(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs


I'm interested in it but no idea wat it's really abt. Cos I be going to serangoon gdns quite frequent and tot of going my boi there.

9 mths old baby can go and attend?
baby2005,bluelips thanks.I tot he will out during the semi-round,cos he tat day bad mood,dun wanna to do anything but eat his biscult,but heng ah,still got in.At least top 10 ok liao,cos oso got prize,ha ha.
veron chua,no I join him in the chubby contest,the crawling de I din let him join.cos he crawl not tat fast.
celtricia,orlando is so cute.
hey we had a good time at aquaducks on sunday!! josh also enjoyed himself. going to update my blog later. hey ju, can email me the pic of josh with the instructor. i din manage to capture that one!! he really so happy hor. i must bring him to the pool more often liao
good morning ladies....

Finally, I've got the pic upload here it is:
Good morning mummies!

The Aquaducks trial looks like great fun! Wish I'd signed up too!

Amber, I am keen for my boy to try Gymboree. Tanglin Mall, preferably, but Serangoon is okay too. Are you organising?

Veron, I have replied to your email. My son is 9 months now. He's not sleeping through the night, he still wakes/stirs, but he does not need to be fed to go back to sleep. But it's MUCH better than before, so I am thankful!
Hi Hi..

baby2005, I'm feeding him toufu lor.. hahaha.. he actually had his dinner liao.. whh is fish cum rice.. but he still tam jia wan to eat toufu.. so give him lor..

For the aquaducks.. Orlando had lots of fun.. even when i played the videos i took of him now to him.. his legs were kicking away..hahaha.. except for one part when he drank some water.. heh..

youpi.. for toufu.. it depends.. u buy those silk toufu.. den juz put in boil water for a while.. den mix it wif rice or porridge or brown rice.. or juz eat plain also can..
I have also tried tofu in porridge..after the porridge is ready, just stir in some and mash. Darion loves it. But dun know why leh...my mum said not to give too much. Something about the ingredients being not appropriate for young babies..
I think it is the ingredients that they used to harden the tofu, it is not very good. Same like soya bean curd, so try not to take too much, even for adult.
hi gals,

are we able to arrange for another aquaduck trial lesson? looks fun and i am wondering if faith would like it?

Amber - what does the gymboree do? play gym? r u organising?
wow baby2005..cute pics..

aquaducks trial...justin drank quite a bit of water and cling to me like koala bear...plus he din have his nap..so pull him out for his power nap..

sorry mummies,cannot join u all for the dinner..my sis calls the shot that day cos she is my driver..
Have uploaded the Aquaducks pic in Ringo liao.. Those who wanna view it, mayb can join ringo n add me in ur list. My email is [email protected]

youpi.. no prob. usually we do tat lah.. so juz to share lor..

Veron.. u can try to arrange another lor.. i tink some other mummies would b pleased to join.
At the moment, i'm trying to arrange another trial swimming under the company of Waterfun, still yet to receive email whether they haf trial lessons or not. If haf, i'll let u ladies noe n organise one... But meanwhile, u can try to arrange wif aquaducks a trial for Faith..
Hi there,
Happened to kaypoh & read u guys conversation. Aquaducks trial looks fun & interesting... How to join ah? Can organise another session?
hi cel,

Yup will try to arrange but then these few weeks are rather tight & busy for me. If i have any news i will update u gals.

Just went to the blogs to look at the Aquaduck pics..very nice! The babies really enjoyed themselves hor..and they are such cuties in the swimsuits

On tofu: My mom say don't give so much cause it's supposed to be "liang" - cooling wo..

Amber, I am also interested in the gymboree trial(preferably the Serangoon one)..let me know if you are organising..
Hey gals , thanks for sharing pixs with us! Yup saw all your pixs on Aquaduck trial lesson... it seems so much fun!!! Too bad... I've missed it!

Ju, Malc crying all the way meh? Aiyo poor boi...
Venus, I saw Justin clinching on you very tightly... hee hee!
Orlando, Javier and Josh seems having lots of fun!
Wow baby Clarisse and baby Valery wear till so sexy ya... hehehe!
Ive let Jayden try tofu with egg yolk... as usual he doesnt like it! Sigh...

My son just doesnt like to eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, gymboree has this 'play gym'in which there's padded floor and also various padded ramps, steps, tunnels and some other set up that children can crawl, climb, walk, run around or just have fun. It's something like a padded children's playground. They also have some classes but I have not tried out yet.

Was thinking of asking whether any of you interested so that we can go together so that the kids can play together too

Membership is at $50 (for a year), which includes a free trial class, which we can choose from a few programmes, as well as member rates if we sign up for the classes next time. Member rate for use of the playgym is @ $8/ hr. For non-member it's $15.

If any of you are interested, we can start with the Serangoon branch 1st. Let me know which days are preferred- weekday late noon or sat noons?

I'm interested. Any day shall be fine with me but for who working mum who is interested, I think it would be better to arrange on sat noon. If I'm not wrong, the trial cost $20 is it?
Hi Elaine, there're fixed time slots everyday for playgym, i think it's during slots that they don't have classes. Once we sign up for the m'ship, it's $8 per hr for the playgym instead of $15.

Not too sure about the $20. What I know is that it's $15 for the playgym and for the structured classes I think it's about $35- $40+.
Hi amber, hee... I have a few qns, hope you don't mind:

-so we need to signup as a member first then we get a free trial?
-Do you happen to know what is the age limit for the gym?
-For 2 kids do we still pay $8/hr or $16/hr?
-You say for non-member is $15, so we actually noneed to signup as a member also can go lah?

I know I'm a be KS but curious you see ...
hey amber i'm interested to go for a trial at gymboree. but the tanglin mall one on sat lah. serangoon quite far for me. unless it is sat then i go from punggol?

have also uploaded some aquaducks pics at www.momojosh.blogspot.com

now thinking of where to bring josh for swimming this sunday. any idea ladies? where got clean swimming pools huh??
Hi baby2005, yup the one free trial is for the structured program is free for members when they sign up.

Can't r'ber the age limit, but I've a friend whose boy is 3 yrs old & still enjoying the place.

I think there's a special rate for 2nd child, but can't r'ber. Can call them & check this or other questions that u hv that I can't answer
. Gymboree @ Serangoon Gdn- 63834662. @ Tanglin Mall- 67355290.

Yup, no need to sign up as memeber also can go for the playgym, just pay a bit more than member rate.

Mummies, actually we can arrange a time to go fro the playgym together 1st. The one lesson of free trial class you can choose from what they have if any of you sign up as member. That one can depend on individual preference & timing. I've not gone for the trial class yet so dunno how is it like. But hv not heard any fantastic remarks about their classes so far yet actually.

I personally find the playgym interesting cos my boy is very active & that's a place he can 'let himself go' & hv fun without me worrying too much about him falling down & knocking himself
amber sorry i'm quite confused. cos only reading the posts here and there. so does it mean for trial class we have to pay? is it free? *blur*
Heya ladies..

The waterfun trial i spoke of earlier is not free.. Therefore, i will not be organising liao..


Btw, i tink for the playgym amber is organising.. Only if we SIGN UP as MEMBER den we get free trial.. if not we got to pay. Is tat right amber?
Er....think there's some confusion here.

Let me try to clarify oki.. Playgym @ gymboree is basically a non-structured play in which our kids can use the premises & play. There's no programme involved and the staff don't facilitate it. Cost for non-member is $15/hr, for member is $8/ hr.

On topof opening up their premise for playgym (non-structured play time), gymboree also conducts various programmes such as music, enrichment, art, etc & those programmes are payable by per term.

For membership, we have to pay $50 for a year's membership. What members are entitled to would be member's rate if we sign up for their programmes or use of playgym. Once we sign up for membership, there will also be a free trial class for one of their structured programmes, which otherwise will cost about $30-$40+ for each session.

What I'm trying to arrange is for us to go for a session of the playgym session together, i.e. non structured playtime. Cost of playgym is either $15 (if non-member) & $8 (for member). Membership is $50/ year with 1 free trial session of structured programme & some other member benefits.

Hope the clarification is clear ;). My apologies for the confusion :p
i see, so that means u are organising for the non structured play lah! now its definitely clearer. anyway lets see the response. i opt for tanglin mall....hehehe

hey elaine, josh really likes baby signing times leh. any other mummies showing your babies this? i think he's captivated by the lively songs and the cute children. thanks!!
hi all mommies....
i'm contemplating in getting carrier since abby is getting heavier and heavier
now even use sling will give me shoulder and neck pain....
anybody can recommend which brand to buy?
i'm considering baby bjorn, snugli and ergo
but ergo can hold up to 18kgs
snugli and baby bjorn only up to 12kgs
so i guess for long term, ergo will be the most worth the $
but for comfy i dunno which one the best
alot of mommies in theis forum like ergo
anybody can advise me pls?
I have added ur blog link to mine. Nice blog, hope to see more ya!

I did a scrap for Javier... with the puffs on his face. Kekekeke!!
Ju, hee... hope I can update regularly, I'm the lazy type hee.... can I add your blog to mine?

Elaine, momo, venus, Irene - can I add your blog to mine too?
Nice pics from Aquaducks!

Haven't had time to log in... working to my bones!!!

Worried... My girl's 11.5kg now (9mths next wk) she's way above the 97th percentile! How!?! Is she too fat!!??

Hi Dili!!

Wow - I am pretty impressed..11.5kg! When I bumped into you and saw her last Fri, she does not look exceptionally fat leh..! But she is sure heavy. What did the PD say anyway? Are u still bf?
