(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

I got one pic of Jaime sitting in the same kind of basket as your boy leh! But it is in my HP and I don'th bluetooth to download it.

Wow, Faith is very cute leh!

haha baby2005, thanks.

As for the baby food, till now i didnt allow Faith to eat any thing that contain sauce. PD did mention also, no salt, no sugar, no honey .. haha so I only give her porridge and vegetables, and some bread and biscuits.
My home pc just re-born from death (still very weak), will try to see if can download thru infrared. Will let you know.

Oh, of course. I also never season bb food. I always believe in training them to have a bland tastebud, so when they grow up they won't be too fussy about food.
Sowee.... you got mail.

As for attire, Momo has forwarded an email earlier stating this:

<font color="0077aa">We would highly recommend that the parent accompanying the baby in the pool is comfortable in water (pool), however it is not essential for mummy or daddy to be able to swim. The normal swimming attire / surf shorts are fine as well.</font>
venus, i think so leh. dun think they r really strict, since its just a trial?
i was also thinking where can accomodate so many prams, and do they have enuff high chairs? hahaha maybe after the 1st group is done, we wash up and go recee and wait for the 2nd group? since its early dinner shld not be too crowded. i;m thinking of bringing porridge, but scared will spill all over. still considering *stressed cos first time feeding him dinner outside* haha but hope that when he sees other babies guai guai have dinner outside, he will follow??

so we meet directly at aquaducks ok? see u gals!!
by the way all our hp numbers in the doc that i email you all. so keep in touch tomorrow hor. i believe most of us can recognise each others' babies, if not the mummies haha
mommy elaine, ju, irene... eh... can send me the photos taken during playdate on wednesday? kekeke... those i took not good leh..
need to brush up my phototaking skills! or rather, change camera??!!

oh ya, my email: [email protected]
hi gals,

are there any breastfeeding mummies ard here? I am still breastfeeding faith but as a result of this i am depriving for a good sleep. Anyone here with the same experience? does your baby still wake up for midnight feed? How do we let our baby sleep through the night?
hi momoko i would love to but faith is just refusing bottle. We have tried many times and really boh pian now!

then every midnight she wakes up either every hr if not every 2 hrs. i am so tired leh.

moreover i cant express out my milk for her therefore she can only latch on directly to get her milk.

Did u try pacifier on faith? I'm not a breastfeeding mom but i use tat on javier when he was abt 2mth plus when he wake up for his nite feed cos i tink tat he only wan something to suckle n not hungry. after two nite, he sleep thru already.


Will email to u.
Hi Veron, I'm still breastfeeding my GyAnn, tried to wean-off but not successful at this moment as GyAnn will still wakes up at nite, for few times from the range of 2-6 times 1 nite (11pm-7am). She needs to be latched on in order to get back to sleep. Tried FM for her but she refused to take. Faith is really 'bak-bak' hoh .. your BM must be super solid!
Chin Wee, I got your message and will return the caps to you by this week, I've actually used only 1 out 5, thanks a lot!

Faith is not on pacifier. I am skeptical on that and worry that it is lagi more difficult to wean her off that "thing" so from day 1 she is not expose to it. U r right sometime she wake up juz put her mouth on the breast only so i assume she is not sucking thereafter she sleep back again.


how many month is Gyann now? i guess i am almost the same 6 times per night, but then i am not so fortunately to have 2 feeds haha that is why i am so tired. Ya her "ba-ba ness" attracts many ppl. hahaha

Not bad leh, Orlando learn to walk very well and he crawl very steady leh. Very soon u will be catching your little one. hehehe.

heehee. so many stunts hor.. kekeke.. ya lor.. i'm areadi catching him here n there liao.. heh.. or rather he catching me.. hahaha..

veron, he's abt 9mths 1 week liao.. ya.. he quite ok lah for the walking.. hee.. nt very gd yet i muz say..
Orlando very steady leh!!! My Jaime still trying to bal on four and still doing the snake crawling ha.... but hor, Orlando seem to lost some weight hor?
OMG Cel .. 9 mth 1 week? my faith can even sit on her own properly goodness me !

Faith will be turning 9 months this 19th .. waiting for faith patiently .. hahaha

Ok ok.. Orlando very steady liao.. heh.. not high expectation lah.. juz tat muz b humble mah.. heehee..

ya.. Orlando lost weight.. he's weight gain not much lor.. guess its due to his crawling n climbin n walking bah..
Veron, dun worry.. different babies progress differently.. it also depends on their exposure.. hw much u let them roam freely in the hse n their toys n all.. basically their environment as well..

Its ok.. i guess Faith is juz taking it easy.. n so muz u..
erm maybe faith is in the office environment and i didnt allow her to crawl here and there .. she is only on walker the most, or being carried about.

Well i just have to patient and wait for her ..

If u wan faith to crawl, then have to give her more practice by allowing her to crawl. Tat wat I do cos I also put javier inside his walker and his daddy said let him crawl so tat he can learn.
Susan, I think u can post me the caps. Will sms u. 6 times a nite..wow..Susan, I peifu you..if my boy like that I think I dont need to work the next day liao.

Perhaps i can allow her to do it at home, will try it out step by step. But then they will have to be able to sit on their own b4 they can start to crawl right?


ya lor that is why i ask them for solution becoz i also facing the same problem every night she wakes up a few time .. almost every hr until i am so tired next day still have to work. *yawn*

I am still breastfeeding direct as well. My boy used to wake up every hour and I'd feed him back to sleep, just like you. But the constant sleep deprivation since his birth was taking its toll on my sanity. His paediatrician suggested controlled crying, but I could not bear it, so I tried other methods of getting him to sleep better.

It took a long time, but now he sleeps from 7pm-7am, with one feed at 10.30pm or 11plus. He will still stir during the night, but I just stick my hand into his cot, which is by my side, and hold his hand and shush a bit, and he'll fall back asleep again.

I find that if he naps well during the day, he sleeps better at night, with fewer wakings.

I'm cuurrently reading The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley, which has apparently helped parents who cannot do the crying method. I can lend it to you after I am done with it, if you want.

Just hang in there, I know it can be REALLY tough when you're soooooooooo exhausted. You can PM me to 'chat' about it too.
celtricia,orlando can walk very well.his legs is very strong.my son only can walk a few steps then gotta sit down liao.
Mommies,my boi finally got into the final in the "baby bonanza".
hi youpi,

Great man now ur baby sleep throughout the night! how many months is he now? the problem is faith hor, she wakes up and she will immediately crawl up to the bed and making herself stand/ kneel at the side of the cot. So i definitely have to wake up and carry her, then I will try to rock her but then she juz didnt buy that, I have no choice but to feed again, this is continuous.

But these few days she is ok back to 2 hrs per feed timing, but i am still tired. If u finish the book and u dun mind, pls lend it to me. then see if I can benefit from the teaching.

ShuYan .. Congrats on the finalist. So the contest is to test on baby crawling?

hello mommies

I am from the Aug/Sep 05 thread and have a bad experience to share. Hope you wun have to go thru the same experience when you are organising your baby's party:

Megan is turning 1 on 30 Aug and I am celebrating her birthday this coming weekend. As you all know that children all love balloons and even though my budget for her party is small, I try to provide balloons at her party and contacted the business owner of http://www.twinkleballoons.com/

The first time I sms her ordering 30 latex balloons, she said okay, she'll come along to deliver with her delivery guy and asked me if I want to order mylar (foil) balloons for my daughter. I replied no as I have a tight budget. A few hours later, she sms me saying that she MIGHT not be able to deliver saying that her delivery schedule is very full. So we exchanged a LOT of sms with me trying to convince her as she committed delivery earlier. I asked her if her schedule is full, why is she able to come along with her delivery guy then, then she said that she must have told me wrongly cos she is leaving for US with her children to visit her hb who is currently posted there for a couple of months.

I ask her is my order too small for her to deliver, she said NO.. her minimum deliver order is $30 and I meet the min order requirement. Then I thought that maybe I increase my order a little cos I felt quite bad too so I ordered 50 balloons. ( I have only 10 kids at the party and 20 adults so I am ordering way too many balloons). She said ok to deliver after I increase the qty of my order.

Today, I calculated my expenses and found out that I've exceeded my budget so I sms her to reduce my order to 24 balloons and sms her and you guess what, the biz owner said the min order is $40 and I didn't meet it so she CAN'T deliver AGAIN!!!!

This is infurating!!!!

Conclusion: Don't order from her if your order is small. I have the impression that she welcomes only big buyers.

As for Megan's party, I will get my own tank and pump my own balloons or I will get a friend to buy inflated balloons from concourse.

If i have a big budget, I will order from http://www.grefio.com.sg/
