(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

heya Dili..

U MIA to where ah... wahahaha.. ur girl weighs much more den my son ah.. she CHAMPION liao lor.. hee.. i tink as long as ur PD feels its fine.. shouldn't worry bah..

Wat's her milestone nw? Any teeth? Start standing/walking/crawling? Update us leh..

Hi All,
I'm a Nov mom too. Hope it's not too late to join u ladies

Would like to ask what are the ingredients you add in when you feed baby with brown rice cereal?
Hi BZee

Welcome to the thread.

Usually, I add in veg or fruit into the cereal. Eg, carrot, potato, pumpkin, broccoli, spinach etc for fruits, it's apple, pear, plum, peach, avocado, mango etc.

Have u started to feed ur bb porridge?
Hi mummies, following up the gymboree playgym session...shall we fix it @ 2p.m on 2 Sep 2006 (Saturday) at Serangoon Gdn. Session is 1 hour, i.e.2-3p.m.

I just checked with the staff there and i understand that the maximum no. of kids at any one time is 10. We'll see how's the response is from here, if there's quite a number of us, we can talk to them and they can block the time out for us.

Those of you who are interested to go together, do indicate your interest here:- state ur username, e-mail & no. of kids coming

2-3p.m on 2 Sep (Sat) @ Serangoon Gdn:
1.) Amber ([email protected])- 1 boy
dili_mummy...i'm also worried about my baby's weight...but it's the opposite problem. He's only weighing 8.2kg at 9mths +,,
. I thought that's really light. I wished he's heavier & more chubby...

Don't worry, cos usually their weight gain will tend to slow down as they grow cos they start moving around more. Now my prob is how to get my boy to put on more weight...
Mommies,finally the baby bonanza is over,my son came in 1st in the chubby baby.I tot he wun win cos he is not in mood today,dun wanna smile,dun wanna do anything,but juz eat his biscult.
karen,tonight i sure cant sleep cos too excited liao.But before the contest I also cant sleep,cos too anxious n nervous,haha,finally is over.
Ju,the prize not very attractive.got 1 pigeon hamper which consist of 3 wet tissue,1 baby bath,1 powder,1 pooh bear weaning set.then 1 fisher price baby gym set(not suitable for my son,cos he is too big to play liao),$100 kiddy palace voucher n 1 trophy.
Congrate Shuyan

So happy for u. Doesn't matter wat the prize, most important is the memories for the little one. Will it be broadcast? Did u take any pic?
not sure for broadcast. i took some video, some pics.. Maybe will appear on some of the magazines as there are alot of looks like reporters (those using big n bulky type camera) taking photos.. haha...
We tried both leh Chin, but doesn't work for her. Still need at least 3 changes a night...very disruptive for her sleep.

I brought back Fitti Night for her from BKK, still cannot...only lasts her about 4 hours before she whines for diaper changes ...


How come her volume so "high" one?
Malc used Mamy Poko for night. But sometimes he will use Pet Pet. I find that Malc's volume has gone down quite a bit. My darling Becky take in a lot of fluid during the day is it??

If her volume so high, then surely Pet Pet is out. But does the diaper feel heavy when she whines for diaper change?

There is this brand called Nepia. Read quite a few good feedback about this brand. I never used it though, mabbe you wanna give it a try on Becky?

ya, she's still drinking a lot .... water and milk...takes about 4 to 5 8-oz bottles of milk per day and at least 2 8-oz bottles of water. Cos its very hot here...

Ya, diaper normally heavy and "thick" and soft ... like the cotton all nua liao...

Anyone tried Huggies Overnight?
Food for thought. Just saw this today...alternative view. For info, I have one brother who was really really fat when he was a baby and toddler...now he is very skinny.

It's not just baby fat

Experts are finding that weight problems can take root in the earliest days of life and lead to obesity later

Aug 27, 2006
The Straits Times

BABY fat, that term that conjures images of chunky thighs and padded cheeks, is beginning to carry a new connotation. At a time of much focus on obesity, the word is that cute, blubbery babies can be too fat for their own good.
That's the message emerging from several health groups, including the World Health Organisation.

No one suggests that children younger than two should be placed on a diet, but health experts are becoming more convinced that future weight problems can take root in the earliest days of life.

'Children don't become obese overnight. It's a process,' says Dr Cutberto Garza, co-author of a 2004 WHO study on child growth.

The earliest days of life may be especially important in setting a child up for svelteness or plumpness, scientists are finding. Early feeding patterns may programme a child's metabolism or other aspects of body physiology to increase the chance of becoming overweight.

For example, a study published last year in the British Medical Journal found that big babies and babies who grow quickly in the first two years of life had a ninefold greater risk of obesity in childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

Various recent studies also suggest that a woman's weight before pregnancy, her nutrition and weight gain during pregnancy, and the early weeks of infant feeding may exert long-term influence on child growth.
so busy last week at work. faint. baby2005, sure add my blog to yours. i will add yours too. i upgraded the blog to a new format. still trying to figure out whats new feature. haha oh it seems the server down now....aiyo so lousy
wow dili mum! 11.5kg!!!
josh 10.5kg i already here ache there ache from carrying him!
last PD visit, dr tan taught me to use BMI to check for obesity. u can refer to the health booklet...
furryfurry i use mamy poko. have realised that even pampers premium will leak at times when josh pee a lot in the nite. so far mamy poko is ok.
otherwise you can try nepia. i find it good too
congrats shuyan! must have been very exciting for u and baby!

cel, I bought pampers all nite also when I went back to msia, i think that one really quite good. Only when I try to buy here only I realised they don't sell it here. Must stock up the next time I go back.

dili_mummy, hee..yeah, your arms must be super-toned now carrying ally
i am already avoiding carrying for long now, arms and back cannot take it man!

Amber, I also want to join. thanks for organising!

2-3p.m on 2 Sep (Sat) @ Serangoon Gdn:
1.) Amber ([email protected])- 1 boy
2.) Youpi ([email protected]) - 1 boy
3.) bluelips ([email protected]) - 1 girl
i cannot leh on 2sep
got relatives in town for 2weeks - gotta entertain them

i use mamipoko for night use
so far so good - no leak from 8pm to 8am


oh.. really.. hahaha.. ya lor.. its really gd leh.. unlike the other pampers range.. tis one will absorb their urine frm the bak to front hor.. really maximise the whole pampers leh..
miss u leh... like long time no post liao hor.

i feel so pek chek!! malc not eating. feel so sian. it has been for more than 1 mth, or mabbe even 2 mth already. even milk, i need to coax him, he is so easily distracted.
Shuyan! Congrats!!! Wah... so envious!!!

Furry, I use Huggies Comfort and Drypers, mix + match. So far so good, use from 930pm till morning.

My big fat daughter...
sigh... I don't know what to say. Her last PD appt was when she was 4.5mths... next one wait till 12mths.

Here's her schedule:
630am: latch on
9am: 7oz EBM
12pm: half bowl something - base can be porridge, macaroni, brown rice powder, rice cereal... with add-on variety... can be pumpkin, heng-cai (chinese spinach), pork, sweet potato, peas, potatoes, carrots. Whatever we put, max half bowl (she wants more but must jian3 fei2! so didn't give her more!! pengsan!!) Plus pureed fruit one ice cube size.
3pm: 6oz EBM
5:30pm: as lunch
8pm till sleep: latch on

Is she eating more than others???

My friend tells me TBF babies are like this... but I'm somehow not convinced...

Think your schedule about the same as most babies here. Is your baby actively moving about? Maybe she will loose some weight when she starts walking.

My girl's schedule is about 3 hour feed also. Her weight is about 9.2kg when I checked 2 weeks ago. I just stopped BM last week, was on partial before that. Here's for comparison:

7am FM She can take about 150 max, sometimes less. Dont' know why cannot drink much in the morning.
10am Cereal -half bowl
1pm FM - 180ml to 210ml
4pm FM - 180ml to 210ml
7pm Porridge
10:30pm FM - 210 to 240ml

Her feeding now better a bit, last time when teething, the milk intake is much much less..
I used Pet Pet (day) & Pampers Premium (night). So far so good. There's once I forgot to chg my gal from Pet Pet to Pampers before she go to sleep and surprisingly that Pet Pet actually can hold throughout the night. But hor, maybe you want to try those night diaper, think Huggies got.
dili mum

from ur ger schedule, seem ok to me. Somemore, I give my son full bowl of something. He drink abt 6 to 5 oz of milk of milk. Guess it depend on bb body system but dun worry cos tey will lose their bb fat once they start moving around.
hi shuyan .. congrats to you .. !

Dili mummy - looks like your baby feeding is OK .. here's my schedule for Faith u see hers she is 9.1Kg as at 22/8.

Faith's meal: -
6.30 - BF (latch on) *each BF session is ard 10-15 min
8.30 - BF
10.30 - 11am - porridge (based with vegtables/fish)
12.30 - BF
2.30-3pm - BF
5pm - BF
7pm - porridge
9.30 - BF
Thereafter depending on her mood .. either all the way 2 hrs feed thru-out the night if not sometimes is per hr basis.

i think this is so-call baby fats guess when they are older .. it will out-grow..

Furry - I use Mummypoko .. throughout the night .. no change.

Hmm.... my girl's feeding schedule is as follows:

7am FM
11am Lunch - Porridge
3pm FM
6pm-6:30pm Dinner - Porridge
10pm FM

Generally, her feed is about 4hr apart, am i giving her too little? Her weight is around 8kg now.

guess ur girl's feeding schedule is ok bah.. its the same as the rest of ours also.. Orlando's feeding schedule is as follows:

730am FM
1030am FM
130pm Solid food
430pm FM
730pm Solid food
1030 FM
Early morning at times will haf one more round of FM..
baby2005. yah lor, in the health booklet got one page on BMI! can check! haha
so far josh not under obesity side. even though height and weight above 97%. if check BMI, in the 75% range. phew!

hi ju!! i also pek chek. josh has been on a good diet for a while. then last week or so, start to refuse milk again! used to drink 200 - 200ml and then now after drinking 100ml, start to get distracted again. faint!! i hope its due to teething. cos after his lower 2 teeth, he hasnt shown any sign of new tooth!! haha

and for cereal in the morning, he also doesnt really like liao. when i gave him nestle rice cereal he loves it. i upgraded to stage 2 wheat and honey. he doesnt like it as much. so now i alternate with healthy times oatmeal cereal which he likes. once that nestle finish, i think i will try somethng else since he doesnt like it. i thought can add variety, on saturday i add in banana, he almost vomited hahaha very naughty boy!
bluelips, josh also doesnt drink much in the morning nowadays. i was thinking, is he trying to give up the 6am EBM?? cos sometimes he sleep till 7.30am. and very soon will be his cereal breakfast.

ShuYan, congrats to you & thumbs up to your Boy ..

Dili_mum, seems that your gal's appetite is big.

Does anybody here dealth with colicky baby before? My GyAnn was infected by virus and having colic at the same time.
