(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

Hi April,
I also had c-section and the exercise I do is do morning walk or evening walk for 30mins. I also start with stairs climbing but only occasionally (when I don't feel lazy heehee). Don't over exert cos we still have not fully recovered yet.
hi ladies..
been in a seminar all day long..no chance to log in. dropped by the taka baby fair...but forgot to get the Avent liners...so will have to drop by again tomorrow..lucky thing my seminar is at Orchard.

yipee..got breastfeeding room at EXPO. thanks for helping me to find out, ahFAT..one more reason for me to go - of cos the main one is to meet all of you!!

ahFAT - can PM me your hp number? in case i am late etc.

LewLiansoh - i completely understand what you mean..i used to OT a lot when i was working last time..now i rush home everyday to spend time w my baby..heck care if others are working late. i just make sure that i complete my work during my work hours..so cut my lunch hr shorter. i feel guilty at times (abt not being there w my baby all the time)..make that most times, but i think it will get better with time..

Meixue, Dili_mummy, Furry& Amber..and anyone else near Bishan..or who is willing to venture this way..want to meet up next weekend? Weekend of 18March. Can either meet at J8 or my place (Bishan Loft).

Meixue - I am using the Chicco carrier.

Hippobab - My PD (same as some others here) is Dr Ong (TMC). The one that 3rascals is seeing. Anyway - u go and see the Rivervale one and see what the second opinion is lah...I dun know whether u still need this info - I just checked my boy's records for his head cir. Birth:34cm, 1mth:37cm, 3mth: 41cm,4mth:43cm

yvonne and others:
my msn : [email protected]
nowadays only log in on weekends..or sometimes at night..

I still have some stubborn kilos (2.5kg)..despite the breastfeeding..late nights etc etc. No exercise..think that is the main prob. Cos I used to exercise regularly pre-preggy.

Welcome, Cheeriomum.

Nite nite.. Sleepy liao.
Summer - I am also using OTO Trimax but on & off, don't hv much time for it and hv not been using it ever since I went back to work after CNY. I managed to lost some weight but don't know is it because of Trimax or because I have no appetite during & after confinement, but my hubby tried & find it very effective. I've got abt 1-2 kg more to go back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

Hippobab - Another PD alternative which you may want to consider is Dr Koh Poh Kian (hope I get the name correct) at AMK. Heard that he is very good but nvr been to see him before.
Hi ladies,

I am going to Expo this Saturday too.

Ah Fat,

I won't be able to join you all for lunch but will try to drop by to say Hi to you all. I just keep a lookout for table full of babies and strollers.
Wah, chin, u stay at Bishan Loft, i stay at the HDB block directly opposite only! didn't know we lived so near each other. hehe! Can bring my baby to use your condo pool next time or not? hehe:p

Let's meet on 18 March (Sat) at your place can? Sat very crowded, don't wanna go J8. But i got fren's baby's bday party to attend at 3pm, so can meet before that? I've PM all of you my HP number already. =)
Aprilpinky and Chin, how much is the Chicco carrier? Have u all used the Infantino or babyBjorn carries before? How do they compare to the Chicco?
Meixue, it's abt $30+ I think. I got a brand new one in the forum for $28...never use other types before. It can be used until 10 or 11 kg so it's good that it's not too ex since cant be used for long. I cant manage the sling also so bot this loh..Quite easy to use.
I've started my first exercise this week after more than one year! Went for a 2.4km jog & 10lap swim. Now aching but sure feels good after some exercise.
My msn email is [email protected]
See you all tmrw afternoon!
morning ladies.. i am all set for tomo meet up..packed everything last nite as today going back to pasir ris liao

ah fat..can pm me ur hp no?

chin..glad to c u tomo again..

fats..i still have 4kgs of stubborn fats.. must start exercise again..

falling hair.. definitely a lot plus some white hairs.. haha

anyone expert with sling?? need help on it..
me can't join tomorrow cos can't manage change my working day. Really hope to see everybody. can take group photo?
Hiroshi sucking his thumb ah...? these few days, bb Valery also trying suck her fingers instead of pacificer.when drinking milk also trying to push her finger in from the side.

hair dropping
mine dropping also....

Me after give birth still continue to put on weight cos thinking BF must eat whatever is good. hee....
morning ladies!

i did shed a lot of hair.. everytime after washing my hair, can c lots of it on my bathroom floor.. sigh...

i manage to regain bak.. juz dat still haf a bit of tummy..
today Orlando is 4mths liao.. Yipee.. here's some pics to share taken a few days ago..


watz mummy doing? taking me wif my potty again~~ Oh mummy pls! its such an embarrassment..


See! i can hold my milk bottle wif 1 hand!!
Wow, Orlando can hold the milk bottle with 1 hand..quite amazing. I like the potty trained part. Think he's one of the very few 4mth old that's potty trained!
Wahahahah!!! Orlando is sooo cute in his potty!!!
He looking blur blur like that... Ya Orlando so smart. Can hold bottle by himself liao. Strong and smart boy!
furryfurry: are you at babbies and cream today? dress in all black with baby rubacca? and you brought your maid as well?? i saw you in expo baby fair as well....
Ah Fat, which one are you?!!! There wasn't any baby named Hiroshi leh!!! I was looking out for you. Yes. I was in black top and denim blue capris. You were at the fair??! How come I keep on missing you? So are you going again tomorrow?
I'll still be meeting all of you tmr... but I'll be late. Work finish at 1230pm (if I don't finish late!) reach home, eat and leave by 130pm... should reach at 2pm. Will call Ah Fat and see where you all are.

Expo good?
rahahahaha... I call him baby Isaac to advoid a mouthful, and plp not pronucing his name properly.... YUP, i am definately going tml to meet up with all the wonderful mummies here....
Hey Hey ladies

I'm back from the baby fair. Quite disappointed and those sales personal kept attacking u wif flyer and free gift (a grimmick to ask u sign up wif them etc etc).

One thing tey make the booth juz next to each other and cos the path hard to walk especially pushing bb pram.

Seem like so many complaint from me hahaha.... Not mean to pour water lah but have fun with ur gathering.
Ah Fat
So cute, ur bb finally found his thumb. My Javier also found his thumb but only for a short while.

Orlando look quite big size in his potty. Wat is his wt now?

Today I bring my Javier to shave his hair. Will post it tomorrow for ur to see cos now he sleeping becos today bring him out walk walk and he too tired now.
summer: i totally agree. when i was walking by.... one lady from a certain ulu pandan spa came up to me... (hiroshi was crying in the pram.) tell me they are offering an $180 package for only $30 odd.... got spa, got detox. Then i tell her i never like massage, spa, detox and all these nonsense!! then she say, that's why must try now! can help you firm up and tone up (touching my tummy, i damn offended man!) NOT INTERESTED! then she ask me to hear her out, she is just doing her job. so FINE! i heard her blah all her nonsense. then showing a super duper not interested face, tell her NOT INTERESTED. she then diao me and walk away. duhZ, told her i was not interested in the first place mah. she herself want to waste time on me!
Ah Fat, you should have told me ma. I suspected that was you but didn't think that the baby is called Isaac is you ma!! So who is the other lady sitting in between us? You cute leh, never intro. yourself there :p :p :p

I agree with ah fat and summer. The baby fair is not that hot, in fact a bit of a "cheat". Half of the fair is made up of spas, insurance, household items (like super mops), facials and those health and slimming drinks. I mean, honestly, if I wanted to be TOLD that I need to slim down, I would just go to a health or body fair, no need to go to a BABY fair.

Try not to bring prams, cos its horrible...prams jammed all the time! I may pop down for lunch or something. See how hor.

Cubbie a bit down in her mood today. NOt too sure why. Didn't enjoy her Kindermusik trial class as much as she normally would. Hmm...
Cel - your boy is so cute! And so smart..can hold his bottle on his own!! And him on the potty!! Haha..My boy pretends to hold it..like he would put both his hands on the bottle..but not really holding. But when he does not want his milk, he would use his hands to push the bottle out.

Oh yes, how heavy is Orlando now? He looks big! Growing very well indeed.

Take care, blurblur..get well soon.

Meixue - brand new Chicco carrier costs S$39.90, i think.

My hair drop is lessening. Was bad earlier.

Ok - see u all at the Baby Fair tomorrow... I must say that I am really only ooking fwd to meeting all the mummies..the fair does not sound too hot.

My boy has been flipping over and over again today...I am getting worried abt putting him in the cot and playpen..cos he can raise his legs and turn..worried that he would fall off the bed!

Bishan mummies..how abt 25th Mar? Dili - can make it or not?? The more the merrier mah..sure, do come over to my place.
bishan mummies - oops..i just remember - my cousin and family will be staying over at my place the weekend of 25th..so can not liao. sorry abt that.

sunday? mar 19?
Hi ladies

I rush to the baby fair during lunch time today..thinking to grab some gd buy but agreed with summer & ah fat... quite disappointed..my hb also commented not worth gg down...
I only managed to buy a Babysafe natural latex foam infant pillow, pillow case & 1 Pur wide neck bottle.
Hello ladies,

TGIF!! Weekend is here finally..

Boy cant flip yet but at least wont "complain" when we put him on his tummy nowadays..haha..


He's also putting both his hands on the big avent bottle but cant really stabilise it. hehe..
Oh saw a v good deal for tiny love musical mobile on papers today..the taka bb fair selling for $49 only..I bot at $70++ some time back..
ah fat
Sori cant join u all 2molo...gg my mum & sis hse...

S'pore Expo
Think 2molo wil b super crowded,difficult to push pram to see see look look.....
Another thing to add....quite a number of booth accept CASH ONLY.
Hi everyone
How was the bby fair? Nothing much except having flyers thrust irritatingly at me and being made to listen to salespple trying to sell me a S$2000+ books collection. Found it a bit pricey so decided to just buy some children's books outside and read to my girl instead.

AH Fat- think I saw you at Expo pushing a stroller and you were in a white/beige sleeveless top? I wanted to go to Malan but my hb a little tired after the running around so I just tried to 'peep' in from outside... not sure if you may have noticed me carrying my little nearly 'botak' girl in orange dress and prancing around the fun area outside.

Anyone took pics?
Hi April,

Ah Fat's hubby took photos of all our babies :)
My hubby and I were there more for the book fair than the baby fair since as mentioned standards fall short at the baby fair. So, we bought some books instead!

To those who were at Malan: great to see you all!
Hi mummies at malan,

Great to meet you all today
Ah Fat, thanks for coordinating!

The baby fair was a disappointment... nothing much but irritating slimming parlours throwing pamplets at me.

Now doing last min packing for my departure at midnight. See ya!
I was late, managed to meet up with Ah Fat, hippo & Yvonne. Sigh, missed the rests.

Got some weaning food from Nestle booth, will try when little GyAnn turning 6 months old.
mama took me to the fair AGAIN today.....
BUT, we are happy to meet so many new aunties and uncle, and che che, mei mei, di di, gor gor....

We think this auntie is summer. she join us for a short while, then gotta go liao.... we look forward to see you and play with your precious.....

This is auntie furryfurry, carrying auntie venus boy boy, so that she can eat in peace.... rahahahaha


this is auntie Chin. with baby....

Auntie hippobab with baby.....

this auntie very very good, rush from church wedding to join us!!

auntie earnestmum with family....

off to the fair.....

Finally HOME with mummy....

mummy say that it was nice meeting you gals and babbies.... and it was a pleasure organising....

April.... yar loh.... me wearing beidge top.... neber see you leh.
hi mummies (who went to d fair).. so sorry i cldnt make it to meet everyone today.. coz i gotta wrk & when i went to fetch my girl.. she was having her afternoon nap.. & when i finally reached expo.. haizz.. it was raining so heavily.. so my hb said 4get it.. will go tmr instead...

so d fair was reli very disppointing huh?
worth going anot?

ahFat.. quick quick upload e pics okie!!
