?
Hi Ah Fat,

Thanks for the photo, I have received it. Hee hee ... your nickname is really misleading, you are so slim and pretty in person

Hi Chin, Meixue and Dili,
What time is the gathering? I can come after church. I am staying nearby at the Gardens. Oh, let me know what I should bring
my Bear will be in town so its unlikely that we can pop by your place. have to spend more time with him la
So sorry.
No prob, Furry...better spend more time with hubby..impt ok!

Meixue,Dili, Cheeriomum..how abt 3pm? Foodwise..eerr..any ideas?
hi ladies,

SYL, I see..

Michelle, not sure leh..I dont want to risk it. Up to individual cuz for a small bb everyth is still developing.I stopped after 2 days of 10 min each. Wait till he can sit then I will try again..maybe 5 mths or so.
Malc is doing it again! He used to drink 160 - 180mL FM each time. But now, after 80 - 100mL, he doesn't want anymore. We went thru the same thing about 1 month ago, then his feeding resumed normal 2 weeks later. Now he starts all over again. Getting him to finish his milk is a tough job. He will push away the bottle, sometimes, I will lose my grip and drop the bottle on the floor. Or he will cry and cry (with tears), or he will talk with the teat in his mouth and smile at me. Argh!!! Pengz!
Hey Ju, my boy also same same!! EXACTLY the same!! i so worried... next week going for his jab, will ask the PD why like that..
I am thinking could it be that they are going thru the norm phase as discussed earlier by the mummys here, that 3-4 month old baby tends to slow down in their milk intake. If it is the case, Malc is going thru the phase twice, man. It is gruelsome, I need extra large serving of patience when comes to feeding time now. Else Malc will kena smack at the butt many many time by now. Sigh...
But then, when I scolded him for not drinking his milk, in a very harsh tone, he just use his wide cheeky smile on me. Pengz!!! Then cannot continue to scold anymore.
I always let Malc lie on my chest, facing the front whenever I am watching TV. Recently, I notice that he keeps wanting to lean forward, as in trying to sit up. He does likewise when he sits in the stroller. My mum suggested to let him sit on the walker, but not for a long period, to satisfy his 'desire' to sit up. Any mummy is doing the same? I just assembled the walker, will let him try on it later. My fren said it is better to insert a pillow between his back and the walker, for a snug fit. And also to lay a pillow on the floor for him to step on.
Ju & Manuka, same thing for my boy too. He will smack away the bottle if he doesnt wanna anymore (usually left abt 20-30ml or so) very weird behavior lately??? Even the nanny complained that he is so NOTTI leh!!! Ya and when you scold him for doing that , he thought u playing with him and SMILE back to ya... SO SO SO NOTTI!!!
I read somewhere they get easily distracted nowaday, so is better to feed them in a more quieter and darker environment so they don lose concentration when drinking their milk! Usually i will place him on my lap facing me, so he will drink n look at me , hee hee!
Thanks, Yvonne. I will try to feed him that way. Probably he is distracted, coz during feeding, his head keeps turning from left to right, then right to left. Like very busy like that.
Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 01/04/06 (sat)
time: 3.45pm-4.20pm (45 mins each session)
co$t: $100/8 session
10% discount if you join with another friend.

Interested Mummies:

(1) Ah Fat
(2) Cheeriomum
(3) Dili_mummy
(4) Earnestmum

Chin: can you help me check if the fuction room for bishan loft can be book for commercial usage? (like our class....) I understand that some condo management do not allow that....

earnestmum: very close to kindermusik concept. cannot follow exactly, wait kana SUE. She has a 10 piece percusion band.... (eg, shakers, wood block, triangle etc, etc) lots of songs and dancing activity.... good bonding time with baby...
hiroshi also distracted easily when he is drinking milk, he does the same thing like pushing the bottle away, talking and smiling with the bottle. His lattest addition, I see liao PENG.... stick his thumb i while nursing at the bottle..... DuhZ, I am going to JUMP!!
Bishan Mummies Gathering
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 19th March 2006 (Sun)
Time: 3pm

1) Chin
2) Meixue
3) Dili
4) Cheeriomum

Partners welcomed? My hubby will be in town then and it'd be great if he can join us...

Ah Fat,

think you have misunderstood. I did not mention that I want to join the class as my boy did not responded well to the trial at Kindermusik so please remove my name. thanks :)

Cynthia with baby Alden
