(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

josh's feeding schedule.
6.30 - 7.30 (depending on what time he wakes) - 200ml ebm
9am cereal
12pm porridge
3pm 220ml ebm
6pm porridge
9pm 220ml ebm

recently though, his milk intake has reduced. dunno why?!usually he can finish the 3pm and 9pm. but not the morning one.

momoko.. orlando also doesn't really liek the wheat n honey cereal leh.. wonder issit becoz its too sweet.. coz first time he took.. den 2nd time he din like it n refuse to eat.. so i guess i can't give it to him every weekend..
hello ladies!

Dili, ur gal's schedule looks ok leh..but it's true that bbs will usu lose wt after starting to walk. So no worries..

Susan, take care...no experience with colicky bb..thot breastfed bb shd be fine.

Boy still enjoys his brown rice + wheat cereal (Nestle), mum mixed 2 types of cereal together since 4 mths plus till now. No problem. I dont dare to buy the with honey one cuz young bbs not supposed to take honey huh?
Susan, my baby had really bad colic when she was around 2 months old. She will just cry the whole night, very poor thing. What we do is try to break her feeds to smaller ones so that not so much wind gets in at one go, then also easier to burp. And try to keep her straighter after feed, not lie down immediately.

What virus does she have? Is she crying a lot?
Thank all mommies for the support n congrats.I really cant sleep well last nite,maybe is too excited liao.
furry,I let my boi wear the drypants(by drypers) at nite,then normally it can last more than 12hours.my son drinks a lot of water during the day,so normally the next morning,the diaper is very heavy.
mom bot a pack of drypants for Malc. was really excited since i tried mamypoko pants (samples) on Malc, i immediately fell in love with it. was a breeze wearing diaper for malc. but i realised the cutting for drypants is smaller and today, it leaked!! urgh!!! how disappointing. mabbe becoz the size kinda smaller, dun really fit malc's bum tt well. but it was L size lor, and stated for 9kg and above.
Ju,I oso got try the mamypoko pants(samples too),I oso like it,its very soft n much easier to wear than drypants,but gotta finish first then change to mamypoko.
Hello Ladies.

For food, Alden prefers milk to everything else. If got to choose between pasta and porridge, he prefers pasta. I have started to feed him a little rice as well. Going to try frog porridge for him soon as he has begun to cruise pretty often.


I prefer Mamy Poko brand for diapers. Huggies XL size does not fit Alden's butts well now. Hope Becky and Marilyn are doing well :)

ShuYan: Congrats! Congrats! so proud of you and your boy! If I were you. also cannot sleep. In fact, now I awake a little too early to kick off the day!
My boy had very bad colic during his first 3mths, so bad that the PD switch him to Soy Milk. BB at 9mths old shouldn't have colic leh, maybe it is just wind. What virus did GyAnn catch? How is her symptom like.

Diaper/disposal pants:
I like mamypoko pants too. I used to let my boy wear them when he started to crawl. I like Huggies too (the more expensive range) but I noticed that Huggies diaper/pants are designed for bb with small buttock, very small cut.
baby2005/bluelips/aprilpinky/momoko - thanks for the concern, maybe GyAnn cried a lot in the hospital during doctor examination (took blood samples too from her tiny finger) as at first, she was diagnosed with viral infection and suspected with dengue. Her appetite for milk and water were very bad, didn't feed her with solid due to high fever, about 40 degree high.

Then, she became very cranky at nite on the same day after came back from the hospital and then she started to cried non-stop for few hours.

After the fever subsided, now her whole body having rashes. Very temperamental now. At times, I'm really clueless of what is happening to her and dunno how to fulfill her demand.

baby2005, is your boy now still drinking soy based formula?

for eating solid food like pasta/rice, does a baby really need to have full set of teeth to enjoy those food?
Susan.. our babies doesn't nid to haf full set of teeth in order to enjoy pasta n rice.. their gums r strong enuff to chew it too.. So far i've yet to give Orlando pasta.. but rice given a few times liao..

Poor Gyann.. Hopefully she's feeling better.. SUsan.. u take care too..
Susan, it sounds like what my girl got 2 weeks ago. baby2005 told me it is called roseala. High fever follow by rashes. Doc also told me is viral infection. It will subside in a few days. After the fever is gone, the rash may linger for a few days and will clear up by itself. If baby is irritated, try applying some calamine lotion on the rashes.
Probably bluelips is right, she may have roseola. except for the med for fever, there's not much the doc could do too. But to play safe, you may want to bring her to see a PD again.
Hee... susan, my boy is 5 yo now but once he reached 3mth old I switch him back to cow's milk immediately.
As for rice/pasta, my gal is bo ger now but I give her some grain of rice on and off. I noticed that even for porridge, she'll move her gum to bite.
My girl's very active leh, she's the kind people call very JIAN3... she crawls everywhere and wants to stand... now wanting us to lead her to walk! But still so fat!!

Will continue to monitor her lor...

Thanks ladies!
baby 2005

Maybe u can try to introduce breakfast to ur bb cos by 9 mths old, they shall be getting 3 meal a day. Did u try to give ur bb cereal as breakfast?
Don't say your gal fat lah, I'm not a pang dang person but so far I really find that bb very pang dang one lor. When my gal was a newborn, she can drink upto 90ml of milk (imagine how can a bb take upto 90ml of milk in the first 2days. Her weight hit 75 percentile at 3mths then after that suddenly she don't want to drink her milk liao and her weight drop to 50 percentile. For the last 3-4mths she only increase 300-500g.
Drypants oso more suitable for babies with smaller bum. This morning when I picked Malc out of his cot, I realised one side of the drypants got in between his bum. Got what I mean?? LOL!!!

I also not very pang tang, but sometimes it is very true lor. Remember that time when Malc was admitted into the hospital when he was less than 1 mth old?? He drank milk in a very fast speed and have very good appetite. Then someone commented in front of Malc that he very good hor, can drink so fast, so much.... Immediately the next day, he slowed down a lot and feeding milk had became a hassle. Grr....!!! Well, could be sheer coincidence lah..
hee..dili_mummy, maybe is not because ally is fat, is because she is tall so her weight a bit more? actually, if she's healthy then can already
Hi, just an update of the gymboree playgym session so far:

2-3p.m on 2 Sep (Sat) @ Serangoon Gdn:
1.) Amber ([email protected])- 1 boy
2.) Youpi ([email protected]) - 1 boy
3.) bluelips ([email protected]) - 1 girl

Feel free to add in ur name & contact if u're interested.

Baby2005, my baby was also at the 75th percentile abt 3mths plus....then milk intake dropped & he dropped to 50th percentile...and now dunno whether still 50th or below liao
. Anyway, most important thing is that they're healthy.

Is your girl very active? My boy is & that accounts for his slow weight gain as well..
My office just banned us from using online chatting during work hours, so I am terribly missing all of you!!! Sob sob!
Susan,my son only got 2 teeth on top n 2 below but anything tat can be eaten he ll juz eat.Like in the morning,my mil ll give him eat "zhu chang fen" or the "zui kway",he enjoy it alot.He is juz like a rubbish bin,everything oso wanna eat.
Mummies, thank you so much for your concern on GyAnn, she's recovered .. a big relief .. but still wakes up few times as usual.

Doreen, that's bad .. ok, can check out on you here ..

Shuyan, your boy has a very good appetite, I've not started 'chewable' food to my gal .. maybe I can try to introduce some mild ones to her.
Doreen.. no wonder wasn't able to c u online for quite some time.. sad sad.. dun worry.. we chat here k? hee.. juz initial..

shuyan.. wah.. ur son's appetite also as good as orlando's leh.. except tat i haven't let him try zhu chang fen n zui kway yet.. hee.. Wat's he's 9mths weight ah?

Susan, glad to hear GyAnn has recovered.. Take care ya.. Sayang little GyAnn..
amber, for more than 1 mth liao and her weight seems stagnant, she is eating leh don't know why didn't gain weight, maybe because within a day she can poo about 3 times and she is quite active, got pointed buttock, cannot sit down one hee....
just check last night, she is still around 50 percentile (just slightly below), so guess I'll just monitor her and see lor. You are right, the most impt thing is they are healthy.

Susan, it is good to know that GyAnn is fine now. Well it is not easy being a mother, you never stop worrying about your kid
amber, for more than 1 mth liao and her weight seems stagnant, she is eating leh don't know why didn't gain weight, maybe because within a day she can poo about 3 times and she is quite active, got pointed buttock, cannot sit down one hee....
just check last night, she is still around 50 percentile (just slightly below), so guess I'll just monitor her and see lor. You are right, the most impt thing is they are healthy.

Susan, it is good to know that GyAnn is fine now. Well it is not easy being a mother, you never stop worrying about your kid
Glad to know Gyann is well. Christine has been sick the past week too...fever + blocked nose. And she keeps waking up in the middle of the nite. It's really tiring. I think it's worst when bb's unwell..so that's the time we all have to really hang in there.
hey mummies .. seems like babies ard 9 mths will get viral infection which leads to fever and rash.
Old myth dunno real or not. to get rid of the rashes or to cool the temperature off .. bathe babies with warm bitter ghout water. u got to boil it first then cool off and bathe.

Alternatively u may use melon to boil water then bathe.

Anyone tried this?

I tried bitter ghout water to bath my boy when he was around few mths old back cos his face had some rashes etc.

Seem like many bb had fallen sick, my boi juz gotten cough. Dun noe where he got it from? From the virus outside the hse i think. Must be from bedok hehehe cos yesterday bring him to Kaki bukit CC to play badminton.
Celtricia,now I think he weight abt 11kg,cos 1.5 mth ago he is 10kg,long time din weight him liao.He eat watever my mil eat,cos my mil like to give him watever she eat,but cant say her,so let her be.
Susan,maybe u can try some "zhu chang fen"first,but dun put oil,then the sweet sauce a little bit can le.
Baby2005,my boi same as urs,got pointed butt,cant sit "guai guai"for 3mins.So very tiring de,wait craw,climb,then gotta follow him everywhere,scare he fell down or wat,stress.
ally took a few small steps yesterday!

she can stand more steady now, few minutes before sitting down. yesterday, i was holding my handphone, and she slowly walk towards me...!
hello morning to all mommies,

Please take care of own health esp babies sick... is really tough and stressful. hang on there...

yah, recently my becky kana fever and cold too. took her two weeks to recover.

But mom was saying that when once baby recover...we will realise they become more alert and active.

Quite true for my baby cos she now learning to talk... can say "bye bye papa" and "bear bear"

Is really wonderful being a mom... feel so happy.. how tired also worth it..
Elaine, u have tried ? is it good? i didnt try on faith becoz when i knew about the method she already recovered. Goodness me !

Really ur baby already can speak little words ? Faith can only say "ah ah ah ah ah ah" hahaha .. i also dunno what she is "ar-ing" about ..
guess diff baby develope differently. My bb can say 'mum mum mum' when she see us eat but she can only do leopard crawl and stand (held) for a while.

I tried but take quite a bit of time to recover. I prefer to take cream etc from PD, faster to recover than those tradition method but since the chinese herb is here so might as well use it.
haha .. ya lor .. bluelips, Faith very funny one when she wants to sleep or almost falling asleep she will start to say "ah ah ah ah ah .." until she sleep .. i take her as she is singing song of her own!

Baby2005 .. Ya faith also say mum mum when she saw us eat but for crawling and standing .. erm .. i think i got to wait a while more.. haha she not stable lar. dunno if she is too heavy .. haha

Elaine, I went to see doc when she is having fever and rash but they didnt prescribe me with any cream. He just say will recover in a few days time not to worry too much. But true enuff .. it recovers after the 3rd days since rashes starts.
Time flies so fast!!!! it's TGIF again and 2 more months to go for our babies to celebrate their very 1sstttttt birthday!!!
Came across this blog and wow, so tempting to use this place for boi b'day but very exp leh (for 4hrs cost $1K for 25pax) and somemore no buffet lunch but got endless supply of snack like popcorn, sandwich, salad etc. However, I might order the cupcake from them. Look so sweet.


Aiyo, at first I plan to celebrate @ aloha loyang but fully book, then aranda country club and also fully book. Later booked charlet at downtown east but find it too small to acomodate all the guest. In the end, my hb said celebrate @ home. More convience cos no need to move present etc back home.
hahaha...elaine, u're inviting many guests is it?
me not many but my home still too cramped lor...end up the buffet placed outside the corridor like not hygienic so me n my hubby thinking of doing it elsewhere...

i heard gymboree can do parties too...not sure ex or not

wow, the one u mentioned so ex huh?
but indeed vy nice, but i think for wedding anniversary better lah hehe....

found out from some mommies here www.rythminme.com
not as ex as the one u mentioned but oredi ex for me hehe....

do u have the web for aranda cc and downtown east?
might check it out there....


mommies,if for buffet I know the neo garden,the food is good n quite cheap.Last time when I house warming n baby 1st mth oso order fr them.Really very excited leh their 1st birthday.Times really flies so fast.I plan to have bbq at mum's place or just buffet at home,no small kid in my family except my son,so not tat fun.
