(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

Hi Mummies,

Sorry, haven't had the chance to come to the forum, have been tied up with work.

Bishan Mummies, see you all at 3pm this Sun. Hmm ... let me think what to bring ... hmm ... fried bee hoon can?

Hooray, 8th of April, I can make it.
FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 08/04/06 (sat)
time: 4.30pm-5.15pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
(8) Chin
(9) Jheng
(10) Summer
(11) Liewlian
(12) Cheeriomum

Cheerio... Fried bee hoon cannnnn... haha... we're gonna end up with too much food!

Chin, are you eating more than usual??? It takes a lot of energy to make milk... so it's unlikely that you won't lose weight if you don't overeat.
Ah Fat, can bring hubby or not to the 8th April session .. then we pay the makan according to headcounts. Anyone else intending to bring hubby besides maid?

hello Francoise, wat date u delivered your BB?
Hi Ah Fat, the trial session is actually like a mini gatheirng of sorts, so finally i get the chance to see the other mummies! =) Btw, what's the dress code for mummies? Will we be 'exercising' along with baby? Need to wear pants?

Dili_mummy, I gave birth earlier than you and also on TBF, have yet to lose all the weight. Left 5kg to go and tummy looks yucks. But perhaps due to the fact that I gained much much more than most of you here, 23kg! so losing 18kg is quite good already.

Bishan Mummies, See you all this sunday 3pm! My hubby will pop by for a while. btw Chin, can i go in from the side gate?
Is there still vacancy for the trial class? If so, I'd like to join as well.
FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 08/04/06 (sat)
time: 4.30pm-5.15pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
(8) Chin
(9) Jheng
(10) Summer
(11) Liewlian
(12) Cheeriomum
(13) Syl
hi mummies,

i am back from my biz trip
wow... so happening har... so much activities going on.

i wanna join the rhythm and dance class can or not?

FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 08/04/06 (sat)
time: 4.30pm-5.15pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
(8) Chin
(9) Jheng
(10) Summer
(11) Liewlian
(12) Cheeriomum
(13) Syl
(14) Hippobab
ah fat, the pictures of all the mummies are all so well taken
your hubby is such a good photographer leh. can email me my pix?

for the past few days when i was in europe, i felt miserable... i stayed in my hotel room on sunday crying as i missed clarisse so much. clarisse also cried her lungs out on the first day i was not around haiz... she was much better subsequent days as my hubby says she sort of know that the mummy was not around so she has no choice. i was so worried that she could not recognise me when i came back... but i have worried unduly. i carried her when i touched down and she gave me this puzzled look as if saying... mummy where have you been... and she then started to grumble and yak and yak... talking non stop to me hee hee
Hi ladies,

Bishan Mummies -

Meixue - I am afraid u can not come in through the side gate...I have to go and open the door for u...just worried that while I am opening the door for u, other mummies are coming..so can come through the front gate or not??

So confirm that Cheeriomum is bringing fried bee hoon, Dili apple struddel and Meixue cake. It is just for tea, so I will provide the drinks ok? Think it will be too much food if I add on anymore. By the way - who is bringing hubby again?

ahFat - class got limit or not? If yes, better close the list..or else, it will continue on and on....

Dili - I am just eating 3 meals and do not snack. Definitely not more than usual. Actually the weight loss was quite rapid initially..now it has slowed down. And the tummy is flabby.

I have a feeling that my boy is ready for weaning...these 2 days, he suddenly seem so unsatisfied by milk. He gets hungry after just 1.5 hours..before that, for a long time, he was already stable at 3hourly feed. I tried to increase the amt per feed, but he does not want more. I guess space constraint in the tummy. Will start my boy on the organic cereal...hopefully can "tahan" until 6 months.
Hippobab - aww...your baby is so sweet..can yak2 non stop when she sees u. I am also getting worried..have to travel soon.
Pei... our bb will be 4mths on the 24Mar... im going to bring her to shave her hair cos it's so uneven.. reli look so farnie..
moreover she has tis 'ah gor lor'... hopefully after shaving.. her hair will be neater & more even.. i was told not all bb's hair will grow evenly after shave though..

hi hippobab.. welcome bk.. howz ur biz trip besides missing ur girl badly? howz her fontanelles thingy? paiseh.. i've missed out qte abit..

haloz francoise..

here's my girl..
Hello ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hippobab, welcome home
Glad to see you back. Awwwww..can babble somemore..that's sweet.

Chin/Meixue, Same here. I average about 4-5hours sometimes even lesser but errr...no help. Doesn't help that I DO snack lol. Still have about 2-3kgs left but i think the tums needs loads of toning.

Good news is that my unpaid leave has been approved and I'm the first in the China firm apparently to have asked and received such "generousity". LOL. Apparently a new concept there. HAHA. My Boss is ok with it though he wishes he doesn't have to say OK. So yay!! Hopefully can BF cubbie longer.

Husband touching down this a.m. and I came online to check his arrival time. BLUR ma! so can't zzz anymore.

Catch u all later...at a more sane hour.
Good morning..

Bishan Mummies..

Can we start at 2pm instead? My family coming over for dinner after that..so dun wanna rush our gathering. I will be sms'g my address to you all after this.

Celest - both u and baby look pretty.
Like mother like daughter huh?
Furry..congrats!! Looks like maybe we will see more of you huh? How long is the approved no pay leave?

Oh yes...ladies, not sure if u all read TODAY paper today. After the baby fair at the EXPO, a 1 month old baby died of SID...and the barrier at the car park could not open in time for them to rush the baby to the hospital. Scary.
wow very happening yday..so many posts.. celest..mei mei mama and bb

ah fat..i "bring" my hubby too


chin..so sad for the family..
Morning morning...

I asked for no pay leave till 2 July but we'll likely head back to SH after the first week of May.
Susan, I gave birth on the 25th Nov.

Celest, you and your babe are beautiful. Like mother like daughter.

Chin, haven't read that. That's such terrible news.
Good Morning, TGIF!!!!!

Francoise, same here we gave birth on the same day!!!

Chin, so sad to hear the terrible news! How come the barrier just cant open in time huh??? Aiyo...

Wow the trial class is overwhelming... hee hee! Btw can hb join in during the class or no??? Hmm.. where is bishan loft??? Can give us the full address n direction =P

Furry good for you.. can have more rest n time to be with your BB! Bonding bonding bonding... kee kee!

Hippobab, u went europe huh? Which part... freezing over there now?
Francoise, Yvonne, I also gave birth on 25 Nov! hehe.

How come the baby will have SIDS? Was she lying tummy down? or what? So sad...
Wow! Good to know other babies born on the same date.

Meixue, according to the article, the infant's death has been attributed to cardio-respiratory failure, the cause of which is still unknown. The family is waiting for autopsy results.

The child's doctors and his godfather, Dr Gerald Koh, speculate that Sudden Infant Death Syndrome which affects apparently healthy infants may have claimed Ignatius's life.

As for how come a baby will have SIDS, I done a search on it and http://www.sids.org says that:

SIDS is the sudden death of an infant under one year of age which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation, including performance of a complete autopsy, examination of the death scene, and review of the clinical history. (Willinger et al, 1991).

In a typical situation parents check on their supposedly sleeping infant to find him or her dead. This is the worse tragedy parents can face, a tragedy which leaves them with a sadness and a feeling of vulnerability that lasts throughout their lives. Since medicine can not tell them why their baby died, they blame themselves and often other innocent people. Their lives and those around them are changed forever.
hi chin ...

hey your neighbour here ... heard abt this trial ... can i join??

FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 08/04/06 (sat)
time: 4.30pm-5.15pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
(8) Chin
(9) Jheng
(10) Summer
(11) Liewlian
(12) Cheeriomum
(13) Syl
(14) Hippobab
(15) Seabreeze
(",) wah... Response is good..... the more the merrier lah.... can get hubby and maid along(can help out...... good good good!). hubby can have their own "How I survive fatherhood" gathering.... everybody is welcome hor.....

venus, furryfurry, hippobab: can pm me your email address? i keep lossing them in this thread... Grr.... recently no time to read thread....
(",) wah... Response is good..... the more the merrier lah.... can get hubby and maid along(can help out...... good good good!). hubby can have their own "How I survive fatherhood" gathering.... everybody is welcome hor.....

venus, furryfurry, hippobab: can pm me your email address? i keep lossing them in this thread... Grr.... recently no time to read thread....
FREE Trail Session Babelious Rhythm & Dance
0-18 months
Venue: Bishan Loft
Date: 08/04/06 (sat)
time: 4.30pm-5.15pm (45 mins each session)
Interested Mummies:
(1) Ah Fat
(2) Starlight
(3) Meixue
(4) SusanY
(5) Yvonne
(6) Dili
(7) Venus
(8) Chin
(9) Jheng
(10) Summer
(11) Liewlian
(12) Cheeriomum
(13) Syl
(14) Hippobab
(15) Seabreeze
(16) petite_petite

hope tt i wun be too late ah
ahFat - at this stage, I have serious concerns whether there are enough chairs. I will go and take a look this weekend. And where are the babies supposed to sit??
chin, you travelling soon? think couple of days will sure miss baby one... then sort of get used to it. the only thing i hate about travelling is having to be able to express my milk at anytime anywhere... but i threw away my milk... jus pump to maintain the flow.

my MIL said something which really upset me when i was overseas... not sure if she did it intentionally... i called back to check on clarisse and she told me that my baby has "forgotten" about me cos she never drinks my milk and forgotten my smell. i was really hurt to hear such things from her esp. when i oredi felt miserable missing my baby. anyway i have proved to her that i had strong bonding with my baby as this has started since she grew in my womb and she definetely has not forgotten about her mummy.

yvonne, i went to salzburg/austria... freezing cold there.. had several metres of snow lor.

furryfurry, so nice... company permit you to take unpaid leave. yah i agree that this is not norm for a chinese firm hee hee

ah fat, i PM you my email add liow.
hippobab, why your MIL so mean... said such a sarcastic remarks! Hmmm... im sure we (mummy) has the STRONGEST bond than anyone with our babies!!!

Yup ah fat & chin, so many mummies, babies, daddies & maids... got place for us to sit or no? If not we jus all sit on the floor la... haa haa! Btw do we need to bring our own mat or toys or anything during the class???
hippobab.. walau.. cant stand ur MIL (sori to say tat) but it's reli insensitive of her to make such remarks! anyway u r right! mommy & bb definitely hv e strongest bond fr day 1 when she's in our womb! dun bother too much of wat she has commented.. hv a great wkends wif ur bb ya

furryfurry.. how lucky u r! so how long will ur unpaid leave be?

chin.. francoise.. tks for e compliments
majority said my girl looks like my HB.. she has a very boyish face hor..

pei... hey ur bb can lie on his tummy & lift up his head so steadily eh? my girl stil cant reli do her mini push-ups yet.. though she's trying very hard.. i find she's abit slow leh
Hello Mummies,

Happy Weekend!

Both you and your princess look so good. She is very adorable and I want to cuddle her too. I am planning to shave my boy's hair too on the 22nd of November which is his fourth month. Where are you bringing her to shave?

Welcome back, how's Clarisse now?

Hello Pei and baby, wow, your baby is so cute, very soon, mine will be botak too.

Bishan mummies, looking forward to see you all tomorrow. Dili, hee hee ... I look for healthier version of fried beehoon, less oil, more vegets.
cheeriomum... i've not decided where to bring her for a shave yet.. mabe those neighbourhood salons... heard those aunties more exp.. where u going urs?
Re: Shaving hair

I think any saloon will do but dun need to bring to those exp one. I bring my boi for shave at those neighbourhood salons and it was so easy for them to shave. One thing to note is tat ur bb better dun move about cos can be a challenge to shave like tat.

Agree with Celest, ur MIL so bad one. Nevermind abt her, I think maybe she jealous tat y she said like tat.


Is ur bb a boi boi cos like handsome and u juz bring him to shave botak is it?
Hello ladies,

Just want to get something off my chest abt the Ugly Mother. Here is the story.

I was in Taka just now, and my boy was really hungry & his nappy was wet. Rushed to change him at the nursing room on the 3rd floor. And then rushed to the nursing room to feed him. If you have been to the nursing room at Taka, you would know that there is a huge couch and several chairs inside - basically it is a shared facility. So I sat down to start feeding my boy. There is a lady inside who was feeding her boy. A few min after I went in, she left hurriedly. A few min after that, she pushed open the curtain and started scolding me. This is what she said "You shld not have come into the nursing room when I was feeding, u shld have asked me for permission. My boy does not like to share nursing room, and now your boy is happily drinking his milk and my boy can not!" I was shocked. And I asked her "What do u want me to do? Leave and let u feed?" She said "well, you shld have waited outside until we finished because we would have taken only 10min!" Before I could retort, she stomped off. By this time, my boy was quite frightened ..she was so fierce. And my boy stopped drinking his milk. Indeed, she got her revenge - to deprive my boy of milk just like I "supposedly" did.

I was truly angry - but could not see her at the nursing room to ask her some questions.

For eg - Do you own the Taka nursing room? Do you know the meaning of sharing? And if your boy truly needs total solitude to feed, perhaps you can be a good mother and feed him at home or in the car? You are not the only one with a hungry child. Perhaps I was wrong in not asking if I could share, but one would have thought that with some many empty seats inside and a hungry child in my hands, and being a mother herself, one would be happy to share.

Glad to get this off my chest.

Truly an Ugly Mother. Hope the child does not grow up as selfish as the mother.
Good afternoon ladies,

Cool down Chin. Probably the mum was upset that her boy couldnt finish his milk but again she shdnt scolded u so fiercely until frightened ur boy.

Boy went for 4th mth jab today. His weight is 7.6kg (PD said good weight, 0.8 kg gain a mth) and height 64.5 cm. No sign of fever. Phew...hopefully will stay this way..doc said if show signs of crankiness can just feed him w panadol. Recent pic of boy:

Enjoy ur weekend ladies..weekends are becoming so precious nowadays..
chin.. coolz.. but i definitely agree wif u.. if her bb doesnt like to share e rm wif others.. y bring him out in e 1st place? so 'gor tak' (selfish)... anyway u dun be angry le.. nnjoy wkends wif ur boy okie

aprilpinky... aiyooyoo.. ur boy beri beri cute & he looks very 'macho' in tis pic leh!! hee..
hi chin, *pat pat* cool down dun let the ugly mother spoilt your precious weekend. i have encountered quite a number of such mummies before who are not willingly to share nursing rooms... there was once who i had to stand outside the nursing room with a crying hungry clarisse just because the mummy is not willing to share the nursing room... haiz... i really dun understand lor... all of us are mothers mah... should be more caring and understanding.

celest and cheeriosmum, thanks for asking about clarisse. her ultrasound report was ok except that her fontanelle is smaller than usual.. so now only can monitor her growth. fingers crossed and pray hard that all will be fine lor.

my MIL is indeed strange... i felt that she seems to want to fight for my baby attention... which i dun know why... basically both of should have different roles in my baby life and we should not have crossed each other path... i have my responsibility as a mother and she has her role as a grandma. anyway i am looking forward to move out of her house... and i believe things will get better.
Chin, what a crazy mom! So far my experience as a BF mom is that BF moms tend to be rather "courteous" to each other, esp. in nursing rooms. I actually chat with some moms before whilst feeding. The only "solitary" nursing room I've seen so far is at IKEA (where there are signs asking moms to lock the door to the nursing room during room), Parkway Parade first foor (one single cubicle with pull on door to lock)...that's it leh. All the rest are shared facilities. She must be crazy or hormonal or something. If I were you I would be super duper cheesed off as well...she definitely got problems.

Talking about MILs, my MIL made a SUPER DUPER insensitive comment today when she was playing with cubbie. She told cubbie that she has a bad temper, then say "aiyo, your father not like that one ley...must be from your mother". OK, so what if that's true, you don't have to SAY IT out right?!! *($)*)@(*)@$*!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hippobab, ya...no wonder you are moving out...good for you. YOur MIL must have her own insecurities...

You've encountered such moms before? then they should do what Chin suggested..either nurse in their own home and not come out or just go to their car...don't go to a nursing facility since it SHOULD be a sharing facility. Please la...if a kid IS hungry, he WILL eat...even if outside is storming and all that. If he loses interest then try again later lor. BIG DEAL!
Hi hi ladies..

I cooled down when I saw my boy smiling at me after that epidoe
Anyway, to be honest, this is my first encounter with someone like this, so I was quite taken aback. Like Furry2 said, normally, in nursing rooms, mothers are really quite friendly to each other, and often make small talk abt their babies.

Hippobab - pity u. Sometimes, MIL think that they are the mother of the child..I have friends whose MIL even sleep with the babies. (not the mother)...cos they insist. So I thk move out earlier is better for u...
Yo yo ladies,

Thnks sooo much Yvonne for helping me to post my boy's picture.

Celest, my baby can hold up and head and sit upright already but of cuz the head still wobbles back and front. Thinking of getting a bumbo seat soon. But i kind of think it will interfere with his poo poo system. Btw this is his 3 day no poo poo. Dumex's his formula. Any mothers with solutions? He's drinking water already...wait! I wan to book celest's daughter, look gorgeous even at this age!
My son has his 1st hair cut during Jan, so his hair qrowth is major slow....i think from someone close(not me though)
MIL--------> i mean I am a mother of a boy, i really dun wan to slap my own face in future. But sometimes i really cannot understand the mentality of MIL.
aprilpinky, your son's a cutie pie
And, i will be returning to work soon in april...sighz...

After hearing ur storey, I also angry wif tat mother. Why got such ppl wan? At least let me be prepared to meet such ppl so I will noe how to react if I come across this kind of mother.


Ur boy abt the same wt as my boy (7.55kg). Everytime I go out shopping, ppl will ask me how old is my boi and tey get a shocked tat he so big size for the age. Hehehe. So CHUBBY tey said. Some even ask me who to make ppl look like tat.


I think tat the problem if stay wif inlaw. Tey alway make some stupid or unheard comment which we dun like and feel offended. Luckily my inlaw dun stay wif me.
Summer, ur Javier looks v much bigger leh..kekeke...maybe mine bone heavier but he's quite chubby also. Just nice I think

Boy's appetite has been unpredictable for weeks..sometimes taking 50 ml but sometimes 180 ml..so i'm quite glad that his wt gain is ok
Same goes for Malc. After gulping 100mL, he simply refused to drink anymore. If I keep pushing the bottle to him, he will cry until tears big big drop. Now I resort to feed him the remaining while he is asleep in the yao lan. So far it works. But must wait till he very drowsy and blur before I can 'trick' him into drinking the milk.

Malc went for his immunzation on Fri. He now weighs 7.5kg.

Here presents my little monk...

See the difference?

Having him shaved up is my mistake. Actually I only wanted his hair trimmed. Communication error between me and the hairdresser. And surprisingly, he didn't cry at all during his hair cut. He was too amazed with the huge mirror in front of him and the bright environment.

U can try giving ur boi china barley. It work for my boi. I think nowaday bb like to poo poo once every 2 or 3 day. So long as tey happy and stool not hard, think it ok.


Malc so cute. Is tat the mickey mouse romper? I think same as my boi.

