(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

4 scv boxes??? 6 pax for $230 is roughly the same as when I stay at my mum's. Ex hor.

yah, I give Malc bananas. I want to get those smaller ones instead of Del Monte type. Coz have to share with Malc. But sometimes I dun feel like eating bananas.

Momoko - yeap, I add the avocado to cereal. First, I will mix the scrapped avocado to a smooth runny texture using milk, then add cereal. It is very good for babies - I read somewhere that if there is nothing else available to eat, babies can survive on avocado alone.

Darion does not like fish porridge -- maybe I am doing it the wrong way, cos the porridge comes out a bit fishy. Any suggestions on how to mask the smell?

U can also try prunes / plums / peaches / grapes in the cereal, if you have not done so. I normally steam them first though..and mash then them.
It is because of their development (physically & mentally), esp in pre-school. Those born in the beginning will pickup/understand thing faster as their development are early compared to those born in the end of the year. Actually, it is more like our education system in pre-school. Singapore goes by calendar year whereas places like US go by the kids age. Anyway, like what you say, they will catch up along the way.
chin, initially my baby also don't like fish porridge. Then I added just a really tiny slice of ginger to mask the smell. Now she takes the porridge without complain. Go easy on the ginger though in case the porridge turns out with too strong ginger taste.

baby2005, hee...yeah! long time no post..
actually i try to follow the thread whenever got time..

Last week, baby got sick..viral infection..fever for like 4 days and body rashes all over. Doc says if got rashes means the fever getting better?! Siong..hubby took care initially the first 2 days, cos he has this thing call child MC. But after second day, he also fall sick!! Haizz...
Is it bb got Roseola? Jaime used to get it too. After 3-5days of fever, then fever suddenly subside and rashes appear. Some ppl call it false measles.
Wah baby2005, I just went and googled Roseola. YES! I think that is what it is! All the symptoms got..i also don't know how she got it. The doc didn't tell me the name, but now I know

Baby ok already now. At first thought teething, but the fever got a bit high for that. But actually also teething at the same time, cos after that few days of fever, can see 2 white thing on the lower gums liao! So super fussy, cos sick and teething.
When Jaime first got it, I also thought was teething, but then got rashes, so I panicked, search the web and found Roseola then was confirmed by PD. PD said it is a viral thing, so long as the rashes are out, they will be fine, no worry one. Hee....
till now my gal still bor geh
baby2005, yeah, I also panicked and when to see doctor straight. He also told me is virus infection, and that got rashes means getting ok already.

Don't worry, when the teeth come, you will know, cos you will not have enough sleep one!

Chin, i will normally add a bit of ikan bilis powder to the porridge also after cooking, if you don't want to just give plain fish. I can't think of what other thing to go with fish porridge.

Can I check with you all how much milk your babies are taking now? And how many meals of solid a day?

My girl only taking about 450-550ml of milk a day, sometimes less, and eating 2 meals of solid. One cereal and one porridge meal.
My gal is taking 630-720ml per day. Your bb is drinking a little less but think so long as she is growing steadily so be ok lah. Furthermore she is teething now right?

For fish porridge, I usually give my gal plain fish porridge or add some veg like carrot, chinese spinach or broccoli.

Orlando takes abt 800-900ml of milk per day n 2 meals of solid.. but i reckon its becoz he currently is not teething.. guess when teething they will drink lesser.. coz initially when he's teething.. he is drinking only abt 600ml per day..
baby2005, cel,
I also think a bit little, but her last weight when go see doc for the virus was about 9.1kg. So I am also not so worry, plus she looks quite ok.
i am thinking it's because she's teething also, but last time her milk intake has not been very high also.
hi gals,
I am new in this thread. My baby faith is also born in Nov 19, 2005. and her weight now is ard 9Kg. so worried that she is overweight as the PD said so.
u can add carrots, brocoli, pumpkin or potato with the fish porridge. that is what i did for my baby and she is enjoying it. Maybe u can try it out.
Welcome, Veron.

Thanks, Veron - I did add all those things before - but he seems to not like it. Will see how he reacts to the ginger today.

Anyway - I think if our babies are not walking yet, and seem a bit overweight (I thk there are a few mummies here with the same circumstance - namely Cel, Momoko, Shuyan, yours truly etc)...it is ok. Darion is in excess of 10kg...my PD said not to worry - cos he will stop gaining so much or even lose some weight when he starts walking. As it is, his weight gain is slowing down cos he is crawling all over the place now. So - dun worry abt the overweight bit lah..
hi chin,
guess what? last month i was having fever, and the doc actually ask to me starve her for 2 days! He say she wont die of this. (I am still bf her) OMG! Of coz i did not heed his advice lar.

Can you baby managed to sit on his own? Faith still not stable.

wat's Faith's height den.. coz for Orlando.. last thurs when we went for checkup.. the nurse say he's weight ok leh.. He is 10.8kg and 76cm tall.. but previously he was much fatter.. n his weight din really increase much as well..
Veron..hmm...strange that your doc says that..how can u starve a baby for 2 days...I think skip 1 meal /feed also can not lah. My boy will prob scream his head off. Maybe he means just give FM for those 2 days??

Yeah - Darion has been sitting on his own for quite a while now. He started crawling kinda late - only last couple of weeks.But u know - every baby reaches the milestones at different times - so no need to worry. As long as Faith is eating well, sleeping well..and happy..then u are on the right track.
hi veron & all
chin is right, josh is >10kg too, not so worried cos both weight and height in 97%. shld be proportionate hehe dun worry lah, they will slowly slim down themselves one. i prefer chubby babies though!

bluelips, josh drinks about 800ml of milk everyday, out of which, 150 is added into cereal for breakfast, and he has 2 porridge meals for lunch and dinner.

hey so it seems no one will be sending your baby to pre-school when they reach 18 mths???
veron ..who is ur doc??? let's blacklist him :p

aquaducks trial,who is getting in the pool with babies? mummies or daddies?

momoko,i may not join u all for the dinner cos my hubby maybe going for biz trip and i am getting my sister to help me out..
yeah, which doc hah? how can starve baby lar..?!

momoko, i am thinking of sending baby to pre-school when she reaches 18 months. currently, it's only her and the maid at home..thinking ally will be super bored..maybe just send for half-day or something.
Bluelips/momoko - same here. Currently also only maid and Darion at home...and occasionally, my mum..or my bro, if he works from home. But I notice that Darion gets very excited when we have company or other babies...so I think he needs to interact more with other babies. So at 18months, I plan him to send him for half day playgroups...
momoko, chin, bluelips

I was thinking of sending Javier's to those enrichment classes instead of pre-school. At least he learn something and can interact with other ppl. If stay @ home everyday like learn nothing and super bored leh.

I think I will be in the pool wif bb. How abt u and the rest of mummy?
daddy will be in the pool as i dunno how to swim so will be the photographer instead. hhehehe
where shall we go for dinner after that? how abt baby's dinner? u all bring cereal or porridge?
hi everyone, thanks for the warm welcoming!

Well that is my GP @ one of the clinic @ jalan besar haha. Well he did mentioned about the FM but then becoz Faith is one of those babies who doesnt use milk bottle that gives me a very hard time. Therefore he suggested that she can go starving for 2 days haha!

Her length right now is ard 66cm not very tall galand she has many "layers" showing on her hands and legs which makes her look very chubby.

As for the 18th month enrollment, I definitely will try to enrol her when she is 18 months as I am working with her now. U can imagine I cant really concentrate on work with her ard especially she is not sleeping! However, i will still give some space for her, if she is still not ready I will push down to 2 yrs and try again ..
hmm... good question, momo.

I am still thinking about Malc's dinner. He hasn't been eating well lately.

As for our dinner, I second Cel's suggestion. Go for budgeted ones. But if all of us are bringing strollers and prams, then we need somewhere spacious lor. I think there will be about 10 strollers??!! Just a thought.
Hehehe.. mabbe your gal can be the spokeperson for the michelin tyre... *kidding* no offence hor.

As for playgroup/enrichment class, still no plans. Will see our financial status by tt time. But now I am contented with the weekly playdate. All mommies are so fun to be with! LOL!! Think the playdate more for the adult ya. Hehehe..
I will b the one in pool.. Coz daddy too tired to join us liao.. so i will b the only one bringing Orlando there.. wif pram..

Yes.. i tink i juz give Orlando milk bah.. if nid den juz buy some whipped potato or something for him to eat.. heh..
hahaha Ju u r right man .. everyone said so! must get copyrights liao.

Aquaducks? what's that?

Cel, can baby eat whipped potato? r u referring to KFC type?
trial meaning is it FOC? So far i have let faith play in pool at my parent's hse.

Hope that you gals have a nice day!
Hi ladies,

Thinking of asking my hubby to go into pool with my gal, but since all mummys going down for the 2nd group I'll go down too. Then let hb be photographer. Hee...

Btw, is t-shirt n shorts over swimming attire ok or strictly swimwear?
Wow veron

Really look like bb michilin leh.

I be bringing cereal for Javier dinner and also along with the biscuit cos if he cannot tahan adult eating, I can give him biscuit to tong first. hehehe.

Talking abt aquaduck, today I train Javier by putting him into his mini swimming pool. He enjoy himself very much.

Pic of him playing inside his mini pool


Wow your gal so cute and chubby! Look at her "lian ou" - translate: Lotus root - arms! Want to pinch pinch her. Haha...
haha i told u liao she can be the "dai Yan Ren" haha

hey elaine, faith looks alittle like Javier hor? see the eyes.


Ya.. mashed potatoes as in KFC's one.. heh.. can eat.. take away the gravy lor.. hee.. but not frequently lah.. once in a while.. heh..

Faith is so chubby.. guess even more chubby den orlando liao.. oh mine.. she won... heh..

Muz go search the Suntec website liao.. to c where can accomodate us all.. hee
